Episode Spoilers: Dod Kalm

Last updated - September 10, 2012
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155 Words - Not Older, But Wiser - Pattie
Rated G | 1K | Category | Archived 04-10-17
Spoilers: Dod Kalm
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: A discussion Mulder and Scully could have had after having recovered in Dod Kalm.

And Winter Sets In - Humbuggie

Rated Not Rated | 5K | Category V | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Dod Kalm

April Morning 01 - Christina

Rated PG | 5K | Category VHA | Archived 98-03-24
Spoilers: Dod Kalm
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: The 'truth' finally comes out, but it isn't what anyone expected.

Be Kalmed - Austin, Lynne

Rated G | 3K | Category SR | Archived 96-10-17
Spoilers: Dod Kalm
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Missing scene from episode.

Beatles Files, The - Norwegian Wood - Shuy, Christina

Rated G | 3K | Category VR | Archived 02-11-16
Spoilers: Dod Kalm
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully let their parents know of their decision.

Fountain of Youth, The - Abel, Kris

Rated R | 14K | Category SR | Archived 96-06-17
Spoilers: Dod Kalm
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A solution to the problem of aging that Mulder and Scully faced in the episode.

Growing Younger - Donna

Rated PG | 5K | Category SR | Archived 11-05-10
Spoilers: Dod Kalm
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: When they got home ...

Her Dod Kalm - Ten

Rated R | 49K | Category SA | Archived 99-11-27
Spoilers: Dod Kalm
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

His Dod Kalm - Ten

Rated R | 35K | Category VA | Archived 99-11-27
Spoilers: Dod Kalm
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Spending Time - Obfusc8er

Rated PG | 16K | Category SRA | Archived 04-10-17
Spoilers: Dod Kalm
Keywords: Post-episode. Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Time is the currency of love. Spend it wisely.

Stylin' - Abel, Mary

Rated G | 5K | Category V | Archived 95-07-17
Spoilers: Dod Kalm
Keywords: None.
Summary: Conversations between two well-known FBI agents and their respective hairstylists.

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