Deeply disturbed by NATO destruction and the ordeal of Kosovo Albanians, we, the representatives of nongovernmental organizations and trade union "Nezavisnost" (Independence), strongly demand from all those responsible for this tragedy to immediately create ground for the renewal of the peace process.

The most powerful military, political and economic powers of the world are for two weeks incessantly killing people and destroying not only military but also civilian objects, blowing up bridges and rail tracks, factories and heating plants, warehouses and basins... At the same time, in fear of the bombing campaign and military actions by the regime and the KLA, hundreds of thousands of Kosovo Albanians are, in an unprecedented exodus, forced to leave their devastated homes and look for salvation in the tragedy and uncertainty of fleeing.

It is obvious that this is a road to catastrophe, and the peaceful and fair solution to the Kosovo problem through international mediation we have supported for years, today seems more distant than ever.

The past activities of our organizations in the field of democratization, development of a civil society and acceptance of FR Yugoslavia into all international institutions have been under constant pressure and intimidation by the Serbian regime.

We, as members of civil society associations have courageously and nationally fought against war and nationalistic propaganda and in support of human rights. We emphasize that we have always raised our voices against the repression against Kosovo Albanians and demanded the respect of their liberties and guarantees for their rights. We have also requested the return of the autonomy of Kosovo. We stress that the only connection and cooperation of Serbs and Albanians during all these years has been preserved among civil society institutions.

NATO military intervention has undermined all results we have achieved and endangered the very survival of the civil sector in Serbia.

Faced with the tragic situation we have found ourselves in, and in the name of human ideas and values, as well as in accordance with all our past activities, we are demanding:

We cannot meet these demands by ourselves.

We expect from you to support our demands and in your initiatives and actions help their implementation.

* Association of Citizens for Democracy, Social Justice and Support to Trade Unions
* Belgrade Circle
* Center for Democracy and Free Elections
* Center for Transition to Democracy-ToD
* Civic Initiatives
* European Movement in Serbia
*Forum for Ethnic Relations, and Foundation for Peace and Crisis Management
* Group 484
* Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia
* Student Union of Serbia
* Union for Truth about Antifascist Resistance
* United Branch Trade Unions NEZAVISNOST
* VIN-Weekly Video News
* Women in Black
* Yu Lawyers Committee for Human Rights
* EKO Centar

In Belgrade, April 6,1999