Below are Instructions for authors for different sections of the
PsychNews International. Any questions regarding submissions should be
sent to Dr. Sunkyo Kwon, Editor-in-Chief, PsychNews International at
Articles are submitted to the PsychNews International with the
understanding that they represent original work and have not been
published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Copyright for
accepted articles must lie with the Newsletter. However, exceptions
are possible. Talk to the editor.
Authors should acknowledge all forms of support that have
contributed to their research or the preparation of the manuscript
submitted. Authors must also state under separate cover any
financial or commercial involvements or any other potential
conflicts of interest related to their submission. This
information may be shared with reviewers at the discretion of the
Articles should be submitted in ASCII form, with about
60 to 65 characters per line (including blank spaces).
Articles should contain a clear title and list of authors. Degrees
should be included after each author's name.
It is preferred, but not mandatory that the article is accompanied
by an abstract of approximately 200 words summarizing the
content of the article. The text of the article should normally
not exceed 6,000 words (including references). Another guideline
you may find useful is that the plain text (ASCII) should be
well below 30 kb (20 or less preferred).
References should be in American Psychological Association (1994)
format. However, other formats are tolerated, as long as they
are consistent and comply with general publication standards.
Authors assume responsibility for checking the accuracy of all references.
Grant support should be listed in a separate paragraph following
the reference section.
After the grant support section, include a brief narrative
description about the author(s), including one's current professional
position and institutional affiliation.
Confirmation that your manuscript was received will be sent within
approximately 20 business days. After this time you should receive
notification of acceptance or rejection within 8 weeks. If your
article is accepted for publication, you will be asked to send a
word-processor copy of the article in the format listed above.
Shortly before your article is released, you will receive a
typeset copy of the article for review. To ensure timeliness of
publication, you are asked to return the typeset version with
corrections within 2 business days. Failure to do so may
result in delays in publication. Changes made to the manuscript
should only involve correction of errors in typesetting. Any other
changes made must be listed in writing and may result in delays in
Please note that it is possible to submit articles both with
the peer-review option and "unreviewed". Unless stated otherwise,
most articles of the PsychNews International are not reviewed;
however, they have to follow the basic standards of scientific
writing, both regarding content, quality and form. E.g. even if you submit
a manuscript with the "not-to-review" option, you may still be
required to modify your contribution according to the comments
of the PsychNews editors.
Peer-reviewed articles also have a longer publication lag, so we
encourage you to choose the "unreviewed option" for your
Manuscripts should be sent to
Other submissions may include: Announcements (search for collaborators,
conferences, events), book reviews, Internet resource descriptions.
We especially invite letters on current events and feedback about
previously published PsychNews articles.
The PsychNews does not guarantee inclusion of
any submissions to the newsletter. The Newsletter also reserves
the right exclude listings which it does not feel are relevant or
which are primarily commercial.