Author: AnubisKV5

Last updated - September 10, 2012
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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Accidential Spy, The
Rated NC-17 | 14K | Category | Archived 05-07-10
Spoilers: None
Summary: You know, they NEVER make these stalls completely private and there was a gap in the corner joint, so I could see. I'm not a voyeur by nature. *I* don't like to be watched, but, I admit I was intrigued.

Fox Mulder's Big Blues

Rated NC-17 | 43K | Category | Archived 05-11-13
Spoilers: Quagmire
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Sometimes, it was a real bitch to be an F.B.I. agent. Or Fox Mulder, for that matter. Actually, when he thought about it, Fox Mulder decided it was a bitch to be Fox Mulder pretty much all of the time. In fact, most of the time it just downright sucked. Big time.

Fox Mulder's Big Blues

Rated NC-17 | 43K | Category SRH | Archived 06-01-31
Spoilers: Quagmire
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Sometimes, it was a real bitch to be an F.B.I. agent. Or Fox Mulder, for that matter. Actually, when he thought about it, Fox Mulder decided it was a bitch to be Fox Mulder pretty much all of the time. In fact, most of the time it just downright sucked. Big time.

Night Bloom

Rated NC-17 | 46K | Category SR | Archived 05-07-10
Spoilers: The Beginning
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: They fought like wildcats at times, at least verbally. He was the believer and she was the skeptic. As always. Eternally. But, as best friends, they always came together and were able to put work behind them and truly *be* friends. She'd always hoped they could become more. Was that possible now?

White Noise

Rated NC-17 | 27K | Category SRA | Archived 05-07-10
Spoilers: Biogenesis
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully was ashamed of herself, of how she'd treated Mulder: she hadn't believed him about how the rubbing of the artifact was affecting him. He was her partner, her love. No, not just her love; he was her lover -- the man, the person she loved beyond all reasoning. She should have listened and tried to believe him.

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