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Last updated - September 10, 2012
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Abduction of Quequeeg, The - Palmer, Ellen
Rated PG | 22K | Category TH | Archived 96-09-08
Summary: Queequeg is abducted at the annual FBI picnic...

Adventures of a Drunken Rodeo Clown - Kadwell, Briar

Rated R | 44K | Category TH | Archived 98-12-06
Spoilers: The X-Files: Fight the Future
Summary: Mysterious events in back-country San Diego send Mulder and Scully to places you'd never believe.

Agents Holiday - Loka, Oscar

Rated PG | 47K | Category TH | Archived 97-04-07
Summary: Mulder gets a bit too stressed and has to take vacation time... but guess who shows up at the airport.

All Bow to Mickey Mouse - Night Wing

Rated PG | 3K | Category TH | Archived 98-11-25
Spoilers: Pilot
Summary: Mulder, Mickey Mouse, and World Domination

Best Performance By? (1/2) - Edwards, Marissa & Maslen, Sally-Ann

Rated PG | 146K | Category TH | Archived 98-10-31
Spoilers: Season 4
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: Take a couple of actors and a couple of FBI agents. One pair is enroute to a Hollywood awards ceremony and the other to a law enforcement conference. What happens if they both end up in the wrong place?

Best Performance By? (2/2) - Edwards, Marissa & Maslen, Sally-Ann

Rated PG | 126K | Category TH | Archived 98-10-31
Spoilers: Season 4
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: See part one.

Camping (1/2) - Amperage & Livengoo

Rated PG | 81K | Category TH | Archived 95-09-22
Summary: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully have survived abductions, serial killers, mutants and aliens but the Partner Cooperation Program Wilderness Encounter may finally do them in. After poison ivy and catfish, who wouldn't long for a nice, safe killer mutant?
Second Place Winner of two 1995 Spooky Awards for Best Platonic Mulder/Scully Relationship and Best Comedy/Parody. Winner of 1996 EMXC Award for Best Comedy/Parody.

Camping (2/2) - Amperage & Livengoo

Rated PG | 69K | Category TH | Archived 95-09-22
Summary: See part one.
Second Place Winner of two 1995 Spooky Awards for Best Platonic Mulder/Scully Relationship and Best Comedy/Parody. Winner of 1996 EMXC Award for Best Comedy/Parody.

Celine Series, The - Only One Road - Decker, C. C.

Rated PG | 21K | Category TH | Archived 97-06-09
Spoilers: Quagmire
Summary: What *really* happened to Queequeg after that supposed alligator attack, straight from the poor pup's mouth...

Colors - McNiel, S. E.

Rated NC-17 | 13K | Category TH | Archived 95-11-01
Keywords: Mulder/Scully.
Summary: An unauthorized addition to the 'Colors' saga, in which Scully and Mulder have many failed but humorous attempts to have sex.

Colors (1/2) - Amperage & Livengoo & MonkeyBoy & YouKneek

Rated NC-17 | 80K | Category TH | Archived 96-02-05
Keywords: Mulder/Scully.
Summary: From DC to Los Angeles, and points in between. An outrageous reaction to romance when Dana Scully decides she's looked in the candy shop window for three years, and it's time to go Fox-hunting.

Colors (2/2) - Amperage & Livengoo & MonkeyBoy & YouKneek

Rated NC-17 | 85K | Category TH | Archived 96-02-05
Keywords: Mulder/Scully.
Summary: See part one.

De Amicitia - Quim

Rated PG | 25K | Category TH | Archived 97-07-18
Spoilers: Memento Mori
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Speculation on a possible upcoming episode; what's the life of a Lone Gunman?

Drink This! - Flynn, Diana R. (Darkflurb)

Rated Not Rated | 5K | Category TH | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: All Things
Summary: What that tea-drinking scene was _really_ about.

Einmal Ein Lowen - Dickinson, Tiffany

Rated PG | 11K | Category TH | Archived 96-09-03
Summary: Mulder and Scully are sent to investigate the murder of an American man in Germany.

God! Stop Following Me Around! - Neoxphile

Rated PG | 114K | Category TH | Archived 03-10-15
Keywords: None.
Summary: Agents Scully and Mulder are convinced that something, anything is paranormal about my life. They pester me about it. Frequently.

Gorgeous Naked FBI Agent - Pishiris, Christina

Rated PG | 26K | Category TH | Archived 99-05-21
Spoilers: Anasazi
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Scully is having impure thoughts about her partner. When she acts on them how does Mulder react?

Great Silk Conspiracy, The - Foxgallagher

Rated PG | 10K | Category TH | Archived 04-07-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: None.
Summary: Mulder gets Scully to volunteer for a modeling agency. However, neither of them expected this.

Honey, I Shrunk the FBI Agents - Alien Girl

Rated G | 117K | Category TH | Archived 99-08-09
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: The results of some slightly unnatural food poisoning leave Mulder and Scully in a rather *small* position.

Honey, I Shrunk the Gunmen - cheezstk

Rated R | 13K | Category TH | Archived 00-08-24
Spoilers: None
Summary: After being accidentally miniaturized, the boys face the trials and tribulations of their new diminutive stature.

Magic Kingdom ... or Devil's Playground? - Ethridge, Jennifer

Rated | 59K | Category TH | Archived 95-12-28

Magical Land of Muffins and Pie, The - Perry

Rated PG | 32K | Category TH | Archived 03-05-26
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: Mulder and Scully are on assignment to the Magical Land of Muffins and Pie, a land where an evil villian is stealing all the mini-muffins, and all the adults are pastries.

Mulder and Scully Go to a Baseball Game - Evex

Rated G | 4K | Category TH | Archived 98-10-07
Spoilers: None
Summary: Mulder and Scully disrupt a baseball game. Written in _Dick and Jane_ style.

Mulder and Scully in Big Brother - Fox Girl

Rated PG | 187K | Category TH | Archived 02-10-26
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder decides to do our agent Scully a surprise . . . Too bad he got more than he had asked for!

Murphy's Law - WayneX

Rated PG | 11K | Category TH | Archived 05-05-04

Murphy's Law 01 - WayneX

Rated PG | 11K | Category TH | Archived 05-09-25

Paint-Balls - McBurnie, Alex & Fraser, Katherine

Rated PG | 102K | Category TH | Archived 95-11-06
Summary: Tag team story. This is the kind of plotless work that defies summary so read it for yourself! *WARNING* If you are offended by the thought of Mulder dressed in pink paint stained bed sheets do not read on...

Perfect X-File, The - La Faye, Morgan

Rated G | 20K | Category TH | Archived 97-11-26
Spoilers: Gethsemane
Summary: If "Redux" had happened like this, the world be be a better place in which to live. Script format.

Return of Krycek, The - Burr, Ruth & Wahlquist, Kirsten

Rated PG | 26K | Category TH | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: None
Keywords: None.
Summary: Teamed up with a newly reinstated Krycek, our favorite agents head to Issaquah, Washington to deal with a communist plot involving an English teacher.

Room 666 - Scifinerdgrl

Rated PG | 36K | Category TH | Archived 03-01-31
Spoilers: None
Summary: Skinner has an unusual experience in Room 666 of the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. Fortunately, his secretary Kim is there to save the day.

Rooms - The Cafeteria - Bland, Fiona

Rated PG | 14K | Category TH | Archived 96-10-11
Summary: A late night... two agents... a key... and a darkened empty room...

Skinner is Not Bigfoot - Anonymous & Squared, Amaris E.

Rated PG | 33K | Category TH | Archived 96-11-20
Summary: Mulder and Scully search for Bigfoot in the Canadian wilderness, when Queequeg appears.

Spirit 02 - An Ancient Spirit - Lynch, Shannon

Rated PG | 26K | Category TH | Archived 95-06-06
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: Mulder and Scully go down to Texas, only to meet up with Jessica once more.

Standoff - Bland, Fiona

Rated R | 27K | Category TH | Archived 96-09-15
Summary: It's Scully against the world... in other words, Scully isn't having a good day... do you even have to ask who wins...

Switch - Abel, Mary

Rated PG | 25K | Category TH | Archived 95-08-01
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: A mad scientist causes Mulder and Scully's bodies to be switched.

Two Leopards in the Dark - RamenGurrl

Rated G | 8K | Category TH | Archived 02-06-28

Vacation - Livengoo

Rated PG | 61K | Category TH | Archived 95-04-19
Summary: Cthulhu meets Fox Mulder, with guest appearances by the Miskatonic Beach Volleyball team. A saga of terror and power spikes.

Vanished - Li, Peggy

Rated PG | 105K | Category TH | Archived 95-04-29
Keywords: XF/Twin Peaks crossover.
Summary: Mulder and Scully become embroiled in a case with Dale Cooper.

Year Of Election - Wartenberg, Paul

Rated PG | 136K | Category TH | Archived 96-11-13
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Mulder and Scully for President in '96? It could happen, only if Mulder and Scully can resolve their UST...

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