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From: Lola <>
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 22:45:38 -0400
Subject: Amish Country by Lolabeegood
Source: direct

Title: Amish Country
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays 
attached and the work remains unchanged.
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (although it does 
fit with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field 
Trip and Biogenesis
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish 
Country causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover 
and test the limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on 
vacation.  I was in Scotland when I met a woman who 
was fascinated with the Amish and Mennonites of 
North America and she asked me tons of questions 
about them once I mentioned I had encountered them 
a few times in my life.  I also realized in talking with 
her, how little I knew about them as a group.  I did 
some research and a story was born.  This is my first 
attempt at a semi case file so have patience 
with me.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Dana Scully adjusted her bonnet as the wagon bumped down 
the dirt road.  It was a hot day and she realized that 
she might just miss air conditioning the most.  The wagon 
bounced as it ran over a large rut in the road and her 
butt jumped up off the wooden bench she sat on.  She 
reached to grab her sore posterior and updated her list 
of things she would miss to include a smooth and 
comfortable car ride.

"You okay?" Mulder asked as he leaned into her space.

"Fine," she said as she pulled her hand away from her butt.

"I'm missing all those crappy rentals too," he smiled at 
her.  "But this slower pace does allow you to look at the 

scenery a bit more."

She looked over at his profile as he sat closely next to 
her and thought that in all her life, she would never 
expect to see Mulder dressed like that.  He had on a straw 
hat, vest, and suspenders over his blue shirt and black 
pants.  His bronze skin seemed to suit his new garb and his 
beard had grown in quickly.  

She then looked down at her current clothing and realized 
he must have thought the same thing about her.  A white 
bonnet sat on her head, a soft lavender dress with a white 
apron covered her body, and flat black plain shoes were on 
her feet.  She tucked a strand of brown hair in her cap and 
pulled it around her ears.

"Stop fiddling with it," Mulder said as he leaned into her 
space again.

She raised an eyebrow and swallowed hard.  He was right, 
she would give away their cover with her uncomfortableness.  

They were Samuel and Miriam Troyer, a late-marrying newly-
wed couple, uncommon in Amish country but their cover-story 
seemed plausible.  They had moved back the hands of time 
five years with Mulder being 32 and she 29, still late to 
marry by Amish standards.  

Their excuse for marrying so old was that Mulder had been 
very sick for a number of years and that she had waited for 
him instead of marrying another eligible young man.  When his 
health had returned and he was able to provide for his family, 
they had married in November of last year.  His sick uncle 
had asked for their help with the harvest and so the couple 
had left their community to assist.  

The man who was posing as Mulder's uncle was currently driving 
the buggy they were in.  Abram Fisher had done something that 
Amish did not do.  He had contacted the FBI about a series of 
sexual assaults in his community, asking for their help.  It 
was almost unheard of for the Amish to initiate this type of 
contact so the Bureau had acted quickly and sent in an undercover 
team.  Abram and his wife Ruth had agreed to the ruse in the 
interest of their greater community, knowing that outsiders 
would get no answers.  Abram's interest in the case was 
personal; his grand daughter was the latest victim.

Since being given the case a week ago, Mulder had developed a 
profile on the rapist and she had studied as much as she could 
about the Amish community of Ohio and brushed up on her German.  

They were given the case because Mulder was one of the best 
profilers in the Bureau, and she had a minor in German.  They 
were also currently not assigned to any case in particular, which 
was how they found themselves on this one, pretending to be 
Amish, and looking for a serial rapist in Charm, Ohio.

"That is our farm," Abram said gesturing to the right.  "Ruth 
is nervous about your arrival, so please forgive her of she 

"She's alright with us being there, though?" Mulder asked.

They needed to integrate themselves seamlessly with the 
community to gain their trust and get information to find 
this offender as quickly as possible.

"She left it to me to decide what was best," Abram said.  "She 
will be your aunt until you find who is doing this in our 

"Mr. Fisher, I'll need her help with knowing how to act in 
certain situations," Scully said as she leaned forward.  
"I've studied as much as I could, but some things..."

"She will show you how to be an Amish woman," Abram said 

"Thank you," Scully said back.  

The buggy made its way down the narrow driveway and rocked 
back and forth as it hit a large pot hole.  Scully lurched 
to the side and Mulder grabbed onto her leg to steady her.  
His hand on her thigh caught Abram's attention.

"And I will show you how to be an Amish man," Abram said as 
he cleared his throat.  

Mulder removed his hand from Scully's thigh and dropped it onto 
his leg, looking over at Abram and knowing the reason for the 

The group remained quiet as they bumped down the road.  They 
pulled up in front of large white house with a wrap-around 
porch and the buggy came to an abrupt stop.  An older woman 
dressed similarly to Scully walked out of the front door, and 
sombrely stood on the porch.  Abram got out of the buggy, 
followed by Mulder, who walked around to Scully's side and 
helped her get down.  

"Ruth, these are the police officers," Abram said as he 
gestured toward them.  "They are Samuel and Miriam Troyer."

She quietly nodded her head as Scully started to mount the 
steps to shake her hand.  

"Nice to meet you, Ruth," Scully extended her hand and Ruth 
took it. "Your home is lovely."

"Nice to meet you Miriam," Ruth returned.  "Samuel."

Mulder nodded towards her and helped Abram with their bags.  
The two men carried the belongings inside and set them by 
the door.  

Neither agent was sure why Abram chose to use their alias 
instead of their real names with his wife, but in the 
end, it was inconsequential.

"I have some questions," Ruth said as they took a seat 
in the plain living room.

"We will answer whatever we can," Mulder said as he 
sat next to Scully.

"Did you bring guns into my house?" Ruth asked as 
Abram lit his pipe.

"No, we did not." Mulder answered her plainly.

"We want to be respectful of your beliefs." Scully 

"Are you married?" Ruth asked.

"No, we are FBI partners," Scully answered.

"Are you married to other people?" Ruth asked.

"No, we are both single," Mulder answered.

"It will have to look like you share a room when 
people come over, but I cannot have you sharing a 
bed in our home if you are not married," she said 
as she looked at her lap.

"We understand," Mulder said as he looked at the 
uncomfortable woman in front of him.  "I can sleep 
on the couch or..."

"We have another room you can use, but you must 
leave it as if it's untouched so people don't know."

"I can do that," Mulder said as he nodded his head.

"How will you catch this person?" Ruth asked.

"We think that being part of the community will 
allow us to observe people unguarded and notice 
things that, as investigators, will give the man 
away," Mulder said.

"But you will find him?" She asked as she met 
Scully's eyes.

"We will," Scully said with conviction.

"Well, I'm sure you must want to get settled and 
cleaned up before supper," Ruth said rising and looking 
at Scully.  "You should help me with it tonight so you 
are used to the tools I use in the kitchen and the way 
we do things."

"I can help now," Scully said rising.  

"Come down in an hour and then you can help," Ruth said 
smiling at her.

Scully and Mulder mounted the stairs bringing their 
bags with them.  Abram walked behind them and gestured 
to a room near the front of the house.  They carried their 
things inside and put their bags on the bed. The room was 
a soft yellow colour, had one dresser in the corner, a 
wooden chair and a double bed with a hand-sewn quilt on it.  
All the furniture looked hand made and quite old.  

"You should keep all your clothes and personal items in 
this room, so as not to raise suspicion," Abram said.

"Will people be coming in here?" Scully asked, unsettled 
by the prospect.

"Not really, but doors are kept open during the day.  
If our daughter, or someone else came upstairs for 
something, she would notice if a married couple was 
staying in two different rooms."

"Gotcha," Mulder said as he looked across the hall at 
another room.  "Is that the other room?"

"Yes, it was our son's," Abram said as a look of sadness 
passed over his face. "He died of pneumonia when he was 

"Abram, I'm so sorry," Scully said softly.

"He is with god," Abram said matter-of-factly.  

Abram left the room and they heard the stairs creek as he 
descended them.

"Which drawers do you want?" Scully asked as she opened 
her bag.

"I think I'll keep the blue shirts here," Mulder said 
gesturing toward the one drawer.  "And the black pants 
there...unpacking all done."

"It does make wardrobe choices more...simple," Scully 
said as she hung a dress up.  

"You probably should be grateful they want us in 
separate beds," Mulder said as he threw his underwear 
in a drawer.  "Without deodorant things could get ripe."

"I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate my hairy legs 
either," Scully smiled.

"I don't know, that might be a turn on," Mulder 

Scully shot him a look.

"No makeup, sunscreen, or hair products..." she mumbled 

as she hung another dress.  "I'm going to get burnt."

"But your freckles will come out," Mulder joked.

"Hardy har," Scully said as she put her primitive 
underwear in a drawer.  "The undergarments will take 
some getting used to."

"Yeah, mine are like a longer and more restrictive 
boxer short," Mulder said as he indicted how long they 
were on his leg to Scully.

"Mine are pretty much the same," Scully said as she 
ducked her head.  

"I read Amish women don't wear bras," Mulder said as 

he put a now-empty bag under the bed.

"It's not what you think," she said as she put a 
brush on the bureau.

"How do you know what I think?" He asked with a smirk.

"I know you Mulder, and you are picturing a bare chest.  
Although Amish women don't wear bras, they do wear an 
undershirt of sorts," Scully said as her face turned a 
little pink.

"Way to kill a dream, Scully." Mulder joked.

"You're going to need to stop that talk, they will know 
we don't belong in thirty seconds."

"I know," he said as he put their other bag under the 
bed.  "But it's just us now and I figure with acting 
like Samuel all day, it'll be nice to just be Mulder for 
a bit with you."

She smiled at him; her understanding was real. 

"I know," she said as she took a seat on the bed.  "Are 
you going to start working with Abram tomorrow?" 

"If I want to learn how to use the equipment without 
looking like an 'English', I better be a quick study in 
farming," he smiled as he sat next to her.  "That, and 
the fact that I'm supposed to be here to help him because 
of his health, so I should look capable."

"I think you might have it harder than me," she said as she 
folded her hands on her lap.

"I've tried your cooking Scully," he smirked.  "I'd say we 
both have to be quick studies."

She elbowed him in the ribs and he let out a yelp.

"I want to find the man doing this before another girl gets 
assaulted," Scully said.  "Abram and Ruth are taking a big 
risk doing this and I don't want to let them down."

"We'll get him," Mulder reassured her.  "He thinks he's found 
a community that won't defend itself or involve the 
authorities.  He's confident and that's going to give him away.  
But, he didn't count on the love of two grandparents that 
were willing to break the rules."

"No, he didn't," Scully smiled at him.

to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 2
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains 
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (Although it does fit 
with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip 
and Biogenesis
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  
I was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated 
with the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she 
asked me tons of questions about them once I mentioned 
I had encountered them a few times in my life.  I did 
some research and a story was born.  I'm writing this 
as a WIP, but those of you who know me know I NEVER 
leave a WIP unfinished (and I'm usually good about 
frequent posting).  This is my first attempt at a semi 
case file so have patience with me.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Dana Scully proudly placed the potatoes on the table.  
Ruth had managed to cook the rest of the meal without 
her help, but she had shown Scully how to make potatoes.  
It was labour intensive, but from the look of them, 
seemed worth it.  They were peeled, boiled, mixed with 
fried onions and cucumber, and herbs here added.  
Scully's mom usually only made mashed potatoes so 
these seemed quite elaborate.  It was Sunday so no work 
was done on the farm and generally the household was in 
a state of relaxation.  It was the perfect day for them 
to arrive and get acquainted with Abram and Ruth before 
others started to show up for work on the farm.

"It smells amazing," Mulder said as he caught her eye.

Scully returned his smile and took her seat.

Abram and Ruth bowed their heads; Scully and Mulder 
followed suit.  

After a short blessing Abram and Ruth raised their heads 
and the food started to get passed around.  Very little 
was said at first, as everyone loaded their plates.

"So, do you normally pretend to be people you aren't?" 
Abram asked as he scooped some gravy.

"No," Mulder laughed.  "We've had a couple of undercover 
cases over the years but they don't happen a lot."

"So, you've known each other for years?" Ruth asked.

"Six," Scully said as she took a drink of water.

"That is quite a long time to work together," Abram 

"Don't you want children, Miriam?" Ruth asked as she 
cut her meat.

"I...uh..." Scully stammered as thoughts of Emily and 
her infertility circled her head.

"This is a great roast," Mulder interrupted.  "Do you 
butcher your own meat?"

"No, we get our meat from the Lapps," Abram said as 
he ate.  "We exchange dairy and vegetables for meat."

"So, it's a barter system?" Mulder asked.

"It's just how we do things," Abram said.

The table fell silent as Abram ate oblivious, Ruth eyed 
Scully, and Scully intently moved food around her plate.  
The old house seemed almost too big for the four of them 
sitting around the table, it seemed to have been designed 
to fit a large family but Scully and Mulder both knew 
Ruth and Abram only had two children.

"We start early Samuel," Abram said breaking the silence.  
"Then I can show you how the dairy equipment works 
before people arrive."

"Who will I be working with?"

"Our daughter Hannah and her husband John will be over 
in the morning," Abram said.  "They are just coming for 
the day to help with the pies and to meet you.  She hasn't 
ever seen a picture of you so she won't question that you 
are Samuel and Miriam Troyer, from my mother's side. Just 
say very little and they will know you are one of us."

"Okay," Scully said as she took another drink of water.

"You will follow my lead in the kitchen," Ruth said quietly. 
"Amish women are plain and quiet.  When in doubt, say 

Scully nodded her head in agreement.  

Supper was eaten in silence and when Abram rose from the 
table, Ruth immediately started to clear the plates.  
Mulder and Scully each started to help when Ruth took the 
plate from Mulder's hand.

"That is not a man's job," she said softly.  "Go sit, 

Mulder shrugged his shoulders and smiled weakly at Scully 
who walked past him with a pile of plates into the kitchen.  

"So the men take care of the farm and the women take care 
of the house?" Scully asked as she scraped a plate.  

"At harvest time, everyone works the fields but the women 
are also expected to keep the house." Ruth said as she 
packed away leftovers.  "We prepare the food, draw their 
baths, help with the harvest, and keep the house in order."

"It hardly seems fair," Scully muttered as she handed Ruth 
a plate.

"When you see how tired he is at the end of a day, you 
will not wonder what is fair," Ruth said matter-of-factly.

Scully rinsed the plates and thought of what Mulder's 
workday would be like.  Ruth knew this life much better 
than she did, if she said he would be tired, Scully 
didn't doubt that for a minute.

"The ground cherries are in," Ruth said as she cleaned 
the kitchen.  "We will make pies tomorrow."

Scully nodded and quietly finished cleaning the kitchen 
with Ruth.  Quiet seemed to be a welcome guest in this 

After the kitchen was clean, she and Ruth joined Mulder 
and Abram in the parlour for a little while before Abram 
stood, stretched and wished them a good night.  Ruth 
followed him up the stairs and when Mulder and Scully 
heard their door shut she seemed to let out the breath 
they were both holding.

"Hopefully we'll get to meet some workers tomorrow and 
get a feel for the community a bit more," Scully said 
as she relaxed on the sofa.

"You mean, I'll get to meet some workers," Mulder 
corrected her.  "You'll be in the kitchen with Ruth, not 
associating with men."

"True," Scully said as she removed her cap. "It's sort of 
hard to investigate if I can't interact with people much."

"I'm sure you'll find out more from women in the kitchen 
then I'll get out of men in the fields," he said as he 
patted her knee.  "Just work your charm."

She smiled at him and they sat quietly, each deep in 
their own thoughts. The clock on the wall ticked away 
the seconds as they sat.

"Those were good potatoes," Mulder said as he noted the 
clock that read 9 pm.

"Tomorrow its pies," Scully said as she rose from her 
seat.  "And from the sounds of it, you're going to have 
a full day, so you better get to sleep."

"I guess," he said as he rose from his seat and put 
down the newspaper that was in his hand.  He grabbed 
the lantern that was sitting on his side table and 
walked toward her.

They mounted the steps and every creak was noticeable 
in the house.  "It's really quiet," Mulder whispered.

"Very," Scully whispered back.

Mulder took his pyjamas from the dresser and turned to 
leave the room.  "Goodnight, Scully," he said as he 
took a step. "Keep your ears peeled tomorrow."

"How early do you think they rise?" Scully asked.

"I'm sure they'll let us know," Mulder said with a 
tight-lipped smile.

"Yeah," Scully said softly.  "Goodnight, Mulder."


to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 3
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains unchanged.
Rating: R

Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (Although it does fit 
with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip 
and Biogenesis
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.

Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  
I was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated 
with the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she 
asked me tons of questions about them once I mentioned 
I had encountered them a few times in my life.  I did 
some research and a story was born.  I'm writing this 
as a WIP, but those of you who know me know I NEVER 
leave a WIP unfinished (and I'm usually good about 
frequent posting).  This is my first attempt at a semi 
case file so have patience with me.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Mulder's muscles ached and it was just past 7 am.  He had 
been up since 4 am when Abram came to wake him in his room 
with a shake of his shoulder.  He had looked longingly 
across the hall at Scully's closed door, thinking of how 
she was able to sleep longer than him.  

He had been surprised to find very modern dairy equipment 
running off a generator in the barn.  He expected that he 
would have to learn how to milk a cow but when he saw the 
hundred cows before him, he was happy the Amish had given 
in to some modern allowances.  He thought his reaction to 
the dairy equipment was probably the same as Scully's when 
she discovered the farm ran off a septic system and had a 
proper washroom.

The equipment was complicated but Mulder's great memory 
allowed him to remember the operation of the mechanism quite 
easily.  Abram was very happy he had caught on so easily.  
Mulder had been piling hay in a stall when Abram, in his 
own quiet way, had tapped him on the shoulder and said it 
was time to eat.  Mulder was grateful there would be more 
food then the piece of bread and cheese Abram had quickly 
handed him in the morning as they made their way outside.

After washing up Mulder made his way into the kitchen and 
noted the flurry of activity.  Scully was frying sausages 
as Ruth was gathering bowls and bringing them out onto the 
back porch.  On the table was a spread of breads, boiled 
eggs, potatoes, cereal and fruit.  Mulder had not seen this 
big a breakfast since he hit a buffet in Memphis.  

"Good morning, ladies," Mulder said as he stood awkwardly 
in the corner waiting for some direction.

"Morning," Scully said as she took the sausages from the 
pan and placed them on a plate and then placed the plate 
on the table with the rest of the food.

"Good morning," Abram said as he appeared in the room in 
a fresh shirt.  

Mulder looked down at his shirt and cringed.  It was dirty 
and smelled of manure.  He excused himself and went upstairs 

to change.  When he returned everyone was sitting at the 
table, waiting for him.

He sat and a blessing was shared before Abram reached for 
the eggs and everyone started to put food on their plates.  

"When did you get up?" Mulder asked Scully across the table.

"We were up at 5am," Scully said as she filled their juice 

"Everything is wonderful, Ruth," Abram said as he put some 
sausage in his mouth.

"Miriam made most of it," Ruth acknowledged.  "I was too 
busy getting things together so when Hannah gets here we 
can start right away."

"You made this?" Mulder asked as he smiled at Scully.

She nodded her head and didn't make eye contact with him.  
He wasn't sure if she was trying to get into character or 
if she was really that humble about her cooking.

"How many pies will you get?" Abram asked as he ate.

"I'm hoping for thirty but we'll see how the ground 
cherries go," Ruth said as she continued to eat.

"What will you do with all those pies?" Mulder asked.

"Hannah will take some, we'll keep some, and the rest 
we'll deliver to our neighbours to share."

"What are ground cherries?" Scully asked, not wanting to 
look ridiculous in front of Ruth's daughter when she 

Ruth got up from the table and walked wordlessly to the 
back porch and came back with her apron full of papery 
casements.  She dropped them on the table and then handed 
on to Scully.  Scully played with the papery texture and 
wasn't sure how this item could be used for a pie, until 
she saw Ruth pull back the papery casement and reveal a 
tiny golden fruit in the centre.  

"Try it," Ruth said as she popped one in her mouth.

Scully peeled back her casement and saw what looked like 
a golden cherry tomato inside.   She put it in her mouth 
and was surprised by the taste.

"That's delicious," she said smiling.  

She then peeled one for Mulder and passed it to him to 
try.  He liked it as well.

"You will be peeling the casings while Hannah and I make 
the dough...I wasn't sure if you knew how, and I don't 
have time to show you this morning."

"I actually don't know how," Scully said as she gathered 
the casings to take to the compost bin.  "But I'd like 
to learn."

"Good," Ruth smiled warmly at her.  "Maybe you can help 
with the filling; everyone does it differently so it 
wouldn't be unusual for you to ask."

"I'd like that," Scully smiled back at her.

The two women sat back down and everyone finished their 
breakfast.  Mulder ate a lot, not only because it was 
so good, but because he knew there would be more work 
ahead and he'd need the calories to continue.

As they started to clear the breakfast dishes Mulder 
noticed Abram left to change back into his work shirt.  
He was about to do the same when he decided to thank 
Scully for breakfast.

"That was great," he said quietly into her ear as 
she stood at the sink with her back to him.  He put 
a hand on her hip.  

"Thanks," she said quietly as she turned to look at him 
more closely.  

Their faces were so close she could feel his breath on 
her neck.  "How are you doing out there?"

"I'm going to have pipes when all this is done," Mulder 
said as he flexed his arm in front of her.

She laughed at his joke and he smiled at her.  His hand 
still rested on her waist and she sensed he had more to 
say so she kept quiet.

"Try and subtly see if Hannah has anything to say about 
the assault on her daughter," Mulder said quietly as 
Ruth walked in the back door and her eyes widened at 
the sight before her.

Mulder pulled back immediately and Scully straightened 
in her spot.  Their close proximity when talking was 
something they had grown used to over time, but she 
understood in that one moment, it was not something 
Ruth was used to seeing unmarried men and women doing.  

"I'll see you at lunch," Mulder said as he walked from 
the kitchen.

Ruth walked over to the large sink and started to rinse 
the pan that lay in it.  

"So, you are like that?" Ruth asked.

Scully knew what she was hinting at, and wanted to 
dispel any issues she may have.

"We're friends, Ruth.  We work very closely and out 
in the our line of work..." Scully struggled 
for the words to explain their relationship.  "He's my 
best friend, and I trust him with my life."

Ruth didn't say anything back.  

Scully heard horses in the front yard and looked toward 
Ruth.  She smiled and Scully knew Hannah had arrived.  

The two women walked to the front of the house and saw 
a man, two women, and three children getting out of a 
black buggy.  

"Maem," Hannah said as she embraced her mother. She 
was in her early forties, with dark hair and a broad 

"Miriam, this is my daughter Hannah Miller, her 
husband John, their eldest daughter Fannie, eldest son 
Willis, and the twins Martha and Sadie" Ruth said as 
she gestured around the group.

Fannie Miller, the latest rape victim,  stood awkwardly 
next to her parents and Scully could see that she wanted 
to blend into the woodwork if at all possible.  
According to Abram she was twenty, but she looked no 
more than sixteen to Scully.  Without the make-up, 
every woman looked younger than Scully expected them 
to look.

"Nice to meet you," Scully bowed her head as she heard 
a door whack shut behind her.  She felt Mulder's hand 
come up on her shoulder and the heat of his body behind 

"This is my, Manne Samuel," Scully said as she put a hand 
over Mulder's.

"Nice to meet you," Mulder stepped out from behind her 
and shook John's hand and nodded toward his wife.

"Hannah," Abram called from behind them as he rounded 
the corner of the house.

"Hi daat," Hannah smiled at him as he came around and 
gave her and all the kids a hug.  

"Have you come to help with the pies?" He asked the 
twins, who nodded their heads eagerly.

"Did you meet your cousin?" Abram asked gesturing 
toward Mulder.

"We did," John smiled at the man.  "It was nice of you 
to help and come all the way from Norwalk...with my own 
farm, and Hannah due any time..."

Scully then noticed Hannah's large belly.  She looked 
like she was about to have the baby any minute.  If 

there weren't any more children, it would be her fifth 

by Scully's count.

"Not a problem," Mulder said softly.  "We haven't got 
our own place yet, and were still staying with Miriam's 

"You were married in November?" Hannah asked as she 
looked at Scully's slight figure.

"Yes," Scully said, noting that the woman had noticed 
she wasn't pregnant.

"Miriam's father got sick this spring and I needed to 
run his farm, I had no time for starting my own."

"He's better now?" Hannah asked, honestly concerned.

"Yes," Scully said softly. 

"We'll stay with her parents through the winter and raise 
a barn in the spring," Mulder said as he grazed Scully's 
elbow with his hand.

She smiled slightly and noticed that Fannie's eyes were 
closely following she and Mulder.

"John and Samuel, I'll need your help in the barn moving 
some equipment," Abram said as he started to walk away.  

"See you at lunch," Mulder whispered to Scully as he 
turned to leave.

Scully noticed that yet again, Fannie was looking at 
them closely.  She hoped she would have some time to 
speak with the young lady.

to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 4
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains unchanged.
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (although it does fit 
with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip and 
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  
I was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated 
with the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she 
asked me tons of questions about them once I mentioned I 
had encountered them a few times in my life.  I did some 
research and a story was born.  I'm writing this as a WIP, 
but those of you who know me know I NEVER leave a WIP 
unfinished (and I'm usually good about frequent posting).  
This is my first attempt at a semi case file so have 
patience with me.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Scully sat on a wooden rocking chair next to Fannie as they 
both peeled ground cherries from their casements.  Ruth and 
Hannah worked in the kitchen chatting as they made the dough 

for the pies.  The sun was still low in the sky but it was 
already getting warm.  Summer had come to Amish country and 
Scully pulled her chair closer to the house in an attempt to 
sit in the shade.  

She had made a few attempts at small talk with Fannie but found 
the girl to be not much of a conversationalist.  So far Fannie 
had told Scully how old she was, that she was baptized and that 
she had no suitors at the moment.  All facts Scully already knew.  
Scully got off her chair and crouched down to pick up the large 
bowl of husks they had laying at their feet.

"I'll take it to compost," she said as she made her way down 
the back steps.

Fannie didn't respond, and merely continued to husk her ground 
cherries.  Scully had no doubt that she was probably in desperate 
need of counselling and possibly medical treatment but, she had 
no way of suggesting that without blowing her cover.  

When she returned to the porch, Fannie made her first attempt at 
conversation all morning.

"They are out in the field now," she said nodding to the large 
expanse behind the Fisher's house.  Scully shielded her eyes 
and looked toward the herd of cows that had just been let loose 
on the field.  She spotted Mulder immediately.  He, John, Abram 
and a few farm hands were taking the cows out to pasture.  Mulder 
looked, surprisingly, comfortable as he herded the cows with a 
large stick.  Scully couldn't help but smile at the sight of him 
as a farmer.  

"You are very happy," Fannie noted as she looked at her expression.

"I am," Scully said as she sat back down next to the girl.  "My 
husband is a good man."

"That's nice," Fannie said as she picked up some more ground 
cherries and placed them in her apron.  "But you have not been 
blessed with children."

"Not yet," Scully sighed as she focused on the husks of the fruit.

"God will know when your time has come," Fannie said softly.

"I hope so," Scully continued their conversation.  "Samuel would 
like a big family and I am starting late..."

"God will give you what you need," Fannie said softly.  "He works 
in mysterious ways."

The two women fell into companionable silence for a few minutes 
before Scully initiated conversation once again.

"Why don't you have any suitors?" Scully asked, trying to be 

"I am not so special," Fannie said as she continued to husk.  

"You are a beautiful girl," Scully noted as she saw Fannie blush.  
"You must have a suitor or six."

"I won't be married," Fannie said softly.  "I...I will help take 
care of my parents and my family."

"Fannie, have you decided this or...?" Scully asked.

"It is done," Fannie said quietly as she got up from her seat 
and walked toward the screen 

Scully tried to think of something to say to continue their 
conversation but came up short.

"Maem, we have enough to start the pies," Fannie called inside 
the house.

"Miriam, can you start lunch with Fannie while we get these 
pies going?" Ruth asked from inside.

"Yah," Scully said as she dumped the remaining un-husked fruit 
from her apron into the bowl.  She was grateful for her German 
classes in university.

She and Fannie made chicken sandwiches, salad, potato salad, 
and put out pickled vegetables for all the men on a large 
table outside in the shade.  Pitchers of lemonade were made 
and cloth napkins were placed around the table.  Scully 
assumed the women would eat later and separately from the 
men as the setting was just enough for the men to all sit.  
Fannie went and banged a pan quite exuberantly, calling the 
men in from the field to eat.  Quickly straw hats started to 
appear on the other side of the sloped field and Scully saw 
the men making their way toward the house.  She spotted Mulder 
wiping sweat from his brow and waving to her as he got closer.  
She didn't wave back, because she wasn't sure if it would be 
seen as improper.  

Soon Hannah and Ruth joined them outside and started to heap 
food onto plates for the men as they went to wash up.  The men 
all came to the table in clean shirts, where they had them all 
stored Scully wasn't sure, and sat down to have the blessing.  
Scully noticed that the other women stood, almost at attention 
behind the men seated, and she went to stand with the others.  
As soon as a glass was empty it was filled, as soon as a man's 
salad was almost gone more was offered, as soon as a chicken 
sandwich was eaten, another was placed on his plate.  The men 
carried on a conversation at the table as if the women didn't 
exist as they buzzed around them fulfilling their every need.  

Scully was so busy taking care of all the men that she didn't 
have time to process how unfair the whole situation was.  She 
did feel one thing though; invisible.  It was not a feeling 
she was very accustomed to.  

When lunch was ended all the men thanked the women for the 
wonderful lunch and rose from the table to get back to work.  
Scully caught Mulder's eye as he walked away and there was 
something there that she couldn't quite understand; shame.

The afternoon was spent trying to talk to Fannie some more 
and being very unsuccessful in that task.  Scully resolved 
that she would have to give Fannie some time to warm up to 
her before she could get any real information from her.  
The pies were made and Hannah proved herself to be quite 
the talker throughout the afternoon.  She was debating 
names for the baby and admonishing another women in their 
community who, went against Amish tradition, and named her 
daughter Samuelle.  

"Honestly, can you imagine if she names a man named Samuel?  
They will be Samuel and his wife Samuelle.  They will sound 
like those English that choose to lay with their own kind."

The other women nodded their heads in agreement.  Scully 
wasn't sure if they were in agreement that the name was 
a mistake, or being gay was.  

"The bishop should have made her change it," Ruth said.

"Miriam, what do you like?" Hannah asked, turning her 
attention to Scully.

"I have always liked Mark and Katie," Scully said as she 
wiped the table off.

"Those would be nice names with Troyler," Hannah said.

"Yes, they would," Scully said quietly.

"God will bless you and Samuel," Hannah said as she 
grabbed Scully's hand.  "You will one day have a family 
as large as mine."

"I hope so," Scully said softly.  "But we are starting 

"I had Fannie at twenty-two, but Willis was five years 
after that, and the twins seven years after him.  We 
lost some along the way but...we are blessed and they 
are with god."

"I am so sorry Hannah for your loss," Scully said 

"It was god's will," she answered with conviction.  
"He knows what is best for us."

Scully found the statement problematic.  Here was a 
woman whose twenty year old daughter had been sexually 
assaulted and she could say that god knew what was best 
for her.  How could being raped be best for her?  The 
conviction with which this woman spoke astounded Scully.  

"Yes, he does," Scully answered with a tight-lipped 
smile and she caught Fannie leave the room with tears 
in her eyes.


Mulder was not having any more luck in the fields with 
John, Abram and the farm hands.  The work that these 
men did without complaint astounded Mulder.  He knew 
FBI agents that bitched if their parking spot was too 
far away and they had to walk an extra five minutes to 
get to their cushy chair at their desk. 

The labour that these men did was back-breaking.  The 
equipment Abram wanted moved was heavy and awkward and 
Mulder was grateful when it they were done rolling it 
to the other barn.  Sweat dripped from his forehead and 
his uncomfortable Amish underwear bothered his legs as 
they stuck to them and rode up in the back.  

He was actually tugging at his underwear when Abram 
came up behind him.  

"We don't wear them in the field, generally," Abram said 
as his eyes fell to Mulder's mid-section. 

"You don't?" Mulder asked, both relieved and shocked at 
the same time.

"Around the house, when visiting, when at church..." 
Abram said as he looked around to make sure no one was 
near them.  "But in the field they bother most men."

"Thanks for the tip," Mulder smiled at him.

"You are a good worker," Abram said as he placed a hand 
on Mulder's shoulder.  "I didn't expect that."

"Thank you, Abram," Mulder smiled at him.

"Come on and help us decide which trees need pruning 
today," Abram said as he turned to go.

"But Abram, I don't know anything about..." Mulder 

"Just say the peach trees are due for pruning," Abram 
smiled at him.  

"Thanks," Mulder smiled back as he started to follow 

The rest of the workers had gathered under a shaded tree 
and were waiting quietly for the two men to join them.  
John seemed to be walking amongst the trees and looking 
at the leaves closely.

"Abram, which ones do you want us to look after first?" 
young Isaac Lapp asked.

"Which do you think Samuel?" Abram asked Mulder.

"The peach trees," Mulder said confidently.

"I agree," John piped up from behind one.  "Abram, you 
have let these go too long, your peaches might not be 
very sweet."

"I should have asked for help sooner, I know, but I 
thought I was just feeling under the weather," Abram 
said softly.

"It's okay daat," John said as he patted him on the 
shoulder.  "We'll save your peaches."

Mulder smiled at John.  He honestly loved his family, 
and, although his views were ultra conservative, he 
practiced what he preached and worked hard for what he 
had.  Mulder also saw in him a secret desire to head 
the household once Abram was no longer able to.

"Hannah will be having the baby soon?" Mulder asked as 
he and John walked toward the farthest patch of trees.

"In the next week," John smiled at Mulder.  "Hopefully 
another boy, to help with the farm."

Mulder nodded in agreement.  

"And your Miriam?" John asked shyly.

"We lost one in the spring, a girl" Mulder said softly
 as he looked out over the fields.  "I'm praying for 
another soon, I think it would make her happy."

"They take it hard when they lose them," John said, 
understanding what the couple had gone through.  "Give 
her some time and I'm sure God will bless you."

"I would just like her to be happy again," Mulder said 

"She will be," John said as he nudged Mulder with his 
shoulder.  "Children make women happy and every time 
you have one, you want more, trust me."

"Fannie is quite a bit older than this baby," Mulder 
said, trying to broach the subject of his older 
daughter.  "She must be getting married soon?"

"No," John said looking away.  "She has chosen to not 

"What?" Mulder asked, shocked.

"Fannie is...she's a different sort of girl.  She's not 
going to make a good wife for anyone, but for Hannah 
she will be a big help."

"But surely she must want children of her own...a family 
is what all women want," Mulder continued.

"Fannie won't be having none of that," John said with 
finality as they reached the orchard.  "Which row do 
you want?"

With that question, Mulder knew that all conversation 
about Fannie was done.  

"I'll take the left," Mulder said as he walked toward 
his row of peach trees.


By supper time all the field hands had left.  Dinner 
was lively with the children at the table and Mulder 
seemed to be in better spirits from the afternoon.  
The had no time to talk just the two of them, so Scully 
relished the time when the guests would leave and she 
could be alone with Mulder.  

By six o'clock the Miller's were on their way with 
twelve pies.  Scully learned that Willis would be 
coming by to pick them up tomorrow to deliver pies 
to a few neighbours and visit with them.  Scully 
looked forward to the change in schedule and the 
opportunity to meet some other community members 
and get a feel for them.  Abram and Ruth walked 
over to an elderly neighbour's house to visit with 
her for a bit, and Scully and Mulder had the house 
to themselves.

"I'm exhausted," Mulder said as he fell into a kitchen 
chair as Scully finished up the last of the dishes.

"You've had a long day," Scully said without turning 
to look at him.  "How was John?"

"I sense that if he could be Old-Order Amish he would 
be, he's far more devout than Abram."

"Really?" Scully turned to look at him.

"Yeah," Mulder smiled at her as he rubbed his burnt 
neck.  "He doesn't agree with the milking machines 
Abram has.  He milks all his cows by hand."

"All of them?"

"They have farm hands who do a lot of the work, but 
yeah, Abram is too modern for his tastes."

"Huh," Scully sighed as she turned to rinse a pot.

"What?" Mulder asked.

"Hannah came across the same way.  She kept on 
talking about how 'god knows best and it's his will' 
in the same room as her daughter who was raped just 
two months ago.  I found it a hard pill to swallow."

"Well, in their minds Fannie needed to forgive her 
attacker and forget about the assault, as if it 
didn't happen."

"She said she won't marry, that she's not special." 
Scully said as she picked up a towel and dried the 

"In this won't generally marry a 
woman whose not a virgin, whether it was against her 
will or not.  She's right to say she won't get's probably true."

"Mulder how can you just accept that?" She turned on 
him exasperated.  "Here we have a victim who obviously 
needs counselling and trauma therapy but nothing is 

being done for her.  She..."

"Scully, I figured your role at lunch today explained 
everything already."

"My what?'

"Serving the men, tending to our every need as we ate, 
and you stood behind us.  I found that also hard to 
stomach, but it's their way."

She let out a big breath and slammed the pot on the 
counter.  "When we find the rapist I'm going to insist 
she get counselling."

"And it's her prerogative to take you up on that, or 
not," Mulder said as he stood and held her by the 

shoulders.  "You are not here to change their ways, 
you are here to stop a rapist."

Her head dropped to his chest and he put his arms 
around her body pulling her close to him.  They swayed 
gently back and forth for a couple of minutes until she 
pulled away and stepped back from his embrace.  

"Are you okay?" Mulder asked as he held her chin with 
his hand.

"I thought it would be the amenities I would miss,"she 
sighed.  "I didn't expect to miss myself so much."

to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 5
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains unchanged.
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (although it does fit 
with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip 
and Biogenesis
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  
I was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated 
with the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she 
asked me tons of questions about them once I mentioned I 
had encountered them a few times in my life.  I did some 
research and a story was born.  I'm writing this as a WIP, 
but those of you who know me know I NEVER leave a WIP 
unfinished (and I'm usually good about frequent posting).  
This is my first attempt at a semi case file so have 
patience with me.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Mulder rose at 4 am as usual and donned his clothes in 
the dark.  He walked quietly down the stairs and greeted 
Abram in the kitchen.  The two men silently drank a cup 
of coffee.  When Abram went to open the back door, to 
his surprise, it was locked.  

"Why is this locked?" He asked Mulder.

"Oh, force of habit," Mulder smirked.  "I must have done 
that before Miriam and I went up to bed."

"You English and your locks," Abram smirked as he unlatched 
the door and opened it.  In the dark, a figure was present 
on the back porch.  

Abram went to the figure without hesitation and Mulder 
followed.  The girl was huddled up against a porch post 
in the dark, shivering.  

"Fannie?" Abram asked as he lifted her chin. "Oh my Gott!"

Mulder leaned over the young woman and swiftly lifted her 
from the floor or the porch and carried her shivering body 
inside.  As much as the days were hot, the nights in Amish 
country were very cold.  Being exposed to that cold night 
air had sent a chill right through the young girl's body 
that had frozen her to the core.

The girl's teeth chattered and her whole body shook as 
Mulder carried her into the parlour and laid her on the 
sofa.   He pulled a blanket off the back of the chair and 
covered her with it.  

"I'm so sorry, forgive me, forgive me," Fannie chanted as 
Abram leaned over and held her tightly.

Mulder ran up the stairs and into Scully's room, opening 
the door without hesitation, he shook her shoulder.

"Scully, something's wrong with Fannie, she's been outside 
all night," he said breathless.

Scully bolted from her bed and ran past him towards the 
stairs, her white cotton nightdress billowing around her.

Mulder then went to the door of Ruth's room and knocked 
loudly on it. 

"Ruth, there's a problem with Fannie, she's downstairs."

Ruth swiftly opened the door as she tried to tie a robe 
around herself.  Mulder watched as her bare feet pounded 
down the stairs and her long grey braid swayed behind her.

When he got back to the living room it appeared as though 
nothing had changed.  Scully was attempting to listen to 
her heart rate and feel her for a fever while Fannie 
clutched to her grandfather muttering mostly to herself.  

"Fannie, what is it?" Ruth demanded as she ran to her 
grand daughter.  "Why were you outside?"

"The door was locked," Abram explained.  "She couldn't 
get in."

"Why are you here?  Why are you not at home?"

"They want to send me away, I...I can't go," Fannie said 
through chattering teeth.

"Who wants to send you away?" Ruth asked confused.  "Why 
would you go away?"

Fannie turned from her grandfather's gaze and looked 
straight at Scully when she spoke.  "I am with child.  
I told them tonight." She said embarrassed.

"What?" Ruth asked exasperated.

Abram shook his head and walked circles around the edge 
of the room.

"You're pregnant," Scully clarified.  "Your parents want 
you to go away because of that?"

"I...I don't know why god did this to me as well, I don't 
understand..." Fannie cried as Ruth pulled her into her 

"Are you sure?  Do you know what pregnant is?" Ruth asked, 
hoping the girl was wrong.

"I went into town with daat a few days ago and when I was 
on my own I went to a pharmacy and bought a test.  It 
says I am, and I knew I was before the test.  I remember 
from all the times maem was..." she said quietly.

"Out of the room!" Ruth called out loudly.  "No men."

Mulder and Abram were startled into submission as they 
cleared the room and shut the door to the kitchen behind 

"Is this from...when you were caught in the barn?" Ruth 
asked as her face reddened.

"There's been no other, I would not..." Fannie cried.

"I know my girl, I know," Ruth cried with the child.  

"You did this test correctly?" Scully asked, trying to 
not betray her cover.  

"I read the instructions and followed was a 
smiling face," Fannie said as a new batch of sobs raked 
over her body.

"Okay, okay," Ruth said more to herself than anyone 
else.  "We must get another in town today, to know for 
sure.  We cannot wait to know this...we cannot."

"Let me get you a hot water bottle," Scully said rising 
from her spot next to the couch.

She went into the kitchen and warmed some water in 
silence while the two men in the room stood quietly and 
watched her.  When she re-entered the living room Ruth 
and Fannie were gone.  She mounted the stairs and found 
Fannie nestled into Mulder's bed, the covers pulled up 
to her chin as Ruth sang softly to her and stroked her 

Scully placed the water bottle under the covers and softly 
shut the door behind her.  She went downstairs and told 
Mulder and Abram that Fannie was resting.  The two men 
stood awkwardly looking at her, not sure what to do.  

"We need to go into town when the stores open to get a 
test to know for sure," Scully said as she paced the 

"Samuel will drive you out after morning chores," Abram 
said sadly.  "I hope she is wrong."

Mulder smiled softly at Scully, "I'll come and get you 
as soon as I can."

She returned his smile and set about making breakfast 
for everyone, partly because she knew it needed to be 
done and Ruth was busy, and partly because she didn't 
know what else to do.

Mulder and Abram returned a couple of hours later to 
eat and she watched as Abram quietly slipped upstairs 
to check on his grand daughter.  

"Where would they send her?" Mulder asked as he walked 
up to Scully.

"I don't know," Scully answered honestly. "But it's not 
her fault if she is pregnant."

"You know that, and I know that," Mulder reminded her.

Scully nodded her head as Mulder grabbed her hand in his.  

"I should be done by eight, I'll grab a quick bath and 
change and then we can be off."

"I'll have your bath ready," Scully said quietly, her 
thoughts elsewhere.  

"Scully..." Mulder said squeezing her hand.

"Don't let it get to your head," she smirked at him.  

Abram re-appeared in the kitchen and walked past them 
without noticing.  Mulder dropped her hand and followed 
him outside.  

Mulder arrived back at the house a quarter to eight 
just as Scully was starting to run his bath.  He walked 
into the washroom behind her and took a moment to admire 
the soft fall of her hips as she leaned over the tub to 
test the water.

"I know you're there," Scully said, scaring him a little.

"That's freaky, Scully," Mulder said as he walked closer 
to her and shut the door over to trap in the heat.

"I saw you in the taps," she turned to smile at him.

"Always doing surveillance," Mulder smirked at her.  He 
pulled his sweaty shirt from his body to reveal an even 
sweatier chest underneath.  "And unless you want the full 

Scully opened the door and walked out without a word 
from the washroom.  Mulder stripped down and slipped 

into the bath.  Relishing in the feel of the water on 
his sore bones but knowing the bath was merely 
utilitarian because there was a possibly pregnant 
rape victim in the other room that needed some 

He scrubbed himself off and quickly washed his hair with 
the harsh soap the Fisher's used.  Rising, wet from the 
tub, he towelled himself off and pulled on the clean 
clothes Scully had left for him on the chair in the room.  
Mulder thought that it would be easy to get used to being 
taken care like this.  

When he arrived downstairs Scully was waiting on the 
front porch wearing the same dress she wore the first 
day they arrived to the Fisher farm.  She looked anxious 
to leave and Mulder quickly walked past her to hitch the 
horse to the buggy.  Abram had shown him how to do this 
yesterday and despite an unresponsive horse, he managed 
to get it hitched quickly.  

They rode in relative silence all the way into town as 
cars raced past them on country roads.  Mulder saw one 
couple stop their car far ahead of them and wait for the 
buggy to catch up so they could take a picture of the 
Amish couple in the horse and buggy.  Scully laughed loudly 
after they passed the couple and Mulder joined in on the 
moment of light heartedness.  The couple in the car had 
waited to take a picture of two FBI agents posing as Amish.  

At the store Mulder insisted on joining Scully as she 
purchased the test and received looks of interest from 
the pharmacist and his assistant behind the counter.  
Not many Amish, he assumed, bought home pregnancy tests.  

On the street people took pictures of them and gawked at 
them as they loaded themselves back into the buggy.  

"It's like a circus," Scully muttered under her breath 
as Mulder hopped up next to her.

"You can see why they don't think much of us English," 
Mulder said as he started the buggy and they escaped 
back to the Fisher farm.


to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 6
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains 
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (Although it does fit 
with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip 
and Biogenesis
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  
I was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated 
with the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she 
asked me tons of questions about them once I mentioned I 
had encountered them a few times in my life.  I did some 
research and a story was born.  I'm writing this as a WIP, 
but those of you who know me know I NEVER leave a WIP 
unfinished (and I'm usually good about frequent posting).  
This is my first attempt at a case file so have patience 
with me.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Mulder sat on the sofa in the parlour with Abram waiting 
for the news.  Scully's sullen face when she entered the 
room told them both all they needed to know.  Fannie was 
pregnant as a result of her sexual assault almost ten 
weeks ago.  She was now an unmarried Amish woman who was 
over two months pregnant and she had run away from 
home.  The sound of a buggy pulling into their driveway 
caused all three people to look toward the front window.  
John and Hannah Miller had stopped in front of the house. 

Abram rose to greet them at the front door.  

"She's here," Abram said to the couple as they got out of 
the buggy.

"Thank Gott," Hannah said as she walked up the stairs.  

"She's upstairs with Ruth," Abram said as he placed a hand 
on her shoulder.  

John walked into the parlour and seemed surprised to find 
Miriam sitting on the sofa.  He immediately looked 
uncomfortable and started to shift his feet.  

"Miriam, can you get us some coffee?" Mulder asked her as 
he placed a hand on her arm.

She nodded towards him and exited the room, knowing John 
wanted privacy.

"She says she's with child," John said as he wiped his 
forehead and paced the room.  "With child and unmarried."

"John, you know she wouldn't do that of her own free will," 
Abram said as he gestured toward the chair.  "It was when 
she was forced in the barn."

"She must have...she must have been willing if she's now 
pregnant, women can't...if they are forced." John stammered.

"I don't think her will had much to do with it," Mulder 
interrupted.  "Women either get pregnant or they don't. has nothing to do with whether she agreed."

"How would you know?" John snapped.

"John, now is not the time..." Abram cautioned him.  
"You know she wouldn't run around so the only way...was 
in the barn."

"She won't say who it was...there's no one to take 
responsibility," John muttered.

"She can't marry the man," Abram said, stunned.

"Sometimes a boy gets carried away," John explained.  
"It doesn't mean he wouldn't be a good husband to 

"You want her to marry the man who did this to her?" 
Mulder asked, dumbfounded.

"He has responsibilities," John said matter-of-factly.  
"And if she won't say who it is...she can't stay here 
and have that...that bastard child."

"That poor child has been hurt, taken advantage of..." 
Abram muttered with teary eyes as he pointed upstairs 
to Fannie's room.  "You can't possibly blame her 
for...for this!"

"It was her body," John said, determined.  "She should 
have fought harder, she should have prayed more, maybe 
god thought she needed to be punished for...for 

"You need to leave, John," Abram said as he walked to 
the door and opened it.

Mulder wanted to grab him by the collar and throw him 
out himself but decided to let Abram deal with his own 
family.  Fighting was a very un-Amish way to behave.

"Abram, she will do as I expect," John said as he 
reached the door.  "I am her father."

"And you can walk away from that right now," Abram 
said softly.  "I will take responsibility for her 
and the child."

"It doesn't work that way and you know it," John said, 

"Then,  it needs to," Abram said as he turned his back 
and walked away from the door.

"Talk some sense into him," John implored Mulder.  
"You know how this works."

"Hannah!" John called loudly from the door.  "Time 
to go!"

With that, he walked out the door and to their buggy.  
Hannah scurried downstairs moments later and shut the 
door behind her.  Mulder stood in the living room 
aghast at what had just happened before his eyes.  
When Scully entered from the kitchen, all she saw 
was his upset expression.


to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 7
Author: Lolabeegood

Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains 
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (Although it does fit 
with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip 
and Biogenesis
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  
I was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated 
with the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she 
asked me tons of questions about them once I mentioned I 
had encountered them a few times in my life.  I did some 
research and a story was born.  I'm writing this as a WIP, 
but those of you who know me know I NEVER leave a WIP 
unfinished (and I'm usually good about frequent posting).  
This is my first attempt at a semi case file so have 
patience with me.

Feel free to write to me as the series progresses, I love

to hear what people like and don't like as I'm writing. 

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Mulder walked toward the house after another long day at 
work in the fields with Abram and the workers.  He could 
tell the older man was quite distracted throughout the 
day because he kept forgetting to do simple things.  
Abram forgot to call the men in for lunch for almost an 
hour after the usual time and everyone was starving by 
the time they reached Scully's table.  In the afternoon, 
he forgot to send a man to get more gas for the 
generator and they were out of juice by suppertime, 
when another farm hand needed to make an emergency trip.

As he walked toward the house he could think of nothing 
more than his soft bed.  Then, it occurred to him that 
his soft bed was now occupied by a young woman who 
desperately needed her grandparents.  To keep up the 
ruse, he should sleep with Scully, but Ruth and Abram 
wouldn't like that at all.  Mulder would have to talk 
with Abram when he got the chance.

Scully greeted him at the back door and he followed her 
eyes as they rested on Fannie sitting at the kitchen 
table cutting tomatoes for a salad.

"Hi Fannie," Mulder said as he took off his straw hat.

"Hi Mr. Toyler," Fannie said without raising her eyes 
to him.

"Just call me Samuel," Mulder said as he put his hat on 
the rack.  "If you are going to be staying here, Samuel 
is much easier."

"Fine, Samuel," Fannie said as she continued to chop.

"Are you hungry?" Scully asked him as she placed a hand 
on his chest.

"Starving," he smiled down at her.  "Is supper almost 

"There's a bath waiting for you upstairs," she said as 
she patted his chest.  "Get cleaned up quick and come 
down to eat."

"Thanks," Mulder sighed as he walked past her.  She 
watched as his walk seemed to drag; he wasn't as sprightly 
as he used to be.  Hard farm labour was taking its toll 
on him and it was starting to show.  She noticed the 
patch of red on the back of his neck that seemed to 
get brighter with each day.  She would have to help him 
with that.

"You are very lucky," Fannie said from her spot at the 
table.  "He looks at you with such love."

Scully cleared her throat and didn't respond.

"I'm sorry," Fannie apologized.  "I had no right to..."

"No, it's fine," Scully said looking at the young girl.  
"I'm just not used to someone being so frank."

"Oh," Fannie muttered.

"But I like it with you Fannie.  I feel like I can be 
myself with you." Scully smiled at her.

"Who else would you be?" Fannie asked.

"No one," Scully answered as she stirred the soup on 
the stove.

Within a half an hour Ruth, Abram, and Mulder had joined 
them in the kitchen for supper.  There was a weariness 
about everyone that could not be masked.  That, coupled 
with the worry over Fannie's child, made for a quiet and 
introspective supper.  After dinner Ruth helped Scully 
with the dishes and shooed Fannie out of the kitchen 
saying she needed her rest.

"Fannie seems happy here," Scully noted as Ruth handed 
her a glass.

"If John has his way, she'll go to school with the 
English and give her baby up for adoption," Ruth said 
as she grabbed another glass.

"What does Fannie want?" Scully asked.

"I don't think she wants anything but to not be in the 
barn that night," Ruth said as she shook her head.

"Did she say anything about her attacker?" Scully 

"No," Ruth said absently as she starred off into space.  
"We'll have to deliver the pies tomorrow."

"Uh, sure," Scully said as she noticed the woman's 
attention wane.

They continued to do dishes in silence.  

After the dishes were done Scully and Ruth made their 
way into the living room and sat with Mulder and Abram.

"Do you know how to sew?" Ruth asked Scully as she 
took up a basket.

"No," Scully replied.

"Knit?" Ruth asked.

"No," Scully said softly.  "I wasn't ever taught."

"Would you like to learn?" Ruth asked.

"I would," Scully said softly.  

"Good, because if you are here for a couple more weeks 
he'll need some repairs to his clothes," Ruth said 
nodding toward Mulder who was reading in the corner. 
"I will show you when Fannie isn't around."

"Hopefully we can meet more people in the community and 
find who is assaulting these women before it comes to 
that." Scully smiled at her.

"I wanted to talk with you two about Fannie staying with 
us," Abram said as he lowered the paper.

Mulder sat up a little straighter and felt as if he was 
about to be scolded.  

"With Fannie in the other bedroom, you two are going to 
have to share if you want her to believe you are 
married," Abram began.

"Abram, they can't," Ruth whispered.  "They're not 

Everyone looked toward the staircase and noted that the 
bath was running and Fannie wouldn't be able to hear 
their conversation.  "I realize that Ruth, but 
circumstances being what they are...we have no other 

"He could sleep on the sofa and get up before everyone 
else," Ruth offered.

"Abram, Ruth...Miriam and I are just..." Mulder started.

"It's settled," Abram said in a strong voice.  He then 
picked up his newspaper and started to read it again.

Ruth sat for a moment starring at his paper; she was 
clearly upset with his decision.  

Scully and Mulder both sat and waited to see if she 

would say or do anything more to voice her opinion.  
She put down her basket and started to walk from the 

"Good night," she said, and then she climbed the stairs 
to her bedroom.

"She'll be fine," Abram said from behind his newspaper.  
"You English do things differently than us, I'm sure 
you'll manage."

"We will, thank you," Scully said back to him.

An hour later Abram was mounting the stairs to his room 
and wishing them a pleasant sleep.  

"Maybe Ruth would feel better if I slept on the floor," 
Mulder said as he turned off a light.

"After all the work you do?" Scully said as she picked 
up her shawl.  "You need a good night's sleep and, no 
matter what ideas Ruth may have about us...we are just 
going to sleep."

"Party pooper," Mulder said as he followed her up the 

He and Scully got changed under cover of darkness and 
climbed into bed next to each other.  Mulder shifted 
and the springs creaked underneath them.  He shifted 
again and more springs creaked. The noise wasn't loud 
but it seemed that way in the quiet house.

"Stop moving around," Scully hissed.  "Or Ruth will 
not be able to sleep thinking you're stealing my 

"It's still available?" Mulder asked with a leer.

"Good night, Mulder," she said with a groan.

"It's a legitimate question after you brought it up 
and all," he said shifting onto his side to face 
her. The bed creaked again beneath him.

"Good night John boy," she said as she starred at 
the ceiling.

Mulder bounced his hip up and down on the bed making 
the springs squeak in a rhythmic pattern.

"Mulder, stop!" Scully snapped at him in a whisper.  

"Are you going to answer the question?" He asked 
ready to start the bouncing again if she gave the 
wrong answer.

"Of course it's not up for grabs you fool," she 
whispered as she swatted at him.

"There, was that so hard?" He said as she rolled onto 
his back again.  

"If you are going to be like this, you may just end 
up on the floor," she said as she giggled.

"Come on, you love it," he said with a chuckle.  

"Goodnight, Mulder," she said with a yawn.

The two agents fell asleep rather quickly and when 
four am came and Abram knocked on their door, Mulder 
found himself cuddled up to Scully who was drooling  
on his arm.  He carefully pulled away from her and 
got dressed for the day.  


to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 8
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays 
attached and the work remains 
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (although it does 
fit with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field 
Trip and Biogenesis
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  
I was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated 

with the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she 

asked me tons of questions about them once I mentioned I 
had encountered them a few times in my life.  I did some 
research and a story was born.  I'm writing this as a WIP, 
but those of you who know me know I NEVER leave a WIP 
unfinished (and I'm usually good about frequent posting).  
This is my first attempt at a semi case file so have 
patience with me.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Dana Scully sat on the bench at the back of a wagon bumping 
along the various dirt roads in their farming community.  
It was a warm day already at 10 am and Scully absently 
wondered how Mulder was doing in the fields.  At breakfast 
she had taken some time while he was eating to pin a 
handkerchief to the inside of his straw hat so that it 
fell over the back of his neck while he was working; she 
wanted to circumvent further sun damage.   He seemed touched 
by the action and, much to Ruth's chagrin, gave her a hug 
before he left to go back to work.

"We don't do that in public," Ruth had said to her as they 
cleared the table.  "Plain people keep those things in 
their bedrooms."

Scully had not responded to her, thinking it was ridiculous 
that a husband and wife could not hug in public, but knowing 
she was in a very different world right now. 

They had visited Mrs. Hilty, an older woman who lived by 
herself with a lot of support from her neighbours.  She and 
her husband had not been 'blessed' with children so the 
community took care of her in her old age.  Scully was sure 
she was not the rapist. 

They had also visited the Zook family and, although Scully 
had only spent a few minutes in the company of Mr. Zook she 
didn't think he fit Mulder's profile, nor did she get any 
sort of odd feeling about him.  

Ruth thought it was preposterous that anyone from their 
community could be doing this; she thought it had to be an 
English coming into their community and bringing this 
horrible behaviour.  But, Mulder's profile was clear; it 
was someone from this close-knit community who had assaulted 
six women in the last year.  Two of the women were married, 
three were engaged and one was neither.  Fannie had been the 
last women who had reported an assault.  Mulder also thought 
there had been more women, they just hadn't reported the 
assault to anyone for fear of how the community would look 
at them.  He estimated there were at least 3 more women, if 
not more, who had kept their assault a secret.  

"This is the Lapp farm; the woman's name is Katie" Ruth said 
as she turned to look at Scully.  "After this we need to go 
home and prepare lunch for the men."

Scully nodded her head in acknowledgement and tucked a lose 

strand of brown hair behind her ear.  She absently wondered 
if she should keep her hair brown for a while, change things 
up.  Mulder hadn't said anything about her colour change 
except that she would fit in better that way.

The buggy came to a halt in front of the house and Scully 
stretched her back before rising to allow Willis, Fannie's 
fifteen year old brother, help her get down.  Fannie had 
asked to stay home today, citing general unhappiness as 
her reason for not coming.  Ruth had tried to insist that 
it would help her mood to visit others, but Fannie said 
she would just upset everyone.  Scully weighed her options 
and felt Fannie would not divulge much more but visiting 
people in the community might turn up some information they 
could use in their investigation.  

Scully was fixing her skirts when she heard the pleasant 
voice of another woman.

"Ruth, I heard you were making your pies," the woman said 

"Yes, and I have a couple for you, Katie" Ruth smiled back 
as she walked toward the woman and handed her one pie.  Scully 
reached into the wagon and grabbed a second before she 

"You must be Miriam," Katie smiled at Scully.  "I've heard 
a lot about your husband from my young Isaac."

Scully just nodded her head and bowed her eyes.

"Come on and get out that sun," she said to Scully with an 
outstretched arm.  "Your cheeks are already getting pink."

"So Isaac has been talking about Samuel?" Ruth asked as she 
stepped inside.

"It's like he's never met anyone new before!" Katie laughed 

as she walked them into her plain living room.  Katie carried 
the pie in her hands to the kitchen and Scully followed 
her with the second one.  The placed them on the counter and 
returned to the living room.  

"According to Isaac," Katie continued as Scully followed her 
back into the living room, "Samuel is a very good worker and 
he told nice Bible stories to Isaac while they were in the 
fields.  Isaac said, he said them word-for-word like he was 
reading them, but in his head.  He said working with Samuel 
made the day go by so quickly he was surprised when it was 

"Samuel knows his Bible very well," Scully said softly as her 
mind reeled about how Mulder knew stories from it so well.

"Well, we are all happy he is helping Abram, but Isaac is 
also happy to have a new friend," Katie said as she took 
a seat.

Scully went and sat next to Ruth on the couch.  The room 
was plain but had more touches of colour than Ruth's house.  
A sunflower pillow here and a pink lamp there made the 
room seem brighter somehow.  She wondered it the happiness 
came from Katie's jovial personality as well.  Up until now, 
all the Amish women Scully had met had seemed so sombre; 
Katie was the first woman who seemed truly happy.  

"I hope all this work is not too taxing on Samuel," Katie 
said.  "I heard he was quite sick for a number of years."

"Yes, he was," Scully said as she prepared for the story 
she knew she was expected to give.  "But he had an 
operation and he's better now."

"An operation?" Katie asked, intrigued.

"He had a tumour in his brain and that made him have 'fits' 
for many years.  Everyone thought it was just how he was, 
and then...then we discovered it was something else, 
something that could be fixed."

"So he doesn't have fits anymore?" Katie asked.

"Not for two years," Scully smiled at Katie.  "As soon as 
he was better from the operation we prepared to marry."

"You waited all those years?  How could you be sure he'd 
be better?"

"I wasn't," Scully said to her lap more than to anyone 
else.  "He wouldn't marry as long as he was sick.  He 
wanted to provide for his family and not be a burden to 
them.  So, I waited for seven years, and he tried to get 
me to marry another."

Katie touched her chest and Scully knew that she was 
taken with her story.

"But I only wanted to marry Samuel and if I couldn't..." 
Scully paused to seemingly collect her thoughts.  "So he 
talked with some English doctors and they did some tests 
and they found out they could fix it."

"He let the English fix the fits?" Katie asked, intrigued 
by the story.

"He said if I was going to insist on marrying him, he was 
going to have to do whatever it took to make sure that 
happened," Scully smiled to herself.

"Ruth, did you hear that?" Katie swooned.  

"I am glad the English made him well," Ruth replied as 
she sat uncomfortably next to Scully.

"And you married in November?" Katie asked as her eyes 
fell onto Scully's thin body.

"We lost one in the spring," Scully explained with her 
eyes downcast and teary as she thought of Emily, who 
she lost a year and a half ago, "A girl."

"God will bless you with healthy children," Katie smiled 
at Scully.  

The room fell into silence for a minute before Katie 
rose from her seat.  "Let me get everyone some tea."

Ruth rose to help but Scully placed a hand on her arm.  

"I'll help," she said softly.

She followed Katie into her kitchen and immediately 
started to fill the kettle as Katie got out some tea 

"We need to have you and Samuel over for dinner this 
week," Katie said as she turned to face Scully.  "Isaac 
will be happy with that."

"We don't want to burden..." Scully began.

"Nonsense," Katie said as she put a tea bag in a pot.  
"How about Saturday?"

"I will check with Ruth, but..."

"They will come too," Katie said as if it was a given.  

"Okay, that sounds wonderful," Scully smiled at her.

The next hour flew past with Katie telling stories of 
times in their youth when she and Ruth got into 
trouble.  Ruth seemed more and more embarrassed with 
each story and almost jumped at the chance to leave 
when she realized they had to get back to make 

Once they got home Ruth and Scully set to work, quickly 
making lunches for the men, who would be back at the 
house expecting to eat in a half hour.  

"You have lost a child," Ruth said to Scully as she cut 
the bread for the sandwiches.  

"My daughter, Emily," Scully said once the initial shock 
of Ruth's question wore off.  "It will be two years this 

"How old was she when she died?" Ruth asked as she 
continued to cut.

"Four," Scully said softly, unsure of where this line 
of conversation was going.

"My son was twenty," Ruth said.  "There were six other 
babies, some weren't alive when they were born...others 
only lived a short while."

"I'm so sorry, Ruth," Scully said turning to face the 
women as she worked.  

"That's why we only had the two...we wanted more, but 
God must have thought we had enough loss."

Scully didn't know what to say to comfort the woman.  
She had lost six babies and her son, now her 
relationship with her only daughter could be falling 

"I have the pickled beans," Fannie interrupted her 
train of thought as she entered the kitchen.  

"Miriam will help you set the table while I finish in 
here," Ruth said as she continued to cut the bread that 
would go along with the vegetable soup they had made 


Mulder's ears had been peaked for the last forty minutes 
as he waited for the lunch pot to bang calling all the 
men in from their work.  He was hungry but he also hoped 
to get Scully alone for a minute and talk with her about 
someone he met that he wanted to make their first suspect.  

Isaac Lapp had taken to Mulder from the moment they met.  

At first Mulder thought it was the intrigue of being a 

stranger in this small community; the twenty year old 
probably had little excitement in his life.  Then, later 
this morning, Mulder had discovered the real reason for 
Isaac's friendship; his older brother was an asshole.

Isaac had been working on Abram's farm for five years.  
The Lapp family were the butchers of the community and 
with no shortage of boys, 6 in all, there was very little 
work left when Isaac came of age.  So, he got a job with 
Abram and seemed to be happy with the arrangement.  

Mulder quite liked the young man.  He was very innocent 
but interested in the world around them.  He readily 
asked questions Mulder wouldn't expect an Amish boy to 
ask and seemed extremely bright for his age.  Mulder 
thought it was too bad he stopped his education at 

fourteen, like most Amish boys, because he was probably 
smart enough to go to college.  

He had asked Mulder questions incessantly for the first 
day.  Had he ever ridden in a car?  Did he want a large 
family one day?  How had he proposed to Miriam?  Did he 
ever want to be anything but a farmer?

Mulder had answered his questions with good Amish 
answers.  No, he had not ridden in a car but his best 
friend had and said it was scary how fast they went.  
Yes, he wanted a large family but he also didn't want 
Miriam taxed with too many children to handle so he 
would let her decide when they stopped.  He proposed to 
Miriam one evening as the sun was setting and they were 
walking by a river near her parent's house.  No, he 
didn't want to be anything but a farmer and he couldn't 
imagine any other life for himself.

After one day of non-stop questions Mulder had decided 
it would be easier to tell him some Bible stories he had 
memorized then constantly think of good Amish answers 
instead of the ones he wanted to say.  Yes, he drove a 
car all the time and part of him missed it.  No, he didn't 
want a large family, or maybe any kids at all.  He had 
proposed to Scully once over the phone as a joke but 
thought that if he tried something like that again, he'd 
want it to be serious and well-thought out.  Yes, 
although being a farmer for a while was an interesting 
idea, he would be excited to put on a suit and wear a 
gun again. 

He was in the middle of another Bible story about 
stealing when Jacob Lapp seemed to pop up from nowhere.  

"So, much talking...are you getting any work done?" He 
asked sternly as he rounded the corner of the barn.

"We're working," Isaac bristled.  "Samuel, this is my 
brother Jacob." 

"Nice to meet you," Mulder said as he extended a hand.

Jacob gripped his hand with sheer brute force and shook 
it to the point where Mulder winced in pain.

"You don't have enough calluses to be a farmer," Jacob 
said as he released his hand.

"There's a farm in Norwalk that says otherwise," Mulder 
smiled at the man, immediately disliking him.

"You and your wife staying for long?" Jacob asked.

"As long as Abram needs us," Mulder said as he 
straightened to tower over Jacob.  "We hope not into 
the winter though."

"Once harvest is done Abram will be fine with my soft 
brother," Jacob said as he punched Isaac hard in the 

"Owww," Isaac said as he rubbed his shoulder.

"Mom needs you to bring home some beans for her salad 
tonight, and some more milk," Jacob said looking over 
at Isaac who was tinkering with a piece of farming 
equipment.Isaac just nodded his head.

"Did you hear me?" Jacob asked as he smacked Isaac 
upside the head.

"I did, I did," Isaac said as he held the side of his 

"Isaac, if you don't look at do I know you 
hear me?" Jacob said with a snap to his words.

"I'll bring the beans and the milk," Isaac said as he 
looked straight at his brother.

"Good," Jacob said as he adjusted his suspenders.  
"I gotta get back to slaughtering a pig...real man's 

Mulder noted the way he directed that at Jacob.

"Good day Samuel," Jacob said as he turned to walk 
away. Mulder nodded to his back.

"He always that pleasant?" Mulder asked when Jacob 
was far enough away.

"This is a good day," Isaac said shyly as he walked 
toward his tool belt.


to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 9
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays 
attached and the work remains unchanged.

Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (although it does 
fit with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field 
Trip and Biogenesis
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish 
Country causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover 
and test the limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on 
vacation.  I was in Scotland when I met a woman who 
was fascinated with the Amish and Mennonites of North 
America and she asked me tons of questions about them 
once I mentioned I had encountered them a few times in 
my life.  I did some research and a story was born.  
I'm writing this as a WIP, but those of you who know me 
know I NEVER leave a WIP unfinished (and I'm usually 
good about frequent posting).  This is my first attempt 
at a semi case file so have patience with me.

Feel free to write me as I go along and let me know what
you think.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Someone had finally called them in for lunch and Mulder 
couldn't reach the house quick enough.  His eyes caught 
Scully's as soon as he reached the yard, and, as was 
the case over their years of being partners, she read 
in his eyes exactly what she needed to do.  He went into 
the barn and grabbed a clean shirt, but instead of 
changing there walked with the clean shirt to the side 
of the Fisher's main house.  Scully tracked him and, 
instead of putting out more lemonade, walked around to 
the other side of the house to meet up with him.  

"We have to check out Jacob Lapp," Mulder said quietly 
as he walked up to her on the porch.  

"I was just at the Lapp farm today.  I met Katie Lapp 
and she seemed very nice.  Is he her husband or...?"

"A son," Mulder said as he unbuttoned his dirty shirt.  
"He's Isaac's older brother and he's a real piece of 

"That doesn't make him our suspect," Scully whispered 
as she looked around to make sure no one was near.

"He's an alpha male with homophobic language," Mulder 
said as he took off his shirt and threw it over the 

"We're invited to the Lapp's for dinner on Saturday," 
Scully said as she watched him reach for his old shirt 
and attempt to towel off the sweat on his chest a 
little before donning the clean shirt.  "It will give 
us a chance to get to know them better."

"So there was nothing about..." Mulder stopped mid 
sentence when he heard a floorboard creak on the porch.  
He heard another, and then another and realized someone 
was walking right towards them.  

He grabbed Scully by the shoulders and pulled her into 
a passionate kiss.  His reasoning behind the action was 
that, although Amish people don't generally kiss like 
that on porches, it would be less suspicious then a 
husband and wife meeting in secret to talk.  If it was 
Ruth or Abram they would explain, if it wasn't, it would 
protect their cover.

Scully, although initially shocked by his action, 
returned the kiss and placed her hands on his bare chest 
which turned him on even more and caused him to pull her
even closer to him.  

"Oh, sorry," Fannie said as she rounded the corner and 
caught the couple in the act.

"Fannie, oh no," Scully said pulling away from Mulder 
and blushing.  

"I'll go," Fannie said as her face turned six shades 
of red.  

"Fannie, we didn't know..." Scully started to explain.

Fannie practically ran down the steps.  When she was 
out of sight Scully turned to see a grinning Mulder.

"Protecting our cover, were you?" She asked with a 
raised eyebrow.

"All in the interest of solving the case," he said as 
he reached for his clean shirt and put it on.

"I wish it wasn't Fannie," Scully said as she looked 
around the porch corner at the larger group.

"I'm just glad she didn't hear our conversation," Mulder 
said as he did up his buttons.  "She was walking too 
quickly towards us to do anything else."

"We can't meet like this again," she said as she 
continued to watch the men take their seats.

"Oh, I don't know," Mulder said as he walked up closely 
behind her and placed his hands on her waist.  "This 
meeting kind of enhances a somewhat tiresome work 

"Samuel," she said as she stepped free from him.  
"I have to get back to work, and so do you."

Scully walked away from him and when Mulder looked 
around the corner he saw Ruth standing on the stairs 
waiting for him to emerge.  She shook her head and 
walked into the house.

Mulder put on his straw hat, grabbed his dirty shirt, 
and walked toward the table where everyone was assembled.  
Lunch went on as usual with Scully, Ruth and Fannie 
tending to the needs of the men.  Filling plates, glasses, 
cutting more bread, and getting more soup for them as 
needed.  Mulder did notice that Fannie seemed to steer 
clear of him, as did Ruth.  It was up to Scully to heap 
more food onto his plate and put more lemonade in his glass.  
He always felt awkward about this situation but knew that 
he couldn't do anything about the roles they needed to play.  

After lunch Mulder changed his shirt in the barn with the 
other men and went back to work in the fields leaving Scully 
behind to deal with both Fannie and Ruth.


She was shaking the table cloth out with little luck when 
Fannie came up and grabbed the other side.   The shook the 
table cloth together and then the two women folded it.

"Fannie, about earlier..." Scully started.

Fannie waved a dismissive hand at her.  "He is your husband 
and you are his wife."

"But I want you to understand that we don't normally act 
like that around each other, outside, where others could 
walk in on us."

Fannie just nodded her head and said nothing.  

"We've only been married nine months and we waited so long 
to get married that...sometimes..."

"You are new to each other still," Fannie said matter-of-

"Yes," Scully sighed, relieved Fannie knew what she was 
trying to explain.  

"It would be nice to be such a shiny penny for someone that 
they couldn't stand being away from you," Fannie said 

"Fannie, you will be..."

"No, I won't," Fannie said as she tugged at the edge of the 
table cloth she was holding.  "Everyone knows I am not so 
shiny, and when this baby comes...I will be with the 

"You don't have to be, you could..."

"Move to another community?  No.  My family is here, and 
people in a new community will still know, we always do.  
Maybe my family will take me back if I repent for..."

"You were forced," Scully said softly as she held Fannie's 
shoulders.  "It wasn't your fault, you didn't do anything 
to deserve..."

"God thought I did," Fannie said as she looked into 
Scully's eyes.

"I don't think God had anything to do with this," Scully 
said softly.  "He would not want you harmed.  Fannie, the 
man who did this to you is the only one responsible for 
what happened and if you say who he..."

"I don't know!" Fannie cried.  "I don't know!"

"Okay, okay," Scully said as she looked at the pain in 
the girl's eyes.  She pulled Fannie toward her and said 
soothing words of comfort.  "It's going to be alright."

She didn't believe the words as they passed her lips but 
she knew she had to say something to her; something that, 
even if a lie, could make things better in the moment.

to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 10
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains unchanged.
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (although it does fit 
with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip 
and Biogenesis
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  
I was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated 
with the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she 
asked me tons of questions about them once I mentioned 
I had encountered them a few times in my life.  I did 
some research and a story was born.  I'm writing this 
as a WIP, but those of you who know me know I NEVER 
leave a WIP unfinished (and I'm usually good about 
frequent posting).  This is my first attempt at a semi 
case file so have patience with me.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


The rest of the week went by without incident.  Mulder 
worked with the men in the fields hearing more and more 
about Jacob Lapp that he didn't like, and Scully worked 
in the house with Ruth and Fannie cooking, cleaning, 
sewing and washing.  Scully had visited several other 
farm families to deliver pies and had not come across 
anyone else suspicious.  Mulder was going to deliver the 
milk with Isaac next week and hoped to meet more people 
in their community that way.  Tomorrow was Sunday and 
they would be introduced to the community and have a 
chance to socialize.  It was a perfect opportunity to 
check everyone out.

Each night, after a hard days work,  Mulder crawled 
wearily into bed next to Scully; they both fell asleep 
quickly and each morning he found himself more and more 
entangled with her when he woke.  It started out with 
simple cuddling, then one morning he found her almost 
lying completely on top of him, then another morning her 
hand was under his shirt and on his bare chest, finally 
on Saturday morning he had woke up with a huge erection 
and his hand on her breast outside her nightgown. Things 
had been changing rapidly between them over the course 
of a week and it didn't just involve their sleeping 

He found himself, without the distractions of the modern 
world, noticing more about her.  He had always thought 
she was a beautiful woman but since coming to the farm, 
he had noticed a kind of natural beauty about her 
movements.  She was graceful in everything she did, whether 
it was rolling out a pie crust, pouring lemonade or 
learning to cross stitch.  She attacked everything with 
intensity but her movements were always slow and graceful.   
She looked at him differently as well, and did small things 
to make his life easier.  Whether it was pinning a 
handkerchief to the inside of his hat to protect his neck, 
or placing a small helping of green beans on his plate 
because she knew he didn't like them; she was always 
looking out for him.  She made a great wife, by Amish 
standards, and he tried to tell her that without seeming 

He crept into their bedroom and tried to grab a clean shirt 
from the drawer as quietly as possible.

"What are you doing?" She groaned as she rolled over to look 
at him.  

"Just getting a shirt," he whispered.  "Go back to sleep."

"Wait," she said as she sat upright in bed.  "What time is 

"It's just after eight but..." he started to tell her.

"I've gotta help Ruth with breakfast," she said in a flurry 
as the blankets were thrown off and she jumped from bed.  
"Why didn't someone wake me?"

He walked over to her and held her by the shoulders.  "Scully, 
its Saturday...the cows are milked and there are no other 
chores today.  Abram and Ruth have left with Fannie to 
visit her parents."

"I didn't make breakfast," she said wiping sleep from her eyes 
and still not understanding what he was saying.

"Ruth made breakfast for them and I asked that you sleep in.  
I said I'd eat with you." Mulder clarified.

"What do you want for breakfast?" She asked as she stifled 
a yawn.

"I'll make something for myself later, right now I just 
wanted to get some clean clothes and have a bath before I 
crawled back in that bed and went back to sleep."

"When are they coming back?" Scully asked as she looked 
longingly at the bed.

"Not until the afternoon, I think," Mulder said with a 
smirk.  "We can get a few hours in if I hurry."

"Mulder, I'll get up and leave you the bed, I'm sure you 
want to..."

"Do what you like Scully, but it's big enough for two and I 
don't mind sharing," he said as he grabbed an undershirt and 
underpants and walked from the room.

She stood for moment thinking about what she should do and 
what she'd like to do.  She should get cleaned up and surprise 
Ruth with homemade cookies but the five am wake up calls were 
taking their toll on her...

Scully walked back toward the bed and got in on the left 
side.  She pulled the quilt over her body and snuggled into 
the pillow.  She sighed contentedly and fell asleep.  When 
Mulder walked in twenty minutes later she was fast asleep.  
He crawled carefully into his side of the bed and, he too, 
fell asleep within seconds.  

When Scully woke a few hours later, it was the sound of 
horse's hooves in the lane that caused her to stir.  She pulled 
Mulder's hand away from her waist and got out of bed to 
look out the window.  A man in his early twenties was pulling 
up in front of the Fisher house and unloading some things 
wrapped in paper.  Scully pulled on her bathrobe and 
scurried downstairs.  

"I'm Miriam Troyler," she said as she exited the house.

The young man turned and was surprised to see a woman dressed 
in her bathrobe at noon hour.  Her head did not have a bonnet 
on it and her brown hair was stirring in the wind around her.

"I'm Jacob Lapp," he said jumping from the back of the buggy.  
"I'm delivering some meat to the Fisher's."

"Oh, Ruth didn't mention you'd be dropping by," Scully said 
as her ears perked at the man's name.  

"They probably thought you'd bring it home after supper but 
I was in the area and...are you sick?"

It was then that Scully noticed she was standing very un-Amish 
like in her bathrobe with her hair askew.

"Yes," she smiled at Jacob.  "I've been in bed all morning with 
an upset stomach."

"I hope you are still going to make supper," Jacob smiled nicely 
at her.

"I hope so too," Miriam said as she returned his smile. "Let me 
help you with..."

"If you'll just get the door, I can do the rest," Jacob said 

He hoisted a leg, possibly one belonging to a lamb, over his 
shoulder and walked behind Scully up the stairs.  She opened the 
door and he walked straight back toward the kitchen, obviously 
familiar with the Fisher house.  

"They left you all alone?" Jacob asked as he put the meat wrapped 
in paper down on the counter.  There was something about the way 
he said it that sent a chill down her spine.

"I, uh..." Scully stammered.

"Hello again, Jacob," Mulder suddenly said behind her.  She turned 
to see him buttoning up his shirt and pulling up his suspenders.

"I see you're home too," Jacob said to Mulder.

"I was taking the opportunity to have a nap," Mulder said as he put 

a hand on Scully's shoulder.  

She immediately began to blush and looked at the floor.  

"I'll...I'll get out of your way then," Jacob said as he was 
confronted with the knowledge that he had interrupted the couple 
in bed.  "You'll get that into cold storage?"

"We'll take care of it," Mulder said as he turned to face Jacob.  

"Thanks for delivering."

"You're welcome," Jacob said as he looked Mulder right in the eye 
"I'll see you at supper."

"We'll be there," Mulder said confidently.  

Jacob walked briskly from the house and his wagon was off and down 
the dirt driveway quickly.  

"I don't like him," Scully said as she watched his wagon disappear 
from the kitchen window.

"Neither do I, but that doesn't make him our rapist," Mulder said 
as he came up behind her to look out the window as well.  

She turned to face him, "a little male posturing?" 

"Who me?" Mulder smiled down at her.

"Yes, you.  I thought you were still asleep."

"I noticed a familiar warmth missing," he said as he looked down 
at her.  

"Speaking of that familiar warmth, I think maybe we should put some 
pillows down the middle of the bed, if Ruth or Abram were to walk 
in they would get the wrong idea."

"You mean when you climb on top of me while you sleep?" Mulder 
asked with a grin.

"I never!" Scully said shocked.  

"You do, and I wake up to find you in some very interesting 
positions in the morning," he smiled again at her.

"Now you're just trying to get me riled," she said as she walked 
away from him.

"Tomorrow morning I'll wake you up the second my eyes open, I won't 
move a thing and you tell me things aren't awfully cosy in that 
bed," he said as he grabbed an apple off the table.  

"I think you will find Mulder," she said as she took out some eggs, 
"that it is you, not me, that is..."

"What's the bet?" Mulder asked.

"What do you mean, what's the bet?" She asked.

"What do I get if I'm right?" He asked.

"What do you want?" She asked as she crossed her hands over her 

"That's a dangerous question to ask, Scully," he leered.


"Swimming.  You and I go swimming tomorrow at a small lake on the 
edge of the Fisher's farm."

"I don't have a suit, Amish women don't swim," she said haughtily.

"Wear your underwear if you like, but I could use a nice cool swim," 
he said as he took another bite.

"My underwear is all white cotton and when it gets wet...I might 
as well not wear anything," she said.

"Do whatever you like Scully, wear the underpants or nothing.  I 
promise not to look." he smiled.

She stopped and considered the bet.

"What do I get?" She asked.

"What do you want?"

"A foot rub every night for a week, no matter how tired you are when 
we go to bed," she said with a smile.

"Deal," he said as he stretched out a hand.

"Deal," she said as she took it.

"I better get this big hunk of meat in their cold house before it 
rots," he said as he lifted the leg over his shoulder.

"I'll make us some eggs," she said as she got out a frying pan.

Mulder walked to the cold house thinking that either way, he won 
the bet.


to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 11
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains 
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (although it does fit with 
the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip and 
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  
I was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated 
with the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she 
asked me tons of questions about them once I mentioned 
I had encountered them a few times in my life.  I did 
some research and a story was born.  I'm writing this as 
a WIP, but those of you who know me know I NEVER leave a 
WIP unfinished (and I'm usually good about frequent 
posting).  This is my first attempt at a semi case file 
so have patience with me.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Fannie sat knitting nervously in the living room.  The 
visit with her parents had, apparently, not gone well.  
Scully got only a few details from Ruth but, in essence, 
John had expected Fannie would say who her attacker 
was so he could approach the young man's family about 
marriage.  A very un-Amish-like argument had ensued 
between Abram and John that caused both Fannie and 
Hannah to cry and they had left early.  The Fishers had 
arrived back at the farm just after Jacob Lapp had made 
his exit.  

Now Scully and Fannie sat with Ruth in the living room 
waiting for Mulder and Abram to return after closing up 
the barn for the night.  They were going to the Lapps 
for supper so the Fishers could visit with their 
neighbours and Scully and Mulder could investigate 
Jacob Lapp.  It was a great opportunity for Mulder to 

see if he fit the profile he had developed for the case.

"Let's go," Abram said as he walked through the back door 
followed by Mulder.

All of the Fishers seemed to be in a bad mood this evening 
and Scully hoped that they would be able to keep Fannie 
with them and not return her to her parents.  So far, 
Fannie had either refused, or been unable, to identify 
her attacker.  The idea of forcing the young girl to 
marry her attacker sickened Scully to the point she could 
not think about it without getting angry and upset.

"I won't be coming with you," Fannie said softly as she 
continued to knit.  

"You are," Ruth said sternly to her.  "We can't have 
people talking...not with the way things are."

"I won't be good company tonight and I don't feel well," 
Fannie said softly.

"Is it your stomach?" Ruth asked as her concern grew.

"It's everything," Fannie said as a tear streaked down 
her cheek.

"With what you've been through," Scully said as she 
leaned forward and placed a hand on Fannie's knee.  
"It's completely understandable."

Everyone was quiet for a minute, wondering what was 
going to happen.

"I don't want you staying by yourself," Abram said 
from the doorway.

"I'll stay with her," Ruth said.

"I don't know if you should stay home without a man 
in the house," Abram amended.

"We'll be fine," Ruth said facing her husband.  "We'll 
lock the doors and only open them for you."

"Maybe we should cancel with the Lapps," Scully 
offered as she saw Mulder's face fall.  As much as he 
wouldn't want anyone upset, he also wanted to speak 
with Jacob Lapp a little more.

"No," Abram said.  "I'll go with you to their 
won't be a late night."

"We won't be long," Mulder assured them as he gestured 
for Scully to join him.

Abram, Mulder and Scully made their way by buggy to the 
Lapp farm down the road.  It wasn't far away but 
because they were returning after dark, a buggy was 

"The Lapps have a large family," Abram began as they 
bumped down the road.  "They have six sons; four of them 
are married with their own farms.  I don't know if any of 
those families will be joining us tonight."

"So, it could be quite the party," Mulder said.

"It could be a lot of people at supper," Abram said to 
him in all seriousness.

"Abram, what do you know of the Lapps?" Scully leaned 
forward and asked.

"They butcher good meat and their youngest Isaac is a 
good worker, I like him a lot."

"What about Jacob?" Mulder asked.

"I don't know him so well...he doesn't seem like a very 
happy man and then there have been the cancelled 

"Cancelled engagements?" Scully asked.

"He has been engaged twice and both times it was called 
off by the bride."

"What happened to the girls?" Scully asked.

"One married his older brother, Luke, instead.  The other 
girl has not married another since." Abram said.

"Does that happen often in this community?" Mulder 

"There have been times where the bride and groom have 
decided against marriage for various reasons but..."

"What  reasons?" Mulder interrupted.

"We don't really talk about such things," Abram said 


"But, there are reasons, yes?" Mulder pushed forward.  

"Maybe they don't get along as well as they should, or 
maybe there are too many problems between the families, 
or maybe they have not been honest and love another," 
Abram offered. "Plain people marry for life...not like 
the English."

"You know Abram, not all English divorce," Mulder said 
as he sat back.

"Isn't the English average fifty percent?" Abram said 
in a self-satisfied way.

"Actually I think it's more than fifty percent now," 
Scully smiled over at him.

"Thank you, Miriam," Abram smiled back at her.

Mulder sat between the two of them, silent.

When they arrived to the Lapp farm there was a buggy 
in the driveway.  

"One of the other boys must be joining us," Abram 
explained as Mulder helped Scully from the buggy.

"Hello and welcome!" A man called from the top of 
the staircase.

"Mark Lapp," Abram smiled at the man.  "This is my 
nephew Samuel Troyler and his wife Miriam."

"We were so glad you could come," he smiled at them.

Scully noticed that he seemed to share his wife's 
exuberance for life and she was happy the evening would 
not be sombre.  She was starting to feel quite 
melancholy herself and needed a little more sunshine 
around her.

Mulder climbed the stairs and shook Mark's hand, 
Scully just nodded at him and let her eyes fall to 
the ground.

"Isaac has spoken about you," Mark said as he looked 
at Mulder. "He's quite taken with you."

"He's a great young man," Mulder smiled at him.

"Come in Miriam," Mark gestured toward the house.  
"Is Ruth not...?"

"She's not well tonight," Abram said succinctly.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear," Mark said as he followed 
them inside.

Katie and Isaac greeted them happily and introduced 
them to Luke and his wife Martha.  Both Mulder and 
Scully were disappointed that Jacob didn't seem to 
be joining them as he was the primary reason they 
had come over.  

They sat and talked for a while and Mulder found both 
Katie, Mark and Luke to be friendly and open; hiding 
nothing as they spoke.  He understood where Isaac got 
his open and friendly nature.  It made it more 
difficult to understand how Jacob was such an 
asshole though.  It didn't fit his profile.  Martha 
on the other hand, seemed reclusive and quiet, which 
was not strange among Amish women so it wasn't 

"Sorry, I'm late," Jacob called from the kitchen.

Mulder and Scully exchanged looks; the night was not 
a waste of time after all.

"Now, we can eat," Katie said standing.  

Martha immediately followed her into the kitchen as 
did Scully.  Scully understood that, even as guests, 
the women were expected to place all the food on the 

Scully spooned the potatoes into a dish while Katie 
pulled the meat out from inside the oven.  Martha 
assembled a salad and Jacob seemed to roam around 

"Let us have some room to work," Katie admonished 
him as he picked up a green bean and ate it.

Martha seemed to stiffen slightly as he walked 
behind her and, Scully noticed, he seemed to linger 
there for a little too long.  

"Glad you could join us tonight," Jacob said to 

Scully just nodded and walked the potatoes to the 
table.  There was something very creepy about Jacob 
and she hoped they would get some more information 
about him they could use.

Everyone sat for dinner and, after the blessing, 
food started to get passed around.  

"So you're raising a barn after the winter?" Mark 
asked Mulder.

"Yes, we've waited so long that the spring cannot 
come quick enough," Mulder smiled.

"Miriam told me about your medical issues," Katie 
smiled at the couple.  "It's quite romantic that she 
waited for you."

"There was no convincing Miriam otherwise," Mulder 
said as he smiled at Scully.

"It must be difficult, starting so late," Mark noted.  
"You have a home to make, a barn to raise, a farm to 
start and you are years older then most couples in 
your shoes."

"We're up for the challenge," Mulder said as he took 
Scully's hand.  

"And you're feeling better Miriam?" Jacob asked

"Yes," Scully said as she bowed her head.

"You weren't well?" Katie asked.

"I was under the weather this morning," Scully 
admitted. "But I am much better now."

"Samuel helped her feel better," Jacob smiled at her 
across the table.

Mulder's head snapped up and he glared at Jacob.  
Scully's faced turned six shades of red, but no one 
else seemed to notice except Martha who met Scully's 
eyes and then quickly looked away.  Scully realized in 
that moment that she needed to talk with Martha 

The rest of the dinner conversation consisted of 

farming talk about crops, cattle, dairy, and the 
harvest which was soon approaching.  Mulder's 
knowledge of farming seemed to be quite substantial as 
he heartily took part in the conversation and seemed 
like a regular farmer.  All of the women sat quietly 
at the table and the only time they seemed to talk 
was to ask for things to be passed between them.  

Both Mulder and Scully noticed that Jacob was surly 
and that when he did participate in conversation he 
seemed to disagree with the other men.  No one else 
at the table seemed to notice his bad attitude and the 
only sign that something was off was when Abram 
interrupted a squabble Jacob was having with Mulder 
over the weather forecast.  Jacob looked toward Abram 
with a sneer and Katie got up from the table saying 
she had made some pies for dessert.  

"I'll help," Scully said, standing.

She joined Katie in the kitchen and started to get 
the pies ready when Katie placed a hand atop hers.

"You mustn't mind Jacob," she said softly.  "He's 
always been an unhappy boy.  He...he's just that 

Scully just smiled at Katie and handed her a pie.  
Katie walked ahead and then turned at the doorway to 
the dining room.

"I forgot the plates Miriam, can you get them?"

"Of course," Scully replied as she handed a pie to 
Martha and then walked back into the kitchen alone.

She opened one cupboard after another and was having 
trouble locating the plates when she felt someone come 
up closely behind her.  

"Can I help?" Jacob asked as he leaned in closely to 
speak into her ear.

"Oh, scared me," Scully jumped away from 

"Sorry," Jacob smiled at her as he took a step towards 
her.  "I just came to help."

"I'm fine," she said holding her ground against the 
counter and facing him.

He took another step forward until his body was pressed 
up against hers.  She refused to move, wondering what he 
was up to but she was trapped between him and the counter 
behind her.

"It's just the plates," he said as she leaned toward her 
face and spoke, "are on a high shelf"

He reached above her and opened a cupboard to grab a 
batch of plates. His whole body was pressed against hers 
and she tried to control herself from shoving him to 
the ground, sticking a knee in his back, and hog-tying 
him.   He lowered the plates in front of her and she 
put out her hands to take them from him.  

"Thank you," she said as she lowered her eyes.

"For just the plates?" he asked as his breath washed 

across her cheek.

"I'm sorry?" She asked, trying to play innocent.

"No, no you're not," he leered down at her and then took 
a step back.

Turning from her he walked from the kitchen and she was 
left catching her breath against the counter.  He made her 
skin crawl and his confidence was exactly what Mulder had 
anticipated.  Scully had never seen an Amish man behave 
this way towards a woman, or a married woman for that 

After supper they sat and talked for a while; mainly 
about what kind of farm they were going to have and how 
many children Miriam hoped for.  Jacob had excused himself 
from the after-supper discussion soon after that, and 
Scully had been happy to see his exit.  Throughout the 
evening his gaze had been trained on her and it made 
her doubly uncomfortable at the Lapps.  She had always 
been very aware of the role she was playing but his 
constant scrutiny was quite unnerving.  

They bid everyone a good night and Scully made sure she 
grabbed Martha's shawl instead of her own; the opportunity 
to talk with her again was the reasoning.  An innocent 
mix-up would be why she needed to visit Martha on Monday.  

"That went well," Abram said as he guided their buggy 
down the dirt road.

"It did," Mulder said as he wrapped an arm around Scully 
who seemed to be shivering next to him.  "Wouldn't you 

"Uh, yeah...yeah it did," she said softly.

He looked at her strangely and knew there was more to 
the story.  Instead of pressing her for more details in 
front of Abram, he just pulled her a little closer to 
him as they bumped down the road.


to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 12
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains 
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (although it does fit 
with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip and 
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  I 
was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated with 
the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she asked me 
tons of questions about them once I mentioned I had 
encountered them a few times in my life.  I did some 
research and a story was born.  I'm writing this as a WIP, 
but those of you who know me know I NEVER leave a WIP 
unfinished (and I'm usually good about frequent posting).  
This is my first attempt at a semi case file so have 
patience with me.  

I love comments so feel free to write and tell me what you 
think as I go along.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Fannie's presence in the Fisher house not only meant Mulder 
and Scully had to sleep together and always pretend to be a 
couple, but it also meant they couldn't really talk much in 
their room.  They could talk quietly for a bit each night 
but, if they wanted to have a real conversation and hash out 
some ideas and a plan, it would have to be done elsewhere.  
When they arrived home from dinner with the Lapps they had 
a lot to talk about, and the quiet Fisher house was not the 

"Abram, we're going for a walk to talk for a bit," Mulder 
said as he helped Scully down from the buggy.

"You might want to get a coat, the wind is picking up," 
Abram said with his head bent toward the dark night sky.

"You help with the horse and I'll get the coats from inside," 
Scully said as she walked toward the house.

"You don't like Jacob," Abram said after he unhitched the 
horse and they walked toward the barn.

Mulder opened the large barn door and held it for him to 
walk past.  "Do you know what my specialty is, Abram?"

"No, I don't," Abram replied as he put the horse in a 

"I went to university for psychology where I studied how 
people act and what causes them to behave in certain 
ways.  Then, I became a profiler for the FBI where I get 
inside the heads of our suspects and try and figure 
them out so we can catch them."

"And you like to do this?" Abram asked as he met Mulder's 

"At first I did," Mulder confessed.  "But then it became 
very hard to deal with on a personal level.  Now, I only 
do it for special cases."

"And ours is one of them."

"Yes," Mulder agreed.  "The man who does this is confident; 
he thinks he's doing this in a community of women who won't 
speak up.  So he feels free to keep doing it.  He knows 
these women well; he's one of you."

"You are sure?" Abram asked.

"I am not sure it's Jacob," Mulder said matter-of-factly.  
"There are some things about him that add up and some 
things that just don'  I know we'll find the 
person who did this to Fannie and the other women, and 
right now we're looking into Jacob...but that's all I 
know so far."

"But how will you find out if it's him?" Abram asked, 
honestly interested.

"Mulder?" Scully called from the door to the barn.

"We're back here," he called from behind a stall.

"Trust us to do our job," Mulder said to Abram as he 
turned to join Scully.

Abram nodded and went to get water for the horse.

Scully stood at the doorway to the barn waiting patiently 
for him in the dark.  

"You don't realize how really dark it is," Mulder noted 
as he walked out of the barn, "until you're really away 
from all the lights."

"That's why I brought a lantern," Scully said as she 
walked outside and pointed to one sitting on a nearby 

"Good thinking," Mulder smiled at her as he pulled on the 
coat she brought him.

"Come on," she called as she picked up the lantern and 
started to walk towards a field.

He followed her in relative silence for quite some time 
before he ventured to speak.

"So, Jacob has got balls, huh?" He asked.

"That he does," she replied.

"Saying that in front of everyone at the dinner table..."

"Oh, the comment about you making me feel better?" She 

"Yeah," Mulder nodded.  "I don't think he read the Amish 
handbook.  Otherwise, he'd know not to discuss sex in 

"Well, he didn't exactly do that." Scully noted.

"Close enough," Mulder scoffed.

"There was more to it...after," she said, not knowing how 
to broach what happened in the kitchen without enraging 

"What do you mean 'after'?" Mulder inquired as he 
unlatched a gate leading to a pasture.

"When I was in the kitchen getting the plates Katie needed 
for dessert..."

"You were?" Mulder asked, unaware she'd been missing from 
the table and suddenly feeling guilty about his lack of 

"Yes, I was," she clarified as she stepped through the 
gate he held open. "Jacob came into the kitchen and he 
came up behind me...I had no idea he was there."

"Did he touch you?" Mulder asked as he stopped walking 
and stood in front of her.

"No, not exactly," Scully continued.  "He came up behind 
me and, when I found him there, I stepped away.  But he 
kept coming towards me and eventually, I was pinned 
between him and the counter."

"Did he hold you there?" Mulder asked, surprised by what 
had happened to her only a few feet away.  "What did he 

"He...he reached behind me and grabbed a bunch of plates 
from a shelf.  He said he came to help me because he 
didn't think I'd be able to reach them.  He sort of 
rubbed up against me as he reached...and he quite 
enjoyed it."

"Scully, why didn't you call for me? Or fucking floor 
him?" He asked worried.

"Mulder, I'm a big girl.  I wasn't in any danger...I 
could have had him on the floor if I wanted to blow my 
cover, but I didn't.  I played intimidated quite well."

He shook his head, obviously upset with what she had 

"I'm fine," she said as she grabbed his arms.  "I'm 
fine, Mulder."

He just stood in front of her, miles away in his 

"What was interesting," she tried to move forward.  
"was what he said afterwards."

"What'd he say?" Mulder asked quietly.

"I thanked him for getting down the plates, and he 
asked if that was all I thanked him for."

"That cocky son of a bitch!" Mulder snapped.

"Then," Scully continued.  "I said 'I'm sorry' because I 
was pretending to not hear him correctly, and he replied 
'no you're not'.  Then he spent the rest of the night 
watching me like a hawk.  It was very uncomfortable."

"I saw how intent he was on you the rest of the night 
but Scully...I had no idea what precipitated it.  If 

"Its better you didn't," she said as they started to 
walk again.  

"His actions do say that he's quite sure of himself, very 
sexual, and willing to break the Amish code." Mulder 
started to think.

"I agree," Scully concurred.

"But he doesn't fit my profile in several key areas," 
Mulder admitted.  "He seems to have had a relatively good 
childhood, he's not in a relationship that I know of, and 
he manages to hold down a steady job without issues."

"But he has been in a couple of broken engagements and it's 
not like there are tons of job opportunities in Amish 
Country so he can't really switch around a lot..."

"True," Mulder said as they walked along.  "One of those 
broken engagements was with Martha, the woman who was 
over with her husband."

"Yes, about her..."

"It'd be good if you could talk with her, find out the 
cause of the broken engagement, maybe," Mulder mused.

"If you would have let me finish," Scully continued.  "I 
wore her shawl home for just that reason."

"I'm sorry?" Mulder asked, unsure of what she meant.

"I'll need to go by her place on Monday to return it," 
Scully smiled up at him.  "She'll be alone and hopefully 
we can have a visit."

"Good move," Mulder smiled down at her. 

"Thank you," she smiled back.

"She seemed very uncomfortable around Jacob and there 
was something...something in the way he buzzed around her 
in the kitchen...I'm not sure what it was but..."

"Your gut said something was up," Mulder added.

"Something like that," Scully agreed.

"But we'll see them at church tomorrow," Mulder noted.

"I'll tell her I washed it because I got it dirty," Scully 
smiled.  "Then I can make arrangements with her so I can 
come by on Monday."

"I like the way your mind works," he stopped walking and 
looked back towards the house.

"We better get back, church is early and from what I've 
read, quite long," Scully said following his eyes back 
to the house.

"Great," Mulder mumbled.  

"I heard from Katie that you were telling Isaac all kinds 
of Bible stories while you two were working in the 
fields," she said to him.

"One thing about a photographic memory Scully," he said as 
he took a step towards the house.  "Everything sticks.  
Even church sermons and readings from when I was a kid."

"Who says religious education is a waste?" Scully joked as 
she took his arm and walked with him.

He laughed at her joke and put his hand over hers.

"Do you think Fannie knows who assaulted her?" Scully asked 

"I don't know," Mulder said thoughtfully.  "If she does, 
she's right to not say, or else her dad would marry her 
off to her rapist."

"How ludicrous is that, to force her to marry the person 

"Preaching to the choir here, Scully.  Preaching to the 
choir," Mulder noted.

"I know," she said softly.

They walked the rest of the way back in silence.  Both deep 
in their own thoughts about the case and the life they were 
pretending to lead.  When they got to the house everything 
was quiet and, as they mounted the stairs to their room, 
the only noise was the squeak of the floorboards under their 

They changed in the dark and climbed into bed together; a 
routine that had become normal over the last week.  

"Goodnight, Scully," he said as they pulled up the covers.

"Goodnight," she yawned.

She felt his warm hand reach over and hold hers under the 

"I'm sorry for what happened with Jacob," he said quietly.

"I'm not," she said honestly.  "In that moment, we got 
more information from his actions, then we could have got 
from a whole night of small talk with his family."

He knew she was right, but that didn't make what happened 
to her any easier for him to accept.  When they fell 
asleep that night, they were still holding hands.


to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 13
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains 
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (although it does fit with 
the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip and 
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  I 
was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated with 
the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she asked me 
tons of questions about them once I mentioned I had 
encountered them a few times in my life.  I did some research 
and a story was born.  I'm writing this as a WIP, but those of 
you who know me know I NEVER leave a WIP unfinished (and I'm 

usually good about frequent posting).  This is my first 
attempt at a semi case file so have patience with me.  

I love comments so feel free to write and tell me what you 
think as I go along.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


Mulder had a rare experience that Sunday morning.  The sun 
was up before he was awake.  Abram had chosen to not wake him 
that morning to help with the cows and he'd had three extra 
hours of glorious sleep.  Apparently, Ruth had not woken 
Scully either because she was draped over his chest and 
drooling on his night shirt.  

He only saw a sea of brown hair when he looked down.  She was 
lying across his chest with an arm firmly wrapped around him 
and a leg draped over him.  He smiled down at her because he 
had won the bet, and was about to wake her until be noticed 
his pulsing, hard, cock.  Although he wanted to show her he'd 
won, he didn't want her to see what she did to him.  He 
willed his hard-on down with thoughts of nuclear testing, 
atrocities of war and Barney.  It started to work after 
several minutes but before it was completely gone, she woke 


"Mulder?" She asked half-asleep as she turned her head to 
face him.

"Good morning," he muttered with a half smile as her eyes 
met his.

She then realized her proximity to him and, to his sadness 
and relief, disengaged herself from him and shimmied beside 
him on the bed.

"I'm sorry," she apologized as she sat up next to him in bed.

Her hair was dishevelled, she wore no make-up, she had crease 
marks on her face from his undershirt and he could see right 
through her thin white nightgown in the sunlight.  She was 
breathtakingly beautiful and Mulder found any sort of words 
he could have said, caught in his throat.

"Mulder, I don't know what to say, I..." she started in a 

He just gazed at her in the soft morning light.

"What?" She asked quietly as she tucked some hair behind her 
ear. "Mulder..."

"Sorry," he said as he came to his senses and thought of a 
lie.  "I was...I was just trying to see how you'd get out of 
our bet."

"Am I like that every morning when you get up?"

"Sometimes you spoon me, other times you have your hand up 
my undershirt..." he admitted to her.

"Have I ever...?" Her eyes fell to his lower half, where she 
noticed a slight morning erection.

"No, you stay away from that region with your hands," he said 
matter-of-factly as he bent a leg to tent the sheet more and 
hide his arousal.

"Good," she sighed.  "Maybe we should put some pillows down 
the middle."

"I don't need protecting from you Scully," he laughed quietly.  
"If I objected to what you were doing while you slept, I would 
have said something."

She turned a shade of pink he would like to name flamingo, and 
seemed at a loss for words after his admission.

"The truth is," he continued in a whisper, "it's been a long 
time since I've had the pleasure of waking up with someone 
like this on a regular basis and, I kind of like it."

She smiled a tight-lipped smile at him and nodded her head in 
agreement.  If he didn't object to her clinginess in bed, then 
nothing needed to change.

"You win," she said as she rose from their bed and straightened 
her nightgown.  "We'll go swimming later this afternoon, or 
maybe after supper.  I'll figure out something I can use for a 
bathing suit."

He clapped his hands together and was delighted she'd given 
in so readily.  He rose from their bed and helped her make it.  
There was something about the domesticity of doing this together 
that made him smile.

When he saw her grab a dress from the closet and then look at 
him, he knew the predicament they were in.  Every other day 
they had dressed privately because they rose at different times.  
When they undressed at the end of the day it was in the dark 
and they couldn't see a thing.  Today they were standing in a 
sunny room and they were both expected to be dressed before they 
left it; the Amish did not walk around in their pyjamas.  

"I'll, uh...turn this way," Mulder said as he sat with his back 
to her.

"Thanks," she said softly as she opened a drawer and got fresh 
underwear out and began to change.

He could hear the swish of material behind him and the sound of 
people moving below him.  It was really nice that Abram and Ruth 
had given them the morning off and he'd make sure to thank them 
when they got downstairs.  As the week had gone on, he hadn't 
got nearly as many guilty looks from Ruth as he had earlier in 
the week.  Mulder guessed she understood they were professionals 
with a job to do and that above all, they were also friends.

"Okay, you can look," she said from behind him.

Mulder turned and looked at her in her grey dress, bonnet, and 
apron.  "Pretty as a picture."

She returned his smile.  "I'll go to the washroom and get 
cleaned up, then I'll head downstairs to help.  Church is at 
nine am."

"I'll be down in a minute," he smiled at her as she headed for 
their door.  

"Oh," she said turning to look at him.  "Can you put all your 
dirty laundry on the floor of our closet?  I'm doing laundry 
tomorrow with Ruth."

"Scully, you don't have to do my laundry.  I can..."

"Mulder," she snickered.  "You send all of your clothes out to 
be either laundered or dry cleaned."

"I can do a load, if necessary," he stammered.

"Well, here you can't, so pile them on the floor and I'll wash 
them tomorrow," she said as she opened the door and walked into 
the hallway.

Mulder sat and stared after her long after the door was shut.  
He wasn't really keen on her taking care of him because she was 
expected to.  They were equals everywhere else but here.  She 
was expected to tend to his needs and he was expected to 
provide a home for her.  In the real world, their world, they 
would take care of each other and provide for a home together.  
But, Mulder reminded himself, in the real world there wasn't 
an 'us'.

Within a few minutes he was dressed and freshly washed as he 
walked into the kitchen. 

"Thanks for letting us sleep in," Mulder said to Abram.

"Why would we break with tradition?" Abram asked.

Mulder looked at him confused.

"You and Miriam only have a few months of Sundays left, so 
enjoy sleeping in until your anniversary." Abram clarified.

"Thanks," Mulder said, acknowledging a tradition he was unfamiliar 
with, but as Samuel, should be.

Scully was busy setting a place for the two of them as Ruth and 
Fannie cleaned up the dishes from everyone else and Abram walked 
out to the back porch to have his cigar.

"Everything is ready," Scully said as she passed him, slightly 
harried.  "Ruth made enough for us too...I just have to finish 
with the table."

Mulder cringed before he said his next words, knowing he wanted 
to help but couldn't, "Come get me in the living room when you 
are ready with breakfast, Miriam."

He walked past her and sat heavily on a chair in the living room; 
there were some things that he, as a modern man, found difficult 
about male-female relations in Amish Country. 


to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 14
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains unchanged.
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (although it does fit 
with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip and 
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country causes 
Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the limits of 
their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  I was 
in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated with the 
Amish and Mennonites of North America and she asked me tons 
of questions about them once I mentioned I had encountered them 
a few times in my life.  I did some research and a story was 
born.  I'm writing this as a WIP, but those of you who know me 

know I NEVER leave a WIP unfinished (and I'm usually good about 
frequent posting).  This is my first attempt at a semi case file 
so have patience with me.  

I love comments so feel free to write and tell me what you think 
as I go along.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


At nine am they found themselves at the Miller farm handing their 
buggy over to a thirteen year old boy who parked it in a field 
with the others. 

'Amish valet service,' Mulder thought to himself as he and Scully 
watched the buggy taken away.

Amish church services only took place every two weeks and always 
at a local farm; it was at Hannah and John's this week.  And, 
unlike church services that Mulder and Scully had been to, it was 
going to be about three hours long and consist of a great deal of 
singing in German.

The first part of church was the social aspect where they were able 
to meet a lot of local people.  Abram and Ruth circulated them 
around to meet everyone.  There wasn't time to talk in-depth with 
many people, but they could at least get a 'read' on everyone 

It turns out, Mulder discovered, Jacob Lapp wasn't the only angry 
and anti-social man in his twenties.  Saunder Miller, John's 
twenty-six year old nephew, was equally pleasant company as was 
Jonah Heise.  Both Mulder and Scully made note of the young men 
and decided to visit with their families next.  

"Miriam," Martha Lapp said softly as she held onto Scully's elbow.  
"We have the wrong shawls."

Scully noted the shawl over Martha's arm and smiled.  "I realized 
this morning when I got up.  I'm so sorry, I took yours by 

"It's no problem," Martha smiled back at her and handed Scully 
her shawl.

"I'll have to bring yours by tomorrow," Scully said as she accepted 
the shawl from Martha.  "I noticed some dirt on it, probably from 
when it fell off my shoulder one time, so I washed it."

"Oh, you didn't have to do that," Martha smiled at her.  "I could 

"It's the least I could do, after taking yours." Scully noted.  "Is 
there a good time I can come over tomorrow and return it?"

"Come in the afternoon and we'll have a nice cup of tea," Martha 

"That sounds great," Scully smiled as she noted the parishioners 
starting to move into the house.

"We better get in," Martha said as she looked around at the others 
and then moved toward the house.

"I'll see you in a few hours," Mulder said softly as he leaned into 
her ear.  

Scully just nodded up at him and walked toward Ruth.  Mulder went to 
join Abram and the other men.

They took seats in the kitchen of Hannah's house with Hannah, Fannie 
and some other women from the community.  People were spread out all 
over the house on chairs and benches in every available space.  The 
men stayed separate from the women and the younger parishioners sat 
together.  Scully was fascinated with the way Amish church services 
were run, when she read about them, and was excited to actually 
participate in one.

Suddenly a woman started to sing and every other woman in the house 
joined her.  The songs were in German and went on for many more 
verses than Scully was used to.  She sang a few that she had made 
herself familiar with, others she just lip synched.  There were 
short breaks between songs but one song followed another for over 
an hour.


Mulder had started the church service inside the house, sitting on 
a very uncomfortable bench in the dining room.  He moved his mouth 
to a few songs and was able to sing the chorus of each song as it 
appeared time and time again.  Then about twenty minutes into 
the service, Abram tapped his elbow and Mulder followed him 
outside.  There, he found a gathering of men, waiting to discuss 
the sermon.  

"I think temptation," an older man said as Mulder and Abram joined 
the group.  

Many men nodded their heads in agreement.  

"What about dedication?" Another man asked.

Other men nodded in agreement.

"How about dedicating ourselves to Gott and not being tempted by 
personal need?" John spoke up.

All of the men heartily agreed and the sermon topic was borne.  

Over the next thirty minutes the men decided which of the ministers 
would tackle the various parts of the sermon, and practiced some 
lines on the others.  Mulder was fascinated by this impromptu 
process and community-based speech writing.  He was also interested 
to see that in the interest of church and God, John and Abram had 
put their differences about Fannie aside and co-operated without 
incident in the service.

He could still hear the women in side singing and he pictured Scully 
sitting with a sore throat waiting for the sermon to start.  Mulder 
appreciated the fact that he was outside talking with others and 

enjoying the beautiful day, while Scully was stuck inside the hot 
house sitting and singing.  It appeared that even Amish church 
services played favourites.  

Once the basic speeches were ironed out, the men returned to the 
house and took their seats again.  Mulder noted that the temperature 
in the house seemed to have risen by a good five to ten degrees and 
that some of the people around him were starting to sweat.

The first sermon began and went on for almost an hour.  The man, in 
his early fifties, walked from room to room delivering his speech.  
Mulder was surprised at the grace with which he spoke and the 
language he used because most Amish aren't educated beyond 
grade eight.  His speech was interesting and full of examples of 
avoiding temptation in the name of God.  

Then, one after another, other ministers of the church delivered 
smaller and more informal sermons about temptation or dedication.  
Drawing on examples from the community they re-iterated the need 
for the community to place God above all else.  By the time the 
last minister spoke, the room they were in was stifling, and Mulder 
couldn't wait for his speech to end.  Luckily he only spoke for ten 
minutes.  Then the women started to sing a song that took almost 
fifteen minutes to finish before the service was finished.  Mulder 
couldn't get out of the stuffy house quick enough, so, when he saw a 
man picking up a long bench to carry it outside, Mulder grabbed the 
other end and followed him.


As soon as the service was over the women around Scully got to work 
in the kitchen.  A light meal was served after church service, it 
was usually outside, and was more about socializing than eating.  
Scully was handed jar after jar of pickled vegetables that she 
dutifully took out to the long tables being set up by the men 
outside.  The benches used for the service were then used for 
seating outside at the tables that had been assembled.  Other 
women were dropping fresh linens over the tables and setting up 
plates and glasses.  It was a finely-tuned operation and Scully 

couldn't believe that fifteen minutes after the service, everyone 
was sitting down for the blessing.  

Unlike other times they had eaten with large groups, men and women 
both sat at the same table to eat together.  Married couples and 
older adults sat at one end, the unmarried teens and people in their 
early twenties at another end and the small children in-between.  
When Scully looked at the table she realized the reasoning behind 
this arrangement.  Married couples talked about farming and 

children, the children were close by and easily taken care of by 
all members of the community.  The older teens and young adults were 
placed together as a type of rudimentary match-making, giving them 
an opportunity to get to know each other better.  

Scully took a seat next to Mulder and waited patiently for the 
blessing to begin.

"Gott, thank you for the blessings you have placed upon us at this 
time," a minister began.  "Thank you for the bountiful lunch before 
us and our ability to join as a community once again.  For this we 
are thankful."

The entire congregation said 'Amen' and then the food started to get 
passed around.  

Both Mulder and Scully conversed easily with those around them, but 
found themselves repeating their cover stories to the others.  Some 
people were again astonished Scully had waited so long to marry him, 
others amazed at the English's ability to cure Mulder's 'fits'.  

In the end, all conversations veered onto the topic of children.  
Mulder explained about their earlier loss and their desire to have 
a large family.  Scully squirmed in her seat next to him, thoughts 
of Emily and her infertility, making their way to the front of her 
mind.  At one point Scully felt Mulder's hand rest firmly on her 
thigh under the table.  She hadn't realized until that moment, that 
she was been nervously bouncing her one leg under the table.  He 
steadied her with his hand and when their eyes met, she knew he 
understood her anxiety.  

After lunch, they stayed with everyone to clean up, but they had 
trouble finding Fannie when it was time to leave.  Scully found her 
upstairs in her old room holding a rag doll in her hands.

"Fannie, we've been looking for you," Scully said as she walked into 
the stuffy room.

"I've been here the whole time," Fannie said absently.

"Did you not eat?" Scully asked as she approached her.

"I wasn't hungry," Fannie said as she set down the doll on the bed.

"Have you spoken with your parents?" Scully asked.

"No, daat won't speak of such matters on the lord's day," Fannie 
said as she flattened out her skirt.

"Maybe I could come by here with you sometime..." Scully started to 

"No, I think they are embarrassed enough by my behaviour," Fannie 
shook her head.  "They don't need others around to remind them that 
everyone will know my shame soon."

"Fannie," Scully said reaching out to hold her hand.  "You have 
nothing to be ashamed of.  I think maybe you should talk with 
someone...maybe an English about what happened to you."

"No," Fannie looked at her wide-eyed.  "This is not an English 

"I'm not saying that," Scully softened.  "Just maybe...they have 
these things happen to them more, and they might...they might be 
able to help you understand your feelings and..."

"I don't need the help of the English," Fannie said softly.  "I 
need only God."

Scully gave her a tight-lipped smile and then dropped her hand.  The 

two women walked downstairs and joined the others in the buggy to 
go home.


to be continued...

Title: Amish Country--Chapter 15
Author: Lolabeegood
Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached 
and the work remains unchanged.
Rating: R
Category: S, UST, MSR, maybe AU (although it does fit 
with the timeline)
Keywords: Mulder/Scully, undercover work, Amish
Spoilers: Set during late season 6 between Field Trip 
and Biogenesis
Summary: A serial rapist on the loose in Amish Country 
causes Mulder and Scully to go undercover and test the 
limits of their relationship.
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while on vacation.  
I was in Scotland when I met a woman who was fascinated 
with the Amish and Mennonites of North America and she 
asked me tons of questions about them once I mentioned 
I had encountered them a few times in my life.  I did 
some research and a story was born.  I'm writing this 
as a WIP, but those of you who know me know I NEVER leave 
a WIP unfinished (and I'm usually good about frequent 
posting).  This is my first attempt at a semi case file 
so have patience with me.  

I love comments so feel free to write and tell me what you 
think as I go along.

I don't own the characters or make any money from this.


"She blames herself," Scully said sadly as they walked along 
a narrow path following him.

"That's what she's been taught to do," Mulder sighed.  "The 
Amish don't talk about these personal matters so there's 
probably no one else in the community that would be willing 
to share their own experience with her.  It's something 
that is considered shameful regardless of her consent, or 
lack of, to the act."

"I suggested she see someone," Scully said softly.

"You what?!" Mulder stopped and turned suddenly, causing her 
to bang into him.

"Not like you're thinking," she said, trying to stave off 
an argument.  "I said that this happens all the time with 
the English and maybe there was an English person she could 
speak with...someone that could help her."

Mulder relaxed slightly.  "She didn't think it was an odd 

"I worded it in a very Amish way," Scully smiled up at him.

"Because Scully," he said as he rubbed his forehead in 
frustration, "if we break our cover we may never have 
another chance to find the man that raped her or all 
the other women."

"Speaking of which," Scully interrupted.  "I only located 
three of them at the service, besides Fannie."

"Which ones?" Mulder asked as he turned to keep walking 
down the path.

"Sarah Schwartz was there with her husband, Rebecca Hillar 
and Bertha Kitzen were also there, as was Fannie.  But 
the other two..."

"We'll find out from Abram," Mulder said as they hit a 
clearing.  "I'm sure he'll know what happened to them."

"How are we going to interview them?" Scully asked as she 
watched the pond start to appear before them.

"Is there some sort of women's organization they might 
belong to?" Mulder asked as he picked up the pace, the 
sight of water propelling him forward.

"A quilting bee...but I can't quilt and everyone would 
figure that out pretty quickly," Scully said, resigned.

"What if there was a problem with your hand?" Mulder asked 
as he walked toward a hollow log resting near the water.

"I'm not sure what you are getting at?"

"Could we not bandage up you hand, saying you burned it 
or hurt it and therefore couldn't quilt?"

"It might work," she conceded as she took a seat on the 

He sat next to her and started to remove his socks and 
shoes.  He was excited about this swim after a long week 
of labour-intensive work.  If he hadn't won the bet, he 
still would have come for a swim on his own, but it 
would be more fun with her.

"Mulder, has this water been tested for e coli?" Scully 
asked as she looked out at the small pond.

"It's artesian," Mulder clarified.  "A well feeds the pond, 
so the water is very safe."

She stood and looked around.  There wasn't a person in 
sight except the two of them.  Scully pulled a blue shirt 
out of a sack she'd been carrying and shook it out.

"Isn't that one of my shi...?"

"You told me to figure out a bathing suit," Scully smiled 
at him as turned her back and unbuttoned her own shirt.  
Mulder watched the shirt fall to the ground and his replace 
it overtop of her undershirt.  She turned back to face him 
when it was buttoned and then started to remove her skirt.  
His shirt was large enough that it covered her torso and 
fell to just above her knees, at a very respectable length.

"Are you just going to watch me swim?" Scully asked him as 
she stood with her hands on her hips wearing his huge blue 

Mulder took his cue and started to undress, obviously having 
put less thought into what he would swim in. He stood before 
her in his Amish underwear and realized that Scully was right, 
the white underwear wouldn't conceal anything once it was wet. 
He shrugged his shoulders; there was nothing he could do about 
it now.  And, she already knew what he looked like naked, so 
there was no mystery there.

They both walked toward the water and were happy to find it 
cool but comfortable for a hot summer's day.  Mulder jumped 
forward and did a quick lap across the pond while Scully 
slowly waded into the unknown waters.  When he got back to her, 
she was floating on her back her face turned toward the sun.

"Wasn't I right?" Mulder asked as he came up next to her.  
He noticed the freckles that marked her cheeks after only a 
week in the sun and the slight red colour to her nose.  

"That I'm a bed hog?" she asked as she kept her eyes closed 
and basked in the sun.

"No," he laughed.  "I was right about the swim."  

"It is nice," she said wistfully.  

The two were quiet for some time, Mulder treading water next 
to her, and Scully floating on her back.  Mulder soon realized 
that his position at her side afforded him a great view of her 
breasts as his wet shirt clung to her.  He tried to avert his 
eyes but found them going back to her nipples over and over 
again like his magnetic north. She, either didn't notice, or 
didn't care.

They swam around the pond for a while, talking quietly about 
the case as they planned their visits to the other men they 
suspected and the other women who had been assaulted.  Then, 
they spent a lot of time just swimming around quietly, 
occasionally telling a joke or sharing a story.  

Finally, they went back to their original position of Scully 
floating on her back and Mulder treading beside her after 
almost an hour in the water.

"I know," she said breaking the silence and still floating 
with her eyes closed, "from what I've read their life is one of 
sacrifice but...but it's not until you live it that you realize 
what the sacrifices are."

"Like what?" he asked as he too launched himself onto his back 
to float beside her.

"You sacrifice your personal time, you freedom to speak up, 
your ability to go and do as you like, your role as an 
individual, sometimes."

"True," Mulder mused.  "The personal time is much less then we 
are both used to, and we're workaholics."

Scully snickered at his comment.

"And you as a woman, in particular, don't have much of a voice 
in this community." He added.

"Very true," Scully agreed.

"We both have responsibilities to the farm that keep us from 
just doing as we like...going off to investigate at the drop of 
a hat is very foreign to this culture."

"It was very foreign to me at first, but I got used to it," 
she smiled.  

"And, I'm grateful for that," he said softly as his hand brushed 
up her arm under the water.

She let out an involuntary shudder.  One she hoped he didn't 
notice, but somehow knew he did.  Mulder noticed everything.

"And as a woman," she began, trying to keep the conversation 
going, "I am only identified by my role as wife until I have 
children.  Then it's wife and mother."

"Yeah, everyone seems a little obsessed with your waistline."

"I haven't had this much attention on it since I was twelve and 
sort of chunky."

Mulder laughed at her joke.  

"How are you doing with that?" He asked in all seriousness.

"I'm okay," she answered honestly.  

"You tell me if you're not, okay?"

"Part of me," she mused.  "Almost wants to say that I am pregnant, 
just to get everyone off my back."

"If you want to say..."

"Mulder," she said as she pulled herself down in the water and 
started to tread next to him.  "I have so much to remember about 
who I am here, adding pregnancy to the list would just complicate 
things for me."

"Good point," he said as he pulled himself down to tread with her.

"Besides, then I'd just have to talk about all a pregnant mother's 
dreams for her child and...and I don't have those anymore." She 
said sadly.

"Scully," he said bridging the distance between them and touching 
her face.  

"It's okay, really, I'm okay, " she faintly smiled at him before 
she abruptly left to do a lap of the pool.  

He swam closer to the edge of the pond, to a place where his feet 
touched the murky bottom and took a moment to gather his thoughts.  
He loved her and he hated what infertility had done to her; to her 
hopes for a future.  He was still deep in thought when she 

"Mulder, this is supposed to be a happy swim," she said as she 
looked at his pensive face. She wanted the serious cloud that had 
fallen over their afternoon swim to disappear.

He gave her a false, exaggerated smile.  

She fiercely whacked her hand against the water and sprayed water 
all over his face.  She was trying hard to lighten the mood. This 
swim was supposed to be a break from their lives, not a reminder of 

"Hey!" He called with a laugh in his voice.

"Don't get in the water if you don't plan to get wet!" She said 
jokingly as she continued to spray him with water.

He attempted to splash her back but the onslaught of water had 
temporarily blinded him.  Years of swimming with her brothers had 
honed her skills as a water bomber.  Having hardly splashed her, 
he decided to take away her target.  He ducked his head under the 
water and swam beside her coming up quickly at her back.  

He reached over and grabbed her frame to keep her from splashing 
him further as she attempted to turn to face him again.  Her wet 
legs entangled with his and he felt her breasts pressed up against 
his chest and his shirt riding up dangerously close to her waist.  
She couldn't touch the bottom of the pond, like he could, and he 
felt her holding onto him as she tried to get better leverage to 
splash him some more.  He had her captured in his arms and he knew 
what he wanted to do, the real question was: did she want the same 

All jockeying for position stopped suddenly and both of their 
bodies stilled.  Her legs were entwined, her hips flush, and her 
breasts smashed against his body.  She looked at him with anxious 
desire as she tried to catch her breath and he licked his lips.  

Mulder leaned his face down to kiss her, at first, quite softly, as 
he held her in the water.  The kiss deepened quickly and before he 
knew what was happening he had his hand in her hair and his mouth 
was exploring hers.  Her fingers pulled at his bare back and  an 
erection began to form between them.  In close quarters, and with 
little clothing, it was hard to mask his desire for her.  

His wet lips pressed firmly against hers and her soft lips returned 
the favor.  Both their hearts pounded so hard against the other,
neither was sure which beat was their own. She moaned softly 
as he brought one arm firmly around her naked waist pulling her 
even closer to him.  The shirt and undershirt she was wearing 
had twisted, in all the jostling, and was now barely covering 
her breasts.  The feel of her naked, wet flesh caused his heart 
to race faster and his cock to throb.

She didn't seem surprised by his kiss, and he half wondered if she 
was kissing him because she thought someone was watching them, as 
was the case before.  His worry about this point, caused him to 
pull away from her and clarify that he was kissing her because he 

wanted to, not because he needed to.

She looked up at him, confused by his action and then he knew that 
she didn't suspect a case-related motive.  Her eyes were filled 
with desire and her body had moulded to his.  She was trying to 
catch her breath as her hands entangled in his hair and tried to
pull his mouth back to hers.  

It was perfectly clear to both of them.  They were kissing because 
they wanted to.  

"Scully, I..." he started before both their ears peaked to the 
noise of a group of people approaching.  

Mulder immediately placed himself in front of Scully to shield 
her from the group as it approached.  It appeared to be a cluster 
of teenagers, all with towels slung over their shoulders.

"Hey, look!" One boy called.  "We have ourselves some plain 
people who like to break the rules."

"If you'll just give us a minute," Mulder called as he moved 
toward the shore.  "We'll get out of the pond and leave it to you."

"Hey, whatever works for you, man," one other boy called as they 
stood at the edge of the water.  

Mulder walked out of the water unabashedly in full view of the 

group in his wet white underwear with his full erection.  He was 
on his way to get a towel for Scully when he heard her get out of 
the water as well.  He turned to see her standing soaking wet in his 
shirt with her legs wet and bare underneath it. His blue shirt 
clung to every curve in her body.  The erection he was hoping 
would subside quickly, showed no signs of leaving.

"You know the Bible says you're not supposed to have sex before 
you get married," one smart ass pointed out.

"Really?" Scully asked him surprised, as she walked blushing 
toward Mulder.  

"Alright!" One boy called.  "We got ourselves a live one."

With the recent sexual assaults in the area, the comment caused 
Mulder to snap his head toward the group,  the look on his face 
must have been murderous.  They all took a step back and 
immediately quieted down as Mulder held out a towel for her and 
she walked into it.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

"How do you want to do this?" He asked as he looked at their wet 
bodies and he wrapped a towel around himself, happy to finally 
hide his bulging cock.  

"Why don't we walk over the hill and get dried off and changed 
there," she said gesturing with her eyebrows toward the hill.

"Sounds good," he said as he picked up her bag and their various 

clothes and followed her up the path and over the hill.

"Hope you had a good one!" One of the teens yelled as the others 

"Little shits," Mulder muttered under his breath as they got to 
the other side of the hill.

The moment was gone.  Scully was either going to ignore what just
happened between them, or rationalize it away.  Mulder kicked a 
clump of dirt with his foot as they walked toward a tree.

Scully dropped her towel when they reached a tree and asked for 
the bag from Mulder.  She was immediately all business, and Mulder
was saddened by that fact.  She rummaged through her things and 
pulled out a skirt and a blouse.  Mulder held up a towel and kept 
watch for the teenagers while she took off her underwear and 
pulled up the skirt.  Mulder turned his back to her as she undid 
his shirt and took it and her undershirt off and then pulled on 
her blouse.  

"Okay, I'm decent," she said happily.  "Well as decent as an Amish 
woman can be without a bra or underwear."

"You bad Amish woman," Mulder chided.  

He then did something neither of them expected, and leaned in to 
give her a soft kiss on the lips.  His beard tickled her face 
again, causing her to break out into a smile.  He wasn't sure why 
he did it.  Perhaps he wanted to remind her of what just happened,
perhaps he wanted to stay in the moment a little longer.

She made no mention of their earlier make-out session and they 
were silent for a moment, both looking at the other and wondering 
where to go with all this.  Mulder finally broke the silence.

"So, are you ready for the Amish version of a strip tease?" Mulder 
leered at her as he started to pull at the towel wrapped around 
his waist.

"Oh, I am," Scully said sarcastically as she turned her back to 

He quickly changed out of his underwear and into a pair of pants 
and a shirt while she watched for the teenagers. When they were 
sufficiently dressed they started to head back towards the house.  

"Sorry about that," Mulder apologized as they walked back along 
the path.  "I didn't know other people used it as well...I 
haven't seen anyone there before."

"It's okay Mulder," she sighed.  "Kids will be kids and...I'm 
sure they don't see many Amish couples swimming together like 

"Well, we," he said as he slung and arm over her shoulder, 
trying to soften the uncertainty that was in the air,"aren't 
a regular Amish couple."

"That is true," Scully smiled up at him, happy to not discuss 
what happened in the water.  

They walked back together towards the house, with his arm 
around her.



Fox Mulder sat next to Isaac Lapp as they made their way 
down country roads making deliveries to one farm after 
another.  He was most interested in information Isaac 
could provide him about his brother, and the deliveries 
to the Miller farm and the Heise farm where he hoped to 
encounter Saunder and Jonah.  Jacob Lapp, Saunder Miller 
and Jonah Heise were at the top of their suspect list so 
far.  Although Jacob's behaviour at the dinner party made 
Mulder place him as suspect number one, he couldn't 
discount the other two brooding members of the community 

who may fit the profile.

"Is the Heise farm next?" Mulder asked Isaac.

"Yep," Isaac smiled over at him. 

"You know Jonah well?" Mulder asked.

"I used to," Isaac said thoughtfully.  "Then he lived 
with an English girl for a while and..."

"He left the community?" Mulder asked, surprised.

"Yep, for a couple of years when he turned twenty."

"Why'd he come back?"

"His dad died and there was no one to take care of 
his mother and the farm.  All of his brothers and 
sisters are a lot younger and..."

"So that's why he seems so unhappy," Mulder noted 

"Yeah, he...he still visits the girl sometimes, I 
hear," Isaac said in almost a whisper.  "But it's 
been almost 3 years since he came back and his 
mom's putting pressure on him to marry a plain 

"But, his English girl, she didn't want this life?" 
Mulder asked.

"I guess not," Isaac said as they turned down a 
laneway.  "I can't imagine any English leaving all 
their fancy cars and houses to live how we do."

"So do you think he'll go back to her?" Mulder 

"If she waits for him, maybe," Isaac noted.  "He has 
two brothers coming close to twenty...maybe they'll 
take over and he'll go back to his English girl."

"It's quite a leap of faith to wait for him, don't 
you think?" Mulder asked.

"I guess it is," Isaac said non-committally as they 
drove along. "But your Miriam waited for you."

"Yeah, but that wasn't a leap of faith," Mulder 
noted.  "I was hers from the start."

Mulder's thoughts drifted toward Scully as they made 
their way down the bumpy road.  His thoughts always 
went back to the kiss.  She seemed quite engaged in 
it while in the water, and smiled when he kissed her 
afterwards.  But she hadn't said a thing to him 
otherwise.  Last night they had gone to bed, as 
usual, and this morning he woke to find her arm 
draped across his chest and her head wedged under 
his armpit.

He knew her well and was sure she was running 
through the reasons for what happened, the 
ramifications of it, and the future possibilities 
if they were to continue or ignore their feelings.  
She needed time to figure everything out.  That was 
the way Scully operated.

He just needed her.  As he had said to Isaac, he was 
hers from the start; he just wasn't sure she was that 
interested, until recently.  That alone, had caused 
him to lie awake for most of the night next to her, 
re-living various moments from recent months in his 
head as he tried to discern exactly when she became 
attracted to him.  Because she didn't kiss him 
obligingly, she kissed him with repressed passion.

In Arcadia, she had been everything but warm toward 
him.  He had tried to be playful and she had not 
gone along.  He was having a lot of fun playing a 
married couple, and she obviously, was not.  Part of 
him was worried this investigation in Charm would be 
the same, but now she was completely different 
towards him; something had changed. 

During the Padgett case, she pushed away from him for 
most of it until the end.  After the 'incident' as 
she liked to call it, she had slept in her bed, 
waking throughout the night with nightmares, and 
always found him sitting next to her with his back 
against her headboard ready to chase the demons away.  
He must have drifted off at some point, because in 
the morning he woke with a sore back and a stiff neck 
to freshly brewed coffee and English muffins.  She 
hadn't talked about Padgett, or the night of nightmares 
spent by his side, since.

Then, there was the Berquiest case, where Scully 
intimated that Karen was interested in him as more 
than an investigator.  He eventually saw the rouse 
later on, but not after it was too late.  Had Scully's 
interest in Karen been the fist sign that she was 
thinking differently about him?  

He had told her months ago that he loved her, he had 
told her she was his one in five billion; maybe Scully 
had taken all this time to decide how she felt?  She 
seemed to enjoy batting practice with him, and 
afterwards they had gone for a beer and nachos and 
laughed at old cases and stupid childhood memories 
until the bar closed.  There was a moment, outside the 
bar when he felt she might be open to him kissing her.  
He had, at the time, chalked it up to the two beers 
he'd had and nothing more.  Now, he wasn't so sure.

"We're here," Isaac said to him, pulling him from his 
thoughts.  "You drifted off for a while there."

"I was just thinking about Miriam," Mulder answered 

"You two are such newlyweds," Isaac smiled at him and 
shook his head.

"We're something, alright," Mulder smiled over at Isaac 
as their buggy came to a halt in front of a house.

Mrs. Heise was at the farm to receive their delivery, 
and she seemed as surly as her son.  Mulder moved 
Jonah to the bottom of his list based on the information 
Isaac had supplied about his experience with the 
English.  He was an unhappy young man because he was 
away from the women he loved and forced, by family 
obligation, to take care of his family and his farm.  
Mulder would still want to have a conversation with 
him to get a better read but, for now, he seemed like 
a man in a bad circumstance.

Three deliveries later, they were finally at the Miller 
farm, not John Miller's, but Adam Miller's farm.  Mulder 
thought it was unlikely that his son Saunder raped his 
own cousin in such a close knit community, but something 
about the young man felt off.  While they were at the 
church lunch Saunder seemed to be quite interested in 
Rebecca Hillar, one of the rape victims, who was 
engaged to be married this fall.  He made a point to 
sit near her and always seemed to be close at hand 
whenever Mulder saw her.  He really seemed to lurk 
around her.

"So the boys on this farm are Saunder, Mark, and...?" 
Mulder asked.

"Melvin," Isaac finished for him.  "He's the 

"And Saunder is the oldest?" Mulder clarified.

"Yeah, he's twenty-six," Isaac said.

"And not married?" Mulder inquired.

"No...he's asked a couple of girls but had no 
luck," Isaac reported.

"They weren't interested?" Mulder asked.

"It seemed for a while that Rebecca Hillar was, 
then...then she up and accepted a proposal from 
Benjamin Schwartz about three months ago."

"And everyone was surprised by this?"

"Yeah, no one knew they were seeing each other 
that way," Isaac said.

Mulder thought about the connections carefully.  
Saunder Miller was hoping to be engaged to Rebecca 
Hillar and was turned down.  Rebecca Hillar was 
raped soon after her engagement to Benjamin 
Schwartz.  Prior to that, possibly while Rebecca 
was getting involved with Benjamin, his sister-
in law Sarah Schwartz was also raped.  There 

couldn't be that many coincidences.  

"Why didn't Rebecca wish to marry him?" Mulder 
asked after a few moments.

"Who knows?" Isaac replied.  "He's a nice enough 

guy but..."


"But so serious all the time.  He can't just talk 
to you, there always has to be something more going 
on. He always did really well in school I hear, but 
plain people don't do much schooling after grade 

"Maybe he wanted more," Mulder offered.  "Some plain 
people do go to college, nowadays."

"Yes, they do, but Saunder didn't.  His father is the 
bishop and..."

"I didn't know that," Mulder said, interested even more 
in his background.

"I think he expects Saunder to be a minister, at least," 
Isaac added.

Things were looking promising for Saunder as a suspect.  
He was smart, young, confined by his community's 
expectations, and with a strong head of household that 
was entrenched in the over-bearing religion.  Mulder 
was excited about spending some time with him until they 
reached the farm and were greeted by his younger sister, 
Sarah, who seemed to be quite interested in Isaac.

Mulder was the third wheel through a half hour of small 
talk between the two who were obviously quite interested 
in each other.  When they finally left the Miller farm, 
Mulder had not even seen Saunder, and Isaac was grinning 
from ear to ear. 

Dana Scully was happy to be on her own and away from the 
farm for the first time in over a week.  For a woman who was 
used to so much independence, the Amish lifestyle was a 
little trying.  But, here she was, in the buggy on her own, 
enjoying the afternoon on her way to Martha Lapp's house 
under the guise of returning a shawl.  She had done laundry 
with Ruth in the morning and was now free for an afternoon 
visit with Martha.

She had a sleepless night and the fatigue was starting to 
catch up to her.  Her worry over two things; how to engage 
Martha in conversation about Jacob that would tell her more 
than Martha would want to, and her make-out session with 
Mulder at the pond yesterday, had kept her lying still and 
starring at the open window for most of the night.  

She had decided that the best way to get Martha to talk was 
to place herself in a situation with Jacob.  And Martha, 
hopefully, would feel a need to warn her about him.  That was 
the hope at least.  The Amish didn't readily talk about their 
lives with others, and this was her first time really meeting 

with Martha, so Scully was hoping for the best.  As much as 
she wanted to develop a rapport with this woman, she also 
needed to investigate this case, so she needed to push forward 
regardless of Amish sensibilities.

Mulder was also at the forefront of her thoughts throughout 
the night.  Surprisingly, it wasn't the passionate kiss in the 
pond, although that was amazing, that kept her mind reeling, 
but the little kiss after she was changed that most intrigued 
her.  Scully could chalk their heated kiss in the pond to close 
living quarters, over-active libidos denied any sort of space 
for self-pleasuring, their roles as husband and wife, and the 
attraction that always existed between them.  But the second 
kiss that afternoon, was a mystery to her.  

He had just kissed her, softly, and with no sexual drive 
attached to it.  He had kissed her because he wanted to, needed 
to, and liked to.  The kiss was outside her realm of 
understanding, and she wondered if Mulder was trying to tell 
her something with it.  He made no apologies for either kiss 
and seemed both happy and confident with the outcome 
of the afternoon.  

That night, nothing was unusual about his behaviour and they 
ate, talked on the porch and went to bed as they were accustomed.  
He made no attempt to start anything in bed, and Scully was left 
wanting to talk with him about what had happened, but equally 
wanting to bury the experience and never dig it up again.  It 
was sort of perfect as it was, and part of her didn't want to 
destroy it with whatever explanation he may have for their 

She pulled up to the Lapp farm and noted that it was like 
almost every other Amish farm in the area.  The siding was 
white and the shutters were green.  It had a large wrap-around 
porch and a barn behind it with various types of farming 
equipment dotting the back property.  

As she stepped from the buggy, Martha Lapp appeared on the 
front porch.

"Hello, Miriam," she greeted Scully warmly.  

"Martha, it's such a beautiful day, I almost wanted to take 

the long way to get here, just to enjoy it a little more," Scully 
smiled up at her.

"Yes, but then I wouldn't have as long a rest with you this 
afternoon," Martha laughed as she ushered Scully to a set of 
wicker chairs on the porch. "I'll just be a second."

Scully watched as Martha went inside and noted how different 
the woman's personality was when she was not around the other 
Lapps.  At dinner she seemed quiet and brooding, but at church 
and here, when it was just the two of them, she seemed warm and 
welcoming.  Scully draped the shawl that she had stolen from 
Martha over one of the chairs and took a seat on the soft 
cushion of the chair.  She looked out onto the front yard 
and thought about how serene this lifestyle was.  No cars were 
whizzing past, no radios played, no telephones rang, and no 
TVs broke the silence.  There was something infinitely calming 
about this life.

"I have lemonade," Martha said as she joined Scully on the porch 
with a tray in her hands.

"Oh, Martha, you didn't have to go to such trouble," Scully 
said as she moved some things aside on the table between 


"Just some lemon poppy seed cake and lemonade, nothing fancy," 
Martha smiled as she put the tray down.  

The two women poured drinks and placed cake slices on plates 
before they settled back into their seats.

"This is very nice, thank you," Scully said with a smile as 
she sat back into her comfortable seat.

"It's nice to have visitors," Martha smiled into her lap.  
"Two of my closest friends just had babies and they are busy 
at their own home with their family right now."

"I have friends like that at home," Scully mused.  "They 
seem to disappear for months until they get a handle on 
the baby."

Martha laughed and agreed with Scully's choice of words.

"It just gets lonely," Martha said softly.  "I go to help 
sometimes, especially with my friend who has twins, but 
they have mothers and sisters who are also there and I 

"I know," Scully said as she looked over at Martha.

"It's just different when you don't have any of your own," 
Martha muttered.

"God will bless you and Luke," Scully said as she took a 
sip of lemonade.

Martha just looked at her lap and said nothing.

"Martha?" Scully asked, suddenly aware that something she 
had heard said to her a million times this past week was 
not sitting well with Martha.

"Yes, god will bless us," Martha said as she raised her 
teary eyes to meet Scully's.

"Martha, I hope I haven't said..."

"No, no, it's fine." Martha started.  "It's just I haven't 
ever been with child after all this time, and I don't know 
if something is wrong with me."

"Have you seen a doctor?" Scully asked.

"The midwife gave me teas and told me to pray.  And I have, 
but still nothing."

Scully wanted to say more, but resisted the urge.  After 
they were off the case, she justified, she would forward 
Martha the names of some doctor's that could test her for 

"God will know when it's you time," Scully said as she 
placed a hand on Martha's knee and swallowed the lump that
 was forming in her throat. "How long have you and Luke 
been married?"

"It'll be two years this fall," Martha said, happy to 
change the subject.  "And you and Samuel will be one 
year, yes?"

"Yes," Scully smiled. 

"It must be hard, not having your own house," Martha said.

"My parents needed us, and then Abram and Ruth needed's good to be needed.  But, I do look forward to 
next spring so I can have my own house with Samuel."

"Are you going to stay in Charm?"

"No, our people are from Norwalk and we will go back 
to them," Scully said assuredly.

"I understand," Martha smiled.

"But it must be nice to visit and stay someplace 
different," Martha said cheerily.

"Yes, different is nice," Scully agreed.  "Although I 
haven't seen much of the community this last week."

"If you are staying through the harvest, you'll have 
lots of time." Martha smiled.

"Actually, your brother-in-law Jacob has offered to take 
me around the area and show me the sights," Scully said, 
watching Martha's reaction carefully.

"Jacob?" Martha said as she swallowed hard.

"Yes, he's been awfully kind to offer, and I think we'll 
go later this week in his buggy."

"You and Samuel?" Martha asked quietly.

"No, Samuel is too busy with the farm and Abram needs 
him too badly, so I'll go on my own with Jacob," 
Scully explained.

"What about Ruth?  I'm sure she'll go with you, or 
I could show you..."

"Jacob seems very nice to take time out of his day to 
do this," Scully persevered.  "I don't want to 
inconvenience anyone else."

"Excuse me," Martha said as she stood from her seat.  
"I just have to..."

Scully barely had time to catch her as she fainted in 
front of her.  She laid Martha down on the wood porch 
and placed a cushion under her head.  Within moments, 
Martha roused.

"Martha, Martha?  Are you okay?  You just dropped to 
the ground," Scully said worried.

"I'm fine, just a little light headed," Martha said, 
slightly confused.

"Just lay here a minute and I'll get a cold cloth for 
your forehead," Scully offered as she went to leave 
Martha's side.

"No, I'm fine, really," Martha called for her to stop 
as she started to sit up.  

"Should I go and get someone?" Scully asked concerned as 
she helped Martha back into her chair.

"No, I's just..." Martha looked at Scully and 
seemed to be looking for words to express herself.

"What?" Scully asked softly.

"Don't go with Jacob," Martha said as she closed her 
eyes and sat back in the chair.  

"What?" Scully pretended to act confused.

"Promise me you won't go with him alone in his must promise me Miriam," Martha said with 
tears in her eyes.

"Okay, okay, I promise," Scully said softly.  "But why?"

"I...I can't say," Martha said softly.  "Just know that 
it's for your own good, okay?"

"Okay," Scully agreed.

"I will borrow the buggy from Luke one day and take you 
around, I promise you," Martha said with some conviction.

"Okay, but I still don't..."

"Jacob is not trustworthy," Martha said elaborating.  
"Don't go with him on your own anywhere."

"Martha, does he...has he..." Scully began.

"Just know that he cannot be trusted," Martha said as she 
sat more upright in her seat.  Scully sensed the 
conversation was over.

"Maybe Luke will let me have the buggy Friday," Martha said 
as she took a sip of her lemonade.  

Scully noted that, although her voice had returned to its 
jovial nature, Martha's hand was shaking as she held her 

Dana Scully stood in the yard carefully taking down the 
laundry she had hung to dry earlier in the day.  
Everything was dry, crisp and smelled of fresh summer air.  
It was moments like this that made Scully wish she lived in 
a house instead of an apartment.  Air-dried laundry was a 
staple of her childhood and absent from her adulthood.  
There was beauty and simplicity about it that she had to 

"Can I help?" Mulder asked as he walked under the line 
between a couple of his shirts.

"Aren't you supposed to be delivering milk?" Scully asked 
with a smile when she spotted him.

"That was done hours ago.  I've been cleaning up the barn 
since," he smiled at her as he took down a shirt.

"So that's the smell," she sneered at him and folded a 
pair of pants.

"Ouch!" He laughed as he placed a folded shirt in her 

In the afternoon light, his beard looked almost red in 
colour and Scully noted how handsome Mulder was with and 

without facial hair.  Then, she was suddenly struck with 
a memory or his tongue sliding along the inside of her 
mouth as this facial hair tickled her nose.  She remembered 
his warm hand along the bare skin of her back, made slick 
with the water they were in.  She could almost feel his 
heart pounding into her chest as he pressed himself 
against her.

He looked at her strangely, and she found herself blushing 
and willing her thoughts clean.

She smiled at him and continued to silently take down 
laundry.  He pulled at a pair of pants and a pair of 
her underwear fell to the ground.  

"Scully, how did these...?" He started.

"The Amish hang their unmentionables," she said as she 
took them from his hand, "behind other clothes so they 
are not seen."

"Got it," he said nodding as he peered in another pair 
of pants.  "Any pretty unmentionables I should look for 
like Easter eggs?" 

"Not here," she smiled at him and turned a little pinker.

"But somewhere?" He leered at her.

"Mulder you don't ever..." she started and then stopped 
suddenly.  "Fannie's coming."

She continued to take down their laundry and he stood and 
watched her.  Men did not do laundry.

"Supper's almost ready," Fannie said as she joined them.  
"Are you almost done?"

"Only a few more things," Scully said as she caught 
Mulder's eye.

"I better go grab a bath," Mulder said as he ducked under 
the clothesline and walked toward the house.

"I'm sorry I interrupted," Fannie apologized to Scully.

"You didn't," Scully acknowledged.  "Samuel was just 
telling me about his day."

Fannie helped Scully take down some clothes.

"How are you feeling today?" Scully asked.

"I'm okay," Fannie said softly.  "A little tired."

"You should take it easy," Scully said.  "I remember my 
first few weeks were hard."

"How far along were you when..."

"Just over three months," Scully said softly.  

"I'm so sorry," Fannie said softly.  "You wanted one 
and lost it.  I want nothing to do with this child, and 
I'm sure I'll have a healthy baby to care for the rest 
of my life."

"You won't give it up?" Scully asked.

"Some days I think it's the answer, that Gott thinks I 
should give a good baby to a good family.  Other days, 
I think...I think I need to take care of my own."

"Do you think you can love this child?" Scully asked.

Fannie took a deep breath and expelled it before speaking.  
"I want to love this child.  It is innocent and one of 
Gott's creatures.  I try everyday to love this child 
and...and I hope that I won't have to try anymore by the 
time it's born."

Scully nodded in acknowledgement.  They took down the 
rest of the laundry in silence, each woman deep in her 
own thoughts.

"Come on," Fannie said as she nodded toward the house.  
"You manne should be clean by now."

"You didn't smell him," Scully laughed.  "I think he 
needs to sit in that bath for a long time."

Fannie laughed as Scully hauled the basket up onto her 
hip.  The two women walked companionably back to the 


Fox Mulder walked out onto the back porch and heard the 
screen door smack shut behind him.  The sun was starting 
to fall in the sky and the purple colour making its way 
across the wide open space was a beautiful sight.  

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Scully asked as she walked out 
behind him, wrapping a shawl around her shoulders.  

"That it is," Mulder muttered as he turned to look at 

She was beautiful with wisps of brown hair skirting 
around her jaw, her small shoulders pulled in tight 
to shut out the cool night air, and her pale skin  
was iridescent in the evening light.  She was as 
beautiful as the sky before them.  

"We better get walking if we want to be back before 
dark," Scully said as she walked past him, unaware 
of the affect she had on him in that moment.

He followed her out into the yard and through to the 
field behind the house.  

"So?" He asked.  "How was your day with Martha?"

"Very telling," Scully said mysteriously.  "But first, 
tell me how we are getting away Wednesday."

"Well, the story is, we're visiting your elderly aunt 
Clara in Zoar, when in reality you and I are checking 
into the Courtyard Marriott in Canton...which also 
happens to be close to the Pro Football Hall of Fame."

"Mulder..." She cautioned him.

"I'm just saying," he smiled at her and put an arm 
around her shoulder.  "If there's time, we have 

"And we're there for...?"

"One night, while we check in with the Bureau, do some 
Internet searches, and some record checks."

"And watch mindless TV?" She asked wistfully.

"Any Golden Girls episode your heart desires," he said, 
still not removing his arm from around her shoulder.  

She laughed at his joke and walked in-step with him 
through the field.  

"I found out more about Saunder Miller and Jonah Heise," 
Mulder said.

"And?" She asked interested.

"Jonah Heise is the rebel of Charm, having lived with 
an English women for a couple of years outside of the 

"Really?!" Scully asked, shocked.

"He came back to take care of his family when his 
father died...apparently he still sees the girl and will 
return to her when his brothers can take over the farm."

"That's family dedication," Scully said as she tried to 
wrap her head around it.

"Yeah," Mulder agreed.  "He's surly because he's unhappy 
and trapped, not because he's a rapist."

"And Saunder?"

"Now, he's a little more interesting." Mulder said as he 
walked with her.  "He's smart and he was dating Rebecca 
Hillar before..."

"One of the victims," Scully interrupted.

"Before she was engaged to another man," Mulder continued.  
"Then she was raped soon after she accepted the 

"Who did she become engaged to?"

"Benjamin Schwartz," Mulder answered.

"Is he related to...?"

"Sara Schwartz is his sister-in-law," Mulder answered 
before she was finished.

"Lots of links there," Scully noted.

"And he fits some key areas of my profile.  He's above 
average intelligence, he's the right age, he's unattached, 
and has been turned down by a series of women."

They both walked and thought about their two suspects as 
the sun started to dip down in the horizon.  

"We better head back," Scully noted as she saw the sun 

"Scully, I..." Mulder started as she turned within his 

"Yes?" She asked, as she swallowed hard and looked up at 
him in the dying light.

"I want you to know that I...that I'm not going to do 
anything or...or try anything with you while we're in 
bed and..."

"Mulder, I..." she interrupted.

"No, let me finish," he said as he held her shoulders.  
"I don't know if you wanted what happened at the pond to 
even happen but...but I know I did."

Her eyes grew wide at his admission.  

"And," he continued before he lost his courage.  "And I 
think you may want the same thing but...but I'm not sure 
if you're ready now.  And, I want you to know...I'll be 
here when you are."

She was silent for a long time after he finished talking.  
He wasn't sure if she was trying to let him down lightly, 
or was thinking of an excuse for why this wouldn't work.  
What she did next shocked him.

Scully raised herself up on her toes and gently kissed him 
on the lips.  It was a soft kiss, a kiss full of promise.  
When she pulled back he found his lips following her and 
had to stop himself from falling forward.

"We better get back," she said as she took a step away 
from him.

"Wait a minute," he said as he gently grabbed her arm.  
"What was that?"

She stopped and looked at him.  "It was what it was, Mulder.  
I wanted to kiss you and I did.  You've done just the same 
with me."


"I think we should explore this, that's all." Scully said 
softly, ducking her head to avoid his eyes.

He sensed this was a big step for her, and he didn't want 
to push. He also knew she didn't really want to delve into
the topic of emotions at this time; he could see it in 
her posture.

"Okay," he said softly as he let go of her arm. "We'll 

She smiled up at him in response, he was not forcing the 
issue and that made her happy.

They started to walk back towards the house as the world 
around them darkened quickly. He put his arm around her 
shoulder and they walked in-step with each other. 

"Martha didn't want me to be alone with Jacob Lapp," Scully 
said, breaking the silence.  "She vehemently argued that I 
should not be alone with him...that he can't be trusted."

"She what?" Mulder asked interested.

"I told you how I sensed something between her and Jacob," 
Scully started.  "Mulder, she fainted when she thought I 
was going to be alone in a buggy with him touring the 

"She fainted?" He asked, surprised.

"Yeah, there's more to it," Scully sighed.  "I think she's 
another victim."

"Did she say...?"

"No," Scully confirmed.  "When I pressed, she pulled away 
and closed down.  But, but I think if Jacob is our rapist, 
Martha is another victim."

"And do you think she'll talk with you about...?"

"Mulder, she barely knows me," Scully said sadly.  "She's 
opened up this much to me and maybe...maybe if she takes 
me around she may say some more.  But, I don't think 
she'll say what happened with Jacob, if indeed anything 
did happen."

"Scully, you know as a profiler, we were always taught to 

trust our gut first."

She looked up at him as they walked into the yard and 
toward the porch.  "Well, my gut says she's a victim."

"Then explore it," Mulder said as he helped her up the 
porch steps by taking her hand.  

She smiled up at him when they reached the top step.  
"What are you up to tomorrow?"

"I'm helping the Miller's re-build a fence in their 
north field," Mulder smiled at her.  "Saunder's sister 
mentioned a bunch of men were going to help with it 
tomorrow and I volunteered."

"How sweet of you," Scully smiled deviously at him, 
knowing the real reason he had volunteered.  "It'll be a 
great chance to get to know the young Miller men."

"Yes, it will," Mulder smiled at her as he opened the 
back screen door to allow them entrance.


Mulder woke to find Scully lying snuggled up next to his 
left side.  Her brown hair was splayed over his chest 
and her two hands were tucked between their two frames.  
He wasn't sure if he ever wanted to get used to waking 
up alone again.  He carefully pulled his arm out from 
underneath her and the bed squeaked at he shifted to 
the side.  

"You going to the Miller's?" Scully asked groggily next 
to him.

He looked down to see her blue eyes starring, sleepily, 
back at him.

"After I help milk the cows," Mulder said as he looked 
down at her.

"How are you doing with that?" She asked as she covered 
her mouth in a yawn.

"The milking part isn't hard because it's mechanized." 
He said as he brushed a wayward strand of her hair to 
the side.  "It's the strong smell of manure and cow 

flatulence first thing in the morning that hits you 
the hardest."

"Cow flatulence?" She smirked up at him.

"Yeah," he said rising to lean on an elbow above her 
form.  "It's contributing to the warming of our planet.  
I read a study where..."

"Trust you, Mulder, to woo a girl with stories of cow 
flatulence," she snickered to herself.

"I didn't know we was courtin'," Mulder said in his 
best country accent.

"Well, you've already slept with me, so I don't know 
if it's courtin' anymore," Scully said matter-of-factly.

They both fell silent for a few moments.  Him starring 
down at her, admiring how beautiful she was.  And she, 
looking up at him, feeling uncomfortable under his 

"What are we doing, Scully?" he asked thoughtfully as 
he ran the pad of his index finger over her brow. He 
had allowed the subject to drop last night, but found 
curiosity outweighed patience.

She swallowed hard and starred at him for a few beats 
before answering.  

"I don't know, Mulder.  I don't know," she said in a 

"And that scares you," he said.

"It does," she admitted with a slight smile.  "But I'm 
willing to be scared for a while."

He grinned down at her, happy with what she had said.  
She admitted that she was scared, which he already knew, 
and also, said she would embrace the fear instead of 
run from it.  This was a turning point, as far as he 
was concerned.

He leaned down and softly kissed her on the lips.  She, 
however, responded differently than he expected, and 
pushed the kiss further.  What was meant to be a chaste 
parting-of-ways kiss, quickly turned into a passionate 
embrace that caused his whole body to react to her 

Both their tongues played between their mouths and he 
found his hands running up and down the sides of her 
flimsy cotton nightgown.  He could feel the curve of 
her hip, the tightness of her thigh, the underside of 
her ass, and the suppleness of the side of her breast.  
Between that, and the wonderful things she was doing 
to his mouth, Mulder felt quite overwhelmed by all 
that was Scully.

Two short raps on their bedroom door caused the partners 
to pull apart from each other and snap their heads towards 

the noise.  

"We have to get going Samuel, if you want to help the 
Miller's with their fence," Abram said from the other 
side of the door.

"Sorry, Abram," Mulder called as he got up from their bed 
looking dishevelled and guilty.  "I'll be down in one 

"Okay," Abram called from the other side of the door.  

They heard footsteps retreating down the stairs.  

"Oh, my god," Scully said softly as she straightened her 
nightgown and patted down her hair.  "I'm so sorry, 

"I'm not," Mulder said with a smirk as he shucked on his 
pants and pulled a shirt from the closet.

"Mulder, we shouldn't...we're on a case and..." she 
started to whisper as she stood beside him.

"Scully, we are working as best we can under the 
circumstances, but we can't run ideas off each other 
twenty-four hours a day, we'll burn out and get nowhere." 
He said softly to her as he pulled on his suspenders.  
"There was nothing wrong with what happened."

"Then how come I feel so guilty?" She asked, honestly.

"It's the Amish rubbing off on you," Mulder said as he 
grasped her shoulder.  "Are we okay?"

She looked at her feet and nodded her head.

"Good," he said as he kissed the top of her head and 
started to leave the room.

"Make sure you ask Abram about the women missing from 
church on Sunday," Scully reminded him.

"See?" Mulder said smiling at her.  "We're always 

He opened the door and walked out into the hall, shutting 
it behind him.  Scully put one knee on the bed to get 
back under the covers when she heard a familiar squeak 
of their mattress.  She moved slightly to one side and 
heard it squeak again.

"Oh, god," she muttered to herself.  

When they were embracing and kissing in bed, they were 
both anything but still.  Abram would have heard all the 
squeaking going on from the other side of their door before 
he knocked.    Scully's head fell into her hands and she 
threw herself onto the bed with a large thump, and a very 
loud squeak.  


Mulder had been working for a couple of hours driving 
stakes into the ground at the edge of the Miller's property.  
Twelve other men were working around him and the job would 
probably be wrapped up by lunch time.  His arms were aching 
and his back was starting to get sore.  He hoped they would 
be called for lunch soon so he could sit and relax for a 
bit.  That, and he was starving after only eating a piece 
of bread this morning as he rushed out to the barn to help 
Abram. But, he wouldn't trade his time with Scully this 
morning for any big breakfast.

So far, he'd had little opportunity to talk with Saunder 
Miller beside Saunder passing him items he needed and 
guiding the group through the process of building the fence.  
He seemed like an intense young man, easily frustrated, and 
very observant.  

A bell rang in the distance and Mulder's head snapped up.  It 
was time for lunch and they were almost done the fence.  

"Saunder, why don't we finish the last two sections before 
we..." one man started to offer.

"No,'s fine," Saunder said shaking his head.  "I'll 
finish it myself later.  Thanks everyone for all your help."

All the men waved at him and neatly piled up their various 
tools then made their way toward the house where lunch 
would be served.

Mulder waited around until almost all the others had left 
so he could walk back with Saunder.

"It should hold up, pretty well," Mulder started the 

"As long as the cows behave themselves," Saunder said as he 
turned to look at the fence.

"Are you going to take over the farm?" Mulder asked.

They walked a good twenty yards in silence before Saunder 
chose to answer the question.  It was an act of control over 
the conversation they were having.  A deliberate way 
domineering him, of showing Mulder who was in charge.

"It looks that way," Saunder said finally.

"No farm of your own?" Mulder asked.

"Not all of us get wives as pretty as yours," Saunder said 
as he glanced at Mulder.

Mulder looked at him suspiciously.  There was something 
about the comment that didn't sit well with him.  Saunder 
was being very forward for an Amish man.  

"I'm lucky to have Miriam," Mulder nodded, not quite sure 
where the conversation was going.  

"Yes, you are," Saunder grinned.  "But you don't have your 
farm yet, now do you?" 

The question was meant to throw Mulder off, question his 
ability as a husband and as a man in this community, to 
provide for his family.

"No, but in the spring we should.  It's been a long wait." 
Mulder assured Saunder as they continued to walk.

"I also heard Miriam had a long wait for you too.  You 
suffered from 'fits'? Do they ever come back?"

"No," Mulder said confidently.  "Gott has cured me."

"It would be a shame if she waited all that time to have 
you relapse.  Imagine having to spend the rest of your 
life taking care of a cripple?  Feeding him, changing 
his diapers..."

"I'm cured," Mulder said as he tried to control his anger.  
"Miriam will have no such future."

"Well that's good to hear," Saunder said as he starred 
off at a pasture.  "But now she has to wait for her 
home...she's a very patient woman, your Miriam" Saunder 
said, almost with a sneer.

Mulder would never have expected an Amish man to speak 

to him this way.  Saunder Miller was an overly-confident 
man, by Amish standards.  He was an alpha male and he 
didn't even attempt to hide it.   It unnerved him more 
than he'd like to admit.

"I guess I'm worth the wait," Mulder said not as 
jokingly as he'd like.

"Or maybe Norwalk doesn't have many men," Saunder joked, 
but Mulder could tell he was serious.

"That's funny," Mulder laughed in an exaggerated way.  

Saunder grinned at him, obviously thinking he had the 
upper hand, and had proven Mulder a fool.  He was 
obviously quite smart, and probably used to other Amish 
men backing down at this point.

"I heard you were involved with Rebecca Hillar at one 
time, what happened there?  Isn't she marrying someone 
else?" Mulder asked cattily.

He didn't like Saunder's attitude, and instead of playing 
nice, liked he'd planned; he decided to not pull any 
punches.  It wasn't his best investigative method, but 
at the moment it was the only one that felt natural.  

"So you've heard about my luck with women?" Saunder noted 
as they continued to walk.  

"It's a small community and people talk," Mulder said, 
trying to project Amish humility.  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't 

"No, the rumours have been going around about Rebecca and 
me since the spring..." Saunder said thoughtfully.  

"You didn't marry," Mulder added.

"No, she wasn't right for me," Saunder said confidently, as 
if it was his choice.  "And she's damaged goods 
and her fiance is stuck with her."

"Damaged goods?" Mulder asked, trying to seem innocent of 
the assaults.

"You haven't heard?" Saunder asked as he looked at Mulder.  
"I guess you haven't been here long enough..."

"Long enough for what?"

"You know about what happened to Fannie?" Saunder asked.  
"How she's no longer...innocent?"

Mulder nodded his head and looked toward the ground, like 
he knew a good Amish man would.

"She's not the only one...there have been others," Saunder 
said as they approached a clearing.  "Someone has been 
teaching the women in this community a lesson."

"What kind of lesson?" Mulder asked as they approached 
the others, sad this conversation was ending so quickly.  
He wanted more information from Saunder than time would 

"To know their place," Saunder said with authority as he 
surveyed the group before them.  "Keep an eye on that 
pretty wife of yours Samuel; make sure she knows her 

Mulder stopped dead in his tracks and watched as Saunder 
walked over to the long table and took a seat in the 
middle surrounded by other men.  Saunder Miller was not 
what he expected and he was quite bothered by what he 
had discovered.  

Saunder was a misogynist who thought the women in the 
community were being 'taught a lesson' by being raped.  
He saw a woman he once wanted to marry as 'damaged goods' 
that was now someone else's problem.  He also challenged 
Mulder's manhood and questioned his relationship with his 
wife all in the same conversation. Saunder Miller was 
definitely a piece of work, and someone that they 
definitely needed to investigate further.  

"Samuel are you having something to eat?" Abram asked as 
he walked to his side. "I know you didn't get breakf..."

"I'm not hungry, anymore," Mulder said with a groan.  
"I'll wait for you in the wagon."

Abram watched as Mulder walked to the wagon, eager to 
get as far away from Saunder Miller as he could.  Mulder 
felt dirty just having participated in the conversation 
with him.


Dana Scully rolled out cookie dough on the kitchen table as 
Fannie stirred another batch next to her.  They had been 
working companionably for much of the day making cookies 
for a church picnic that was happening Saturday.  Ruth was 
busy outside working in her garden, weeding.

The back door opened and Mulder walked inside.  He looked 
slightly flushed.

"Hey," Scully called to him.  "You're back early."

"We need to talk," Mulder said as he walked up beside her 
and grabbed her by the elbow.

She looked up at him and saw the distress in his eyes.  He 
was upset about something, and she wasn't sure what.  

"Okay, let me just..." Scully began.

"Now, Miriam," Mulder said low and with intent.  

Fannie's eyes flashed on Scully and Scully returned the 
puzzled look.  Mulder was acting strangely and neither of 
them was sure why.  He was still standing closely next to her, 
not taking 'no' for an answer.  Then, she felt his breath on 
her neck close to her ear.

"Please," he said softly.  He then stepped away from her and 
walked out the kitchen door.

Scully wiped her flour-covered hands on her apron and silently 
followed him out of the kitchen and onto the back steps.  
Fannie dropped her head, suddenly quite interested in what 
she was mixing.

"You mind telling me what's the matter?" She asked as soon as 
they were off the porch.

"Not here," Mulder said gesturing with his head to Ruth weeding 

They walked away from the yard and into a nearby field.  He, 
walking closely next to her, protectively.  She was getting more 
and more anxious with each passing minute.  Something was wrong, 
and he felt she was in danger.

"I think we need to go see Aunt Clara a night early," Mulder 
finally broke the silence.

"What?  Why?" Scully asked confused.

"Saunder Miller has proven himself to be a worthy suspect."

"And how does that warrant leaving early?" She asked as she 
crossed her arms over her chest and stopped walking.

"We're going to have to pull everything available on him and 
Jacob Lapp," Mulder said as he kept walking.  "It's going to 
take some time."

"But we won't get into Canton until dark, it's really not a 
lot of extra time to speak with Skinner and..." she started 
as she began to follow him again.

"Scully," Mulder said as he stopped to face her.  "This 
Saunder guy really creeped me out."

Scully looked at his face and saw something she hadn't seen 
in a while when investigating, Mulder was not feeling very 
sure of himself.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she took his hand.

"I only had one chance to speak with him today," Mulder said 
as he dropped her hand and ran it through his hair.  "He says 
he broke it off with Rebecca Hillar and that it's a good 
thing, because now she's 'damaged goods' and her fiance's 

"He said that to you?" Scully asked, shocked.

"Scully, there were no Amish sensibilities in him when we 
spoke." Mulder said as he met her eyes.  "He tried to be 
dominant the entire time we talked, he even walked for a long 
time not answering my questions so he could show me who's 

"Alpha male," Scully muttered.

"I pretended I only knew about Fannie's assault, and he, 
unabashedly, told me about the others and how they were being 
taught a lesson, to know their place."

Scully stood open-mouthed before him.  She had been quite 
confident Jacob was their primary suspect, now things were 
starting to change.

"He...he questioned my ability as a man to provide for my 
family, and he questioned our marriage."

"He what?!" She asked, wondering if their cover had been 

"Not that way," Mulder said shaking his head and walking in 
a tight circle before her.  "He said it would be a shame if 
my 'fits' came back and you had to feed me and change 
my diapers for the rest of your life."

"Oh my god," Scully sighed as she ran a hand up and down his 
arm.  "How did you handle that?"

"I said you wouldn't have that life," Mulder said as he played 
with his lip.  "I challenged him at some points and backed 
away at others.  But, I didn't seem to ever throw him off, 
which was very unnerving."

"What do you make of him?"

"He's smart and determined to show his prowess in everything 
he does.  He's also cool, calm, and collected.  Very 
calculating in what he says and does.  He keeps his emotions 
in check and doesn't let anything get to him."

"He sounds like a good serial rapist." Scully noted.

Mulder looked up at her blue eyes, which always seemed to turn 
a darker shade when she was upset.  He wanted to not tell her 
the rest, but knew he had to.

"He...he also talked about how pretty you are and how lucky I 
am," Mulder started slowly.  "It was almost as if he wanted to 
use you to make me feel inadequate."

"If he's trying to dominate, it's a good tactic," she noted.  
"Make the man feel unworthy of the life he has."

"He also told me to keep an eye on you, and make sure you know 
your place." Mulder said as he watched for her reaction.  "If 
he's our rapist, it's a threat."

Scully swallowed hard and licked her upper lip before meeting 
his eyes.  "Maybe that works in our favour."


Despite Mulder's desire to leave early, Scully convinced 
him to stay the night and leave first thing the next 
morning.  It made much more sense then travelling by horse 
and buggy in the evening and not being able to make contact 
with the people they needed to at the Bureau.  

So that is how, she found herself being shifted off his 
warm body at 4 o'clock in the morning.  

"Sorry, I have to go," he murmured in her ear as he slid 
out from underneath her.

"I'll get up too," she mumbled as she opened her eyes.

"You don't have to.  It'll be over two hours before I'm done 
the milking with Abram," Mulder said as he smiled down at 
her and sat up.

"I know, but I can make you breakfast and I should pack up 
some of our stuff..."

"It's all in the trunk of the rental, remember?" Mulder 
reminded her.

"I forgot," she yawned as she sat up in bed next to him.

"You tossed and turned a lot in your sleep last night," Mulder 
said as he tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.  

"I'm sorry," she apologized.  "I guess I was just thinking 
about the case."

"Once we pull everything on Jacob and Saunder it'll hopefully 
fall into place a little better."

"Hopefully," she sighed as she turned and dropped her feet 
onto the cold floor.

"You know," Mulder said as he stood to find some clothes.  
"You sometimes talk in your sleep too."

She blushed a deep red colour and turned to look at him. 
"I'm sorry, I hadn't realized I was."

"So, you know you do?" Mulder asked, interested.

"I have been told I do.  It's usually when I get stressed 
that it happens." Scully said as she selected a shirt, 
skirt and underwear from a drawer. "Mulder, can you turn 

"Sure," he said turning his back to her.  "Do you want to 
know what you were saying?" 

"No, I don't think I do." She said as she started to take 
off her underwear and put on fresh panties.

He paused for a moment, wondering if he should take it 
further.  Their relationship was so new, he didn't want to 
scare her.  After a minute of introspection he decided to 
push forward.

"So I can't ask where 'there' was that made you so happy?" 
Mulder asked.

She froze mid-motion, he skirt gripped in her hands, and 
looked at his back, unsure of what to say next.  She closed 
her eyes and silently chastised herself for being so vocal 
while she slept.

"You know, I'm just kidding right?" Mulder laughed as he 
turned slightly to the side, still not seeing her, but not 
completely turned anymore.  "You were actually talking about 
different types of cookies."

"I was what?!" She asked relieved as she then continued to 
pull up her skirt.

"All that cookie making is haunting you in your sleep, I 
think," Mulder laughed.

She caught her breath and thanked God for small miracles.

"God, Mulder, you scared me," she snickered as she changed 
her undershirt.

"What scared you?  The sex talk, or the fact that I knew 
all your secrets?"

She paused again, not sure if she should be honest.  But 
then, deciding she couldn't be anything but, answered him.

"Maybe a bit of both," she answered as she pulled on a 
shirt.  "Okay, you can turn around."

He stood up and turned to face her as she was doing up 
her buttons.  He smiled when he saw she was not upset with 
his joke.

"I forgot about the suitcases.  It'll be a nice break from 
all this," she said gesturing at her long skirt.

"I don't know, I've kind grown to like the look," Mulder 
said as he walked over to his dresser.  

"You have?" She asked, shocked as she looked down at 
herself again.

"It's very soft and feminine," Mulder said quietly as he 
selected a blue shirt from those hanging in the closet.  
"It's also simple; no makeup or coiffed's just 

Scully didn't know how to respond to him.  She wasn't sure 
if he was complimenting her or insulting her.  If he liked 
this 'look' what didn't he like about how she normally 

"You're beautiful either way," Mulder said meeting her 
eyes and sensing her worry.  "I guess I just haven't seen 
you like this much and...and it's nice."

Scully ducked her head and nodded.  "I'll get you and Abram 
some breakfast."

Scully was never good at taking compliments so instead, she 
walked from the room and shut the door quietly behind her. 

Mulder continued to get dressed in their room.  He had to 
milk the cows and then they were off to live as themselves 
for two days so they could work on the leads they had 

By 10 am Mulder and Scully found themselves bidding Abram 
farewell until the next evening.  Their car was parked at 
a golf course that was about an hour's horse and buggy 
ride outside of Charm.  Their thinking was, no Amish would 
work or visit the course, so it was a good place to do a 
switch.  They quickly made their way inside and got changed 
in the golf-pro washrooms.  The few people they encountered 
took no notice of them and just went on with their business.  

Once dressed, Dana Scully looked at herself in the mirror 
and was a little startled at who looked back.  She was 
wearing casual pants and a golf shirt, but her skin was 
slightly tan, her hair soft and loose, and her posture 
relaxed.  She usually looked tight, pale and stiff when 
investigating; always on edge.  This was a picture of 
herself as an investigator she hadn't ever seen before 
and she wasn't sure what to make of it.

She walked out to their car to find Mulder already sitting 
in the driver's seat looking odd in his khaki's and golf 
shirt with his Amish beard.  She got in the car grinning 
from ear to ear at the strangeness of it all.

"I think I might trim it a little at the hotel," Mulder said 
as he read her thoughts.

"You shouldn't," she said as she did up her seatbelt.  "Unless 
it's incredibly unruly Amish men don't trim."

"Does that mean you're not going to shave your legs?" He 
asked smiling at her and raising an eyebrow.

"I've actually been thinking about that. No one has really 
seen them but you," she noted as he started the car.  "So I 
probably could, but then I'd have to smuggle a razor into the 
house and clean up any evidence of shaving after each bath..."

"So, it's not worth it," Mulder finished her thoughts.

"Not really," she groaned.  "And it's gotten beyond the itchy 
prickly stage so..."

"You're legs are actually quite soft," Mulder said distractedly 
as he manoeuvred through the parking lot.  

"Uh, thanks," Scully said as she turned a few shades of red.  
"Once the hair grows in long enough it's really not too would you know?"

"When you...when you lay on top of me," Mulder said turning to 
look at her turning beet red beside him, "your nightgown 
sometimes rides up and when I have to move you off of 
me in the morning..."

Scully nodded her head in acknowledgement, hoping he wouldn't 
continue further with his explanation.  Mulder took the hint 
and went silent.  

They spent the next few minutes navigating their way from the 
golf course and onto the right road to Canton.  It was only 
about forty minutes away so they could get started on 
things by lunch.

"I'm going to give Skinner a quick call..." Scully started 
as she pulled out a charged cell phone.

"And then you need to call Alex Cowan, he's the local Agent 
who'll be meeting us in Canton. His number should also be 
programmed in."

"Should I call him first?  Give him a chance to..."

"No, let Skinner know we're fine and see if he has any info 
to share first," Mulder said as he drove down the lonely 
stretch of road.

Scully dialled a number on the phone.  After a few rings, 
someone answered.

"Special Agent Alex Cowan," said the husky voice on the 
other side of the phone.

"Agent Cowan," Scully said looking straight ahead and not 
at Mulder.  "This is Agent Dana Scully.  I'm with Agent Mulder 
on our way to Canton to meet up with you and..."

"What time will you be in?" Agent Cowan interrupted her as 
the line cracked.

"We'll be at the hotel in about forty minutes," Scully 

"I'll get you rooms at the front desk for you both and meet 
you in your partner's room to go over the case." He said 
distractedly on the other side of the line.  "Call me when 
you get to the hotel, and I'll give you the room number."

"Sounds perfect," Scully nodded.

"Oh, do you want me to get us some lunch or..."

"We'll figure it out when we get in," Scully said.  "We 
want to get our hands on some information first."

"See you then Agent Scully," he said just before he 
disconnected the phone.

Scully clapped the phone shut in her hand and looked over 
at her partner.  She knew the hamster was on the wheel and 
wondered if he was actually going to say anything to her.

"Agent Cowan, huh?" He said breaking the silence.

"Yep," she answered.

They drove on,  in silent agreement that outside of Charm, 
Mulder wasn't going to order her around.


Alex Cowan opened the hotel room door with a flourish and 
greeted the agents with a tense smile.

"Glad to meet you, Agents," he said as he shook each of their 
hands. He was a large, bulky man with a well-trimmed 
moustache and glasses.

"Nice to meet you Agent Cowan," Mulder said as he put their 
two bags down in the corner.

"Oh, before I forget," Agent Cowan said as he reached deep 
into his pant pocket.  "Here is your key Agent Scully."

"Thank you," Scully smiled tightly up at him as she took the 
key card from his hand.  

"Agent Mulder, yours is on the dresser," Agent Cowan gestured 
toward the dresser with the TV on it.

"Uh, thanks," Mulder said as he looked in the direction 
indicated.  "It'll be weird having all this space to myself."

"Conditions cramped at the farm?" Agent Cowan asked as he 
walked over to a file sitting on a table.

" could say that," Mulder smirked across the room 

at the Agent's back while Scully shuffled her feet.

"Well, hopefully it won't be for too much longer," Agent 

Cowan said absently as he walked back towards them holding 
a file.

"I don't mind," Mulder muttered.

"Here's the file on the rape victims," Alex Cowan said to 
them both.  "I pulled everything on the women to see if 
there are any links."

"And?" Scully asked.

"And there are a ton," Alex Cowan said as he shook his 
head.  "It's a small community and it looks like everyone 
is related to each other.  They all inter-marry and pretty 
much every victim is somehow tied to the others."

"Yeah, they are tight knit," Scully said as she took the 
file from him.

"You have any suspects yet?" Alex Cowan asked as he placed 
his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, Jacob Lapp and Saunder Miller," Mulder said as he 
glanced over Scully's shoulder at the file.  "We didn't get 
a file this big before we started the case."

"No, we only had the basics," Alex Cowan admitted.  "Since 
you've been undercover we've managed to get more information 
about the women.  I thought you'd want to see it."

"Thanks," Scully said absently as she flipped pages.

"I'll get the names into the database and see what comes up," 
Alex Cowan said as he walked toward a laptop on the table. 
"Jacob Lapp and Saunder Miller?"

"Uh, huh," Mulder mumbled as he continued to read over 
Scully's shoulder.

"Beulah," Scully muttered as she flipped a page.

"Beulah and Amos King sold their farm two months after she was 
raped and Abram didn't know where they went to," Mulder said 
as he read.  "Looks like they moved to New York state."

"And she's listed as receiving rape counselling from the Beacon 
Clinic," Scully read aloud.  "At least someone is getting 

"She's the only one, I think," Mulder muttered as he reached 
around her to flip a page. "Anything on Annie Glick?" 

"She's listed as staying with her relatives in Brimfield," 
Scully read.  "No mention of any type of medical help or 
psychological counselling."

"She's technically still engaged to Daniel Beiler," Mulder 
said.  "But she hasn't been back to Charm in five months."

"With no telephones or internet, are they still engaged?" 
Scully asked.

"According to Abram, Daniel is expecting her to come back 
for the wedding after the harvest."

"He is?" Scully asked, surprised.

Mulder just shrugged his shoulders at her.  

"Why don't you two have a seat?" Alex Cowan looked over at 
the Agents.  "We're here for a while."

Mulder looked over at the Agent who was busy at the computer 
and then down at Scully who was still reading the file before 
them.  They had hardly uttered two words to Agent Cowan 
beyond information about the case.

"Have you heard from our AD?" Mulder asked.

"Yeah, he wants your reports filed before you go to bed 
tonight," Alex said as he stood and grabbed his coat.

"Sounds like him," Scully muttered.

"I'm heading out to get us some food," Alex said as he 
approached them.  "Any requests?"

Mulder looked down at Scully and she nodded her head in 
agreement.  "Some pizza?"

"Pizza?" Alex asked, unsure.

"Yeah, pepperoni, bacon, green olives, and mushrooms." 
Mulder clarified.

"No problem," Alex said as he reached for the doorknob.  
"Anything else?"

"Maybe some salad?" Scully asked.

Agent Cowan nodded.  "Get yourselves settled.  I'll be back 
in about an hour."

He left the room without another word.

Mulder and Scully looked at each other and the file before 

"Take off your shoes Scully, and hop up on the bed." Mulder 

"Excuse me?" She asked, surprised by his request.

"We...we can spread out the files there," Mulder clarified.

"Oh, okay," Scully smiled to herself.

"Get your mind out of the gutter," he leered at her.  
" know, we have an hour before he gets back..."

She smacked him with the file folder in her hand and walked 
toward the bed.


Dana Scully lay awake in her large, comfy queen-sized bed, 
unable to sleep.  It was almost 1 am and she, by all 
accounts, should be sleeping well.  She'd been up since 
4 am, reading files and talking on the phone most of the 
day, and had not even made it to this room until midnight.  
But here she was, lying in bed after a warm bath, 

The information they had retrieved about the other victims, 
as well as their two suspects had shed some light on their 
case a little more.  Their rape victims: Bertha Kitzen, 
Sarah Schwartz, Rebecca Hillar, Annie Glick, Beulah King, 
and Fannie Miller had a lot in common.  They all ranged in 
age from 20-34 years old and attended the same Amish school; 
most of them at the same time.  Some of them were friends, 
all of them had belonged to the local quilting bee, some 
were even related through marriage or were cousins.  None 
of the women had lived away from the community, and by all 
accounts, were 'good Amish women'.  But, there were 
subtleties about each of them that made them interesting.

The first victim, Bertha Kitzen, was notably smart.  She 
earned straight A's in school and tried to start a community 
newsletter when she was in her early twenties.  The newsletter 
was met with a lot of opposition within the community and, 
although she published only 4 in total, it was stopped by 
the bishop as being un-Amish.  The newsletter was not 
controversial in any respect mainly publishing recipes and 
announcements, but the fact that it was being operated by a 
women seemed to be the problem.  She was engaged to Isaiah 
Fehr until she was raped one week before her wedding while 
walking home from a friend's house.  Her fiance broke off 
the engagement and she has since carried on in the 

community as if nothing had happened.  Scully remembered 
her stern face from the church service and noted that 
Bertha almost looked as if she dared anyone to talk to her.  

The second victim, Sarah Schwartz, was the only married 
woman who was still living in the community.  She was 
married to Peter Schwartz and the mother of three children.  
Sarah was a woman who had the audacity to want to continue 
teaching at the Amish school house after she had her first 
child.  She petitioned the trustees to keep her job and 
was refused.  In her file, there was an application for a 
teaching position with the local public school, but she 
failed to accept any job that was offered to her.  Sarah's 
attack happened while she was at home baking one afternoon.  
Her children played in the snow outside the entire time the 
attack took place.  Of all the women, Sarah's assault 
seemed to be the most brutal in that she suffered a broken 
jaw as a result of the rape and had to stay at the local 
hospital for several days.  

The third victim, Rebecca Hillar, broke off her engagement 
to Saunder Miller only to become engaged to Benjamin 
Schwartz soon afterwards.  Benjamin Schwartz is Sarah 
Schwartz's brother-in-law and the husband of the previous 
rape victim.  Rebecca was raped soon after she became 
engaged to Benjamin.  By all accounts Rebecca's only 
defiant act in her life, was breaking off her engagement 
to Saunder Miller.  It is unclear in any document why the 
engagement was nullified; that was something they would 
have to discover for themselves.  Rebecca Hillar was 
raped in her bedroom at night, while her parents and 
siblings slept down the hall.

The fourth victim was Annie Glick who was attacked in a 
field near her home.  She was outside gathering firewood 
from a stockpile when she was grabbed from behind, forced 
face down in the snow, and raped.  Annie stayed outside 
a long time after her rape and her father found her half-
naked and bleeding in the snow more than an hour later, 
suffering from exposure.  Annie left the community to 
live with her Aunt almost immediately, and there is no 
record of any contact between she and her family since.  
According to Abram, she's still engaged to Daniel Beiler 
and neither party has made any move to call off the 
wedding. There is no record of any issue with Annie 
within the community but her fiance Daniel was shunned 
by the community a year ago for dishonourable behaviour.  
Mulder would need to find out what the cause was.   

Beulah King was the fifth victim of the local rapist.  
She and her husband Amos, moved away from Charm quickly 
after the rape happened and re-settled in New York State.  
According to the records she has been in rape counselling 
since the move and has not had contact with the community 
in Charm outside of occasional letters to her parents.  
Beulah King was raped in the school house where she was 
serving as the community's teacher.  She had stayed after 
school until it was dark one night when someone grabbed 
her as she was exiting, forced her inside, and raped her 
on the floor of the coat room.  She has yet to go back to 
teaching since moving away.  

The last victim, Fannie Miller, was the youngest and only 
un-attached woman of the group.  She was raped one night 
in her family's barn while she was checking on one of 
her hens that seemed ill.  She, like the others, was 
grabbed from behind, and assaulted.  Fannie's only act 
of defiance within the community was refusing a proposal 
by Heinrich Weibe, a man ten years her senior whose wife 
died during childbirth last year.  Scully would have to 
ask her about Heinrich the next time they spoke.  

The similarities between the victims as strong women who, 
at one time or another, challenged the authority of the 
community were of particular interest to Scully.  The only 
woman who didn't fit was Annie Glick, who seemed to have 
no black marks on her record as a good Amish woman.  
Annie was no longer part of the community, so Scully 
would be unable to glean any information from her.  Agent 
Cowan would have to set up an interview with her and see 
if there was any more information they could get.  

All of the women filed reports, refused any counselling 
offered by the officers on the case, and reported that 
they didn't know who their attacker was.  No one had much 
to offer in the way of description, except that it was a 
man, he was strong, he overpowered them easily, and that 
they were completely caught off guard.  All women were 
vaginally penetrated while lying face down and all 
reported that they couldn't move at all during the attack.  
All women had refused rape kits so no DNA was collected 
by police.  Fannie Miller was the only woman, known at 
this time, who was pregnant as a result of her rape.  

Dana Scully tossed and turned in her sleep, unable to 
get comfortable or take her mind off the case.  But, 
eventually, sleep captured her.


Mulder found himself waking automatically at 4 am.  It hadn't 
taken him long to fall asleep after Scully left his room 
around midnight, but he had not had a restful night.  The 
sheets were twisted around his body and a pillow was rammed 
against his side when he woke up, indicating a night of 
tossing and turning.  

He didn't want to admit it, but he slept better with her.  He 
knew waking up alone was his reality, but he enjoyed the 
sojourn from it for a little while.  She was warm and soft and 
pliant next to him each and every night, but he also realized 
those nights were numbered and he shouldn't get too used to it.  

He was happy with the direction their relationship seemed to be 
headed, but didn't kid himself into thinking it would be a path 
without bumps along the way.  She was willing to explore the 
possibilities with him but, once they were back to their old 
lives with all the same problems, would she feel the same way?

He rose from his bed and walked toward the bathroom, stripping 
off his clothes as he went.  The thought of a nice, warm shower, 
his first since starting this case, made him smile despite the 
early hour.  He relieved the pressure on his bladder and turned 
on the hot water as steam filled the room.  

As he got in and lathered up his tired muscles he thought of 
the information they had gathered about the victims and the 
suspects.  The women were all raped in different locations but 
with the same method, a surprise attack.  They were all 
assaulted from behind to cut down on their ability to identify 
their attacker.  According to all the women, their attacker said 
nothing to them during the assault and left as quickly as he 

What they found out about Saunder Miller and Jacob Lapp was also 

Saunder Miller at age 21, had been accepted by Ohio State into 
their Psychology Programme, despite his lack of a high school 
education.  According to the entrance exams he took, he scores 
were off the charts and the College had accepted him based on 
those alone.  Saunder had not accepted the offer of admission 
and had applied to no other programmes or schools since.   Saunder 
had a library card and their records indicate that he visited the 
stacks once a week, on Wednesdays usually, to take out and return 
books.   He read books on various psychological topics as well as 
biographies about a host of different people including Muammar 
Gaddafi, Kim Jong Il, and Michael Collins.  Besides his 
engagement to Rebecca Hillar, which lasted three months before 
being broken off, there was no record of his involvement with 
any other women in the community.  Saunder's father had been the 
Bishop of the community for the last 15 years.  His job running 
his family's farm allowed him a somewhat flexible schedule where 
he could come and go as he pleased and without question.  There 
are no records that indicate he had left town during the last 

Jacob Lapp had been interviewed by cops as a teenager.  He was 
questioned by police in the mutilation and death of several cats 

and dogs in the nearby English community when caught one night in 
an alley assaulting a cat.  He was released into his parent's 
custody and, although cats and dogs still were mutilated several 
more times, was never questioned about his involvement again.  
The police never made any arrests.  As a child,  he was sent 
home from school for fighting on a regular basis, and eventually 
quit school in grade six.  Jacob studied butchery under his father 
and soon became involved in the family business, first by 
delivering the meat, then chopping up cuts of meat to sell and 
trade to the local community.  Two and a half years ago he became 
engaged to Martha, the woman who is now married to his brother 
Luke.  She broke off the engagement and married his brother two 
weeks later; something not usually done in the Amish community.  
Then, last year he was engaged to Marike Janz for a month before 
she broke off the engagement as well.  Mulder noted that Scully 
would have to meet this woman and get some details from her.  
Jacob's delivery schedule made him a very mobile member of the 
Amish community in Charm.

Mulder reached to turn off the water and caught off guard by a 
cramp in his shoulder.  The muscle tensed and failed to release 
when he attempted to stretch it out.  He stood for a while letting 
the hot water sluice over his shoulder, hoping it would ease the 
taunt muscle that was hurting him so much.  Finally, he gave up, 
resigning himself to a day with a sore shoulder.  

He towelled off and walked naked to the small suitcase that was 
open on the chair in his room.  He pulled a pair of jeans and a 
t-shirt out along with some boxers and got dressed.  Despite the 
fact that it wasn't 5 am yet, there was no way he could fall back 
asleep with the case on his mind.

He fell into the nearby chair and reached for the file, his wet 
hair dripping on the cover as he leaned over it to look for more 


"Was it nice to get a good night's sleep?" Agent Alex Cowan 
asked Scully as she walked into Mulder's room the next 

"It was weird not having to get up so early," Scully noted 
as she glanced at Mulder engrossed in a file.  He hadn't 
even acknowledged her presence yet.

"And the air conditioning's got to be a treat," Alex Cowan 
smiled down at her, his mood obviously better today.

"It actually felt a little cold," Scully said, still eyeing 
Mulder.  "But, I survived."

"I was telling Agent Mulder," Alex Cowan said as he walked 
into the room a little more.  "I got a call from your AD this 
morning and he's pleased with your progress on the case."

"I'm surprised he's not pushing for an arrest already," 
Scully smiled at him as she sat on the edge of the bed.  

"Apparently, this is the first time any police agency has 
been successful in embedding themselves in an Amish 
community," Agent Cowan noted.  "The Bureau wants you to do 
this right, not fast."

"I'd like to make an arrest before another woman is 
assaulted," Scully said as she chanced another glance at 
Mulder, who had not involved himself in the discussion yet.  

"Well, we all hope for that," Agent Cowan agreed.  "But we 
also hope a successful arrest will lead to further 
co-operation between the Amish and the police."

"Did you see this?" Mulder interrupted their conversation 
and rose from his seat.

"What?" Scully asked, rising to meet him.

He looked over at her and was surprised to find her in his 
room.  He, apparently, had been so engrossed in the file 
he had not noticed her arrival.

"Hey, Scully," he smiled sloppily at her.  "Sleep okay?"

"Fine," she said as she knitted her brows.  "What did you 

"Remember when Jacob was picked up by the police for harming 
animals?" Mulder asked as he showed Scully and Agent Cowan 
the file.

"Yeah, why?" Agent Cowan asked.

"Look at the signature of the officer who released him to 
his parents," Mulder pointed to the file.

"Silas Miller was the officer," Mulder said.

"So?" Agent Cowan asked.

"So, look at the Miller family tree," Mulder said turning a 
few pages.  "Silas is Saunder's uncle and a former member of 
the Amish community."

"When did he leave?"  Scully asked as she jockeyed to look 
closer at the file.

"Fifteen years ago," Mulder looked at her pointedly.  
"Around the same time Saunder's father became the bishop."

"Is he still on the local force?" Scully asked.

"Yep," Mulder smiled up at her.

"Does he know about our operation?" Scully asked Agent

"Local PD is not in on the investigation," Agent Cowan 
informed them.  "But I'll make sure it gets red-flagged 
that no information is to be divulged to them."

"Did he investigate any of the rapes?" Scully asked Mulder.

"His name didn't come up as the investigating officer 
but..." Mulder started.

"But on such a small force, pretty much everyone is involved 
in the investigation," Agent Cowan finished his thought.

Both Mulder and Scully nodded their heads in agreement.  

"We need to find out if he's still involved in the 
community and his brother's family," Mulder noted as he 
closed the file.

"This case just got a whole lot more involved," Agent Cowan 
noted as he took out his cell phone to place a call.

Mulder and Scully exchanged looks, knowing they would have 
to be much more careful from now on while investigating.


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