- I get easily upset when thinking about poisons in my environment.
- I experience bodily symptoms that may be related to chemicals in my environment at home or at school.
- I donīt worry about being hurt by chemicals.
The image of being poisoned often pops into my mind.
- I donīt mind living in polluted environments because I am confident that I wonīt get hurt.
- I feel worried about toxic effects on my body which might result in losing some of my intellectual abilities.
- I have never really worried about water pollution.
- I wonder whether there is radon or other dangerous substances in my house.
I feel frightened when I think of all the toxic waste dumps in the world.
- I fear there will be a major nuclear accident or nuclear war in the near future.
- Many people tend to overreact to the threat of environmental toxins.
- I would not mind working in an office or plant built with asbestos or other possibly dangerous materials.
- I have relaxed about environmental poisons because science always seems to succeed in providing
- Poor memory can be a direct result of too much exposure to chemicals.
- Toxic waste is a smaller problem than the media make it out to be.
- Being exposed to most chemicals for a long time does not cause serious diseases.
- People who handle chemicals are not at an increased health risk.
Response format:
(1) not at all true, (2) barely true, (3) moderately true, (4) exactly true
References Bowler, R. M., & Schwarzer, R. (1991). Environmental anxiety: Assessing emotional distress and concerns after toxin exposure. Anxiety Research, 4, 167-180.