Author: Cybertron

Last updated - September 10, 2012
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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


I'd Walk the Water
Rated PG | 10K | Category VA | Archived 97-02-16
Spoilers: Memento Mori
Summary: Mulder listens to some depressing music which seems to relate to recent events in his and Scully's lives.

Kleenex (Denial)

Rated PG | 11K | Category VA | Archived 97-03-26
Spoilers: Max

Lost in Fandom

Rated G | 9K | Category C | Archived 97-09-02
Spoilers: None
Keywords: XF/multiple universe crossover.
Summary: Samantha's adventures as she struggles to return home. Parody.

Over Arden Trisz

Rated R | 39K | Category XH | Archived 97-04-03
Summary: Conversations and conspiracies reveal themselves when Mulder and Scully spend twenty minutes with the body of an alien hybrid.

Scene after 'Paper Hearts'

Rated PG | 22K | Category SA | Archived 97-02-05
Spoilers: Paper Hearts
Summary: Scully chews Mulder out for ditching her.


Rated G | 7K | Category S | Archived 00-05-03
Summary: What if Mulder stopped being such a twit? The truth is very simple, but hard to explain.

Traces of

Rated PG | 20K | Category XR | Archived 00-08-14
Summary: The agents investigate a series of poisoning deaths and a narcotic which can kill you or grant your heart's desire.

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