Author: Emmyjean

Last updated - September 10, 2012
These pages are regenerated each time an update is posted.

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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


And to All a Good Night
Rated PG | 14K | Category S | Archived 01-10-17
Spoilers: How The Ghosts Stole Christmas
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST. Post-episode.
Summary: Takes place right after the episode.

Coming Clean

Rated PG | 29K | Category S | Archived 01-10-17
Spoilers: The End
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST. Post-episode.
Summary: How do Mulder and Scully deal with the immediate aftermath of the torching of their office?

Dial and Connect

Rated PG | 9K | Category | Archived 01-11-03
Spoilers: Quagmire
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST. Post-episode.
Summary: This is a phone conversation between Mulder and Scully that takes place the day after they return from investigating Big Blue in the episode.

Meeting Halfway

Rated PG | 17K | Category | Archived 02-03-17
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.

O Spooky Knight

Rated PG | 7K | Category | Archived 01-11-25
Summary: Early Mulder and Scully. A stakeout. Halloween night. Silliness. What more could anyone ask? Happy Halloween!

Peanut Butter and Jelly

Rated PG | 11K | Category | Archived 01-11-03
Spoilers: The Beginning
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Scully must decide how she wants to handle herself in the face of Mulder's harsh behavior in the episode.

Simple Joys of Loserhood, The

Rated PG | 14K | Category | Archived 02-03-17
Spoilers: Small Potatoes
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.

X-Files, The - Gone to Potter

Rated G | 9K | Category V | Archived 02-03-17
Spoilers: None

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