Curriculum Vitae of Esther Greenglass |
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1967-1968 York University Arts/Psychology Post-doctoral Fellow and Lecturer
1968-1972 York University Arts/Psychology Assistant Professor of Psychology
1972-1984 York University Arts/Psychology Associate Professor of Psychology
1985- York University Arts/Psychology Professor of Psychology
1958-1962 University of Toronto Psychology B.A. 1962
1962-1963 University of Toronto Psychology M.A. 1963
1963-1967 University of Toronto Psychology Ph.D. 1967
1976-1977 Nominated for the Best Teacher Award, Department of Psychology, York University.
1976 Listed in the MATH Talent Bank File, 1976 (International Centre Matching Women's needs and Resources in Canada and the Third World).
1977-1981 Merit pay, Department of Psychology.
1984 Elected Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association.
1984 York University Faculty of Arts Fellowship for 1985-1986.
1984 Merit Pay, Department of Psychology.
1986- Listed in Who's Who of Canadian Women.
1987 Editorial Board, Canadian Psychology.
Editorial Board, Applied Psychology: An International Review.
Canadian Woman's Studies
1996 Consulting Editor, Anxiety, Stress, and Coping: An International Journal.
1996 Elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association.
Greenglass, E. (1976). After Abortion. Don Mills: Longman.
Greenglass, E. (1982). A World of Difference: Gender Roles in Perspective. Toronto: Wiley.
Greenglass, E. (1995). Geschlechterrolle als Schicksal. Germany: Greif Bucher.
Greenglass, E. (1996). Guest Editor with J. M. T. Brebner, P. Laungani & A. M. O'Roark (Guest Editors), C. D. Spielberger & I. G. Sarason (Eds.), Stress and emotion: Anxiety anger and curiosity, Volume 15, Washington, D.C.: Taylor & Francis.
Chapters in Books
Greenglass, E. (1970). Effects of prior help and hindrance on willingness to help another. In R.A. Baron & R.M. Liebert (Eds.) Human Social Behaviour: A Contemporary View. Dorsey.
Greenglass, E. (1972). A cross-cultural comparison of maternal communication. In J.W. Berry & G.J.S. Wilde (Eds.) Social Psychology: The Canadian Context. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart.
Greenglass, E. (1972). Effects of prior help willingness to help another. In C. Hendrick & R.A. Jones (Eds.) The Nature of Theory and Research in Social Psychology. New York: Academic Press.
Greenglass, E. (1973). The psychology of women: Or, the high cost of achievement. In M. Stephenson (Ed.) Women in Canada. Toronto: New Press.
Greenglass, E. (1974). Attitudes toward abortion. In B. Schlesinger (Ed.) Family Planning in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Greenglass, E. (1981). A Canadian Study of psychological adjustment after abortion. In P. Sachdev (Ed.) Abortion: Readings and Research. Toronto: Butterworth.
Greenglass, E. (1986). Sex roles and scientific research. In D.N. Jackson & J.P. Rushton (Eds.) Scientific Excellence: Origins and Assessment. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage.
Greenglass, E. (1986). A social-psychological view of marriage for women. In G.H. Nemiroff (Ed.) Interdisciplinary Readings on Gender Roles. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside.
Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1986). Work and family conflict. In C.L. Cooper & I. Robertson (Eds.) International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. New York: Wiley.
Greenglass, E. (with K. Pantony & R.J. Burke). (1989). A gender-role perspective on role conflict, work stress and social support. In E.B. Goldsmith (Ed.) Work and family: Theory, research, and applications. London: Sage.
Greenglass, E. (1990). Components of Type A behavior in women and in men. In R. Takens (Ed.) European Perspectives in Psychology. Amsterdam: Wiley.
Greenglass, E. (1993). Social support and coping of employed women. In B. C. Long & S. E. Kahn (Eds.) Women, work and coping: A Multidisciplinary approach to workplace stress. McGill-Queens University Press, pp. 215-239.
Greenglass, E. (1996). Anger suppression, cynical distrust, and hostility: Implications for coronary heart disease. In C. D. Spielberger, I. G. Sarason (Eds.) and J. M. T. Brebner, E. Greenglass, P. Laungani and A. M. O'Roark (Guest Eds.), Stress and emotion: Anxiety, anger, and curiosity, Volume 16, Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, pp. 205-225.
Greenglass, E. Gender differences in mental health. In H. S. Friedman (Editor-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of Mental Health, in press.
Greenglass, E. Work, family and psychological functioning: Conflict or synergy? In T. Cox, P. Dewe, & M. Leiter (Eds.) Coping and health in organizations Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis (in press).
*Sermat, V. & Greenglass, E. (1965). Effect of punishment on probability learning in schizophrenics. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 4, 52-62.
*Greenglass, E. (1969). The effects of prior help and hindrance on willingness to help another: Reciprocity or social responsibility. Ph.D. Dissertation, Dissertation Abstracts, 29, No. 8.
*Greenglass, E. (1969). Effects of prior help and hindrance on willingness to help another: Reciprocity or social responsibility. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 11, 224-231. REPRINTED IN: Research Reports: Center for Social Work/Social Science Interchange, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, 1971. ERIC - Research in Education, (March 1972), 7(3), 73. Current Index to Journals in Education, 1970, 2, 891.
Greenglass, E. (1971). The status of women in Canada. York Gazette, 2, 7.
Greenglass, E. (1971). Some processes of child-rearing - with particular reference to the Italian family. Journal: Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies, Dec., 1-5.
Greenglass, E. (1971). A cross-cultural comparison of maternal communication. Child Development, 42, 685-692. REPRINTED IN: Research in Education, 1972. Monthly Abstract J. of Nat. Educ. Resources Info. Center. L.L.B.A. Language and Language Behaviour Abstracts, 1972, 6, 55. (#7200300). Maccoby, E. & Jacklin, C.N. (1974). The Psychology of Sex Differences, Stanford: Stanford University Press. Pediatric News, 1972.
*Greenglass, E. (1971). A cross-cultural comparison of the child's communication with his mother. Developmental Psychology, 5, 494-499. REPRINTED IN: L.L.B.A. Language and Language Behaviour Abstracts, 1972, 6, 59. (#7200324). Current Index to Journals in Education, 1972, 4, 66. Maccoby, E. & Jacklin, C.N. The Psychology of Sex Differences. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1974.
*Greenglass, E. (1972). A comparison of maternal communication style between immigrant Italian and second-generation Italian women living in Canada. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 3, 185-192. REPRINTED IN: Current Index to Journals in Education, 1972, 4, 676. L.L.B.A. Language and Language Behaviour Abstracts, 1972, 6, 1014. (#7205256). Human Behaviour, 1973.
*Greenglass, E. (1972). A cross-cultural study of the relationship between resistance to temptation and maternal communication. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 86, 119-139. REPRINTED IN: ERIC - Research in Education, 1972, 7(3), 124. Maccoby, E. & Jacklin, C.N. The Psychology of Sex Differences. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1974.
*Greenglass, E. (1972). Effects of age and prior help on "altruistic lying." Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1121, 303-313. REPRINTED IN: ERIC - Research in Education, 1973.
*Greenglass, E. (1972). Attitudes toward abortion. The New Feminist, 3, 2-12.
*Greenglass, E. & Stewart, M. (1973). The under-representation of women in social psychological research. The Ontario Psychologist, 5, 21-29.
*Greenglass, E. (1973). Women: A New Psychological View. The Ontario Psychologist, 5, 7-15.
*Greenglass, E. (1973). Guest Editor. The Ontario Psychologist, 5.
*Greenglass, E. (1974). Ethnicity and maternal patterns of communication. Proceedings of the Twentieth International Congress of Psychology. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
*Greenglass, E. (1975). Therapeutic abortion and its psychological implications: The Canadian experience. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 113, 754-757. REPRINTED IN: Obstetrics/Gynaecology Digest, Northfield, Illinois, 1976. British Pregnancy Advisory Service, West Midlands, England, June 1976.
*Greenglass, E. (1976). Therapeutic abortion and psychiatric disturbance in Canadian women. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 21, 453-460. REPRINTED IN: Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature, 5, 1977/78, D.H. Olson & N.S. Dahl (Eds.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1978.
*Greenglass, E. (1977). Therapeutic abortion, fertility plans, and psychological sequelae. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 47, 119-126. REPRINTED IN: Social Work in Health Care, 1977, New York: Haworth Press. Human Behaviour, 1977. Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature, 5, 1977/78, D.H. Olson & N.S. Dahl (Eds.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1978.
*Greenglass, E. (1979). Women and psychiatry. Canadian Women's Studies, 1, 72.
*Greenglass, E. (1980). The changing role of the mother. Canadian Women's Studies, 11, 6-8.
*Greenglass, E. (1980). Fruitful directions for research and theory in the 1980's. Resources for Feminist Research, 9, 12-13.
*Greenglass, E. & Devins, R. (1982). Factors related to marriage and career plans in unmarried women. Sex Roles, 8, 57-71. REPRINTED IN: Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature, 9, 1982, D.H. Olson (Ed.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1982. Sociological Abstracts, 1982. Carolina Population Center Library, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), 1983.
*Greenglass, E. (1985). Psychological implications of sex bias in the workplace. Academic Psychology Bulletin, 7, 227-240.
*Greenglass, E. (1985). A social-psychological view of marriage for women. International Journal of Women's Studies, 8, 24-31.
*Greenglass, E. (1985). An interactional perspective on job-related stress in managerial women. The Southern Psychologist, 2, 42-48.
*Greenglass, E. & Borovilos, R. (1985). Psychological correlates of fertility plans in unmarried women. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 17, 130-139.
*Greenglass, E. (1987). Type A behaviour and occupational demands in managerial women. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 4, 157-168.
*Greenglass, E. (1987). Anger in Type A Women: Implications for Coronary Heart Disease. Personality and Individual Differences, 8, 639-650.
*Greenglass, E. & Burke, R.J. (1988). Work and Family precursors of burnout in teachers: Sex differences. Sex Roles, 18, 215-229.
*Greenglass, E. (1988). Type A behaviour and coping strategies in female and male supervisors. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 37, 271-288.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1988). Career orientations and psychological burnout in teachers. Psychological Reports, 63, 107-116.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1988). Psychological burnout among men and women in teaching: An examination of the Cherniss model. Human Relations, 42, 261-273.
*Greenglass, E., Pantony, K.L., & Burke, R.J. (1988). A gender-role perspective on role conflict, work stress and social support. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 3, 317-328 (Special Issue on Work and Family).
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1989). Career orientations and career development among male and female teachers. Psychological Reports, 64, 591-598.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1989). Correlates of psychological burnout phases among teachers. Journal of Health and Human Resource Administration, 12, 46-62.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1989). It may be lonely at the top but it's less stressful: Psychological burnout in public schools. Psychological Reports, 64, 615-623.
*Burke, R.J. & Greenglass, E. (1989). Sex differences in psychological burnout in teachers. Psychological Reports, 65, 55-63.
*Burke, R.J. & Greenglass, E. (1989). The clients' role in psychological burnout in teachers and administrators. Psychological Reports, 64, 1299-1306.
*Greenglass, E. & Julkunen, J. (1989). Construct validity and sex differences in Cook-Medley hostility. Personality and Individual Differences, 10, 209-218.
*Greenglass, E. (with A. Inglis). (1989). Motivation for marriage among women and men. Psychological Reports, 65, 1035-1042.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1989). Career orientations, satisfaction and health among teachers: Some consequences of person-job misfit. International Journal of Career management, 1, 19-25.
*Greenglass, E. (with J. Wolpin & R.J. Burke). (1990). Golembiewski's phase model of psychological burnout: Some issues. Psychological Reports, 66, 451-457.
*Greenglass, E. (with D. Ogus & R.J. Burke). (1990). Gender-role differences, work stress and depersonalization. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 5(5), 387-398.
*Greenglass, E. (1990). Type A behavior, career aspirations and role conflict in professional women. Invited paper for special issue on Type A behavior in the Journal of Social Behaviour and Personality, 5(1), 307-322.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1990). Burnout over time. Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, 13(2), 192-204.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1990). Career Orientations, Satisfaction and Health: A Longitudinal Study. Canadian Journal of Administrative Studies.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1990). Type A Behavior and Non-work Activities. Personality and Individual Differences.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke & M. Ondrack) (1990). A gender-role perspective of coping and burnout. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 39, 5-27.
*Greenglass, E. (with J. Wolpin & R.J. Burke) (1990). Golembiewski's phase model of psychological burnout: Some issues. Psychological Reports, 66, 451-457.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke & J. Wolpin). (1991). Is Job Satisfaction an Antecedent or a Consequence of Psychological Burnout? Human Relations, 44.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1991). The relationship between stress and coping among Type As. For special issue of Handbook on job stress in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 6(7), 361-373.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1991). A longitudinal study of progressive phases of psychological burnout. Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, 13(4), 390-408.
*Greenglass, E. (1991). Burnout and gender: Theoretical and organizational implications. Invited paper for Canadian Psychology, 32, 562-572.
*Greenglass, E. (with J. Julkunen). (1991). Cook-Medley hostility, anger, and the Type A behavior pattern in Finland. Psychological Reports, 68, 1059-1066.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1993). Work stress, role conflict, social support, and psychological burnout among teachers. Psychological Reports, 73, 371-380.
*Greenglass, E. (1993). The contribution of social support to coping strategies. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 42, 323-340.
Greenglass, E., & Marshall, J. (1993). Editorial. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 42, 285-288.
*Greenglass, E., & Marshall, J. (1993). (Guest Editors) Special Issue: Women in Management. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 42, 285-377.
*Greenglass, E. (1993). Structural and social-psychological factors associated with job functioning by women managers. Psychological Reports, 73, 979-986.
*Greenglass, E. (with J. Wolpin and R.J. Burke). (1994). A longitudinal study of psychological burnout and its effect on psychosomatic symptoms. Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, Winter, 286-303.
*Greenglass, E. (1994). Psychology's construction of gender and health: A critical view. Finnish Journal of Social Medicine, 31(3).
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1994). Towards an understanding of work satisfactions and emotional well-being of school-based educators. Stress Medicine, 10, 177-184.
*Greenglass, E., Fiksenbaum, L., & Burke, R.J. (1994). The relationship between social support and burnout over time in teachers. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 9, 219-230.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1995). A longitudinal examination of the Cherniss model of psychological burnout. Social Science and Medicine: An International Journal, 40(10), 1357-1363.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1995). Job stressors, Type A behavior, coping responses and psychological burnout among teachers International Journal of Stress Management, 2, 45-57.
*Greenglass, E. (with R.J. Burke). (1995). A longitudinal study of psychological burnout in teachers. Human Relations, 48(2), 187-202.
*Greenglass, E. (1995). Gender, work stress and coping: Theoretical implications. For special issue on gender in the workplace in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 10(6), 121-134.
*Greenglass, E., Fiksenbaum, L., & Burke, R.J. (1996). Components of social support, buffering effects and burnout: Implications for psychological functioning. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 9, 185-197.
*Greenglass, E. (with R J. Burke). (1996). Work stress, social support, psychological burnout and emotional and physical well-being among teachers. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 1, 193-205.
Burke, R. J., Greenglass, E. R., & Schwarzer, R. (1996). Predicting teacher burnout over time: Effects of work stress, social support, and self-doubts on burnout and its consequences. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping: An International Journal, 9 (3), 261-275.
Greenglass, E.R., Burke, R. J., & Konarski, R. (1997). The impact of social support on the development of burnout in teachers: Examination of a model. Work and Stress, 11 (3), 267-278.
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Last Update: 31 Jan 1998.