Dynamik der Erde

Landscape Evolution

Project leader:
Georg Kaufmann

Project members:
Douchko Romanov, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Matthias Hinderer, Darmstadt, Germany

Institutions involved:
Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin, Germany
Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Darmstadt, Germany

landscape evolution, glacial isostasy, denudation rates


DFG Research Group RiftLink FOR 703

The large uplift of the Rwenzori Mountains in Uganda, more zhan 5km in height, is difficult to explain as simple flank uplift of the East African Rift System. The research group RiftLink is concerned with observing and predicting geomorphological signals associated to the Rzwnzori Mountains.

Within the RiftLink group, our project aims to describe the geodynamical evolution of the Rwenzories and the interaction with climate, especially the frequent glaciations of the higher parts of the mountains. e.g. surface temperature and precipitation.