Episode Spoilers: Space

Last updated - September 10, 2012
These pages are regenerated each time an update is posted.

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155 Words - Not Alone - ML
Rated G | 1K | Category | Archived 04-05-31
Spoilers: Space

Excitement - Scully, Cathey

Rated R | 3K | Category VR | Archived 02-10-01
Spoilers: Space
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: So you weren't the least bit excited, Scully?

Out There - ML

Rated Not Rated | 7K | Category | Archived 07-10-01
Spoilers: Space

Simulation Stimulation - shannono

Rated R | 6K | Category VR | Archived 99-11-27
Spoilers: Space

Sisterhood, The - Lyon, Jennifer

Rated R | 130K | Category XRA | Archived 95-12-06
Spoilers: Space
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully are called to Texas by a friend who is worried about her sister. The investigation leads them to an Austin sorority and some very strange influences, which soon begin to affect both Scully and Michelle's behavior.

Zero Gravity - aka 'Jake'

Rated NC-17 | 19K | Category SR | Archived 04-12-31
Spoilers: Space
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode. Alternate universe.
Summary: One down-to-earth woman. One man with his head in the clouds. A romance made in heaven? Fate is in the stars.

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