Author: Daza, Penny

Last updated - September 10, 2012
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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Daza, Penny

Friends Even in Childhood 01
Rated G | 75K | Category SA | Archived 97-08-14
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Pre-XF. Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: Mulder and Scully meet as teens.

Friends Even in Childhood 02 - Destiny Finds a Way

Rated R | 43K | Category SA | Archived 97-09-02
Spoilers: Gethsemane
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Sequel. Details what happens when Mulder and Scully meet as adults.

Friends Even in Childhood 03 - Soulmates Reunited

Rated PG | 76K | Category SA | Archived 97-11-26
Spoilers: Redux II
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Part three of the series.

He Dreams as She Sleeps

Rated G | 8K | Category SA | Archived 97-12-18
Spoilers: Post-Modern Prometheus
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: In-between-episodes story.

He Must Be Quite a Guy

Rated G | 9K | Category VH | Archived 97-11-13
Spoilers: None
Summary: It's amazing what some people tell their barbers; and what they forget to tell them, too.

Hook, Line & Sinker

Rated NC-17 | 45K | Category VRH | Archived 98-02-03
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A little alcohol goes a long, long way; and it's not exactly what you're thinking.

I Have Known a Boy Named Fox and a Man Named Mulder

Rated R | 140K | Category SA | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Season 5
Summary: Mulder becomes Fox. It's a journey that he and Scully could not have ever prepared for.

Mother's Musings, A

Rated G | 11K | Category V | Archived 97-06-09
Keywords: Mulder/Scully married.
Summary: It's 13 years in the future, and everything is doing great...

No More Demons

Rated PG | 55K | Category SRHA | Archived 97-05-22
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully discover a method to keep the nightmares away.
Second Place winner of 1997 Morley for Best Debut Story.

No More Demons Prequel

Rated G | 5K | Category SA | Archived 97-06-14
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully's thoughts as Mulder sleeps beside her.

Prayer of the Optimistic

Rated G | 3K | Category VH | Archived 98-03-24
Spoilers: None
Keywords: None.
Summary: Mulder talks to God.

Sleeptalking 01

Rated PG | 11K | Category V | Archived 98-02-03
Spoilers: None
Summary: A little alcohol goes a long, long way; and it's not exactly what you're thinking.

Sleeptalking 02 - I Have Known a Boy Named Fox and a Man Named Mulder

Rated G | 5K | Category V | Archived 98-03-24
Spoilers: None
Summary: And into the night...

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