![]() Selected Publications Since 1990 |
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6 single or joint-author books, 7 edited books, 157 articles in refereed journals
published or in press, 45 book chapters, 91 technical reports, 5 test manuals, 3
psychometric scales.
Endler, N. S., & Parker, J. D. A. (1990). Stress and anxiety: Conceptual and assessment issues. Stress Medicine, 6, 243-248.
King, P. R., & Endler, N. S. (1990). The interaction model of anxiety: A critical appraisal of current research methods. Personality and Individual Differences, 11, 233-237.
King, P. R., & Endler, N. S. (1990). Interactional anxiety and the evaluation of driving skills: An empirical examination of a composite predictor for state anxiety. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 22, 13-19 .
Endler, N. S. (1990). Holiday of darkness. (rev. ed). Toronto: Wall & Thompson Publishers. (A book about depression)
King, P. R., & Endler, N. S. (1990). The trait anxiety-perception score: A composite predictor for state anxiety. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 679-684.
Endler, N. S. (Ed.). (1990). Remembering Graham Reed, 1923-1989. Concord, Ontario: Becker Associates.
Endler, N. S., & Parker, J. D. A. (1990). Multidimensional assessment of coping: A critical evaluation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 844-854.
McCann, C. D. & Endler, N. S. (Eds.). (1990). Depression: New directions in theory, research and practice. Toronto: Wall & Emerson, Inc.
Endler, N. S. (1990). Sociopolitical factors and stigma in depression. In C. D. McCann & N. S. Endler (Eds.), Depression: New directions in theory, research and practice, (pp. 3-26). Toronto: Wall & Emerson, Inc.
Endler, N. S., & Parker, J.D.A. (1990). The analysis of a construct that does not exist: Misunderstanding the multidimensional nature of trait anxiety. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 50, 265-271.
Muller, R. T., Endler, N. S., & Parker, J. D. A. (1990). The interaction model of anxiety in two different public speaking situations. Personality and Individual Differences, 11, 371-377.
Cox, B. J., Norton, G. R., Swinson, R. P., & Endler, N. S. (1990). Substance abuse and panic-related anxiety: A critical review. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 28, 385-393.
Endler, N. S., & Parker, J.D.A. (1990). State and trait anxiety, depression and coping styles. Australian Journal of Psychology, 42, 207-220.
Ackerman, C. A., Heslegrave, R. J., & Endler, N. S. (1990). Effects of patient anxiety on the cardiac responses of dentists and their patients during restoration procedures. Psychophysiology, 1990, 27(4A), S. 13. Society for Psychophysiological Research, October, 1990, Boston.
Endler, N. S., & Parker, J.D.A. (1990). The Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS): Manual. Toronto: Multi-Health Systems, Inc.
Endler, N. S., Lobel, T., Parker, J.D.A., & Schmitz, P. (1991). Multidimensionality of state andtrait anxiety: A cross-cultural study comparing American, Canadian, Israeli and German young adults. Anxiety Research, 3, 257-272.
Cox, B. J., Endler, N.S., & Swinson, R.P. (1991). Clinical and nonclinical panic attacks: An empirical test of a panic-anxiety continuum. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 5, 21-34.
Endler, N.S., Parker, J.D.A, Bagby, R.M., & Cox, B.J. (1991). Multidimensionality of state and trait anxiety: Factor structure of the Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 919-926.
Endler, N. S., Edwards, J. M., & Vitelli, R. (1991). Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales (EMAS): Manual. Los Angeles, CA.: Western Psychological Services.
Endler, N. S., Edwards, J. M., & Vitelli, R. (1991). Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales (EMAS): Computer Program User's Guide. Los Angeles, CA: Western Psychological Services.
Cox, B. J., Swinson, R. P., & Endler, N. S. (1991). A review of the psychopharmacology of panic disorder: Individual differences and non-specific factors. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 36, 130-138.
Endler, N. S., & Parker, J.D.A. (1991). Personality research: Theories, issues and methods. In M. Hersen, A. E. Kazdin & A. S. Bellack (Eds.), The clinical psychology handbook (2nd ed.), (pp. 258-275). New York: Pergamon Press.
Weiser, L., Endler, N. S., & Parker, J. D. A. (1991). State anxiety, trait anxiety, and coping style in Mexican and Canadian young adults. Anxiety Research, 4, 125-139.
Cox, B. J., Endler, N. S., Norton, G. R., & Swinson, R. P. (1991). Anxiety sensitivity and nonclinical panic attacks. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 29, 367-369.
King, P. R., & Endler, N. S. (1992). Interactional anxiety and dental treatment: An empirical test of a composite predictor for state anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 13, 85-89.
Cox, B. J., Endler, N. S., Swinson, R. P., & Norton, G. R. (1992). Situations and specific coping strategies associated with clinical and nonclinical panic attacks. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 30, 67-69.
Endler, N. S., & Parker, J. D. A. (1992). Interactionism revisited: Reflections on the continuing crisis in the personality area. European Journal of Personality, 6, 177-198.
Endler, N. S. (June, 1992). Coping and its effects on mental and physical health: A critical review of the literature. Canada's Mental Health, 40, 30.
Hay, D. P., Peterson, G., Endler, N. S., Spiro, H., & Mills, M. J. (1992). The Stigma of Electroconvulsive Therapy: A workshop. In P. J. Fink & A. Tasman (Eds.), Stigma and Mental Illness (pp. 189-201). Washington, D. C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc..
Endler, N.S., Cox, B.J., Parker, J.D.A., & Bagby, R.M. (1992). Self-reports of depression and state-trait anxiety: Evidence for differential assessment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 63, 832-838.
Endler, N. S., Crooks, D. S., & Parker, J. D. A. (1992). The interaction model of anxiety: An empirical test in a parachute jumping situation. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 5, 301-311.
Endler, N. S., & Parker, J. D. A. (1992). Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS): Computer Program User's Guide. Toronto: Multi-Health Systems, Inc.
Parker, J. D. A., & Endler, N. S. (1992). Coping with coping assessment: A critical review, European Journal of Personality, 6, 321-344.
Cox, B.J., Endler, N.S., Lee, P.S., & Swinson, R.P. (1992). A meta-analysis of treatments for panic disorder with agoraphobia: imipramine, alprazolam, and in vivo exposure. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 23, 175-182.
Vitelli, R., & Endler, N.S. (1993). Psychological determinants of fear of crime: A comparison of general and situation-specific models. Personality and Individual Differences, 14, 77-85.
Lobel, T. E., Gilat, I., & Endler, N. S. (1993). The Gulf War: Distressful reactions to SCUD Missiles Attacks. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 6, 9-23.
Endler, N. S., Parker, J. D. A., & Butcher, J. M. (1993). A factor analytic study of coping styles and the MMPI-2 Content Scales. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 49, 523-527.
Endler, N. S. (1993). Personality: An interactional perspective. In P. J. Hettema & I. J. Deary (Eds.), Foundations of personality, (pp. 251-268). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Endler, N. S., & Parker, J. D. A. (1993). The Multidimensional Assessment of Coping: Concepts, Issues and Measurement. In G. L. Van Heck, P. Bonaiuto, I. Deary & W. Nowack (Eds.), Personality psychology in Europe, (pp. 309-319). Tilburg, Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.
Endler, N. S. (1993). Bridging the gap. A review of "Personality and Social Psychology," Barbara Krahe, Personality and Individual Differences, 15, 18-19.
Endler, N. S. (1993). Control: State or Trait? A review of "Desire for Control: Personality, Social and Clinical Perspectives," Jerry M. Burger. Personality and Individual Differences, 15, 361.
Endler, N. S., Parker, J. D. A., & Summerfeldt, L. J. (1993). Coping with health problems: Conceptual and methodological issues. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 25, 384-399.
Endler, N. S. (1993). Foreword to Manic depressive disorders and when lithium does not work by S. Puddu & E. Persad. London, Ontario: London Psychiatric Hospital.
Parker, J. D. A., Bagby, R. M., Taylor, G. J., Endler, N. S., & Schmitz, P. (1993). Factorial validity of the 20-Item revised Toronto Alexithymia Scale. European Journal of Personality, 7, 221-232.
Parker, J. D. A., Endler, N. S., & Bagby, R. M. (1993). If it changes it might be unstable: Examining the factor structure of the Ways of Coping Questionnaire. Psychological Assessment, 5, 361-368.
Endler, N. S. & Parker, J. D. A. (1994). Assessment of multidimensional coping: Task, emotion and avoidance strategies. Psychological Assessment, 6, 50-60.
Clewes, J. L., & Endler, N. S. (1994). State-trait anxiety and the experience of elective surgery in children. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 26, 183-198.
Endler, N. S., Kantor, L., & Parker, J. D.A. (1994). State-trait coping, state-trait anxiety and academic performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 16, 663-670.
Cox, B. J., Endler, N. S., & Norton, G. R. (1994). Levels of nonclinical panic. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 25, 35-40.
Cox, B. J., Swinson, R. P., Endler, N. S., & Norton, G. R. (1994). The symptom structure of panic attacks. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 35, 349-353.
Flett, G. L., Hewitt, P.L., Endler, N.S., & Tassone, C. (1994-95). Perfectionism and components of state and trait anxiety. Current Psychology: Developmental Learning Personality Social, 13, 326-350.
Cox, B. J., Endler, N. S., & Swinson, R. P. (1995). An examination of levels of agoraphobic severity in panic disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 33, 57-62.
Hewitt, P. L., Flett, G. L., & Endler, N. S. (1995). Perfectionism, coping and depression symptomatology in a clinical sample. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2, 47-58.
Endler, N. S., & Parker, J. D. A. (1995). Assessing a patient's ability to cope. In J. N. Butcher (Ed.), Practical considerations in clinical personality assessment, (pp. 329-352). New York: Oxford University Press.
Endler, N. S., & Rosenstein, A. J. (1995, April). Evolution of the personality construct in marketing and its applicability to contemporary personality research. Department of Psychology Reports, No. 227.
Endler, N. S., & Summerfeldt, L. J. (1995). Intelligence, personality, psychopathology and adjustment. In D. Saklofske & M. Zeidner (Eds.), International handbook of personality and intelligence, (pp. 249-284). New York: Plenum Publishing Co.
Cox, B. J., Endler, N. S., & Swinson, R. P. (1995). Anxiety sensitivity and panic attack symptomatology. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 33, 833-836.
Endler, N. S. (1995). Kurt Danziger: An appreciation. History and Philosophy of Psychology Bulletin, 7(2), 14-15.
Endler, N. S. (1995). From darkness to light: The story of the recovery of a psychologist from depression. (Japanese translation of Holiday of Darkness). Tokyo: Seiwa Shoten Publishers.
Higgins, J.E., & Endler, N. S. (1995). Coping, life stress, and psychological and somatic distress. European Journal of Personality, 9, 253-270.
Endler, N. S. & Van Heck, G. L. (Eds.) (1995). "Personality and Depression", a Special Issue of the European Journal of Personality, 9, 305-439.
Endler, N. S. & Van Heck, G. L. (1995). Personality and Depression: Editorial, European Journal of Personality, 9, (Special issue on Personality and Depression), 305-308.
Flett, G. L., Hewitt, P. L., Endler, N. S., & Bagby, R. M. (1995). Conceptualization and assessment of personality factors in depression. European Journal of Personality, 9, 309-350.
Courbasson, C. M., Endler, N. S., & Cunningham, A. J. (1995). Health, cancer and coping with stress. Department of Psychology Reports, York University, 1995, No. 228 (October).
Endler, N. S., Rutherford, A., & Denisoff, E. (1995). Neuroticism: How does one slice the pi(e)? Department of Psychology Reports, York University, 1995, No. 229 (October).
Zeidner, M., & Endler, N. S. (Eds.). (1996). Handbook of coping: Theory, research, applications. New York: John Wiley & Sons, (xxii+728 pp.).
Parker, J. D. A., & Endler, N. S. (1996). Coping and defense: An historical overview. In M. Zeidner & N. S. Endler (Eds.)., Handbook of coping: Theory, research, applications, (pp. 3-23). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Summerfeldt, L. J., & Endler, N. S. (1996). Coping with emotion and psychopathology. In M. Zeidner & N. S. Endler (Eds.)., Handbook of coping: Theory, research, applications, (pp. 602-639). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Deary, I. J., Blenkin, H., Agius, R. M., Endler, N. S., Zealley, H., & Wood R. (1996). Models of job-related stress and personal achievement among consultant doctors. British Journal of Psychology, 87, 3-29.
Summerfeldt, L. J., & Endler, N. S. (1997, in press). Coping with Chronic Pain: Psychological variables, personality and illness experience and outcome. In J. Bermudez, B. De Raad, A.M. Perez-Garcia, A. Sanchez-Elvira & G.L. van Heck (Eds.), Personality Psychology in Europe, Volume 6, Tilburg, Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.
Endler, N. S., Denisoff, E., & Rutherford, A. (1996). Anxiety and depression: Evidence for differentiation of commonly co-occuring constructs. Department of Psychology Reports, York University, 1996, No. 234 (May).
Endler, N. S., & Speer, R. (1996). Trends in personality research: 1993-1995. Department of Psychology Reports. York University, 1996, No. 236 (July).
Courbasson, C. M. A., Endler, N. S., & Cunningham, A. J. (1996). Coping, psychotherapeutic intervention and well-being in cancer patients. Department of Psychology Reports. York University, 1996, No. 237 (August).
Courbasson, C. M. A., Endler, N. S., & Cunningham, A. J. (1996). Coping, psychotherapeutic intervention and well-being in cancer patients. Department of Psychology Reports, York University, 1996, No. 237 (August). (Also submitted to Psychology and Health).
Endler, N. S., Edwards, J. M., & Vitelli, R. (1996) EMAS Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales: Manuale. Versione italiana di Anna Laura Communian. Florence, Italy: O. S. Organizzazioni Speciali.
Endler, N. S., Parker, J. D. A., & Summerfeldt, L. J. (1996). Enfermedad y afrontamiento: Aspectos téoricos y metodológicus. In D. E. Gómez Fernández & X. L. Saburido Novoa (Eds.), Salud y Prevención: Nuevas aportaciones desde la evalución psicológica. Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Endler, N. S., Rutherford, A., & Denisoff, E. (1997). Neuroticism: How does one slice the pi(e)? European Journal of Personality, 11, 133-145.
Endler, N. S., & Rosenstein, A. J. (1997). Evolution of the personality construct in marketing and its applicability to contemporary personality research. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 6, 55-66.
Kingstone, J. C., & Endler, N. S. (1997). Supportive vs. defensive communications in depression: An assessment of Coyne's interactional model. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 29, 44-53.
Summerfeldt, L. J., & Endler, N. S. (1997). Coping with Chronic Pain: Psychological variables, personality and illness experience and outcome. In J. Bermudez, B. De Raad, A.M. Perez-Garcia, A. Sanchez-Elvira & G.L. van Heck (Eds.), Personality Psychology in Europe, Volume 6. Tilburg, Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.
Endler, N. S. (1997). Stress, anxiety and coping: The multidimensional interaction model. Canadian Psychology, 38, 136-153.
Rutherford, A. & Endler, N. S. (In press). Predicting approach-avoidance: The roles of coping styles, state anxiety, and situational appraisal. Anxiety, Stress and Coping.
Endler, N. S., Rutherford, A., & Denisoff, E. (1997). Beck Depression Inventory: Exploring its multidimensionality. Department of Psychology Reports, York University, 1997, No. 239 (April).
Flett, G. L., Endler, N. S., & Fairlie, P. (1997). The interaction model of anxiety and coping: The threat of Quebec's separation from Canada. Department of Psychology Reports, York University, 1997, No. 240 (June).
Trotter, M., & Endler, N. S. (1997). An empirical test of the interaction model of anxiety in a competitive equestrian setting. Department of Psychology Reports, York University, 1997, No. 241 (July).
Denisoff, E., & Endler, N. S. (1997). Life experiences, coping and weight preoccupation. Department of Psychology Reports, York University, 1997, No. 242 (August).
Endler, N. S. (in press). Personality. In D. M. Atrens & N. Stillings (Eds.), Student's Companion to Psychology. Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishers Ltd..
Schröder, K. E. E., Schwarzer, R., & Endler, N. S. (1997). Predicting cardiac patients quality of life from the characteristics of their spouses. Journal of Health Psychology, 2 (2), 231-244.
Endler, N. S., & Speer, R. L. (1997, in press). Personality psychology: Research trends for 1993-1995. Journal of Personality.
Endler, N. S., Lobel, T., & Parker, J.D.A. The expression of psychological distress: State-trait anxiety and personality variables in Canadian and Israeli women.
Endler, N. S., Parker, J. D. A., & Summerfeldt, L. J. Coping with health problems: Developing a reliable and valid multidimensional measure.
Lin, M. C., & Endler, N. S. State and trait anxiety: A cross-cultural comparison of Chinese and Caucasian students in a Canadian sample.
Kingstone, J. C., & Endler, N. S. Coyne's interaction model of depression: a critical evaluation.
Parker, J. D. A., Weiser, L., Endler, N. S., & Zeidner, M. A cross-cultural validation of the Coping With Health Injuries & Problems (CHIP) Inventory.
Courbasson, C. M.A., Endler, N. S., & Cunningham, A. J. Coping with stress: How do cancer patients do it? Personality and Individual Differences.
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