Stories Added December 16-31, 2003

Last generated - February 5, 2009

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155 Words - A Christmas Offering - Battis, Diana
Rated G | 1K | Category VH | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Summary: The ultimate covert agent.

155 Words - Blue Christmas in July - Keil, Kelly

Rated PG | 1K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Fowley romance. Pre-XF.
Summary: Like the King said, 'I'll have a blue Christmas without you.'

155 Words - Dear Santa by Dana Scully - Blair, Erin M.

Rated PG | 2K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Pilot
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully writes a letter to Santa Claus.

155 Words - Dear Santa by Fox Mulder - Blair, Erin M.

Rated PG | 2K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The End
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Mulder writes a letter to Santa Claus.

155 Words - Drought - Keil, Kelly

Rated PG | 1K | Category SA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Scully/Doggett UST.
Summary: 'She is the hard sky above parched ground.'

155 Words - Santa Claus, North Pole - OKayVal

Rated G | 1K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Season 7
Summary: Christmas wishes.

155 Words 04 - Forte

Rated PG | 1K | Category V | Archived 03-12-31

Adequate Moonlight - Castellano, Laura & JinniyahX

Rated PG | 16K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: How wrong can dinner plans go?

Adnumbration - Spock

Rated PG | 2K | Category VRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: William
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Missing scene.

Affect - Blair, Erin M.

Rated PG | 3K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Wetwired
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder figures out why he wasn't affected by the videotapes.

After the Future 32 - Donna

Rated PG | 16K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Colonization.

Against All Odds - Medusa

Rated NC-17 | 100K | Category SA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek sex. Slash.
Summary: Mulder gets more than he bargained for when investigating a lead.

All Hallow's Eve - Humbuggie

Rated PG | 17K | Category SA | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: On All Hallow's Eve, Mulder finds himself to be the centre of a situation that is not so much a case file but resembles nothing more than his eternal grave.

All I Want for Christmas - Rev. Anna

Rated G | 2K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: Only memory can cure what ails Skinner these days.

All Things . . . Reconsidered - Macdee

Rated R | 22K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: All Things
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: What if Mulder was less than pleased about Scully leaving in the middle of the night?

And Winter Sets In - Humbuggie

Rated Not Rated | 5K | Category V | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Dod Kalm

Angel - Humbuggie

Rated Not Rated | 71K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: A love affair can often turn into something ugly. When it does, Mulder and Scully are called in to resolve a possible ghostly case file and get caught in the crossfire. Very much so.

Arlington - Octavian

Rated PG | 2K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The X-Files: Fight the Future
Summary: A little speculation as to why Alexandria-dwelling Mulder ask the cab driver to go to Arlington.

Best Presents, The - Kleinsmith, Mary

Rated PG | 9K | Category SA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: Christmas with Mulder, past and present.

Bleeding Kansas - Maidenjedi

Rated R | 49K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Post-series.
Summary: William is by no means a normal kid, and someone still has to protect him. Will she succeed?

Breakdown - shawntaw

Rated R | 3K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: All that has occurred is changing Scully.

But the Kite-String Broke - Neoxphile

Rated PG | 177K | Category THA | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: After the events of 'Jump the Shark' the Gunmen discover that they still have work to do. This time from heaven.

Candy Man - RPcrazy & Muskrat

Rated R | 79K | Category XR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Doggett/Reyes romance.
Summary: It's the night of October 31, a night when children are trick o' treating but the trick is turned the other way when the parents start disappearing. The case literally landing in their laps through an unexpected turn of fate Special Agents Doggett and Reyes must investigate the disappearance, including finding some of their own.

Caught - Mulder's Story - Pattie

Rated PG | 7K | Category SA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Arcadia
Summary: Have you ever wondered what Fox Mulder has daydreamed about?

Christmas Eve 2003, 4:20 p.m. - Forte

Rated PG | 14K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: You're allowed to have help when you need it.

Christmas Presence - Starbuck_Jayne

Rated G | 6K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Christmas Time is Here - Blair, Erin M.

Rated PG | 4K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder proposes to Scully on Christmas.

Christmas Wish, A - Blair, Erin M.

Rated PG | 3K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: Will asks Mulder and Scully for a little sibling. Will he get his wish?

Clarification - Cassie

Rated PG | 16K | Category S | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Never Again
Keywords: Scully/Doggett UST.
Summary: Scully takes Doggett to the Hard Eight Lounge in Philadelphia.

Closing Doors - stellar_dust

Rated PG | 17K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: S.R. 819
Summary: Just what is Senator Matheson's deal, anyway?

Cloud Watching - Sargasso, Piper

Rated PG | 19K | Category S | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Summary: Mulder is upset by the prospect of losing Scully to her cancer.

Cold White Room, The - Judd, Deslea R.

Rated PG | 6K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: How The Ghosts Stole Christmas
Summary: Christmas is cold for the lonely.

Collapse - shawntaw

Rated R | 4K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: Mulder returns to his apartment after the hug with Scully at the hospital that we see at the end of the episode. All that has occurred--his being drugged, his father's murder, Scully's sister's murder--is catching up to Mulder.

Cup of Kindness, A - Chaffin, Char

Rated R | 43K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.

Day in the Life, A 10 - The Party - Girlie_girl7

Rated PG | 24K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: Mulder and Scully try attending a party.

Day in the Life, A 11 - Shopping - Girlie_girl7

Rated PG | 18K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: Mulder and Scully go Christmas shopping.

Day in the Life, A 12 - A Fractured Christmas Story - Girlie_girl7

Rated G | 10K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: 'Twas the night before Christmas . . .

Day in the Life, A 13 - Christmas Eve - Girlie_girl7

Rated PG | 26K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: Things are never quiet around the Mulder household.

Day in the Life, A 14 - Christmas - Girlie_girl7

Rated PG | 51K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: Even Christmas day brings some angst to the Mulder household.

Daylight - MOR

Rated R | 1K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Someone receives a wake up call.

Dear Santa - A Mother's Letter - Kudra

Rated G | 2K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Post-series.

Dear Santa - Home - Leigh, Christine

Rated G | 1K | Category V | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Alternate universe. Post-series.

Dear Santa in 15 Words - A Clone's Request - bcfan

Rated Not Rated | 1K | Category | Archived 03-12-31

Deeper Love, A - Sargasso, Piper

Rated PG | 8K | Category VR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Triangle
Keywords: Scully/Skinner romance. Post-episode.
Summary: A change of heart that's been a long time coming.

Degrees - Kizzia, Shannon

Rated PG | 21K | Category S | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek UST. Slash.
Summary: An unexpected meeting in a liquor store on Christmas Eve.

Diagnosis - Donna

Rated PG | 5K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Memento Mori
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: What are they thinking?

Ditched - Williams, Ashley

Rated PG | 10K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: A ditched Scully equals a stranded Scully equals a pissed Scully.

Domino Effect, The - Waddles52

Rated PG | 169K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Mulder/Scully/Skinner friendship.
Summary: An expenses paid trip to Miami to help Skinner with a seminar doesn't turn out as planned.

Drunk on the Atmosphere - ML

Rated NC-17 | 31K | Category SRHA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: In which your author combines many fanfic ingredients and whips them into a froth for Christmas.

Dry Cleaner's Tale, The - Bear

Rated PG | 8K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: Oh, great -- him again, I think to myself. Wonder what it is this time?

Everything and Nothing - Saunders, Lynn

Rated G | 1K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Post-series.
Summary: I ask for nothing.

Expiration Date - S., David

Rated R | 56K | Category XA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: One Son
Keywords: Character death.
Summary: Scully has been infected with the nanites. Is Krycek up to his old tricks? Or is there something much more sinister at work?

Faith Renewed - Wildafox0619

Rated R | 13K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Trust No 1
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Missing scene.
Summary: What if they were reunited at the end of the episode?

Fall of Snow, Pacal's Tomb, and Thou, A; or How We Stole Christmas Back From the Ghosts - stellar_dust

Rated PG | 15K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: How The Ghosts Stole Christmas
Summary: Happy little Christmas story. Presents, a movie, talking, snow . . .

Family - stellar_dust

Rated PG | 7K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: Thee are three families in this vignette--and all of them, in some way, are Emily's.

Floating Free - Lisby

Rated PG | 10K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Christmas Eve 2003.

Fortunate Misfortune - OKayVal

Rated NC-17 | 25K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Season 6
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: This isn't quite the evening they had planned!

Full Circle (1/2) - Macdee

Rated NC-17 | 127K | Category SRH | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-series.
Summary: 'To fully understand, you must travel full circle.' Who better to travel with? Mulder and Scully invite you to remember the last nine years, through their eyes.

Full Circle (2/2) - Macdee

Rated NC-17 | 128K | Category SRH | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-series.
Summary: See part one.

Full Moon Stakeout - Waddles52

Rated PG | 8K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: Another evening, another stakeout.

Goosed - Jenna

Rated PG | 14K | Category SHA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Summary: It's just another walk in the park for Mulder and Scully . . . or not.

Greatest Gift of All - Kris

Rated PG | 43K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Scully/Skinner romance. Alternate universe.

Guessing Games - Rae

Rated R | 35K | Category VR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A discussion about fears.

Hanukkah - bcfan

Rated Not Rated | 2K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Kaddish
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.

Have Yourselves a Merry Little Christmas - Jenna

Rated G | 3K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Nothing Important Happened Today
Summary: Christmas through Mulder's eyes.

Headache Relief - Cassie

Rated PG | 20K | Category S | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Genderbender
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Is there anything that could possibly relieve the headache Scully has after a long day at work?

Home for Christmas - Donna

Rated G | 8K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Just a little Christmas present.

I'll Be Cloned for Christmas - Amazon X

Rated NC-17 | 32K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Skinner/Krycek romance. Slash.
Summary: Alex isn't really Alex!

I'll Never Let You Go Again - Pattie

Rated PG | 4K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: A sleepless Mulder agonizes after Scully's abduction.

If Daddy Had Only Seen - Thompson, Kelly J.

Rated PG | 9K | Category SRH | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: 'Will! Santa's in the hall kissing Mommy!'

Illusions of the Heart - Amazon X

Rated NC-17 | 28K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Krycek/other romance. Slash. Alternate universe.
Summary: When someone is loved so much, and someone else isn't, the unloved will do anything to BE loved.

In My Opinion - Katchat

Rated PG | 6K | Category SRH | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Small Potatoes
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: What does Scully have to say about the events of the episode?

In the Moment - dtg

Rated PG | 25K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Monday
Keywords: Missing scene. Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: 'There may be some truths you're not ready to hear.'

Insight 01 - Humby, Joann

Rated R | 42K | Category XA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Folie a Deux
Summary: Suppose Scully arrived at the hospital two minutes later in Folie a Deux.

Insight 02 - Dark Fire - Humby, Joann

Rated R | 47K | Category XA | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: Mulder looks for a firestarter. Scully looks at the job that Mulder offered her.

Introspection - Katchat

Rated PG | 5K | Category VRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Within
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: 'I don't know hos much longer I can play this game of deceit. I feel I am betraying her by not letting her into my private nightmare.

It Should Have Been You - Cybill & Xfilesopus

Rated NC-17 | 15K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Small Potatoes
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: Mulder and Scully discuss what happened between her and Eddie Van Blundht. Things are revealed . . . literally.

Italian or Chinese? - Cassie

Rated PG | 9K | Category SH | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Scully/Doggett UST. Doggett/Skinner friendship. Scully/Skinner friendship.
Summary: Doggett has been had by Scully and Skinner.

Journey to the Distant Shore - Pattie

Rated G | 123K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Summary: The morning after Mulder and Scully escape the military prison and the pueblo where the Smoking Man hid and died, Mulder ponders what comes next.

Joy of Spam, The - OKayVal

Rated NC-17 | 11K | Category VR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: How to liven up a slow morning at the FBI.

Latest Scuttlebutt - Blair, Erin M.

Rated PG | 4K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Squeeze
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder listens to some scuttlebutt concerning Scully and himself.

Long Absence, A - PoorMulder

Rated PG | 13K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder's come-back after a long absence.

Lousy Company - Campion, Rose

Rated PG | 20K | Category SA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Frohike UST. Slash.
Summary: Frohike finds Mulder drinking in a local bar and gives him a lift home.

Man Apart, A - Kristen K2

Rated R | 3K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: Maybe he was giving her the only gift he could. Prequel to 'Phantom Pain.'

Marginal - Kiefer, Michelle

Rated R | 20K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Beginning

Marriage Series 53 - Mirror Image - W., Angela

Rated R | 48K | Category XR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: S.R. 819
Keywords: XF/Jake 2.0 crossover. Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: FBI Agents Mulder and Scully seek the help of NSA Agents Jake Fowley and Dr. Diane Hughes in their quest to save Skinner's life.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Mulder - Humbuggie

Rated R | 75K | Category SHA | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: After being bored to death at an alien convention, Mulder goes off on his own to chase a legend on a remote island in Finland. But when he arrives at his destination, he soon finds himself in a serious predicament . . . and a bit of comfort from Mr. Bean.

Mind of her Own, A - Pattie

Rated PG | 4K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Summary: Never let it be said Dana Scully hasn't a mind of her own. Smile before The Truth hirts.

Monster Slaying - fran58

Rated G | 2K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Summary: She cries and speaks of justice, of truth, and of revenge.

More Than Words - Henle Girl

Rated G | 14K | Category VR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Alone
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: The secrets of life are revealed to Mulder during a trip to the grocery store.

Move - VixenXXIII

Rated G | 2K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Redux II

Mulder's Creek 01 - Bump in the Night - Neoxphile

Rated PG | 28K | Category X | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: XF/Dawon's Creek crossover. Mulder/Fowley UST. Mulder/Scully UST. Alternate universe.
Summary: As Halloween approaches, some Capesiders are entangled in unrequited love (Scully likes Mulder who only notices Fowley) while others concern themselves with the planning of a last minute Halloween party. To complete the spookiness of a Halloween night, the gang finds themselves with a corpse on the twins' front lawn and a possible murder suspect roaming the property.

Mulder's Creek 02 - The Missing - Neoxphile

Rated PG | 31K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: XF/Dawson's Creek crossover. Alternate universe.
Summary: Reyes signs everyone up to work with little kids after school as an extra curricular activity. By the end of the day, eight of the kdis are missing.

Mulder's Creek 03 - The Trouble with Turkeys - Neoxphile

Rated PG | 29K | Category X | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: XF/Dawson's Creek crossover.
Summary: Mulder, Scully and Doggett escape Thanksgiving preparations by taking their traditional trip to the Berkshires. Back in Capeside, Reyes, Skinner and Fowley investigate sinister frozen turkeys.

Mulder's Creek 04 - Dead Man Walking - Neoxphile

Rated PG | 31K | Category X | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: XF/Dawson's Creek crossover. Alternate universe. Doggett/Reyes romance.
Summary: Mulder deals with his parents unexpected news, and a person from Fowley's past shows up unexpectedly, leading her to question her sanity.

Mulder's Little Angel - Ursula

Rated R | 14K | Category SH | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Slash.

Mulder's Thanksgiving Dinner - Girlie_girl7

Rated PG | 5K | Category SA | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: Mulder tries to prepare a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner for Scully and in usual Mulder fashion; all hell breaks loose.

My Touch Stone, My Constant - MulderLuvScully

Rated PG | 7K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth

Mystery - Tesla

Rated R | 58K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

New Day Has Come - Everett, Trinity

Rated R | 8K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Essence
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe. Pre-episode.
Summary: Mulder and Scully's lives start to settle down.

New Millennium - New Faces - Moseley, Vickie

Rated G | 14K | Category SA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully married.
Summary: Skinner is given a particularly hard assignment.

Nightmare on Helm Street - Waddles52

Rated PG | 12K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: An evening of Halloween fun doesn't go as planned.

Of Moth Men and Moonshine - Mulder, Britt & Girlie_girl7

Rated PG | 80K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: One would think Mulder and Scully had learned their lesson about going into the forest but noooo, only this time Mulder took along some help.

On the Mantle, With Care - Chaffin, Char

Rated G | 3K | Category VR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: Bill Scully contemplates the changes the years have wrought on his Chritmas mantle.

One Man's Journey - Obfusc8er

Rated PG | 10K | Category SA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: DeadAlive
Keywords: Alternate universe.

One You Can Depend On, the - Smith, Lindsay

Rated R | 60K | Category TRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: There's a killer on the loose and Mulder ends up missing. Can Scully find him in time?

Onward - push

Rated PG | 20K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Millennium
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.

Our File - VixenXXIII

Rated G | 3K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: Someone comes bakc to the X-files basement a few years after the events n the episode.

Partners, Friends and Lovers (1/2) - Wildafox0619

Rated NC-17 | 156K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: An alternative journey following Mulder and Scully from the beginning of Season 2 to Season 5. An exploration of their changing relationship through the years and the ordeals they had to face.

Partners, Friends and Lovers (2/2) - Wildafox0619

Rated NC-17 | 97K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: See part one.

Partnership - Williams, Ashley

Rated PG | 9K | Category VH | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: A bit of third-person jealously . . .

Perfect Opposities - Flynn

Rated NC-17 | 81K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A day of sun, fun, and deep thoughts, Mulder-style.

Pettegolezzo - OKayVal

Rated G | 4K | Category VRH | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: 'They've been talking ever since you came around.'

Phone Tag - Pattie

Rated PG | 3K | Category SHA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: War of the Coprophages
Summary: Scully decided to tell Mulder 'not now' after being dissed on the phone during the case on the dung beetles.

Progressive Regression - Pattie

Rated PG | 12K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: DeadAlive
Keywords: Mulder/Scully married.
Summary: Scully convinces Mulder to resolve his new inner demons by undergoing regression therapy. Sequel to 'When You Call for Me in Your Sleep.'

Putting the Magic Back - annaK

Rated PG | 4K | Category VR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: You put the magic back, Mulder. Thank you.

Ready - abracadabra & Lovesfox

Rated NC-17 | 49K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: After finishing an out-of-town case, Mulder and Scully go out for ice-cream.

Regrets 02 - Reunion - RPcrazy

Rated NC-17 | 105K | Category XRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Doggett/Reyes romance.
Summary: Doggett accepts the consequences of his actions when returning to DC after the search for his partner had been fruitful. The time away from work gives him a chance to reflect on the change of direction his life has laid out for him. Which course will he choose as his number one? Will it be his career or his duty to his parter and lover Monica Reyes and their unborn child? Also, when a mystery reveals itself at work, can he stay out of it or does his thirst for his career work win out?

Rescue, The - X-Phylia

Rated NC-17 | 23K | Category | Archived 03-12-31

Reverie - Politic X

Rated NC-17 | 167K | Category XR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Scully/Reyes romance. Slash.
Summary: Scully has nightmares that are apparently related to a case.

Ride - Onemillionandnine

Rated R | 13K | Category V | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: A holiday adventure for Mulder during Scully's Christmas in San Diego.

Risky Business (1/2) - Teresa

Rated R | 126K | Category TRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Season 7
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder gets himself into deep trouble with some international terrorists--and Scully must cross the globe to save him. But the tables are turned and Mulder suddenly finds himself fighting not for his own life, but for Scully's.

Risky Business (2/2) - Teresa

Rated R | 120K | Category TRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Season 7
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.

Sacred Mound, A - Spock

Rated NC-17 | 52K | Category XR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: CSM and his goons missed a spot when they carved into Mulder's brain and, consequently, Mulder retained his ability to read minds. Will Mulder's ability destroy his relationship to Scully or make it even better? And what about the work?

Saved by the Bell - Spock

Rated PG | 15K | Category XR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Fire
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sentient, The - Philiater

Rated PG | 8K | Category X | Archived 03-12-31

Shopping for More Than a Tree - Phillips, Katie

Rated Not Rated | 17K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully spend their first Christmas together after the birth of William.

Six Months of the Year - Maidenjedi

Rated PG | 2K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Christmas Carol
Summary: Maggie has some advice for her daughter-in-law.

Sleep Now - Campion, Rose

Rated PG | 14K | Category VRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Doggett romance. Slash.
Summary: He kept reaching out in the middle of the night for someone who wasn't there.

Slippery When Wet - Satina & Kizzia, Shannon

Rated R | 13K | Category SH | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek UST. Slash.
Summary: Scully overhears Mulder with his new partner.

Snake Bit - ML

Rated NC-17 | 17K | Category V | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Summary: Not summarized.

Snowmen and Sleigh Rides - Lovesfox

Rated PG | 14K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Wintertime with Mulder, Scully and William.

Song of Experience (1/4) - Christy

Rated PG | 167K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Will Mulder and Scully's past stand in the way of a future with their son?

Song of Experience (2/4) - Christy

Rated PG | 161K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.

Song of Experience (3/4) - Christy

Rated PG | 145K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.

Song of Experience (4/4) - Christy

Rated PG | 135K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.

Sound of a Train at Midnight, The - little cat feet

Rated PG | 7K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: They both have memories, and now they're making a new one.

Spendie-Wendie and Kershy-Wershy - Cassie

Rated PG | 2K | Category SH | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Slash.
Summary: Spender and Kersh in the FBI public showers.

Splinters of Rainbows 02 - The Pimpernel

Rated PG | 72K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: An irreverent look at biological imperative and genetic predisposition--possibly.

Star - bardsmaid

Rated PG | 2K | Category V | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Herrenvolk
Summary: Christmas. She can feel more than see it: a warm place, a tree brought in from the outdoors, a boy.

Statistical Anomaly - A Gentleman of Leisure

Rated PG | 184K | Category C | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: XF/Buffy crossover.
Summary: What prompted the Initiative to come to Sunnydale?

Still You - Katchat

Rated PG | 6K | Category VR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Missing scene.
Summary: 'After all is said and done, you're still you.'

Straddling the Sea-Saw - Rain, Gina

Rated R | 17K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Dreamland II
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A man, a woman, a waterbed and the fine art of practicing bondage. What more chan you ask for?

Successful Spies Apparently Don't Have Baby Sisters - aka 'Jake'

Rated G | 3K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Pre-XF.
Summary: Christmas Eve, 1972.

Sufferin' Cyberslash - Stormlantern

Rated Not Rated | 4K | Category SRH | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The X-Files: Fight the Future
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Tell Me a Story - Judd, Deslea R.

Rated PG | 6K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati
Keywords: Krycek/Fowley romance.
Summary: They told each other stories, little lies that made it all okay.

Tell Me Now - Sargasso, Piper

Rated R | 12K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: The torture of karaoke and the consequences of too many margaritas.

These are the Clouds - bcfan

Rated NC-17 | 39K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: Mulder, Scully and their teenage son Will deal with the fallout of having their dreams come true. Sequel to 'Whose Work Has Come to Nothing.'

Things Undone 07 - In Love and Black Ops (1/3) - Erynn & Sally

Rated R | 118K | Category TRHA | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: Black ops, assassins and 'rents, oh my!

Things Undone 07 - In Love and Black Ops (2/3) - Erynn & Sally

Rated R | 129K | Category TRHA | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: See part one.

Things Undone 07 - In Love and Black Ops (3/3) - Erynn & Sally

Rated R | 121K | Category TRHA | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: See part one.

This is a Wonderful Day - Pattie

Rated PG | 7K | Category SRH | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Doggett/Reyes romance.
Summary: The X-Files Office is re-opened with our favorite agents, and a surprise.

Thoughts on How Life Could Haven Been - Cruz, Eliza

Rated R | 3K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: When Skinner comes to brief Mulder on the details of his trail, Mulder figures out William is no longer with Scully, leaving Skinner to confirm the bad news.

Three-Day Growth - Chaffin, Char

Rated NC-17 | 19K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Ticket 02 - Ticket for One - Scully, Cathey

Rated R | 16K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Colonization.
Summary: She always acted so strong, pretending for both their sakes that she was okay. Pretending that she didn't miss his dad so much.

Tickets 01 - Birthday Tickets - Scully, Cathey

Rated R | 14K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Colonization.
Summary: Every year, directly before my birthday, the tickets showed up at our door.

To Hell - Ten

Rated PG | 34K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: After an argument, Mulder ends up taking Scully's parting words literally.

Tokens of the Wise - Philiater

Rated Not Rated | 14K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Post-episode.

Tongue? - Spock

Rated NC-17 | 19K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Millennium
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: New Year's, wine, a comfy couch and two adults . . . with tongues . . among other things.

Touch Me Once - Castellano, Laura

Rated PG | 5K | Category V | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Pilot
Summary: Mulder's about to meet his new partner. He already knows he'll hate her. He hates what she stands for.

Tour of an Arranged Heart, A - Spock

Rated PG | 23K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Drive
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Truckstop Skinner - Philiater

Rated PG | 3K | Category VH | Archived 03-12-31

Verzeihlich - Spooky's Girl

Rated PG | 12K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Deep down he knows she'll never forgive him. He knows that she would willingly give her life to prevent him from doing what he is about to do. but it comes down to a matter of who is more important.

View From the Door, A - Blair, Erin M.

Rated PG | 2K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: DeadAlive
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Doggett views a beautiful exchange of love between Mulder and Scully.

Volition - Kizzia, Shannon

Rated R | 12K | Category SA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Slash.
Summary: I think of revenge. Not against the alien who took me there. Not against the old man who got me into this. Him. The man who knew where I was and left me there.

Waking Up - stellar_dust

Rated PG | 6K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: All Things
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

We Were Young Once - Maidenjedi

Rated PG | 1K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Summary: 'When springs of mistletoe seemed beautiful and right; Old Christmas changes not! Long, long ago He won the treasure of eternal youth.' -- Owen Seaman

Web Browsing - Amazon X

Rated NC-17 | 10K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Doggett/Skinner/Krycek romance. Slash.
Summary: Upon finding some interesting websites, Skinner, Doggett and Krycek are inspired.

Well-Kept Man, A 03 - Metal and Bone (1/2) - Mice

Rated NC-17 | 163K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Doggett/Byers romance. Slash.
Summary: After Doggett and Byers return from New York, our Agent brings an X-File to the Gunmen. Things go terribly wrong.

Well-Kept Man, A 03 - Metal and Bone (2/2) - Mice

Rated NC-17 | 160K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Doggett/Byers romance. Slash.
Summary: See part one.

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - laurel

Rated PG | 10K | Category SRA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Doggett/Skinner/Krycek romance. Slash.
Summary: Alex gets ready to spend New Year's Eve alone.

What Love is Like - Campion, Rose

Rated PG | 7K | Category VR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Doggett romance. Slash.
Summary: Love can be a little juicy sometimes.

Whatever Happens - Cruz, Eliza

Rated PG | 10K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Requiem
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Missing scene.
Summary: Continuing the scene from Requiem, Mulder takes care of Scully after she comes to his hotel room.

When Things Fall Apart (1/2) - Campion, Rose

Rated NC-17 | 109K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Doggett romance. Slash.
Summary: Mulder goes home to meet Doggett's family.

When Things Fall Apart (2/2) - Campion, Rose

Rated NC-17 | 102K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Doggett romance. Slash.
Summary: See part one.

When You Call for Me in Your Sleep - Pattie

Rated PG | 4K | Category VRA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: DeadAlive
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully sees the nightmares Mulder suffers after returning from his abduction.

When You Wish Upon a Star - Anita-Louise

Rated G | 8K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Scully/Skinner romance.
Summary: Will the romance of Christmas bring these two people together?

Where Do Broken Souls Go? - VixenXXIII

Rated G | 3K | Category VA | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Paper Hearts
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: Mulder ponders things after events in the episode. Scully comes through and drags him out of his self-pity.

Which Would You Like to Be? - Pattie

Rated PG | 5K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: Genderbender
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST. Post-episode.
Summary: Mulder and Scully discuss which gender they'd prefer to be while explaining their own genders' difficulties.

X Marks the Spot - Myriss

Rated PG | 5K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Summary: Being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Xmas Carol, An - Goldman, Elle

Rated PG | 30K | Category SRHA | Archived 03-12-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Please let us know of any mistakes or bad links you find. Be sure to mention that you are using the "Fluky" archive. Thanks!