Episode Spoilers: Sleepless

Last updated - September 10, 2012
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Chocolate Sauce - Megaera
Rated PG | 3K | Category | Archived 98-12-15
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek.
Summary: A conversation with Scully.

Darker With The Lights On - Pares

Rated Not Rated | 8K | Category | Archived 99-11-27
Spoilers: Sleepless
Summary: Mulder tells Krycek about another one-armed man.

Diary of a Hired Man, The - Blair, Erin M.

Rated PG | 3K | Category SRA | Archived 04-11-18
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST. Krycek/other romance.
Summary: Krycek remembers why he decided to work for the consortium.

Garbage at the Edge of Dawn - MustangSally

Rated NC-17 | 3K | Category | Archived 99-02-15
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek. Slash.
Summary: Boy wants Boy.

How Mulder Makes Those Intuitive Leaps - Orangy & Satina

Rated NC-17 | 36K | Category | Archived 02-02-13
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek.

Into Thin Air 03 - Ravana's Children - Renfro, Jennifer

Rated PG | 95K | Category CRA | Archived 98-01-14
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: XF/Kolchak: The Night Stalker crossover.
Summary: Mulder is called by an acquaintance and a veteran reporter familiar with unusual occurrences and--accompanied by Krycek--returns to Chicago to investigate a bizarre series of murders. Sequel to "Brainstorm".

Job Well Done, A - Griva

Rated NC-17 | 43K | Category | Archived 04-12-31
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek sex. Slash.
Summary: Another first-time story with a twist and a bit of shelf-dismantling.

Move - RosesDecay

Rated R | 7K | Category VA | Archived 99-10-20
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek. Slash.
Summary: Implicit trust, implicit need mean nothing if no one will make the first move.

Perchance to Dream - OKayVal

Rated NC-17 | 16K | Category | Archived 05-02-28
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: Crossing the bridge between sleep and dreams.

Resemblances to the Truth I - More - Rayne, Zoe

Rated NC-17 | 24K | Category SR | Archived 97-03-04
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek. Slash.
Summary: Krycek has killed a man for the first time and is shaken by the experience. Mulder finds that there is more to the young agent than meets the eye. This is the first story in the new "Resemblances to the Truth" series.

Significant Moments - Third Wheel - Bridget

Rated G | 7K | Category V | Archived 99-07-16
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Krycek first realizes that Scully is more of a problem than he was told.

These Men Of Honor 02 - Absolution - Act One - Arlington, Rachel Lee

Rated R | 75K | Category S | Archived 97-11-13
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek UST. Slash.
Summary: Krycek and Mulder's meeting and the events of the episode, given the illumination of hindsight.

They Only Danced Once - Lady, Mel X

Rated PG | 20K | Category SR | Archived 00-06-30
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Scully/Krycek. Mulder/Scullly romance.
Summary: It's inbetween Sleepless and Duane Barry, but there's a FBI Ball, and Krycek asks Scully to it.

What Anyone Wants - Brighid

Rated R | 6K | Category V | Archived 99-02-15
Spoilers: Sleepless
Keywords: Slash.
Summary: What's in it for Krycek? Everything.

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