The InterPsych Newsletter 1(2)



Volume 1, Issue 2             ISSN 1355-2562                June, 1994 
-----------------             --------------                ---------- 
1.  What is InterPsych? (Line 41) 
2.  The New Board of Directors/Trustees (Line 81) 
3.  Bath University Bulletin Board For Libraries (Line 126) 
4.  The Joint Communique (Line 174) 
5.  Articles: (Line 233) 
      5.1 Juan Carlos Garelli: 'Ethological Roots of Affectional 
          Bonds and Related Emotions' 
      5.2 Sylvia Caras: 'Disabled: One More Label.' 
6.  Submissions from InterPsych Subscribers (Line 539) 
      6.1  American Psychological Society Gopher 
      6.2  Innovative Degrees at Dartmouth 
      6.3  The Center for the Evaluative Clinical Sciences 
      6.4  Journal: Interpersonal Computing and Technology 
      6.5  Cognitive Differences Between Clinical Psychologists 
           and Psychiatrists 
7.  New Lists (Line 860) 
      7.1 Psycho-pharm 
      7.2 Child-psychiatry 
8.  Advertisements from those Seeking Placements (Line 920) 
      8.1 John D. O'Brien, PhD 
9.  Calls for Research Collaborators (Line 1209) 
      9.1  Mental Health Information Via Gopher 
10. Job Advertisements (Line 1287) 
      10.1 Lectureships at the University of Derby 
      10.2 Find a Job via the Internet 
SECTION 1: What Is InterPsych? 
InterPsych is the name for the non-profit making organization 
conducting multidisciplinary debate on issues in psychiatry, abnormal 
psychology, and psychopathology using the facilities of the Internet. 
InterPsych maintains the following groups: 
Group                    Number of Members  Number of Members 
                         4th June 1994      21st June 1994 
-----                    -----------------  ----------------- 
Psychiatry                      576                606 
Helplessness                    236                262 
Psychiatry-assessment           201                221 
Transcultural-psychology        176                232 
Attachment                      153                169 
Psychiatry-resources            136                164 
Traumatic-stress                309                340 
Depression                      206                256 
TOTAL                          1993               2250 
Three new groups have also just become operational: psycho-pharm, 
child-psychiatry and clinical-psychology. 
Although some of the members belong to more than one list it is 
important to remember that many distribution groups also subscribe, 
including university departments, government departments, and other 
academic and professional bodies. Our total InterPsych distribution 
is therefore difficult to estimate, but I know that the 
redistribution list in Argentina alone reaches a further 1500 people, 
and there is another similar list in Brazil at the University of 
Campinas. As a rough guess the redistribution groups probably reach 
three or four times the number of people listed above. Given that the 
original list 'psychiatry' only became operational on 14th February 
this response is staggering, confirming my belief that we have met a 
very genuine need for interdisciplinary debate in this field. 
SECTION 2: The New Board of Directors/Trustees 
President of InterPsych: 
Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D.; Professor of Psychology, University 
of Pennsylvania, USA 
Board Members 
Charles R. Figley, Ph.D.: Professor and Director of the 
Psychosocial Stress Research Program and Clinic, Florida State 
University, USA. 
Stevan Harnad, PhD.; Professor of Psychology and Director of 
Cognitive Science Centre, University of Southampton, UK. Editor of 
Behavioural and Brain Sciences, Psycoloquy. 
Ivan K. Goldberg, M.D.; Director, New York Psychopharmacologic 
Juan Carlos Garelli, M.D.; Attachment Research Center, Buenos Aires, 
Elizabeth Hudnall Stamm, PhD.; Assistant Professor of Psychology, 
University of Anchorage, Alaska, USA 
Edward Workman, EdD, M.D.; Assistant Professor of Psychiatric 
Medicine; Co-Director of Psychiatric Research, University of 
Virginia Medical School, USA 
David L. DiLalla, Ph.D.; Assistant Professor of Psychology, 
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA. 
Thomas Joiner, Ph.D.; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, 
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, USA 
Ian Pitchford; Neuroscience Student, Founder & co-ordinator of 
InterPsych. University of Sheffield, UK. 
Greg Berns, M.D., Ph.D.: Resident in Psychiatry, University of 
Pittsburgh, USA. 
Edward Wakeman; D.Phil Student, University of Oxford, UK. 
SECTION 3: The Bath University Bulletin Board for Libraries 
InterPsych is currently building a psychiatry database on the above 
mainframe. Subscribers are welcome to submit any relevant information 
for storage in the database: 
BUBL began life as the "Bulletin Board for Libraries" and still aims 
to provide LIS professionals both with information on services and 
resources on JANET, the Internet, and other networks, and with a means 
of exploiting the network for professional ends. However, it also aims 
to provide other network users with access to, and information and 
guidance on the wide range of services and resources available on 
academic networks. 
Access to the service is by one of the following routes: 
Telnet:                  BUBL.BATH.AC.UK or login: 
Gopher:                  BUBL.BATH.AC.UK ( Port 7070 
World Wide Web: 
The psychiatry section has the following structure: 
616.89      Psychiatry 
   .890 22  Adolescent psychiatric disorders 
   .891     Therapy 
   .891 2   Shock Therapy 
   .891 22  Electroconvulsive Therapy 
   .891 3   Physical Therapy 
   .891 4   Psychotherapy 
   .891 42  Behaviour Therapy 
   .891 43  Gestalt 
   .891 44  Milieu 
   .891 45  Transactional Analysis 
   .891 5   Group and Family Psychotherapy 
   .891 6   Mental and Activity therapies 
   .891 7   Psychoanalysis 
   .891 8   Drug Therapy 
616.892     Psychoses 
   .895     Manic depressive psychosis 
   .897     Paranoia and paranoid conditons 
   .898     Schizophrenia 
SECTION 4: The Joint Communique 
An Important Communique from the InterPsych Board of Directors 
To all members of psychiatry, psychiatry-assessment, helplessness, 
depression, traumatic-stress, attachment, transcultutral-psychology, 
InterPsych is shortly to be registered as an educational charity in 
order to enable us to effectively advance our aims. To assist 
us in this vitally important work your Board would be most grateful if 
you could hold the following points in mind at all times: 
1) InterPsych is a scientific organization whose purpose is to foster 
and facilitate productive communication between members, regarding 
psychiatry and psychopathology. 
2) As such InterPsych strives to avoid discussions of gossip, inuendo, 
or attacks of any kind on groups of professionals of whatever stripe 
or flavour---we deal with the rational discussion of ideas and data 
about substantive issues. 
3) InterPsych supports the concept that psychiatry and 
psychopathology, in order to evolve and develop optimally, require 
multi-discliplinary input and discussion from, between, and among 
psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors, nurses, 
neuroscientists, non-psychiatric physicians, and students in related 
discliplines, and those interested in any aspect of mental health. 
4) in some very real ways, the lifeblood of mental health research and 
practice is on the line in many countries due to budget cutbacks and 
other regressive processes, and one of our missions is to foster 
cooperation among mental health professionals and to educate each 
other and the public about the mechanisms, efficacy, and research 
issues involved in mental health and psychiatric diagnosis and 
Professor Martin E.P. Seligman - President 
Board Members: 
Mr Ian Pitchford 
Professor Edward Workman 
Professor Charles R. Figley 
Professor Stevan Harnad 
Dr Ivan K. Goldberg 
Professor David L. DiLalla 
Professor Elizabeth Hudnall Stamm 
Dr Greg Berns 
Dr Juan Carlos Garelli 
Dr Edward Wakeman 
Professor Thomas Joiner 
Communique Drafted by Professor Edward Workman, InterPsych Academic 
Standards Committee, June 1994. 
SECTION 5: Articles 
AND RELATED EMOTIONS: Love, Grief, Hatred, Anguish, Sorrow, Warmth, 
Togetherness, Joy, Anger, Despair, Happiness, Depression, etc. 
Bowlby's theory of attachment advances a multidisciplinary stance in 
which ethology, psychobiology, the cybernetic theory of control 
systems, cognitive psychology and psychiatry are integrated. The 
integration of these disciplines was first undertaken in order to 
understand the origin, function and development of the child's early 
socio-emotional relations. That is why Bowlby's attachment theory is 
in actual fact deeply embedded in a general theory of behaviour which 
is an outgrowth of those manifold origins. 
Pride of place is given in Bowlby's attachment theory to the 
biological function of behaviour (Bowlby 1969/82, 1973, 1980). 
According to contemporary evolutionary thinking, structures and 
behavioural systems are now present in the population because they 
contributed to reproductive success of the bearers in the environment 
of evolutionary adaptedness. 
Under certain ecological conditions, natural selection favours 
individuals who invest heavily on childcare and upbringing (K- 
selection, as opposed to r-selection). This kind of parental 
behaviour protects offspring from predatory, parasitic and strange 
animals. During evolutionary time, strong selection pressures have led 
individuals to discriminate between their own and other's young 
(Bateson, 1979). Filial imprinting is a phenomenon whereby 
the young quickly learn to recognize their parents, thereby following 
them everywhere, keeping proximity to them, and avoiding contact with 
any other but close kin. The young need to discriminate between their 
parents that care for them and other members of their species because 
parents discriminate between their own offspring and other young of 
the same species and may actually attack young which are not their own 
(Bateson 1979). 
Both selection pressures, protection from predation and filial 
imprinting contribute in important ways to the formation and 
strengthening of attachment behaviours, serving the purpose of 
obtaining and maintaining optimal proximity between young and parents. 
In a paper entitled "The Nature of the Child's Tie to its Mother", 
Bowlby (1958) proposes that the infant's bond with his mother is 
mediated by just such species-characteristic behavioural patterns and 
*not* by the mother's role in feeding or otherwise satisfying the 
infant's biological needs. Thus, attachment behaviour is held to be a 
kind of social behaviour tantamount to mating or parenting and is 
deemed to have a function specific to itself. 
Modern post-lorenzian elaborations support the notion that emotions 
and the expression of emotions have a gene-survival advantage for them 
to evolve at all. 
Bowlby (1969/82) considers the communicative functions of emotions to 
be of paramount importance. During infancy emotional expressions such 
as smiles and cries affect the behaviour of parents and caretakers and 
thus play a special role in regulating social relationships. More 
importantly, and more specifically, these signals promote proximity to 
protective adults and thus must have had a great survival value in the 
environment of evolutionary adaptedness. 
Bowlby went further, suggesting that the repeated association of 
proximity-promoting signals with appropriate responses on the part of 
adults underlies the formation of attachment bonds between infants and 
adults. Bowlby not only provided an answer to questions about why 
emotions and social relationships exist in infancy, but also proposed 
a mechanism whereby social bonding might proceed. 
But let us listen to what Bowlby himself has to say about "The Making 
and Breaking of Affectional Bonds" (1979): 
"Affectional bonds and subjective states of strong emotion tend to go 
together... Thus, many of the most intense of all human emotions 
arise during the formation, the maintainance, the disruption and the 
renewal of affectional bonds..." "Thus, anyone concerned with the 
psychology and psychopathology of emotion is soon confronted..." with 
the unchallenged fact that they are inseparable from the vicissitudes 
of the related affectional bonds, id est, attachment relationships. 
Bateson, P.P.G. (1979), How do sensitive periods arise and what are 
they for?, Animal Behaviour, 27, 470/86. 
Bowlby, J. (1958), The nature of the child's tie to his mother. 
International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 39, 350/73. 
Bowlby, J. (1969/82), A&L, vol. 1: Attachment. London: Basic Books. 
Bowlby, J. (1973), A&L, vol. 2: Separation. London: The Hogarth Press. 
Bowlby, J. (1980), A&L, vol. 3: Loss. London: The Hogarth Press. 
5.2 Sylvia Caras: Disabled: One More Label 
Labels are arbitrary, subjective, and used by the "in" group 
to create and define deviance, to speak about the "others." 
The Social Security Administration and the Americans with 
Disabilities Act invited me to join the largest minority in 
the United States and label myself.  Should I use the word 
disabled to describe my mood swings and melancholy?  I have 
thought a lot about whether I want the tag disabled.  I've 
decided I have a lot to gain. 
In 1987, members of my mood network were describing how long 
it took to get disability benefits, how difficult dealing 
with the Social Security paperwork was, how humiliating were 
the rejections.  To learn the bureaucratic rules, I wanted 
to go through the process myself and write a how-to manual. 
I was interviewed by a psychiatrist for 30 minutes and 
signed releases for my records.  As I left his office, I 
wondered how crazy I had seemed to the physician and what he 
thought of me. 
While I waited, expecting denial, I studied formal appeals 
procedures and planned my next steps.  Eventually I received 
a notice letter from Social Security.  My claim had been 
accepted; I was to receive benefits. 
Success was humiliating.  I had told myself I only applied 
for benefits to learn to help others with the process.  Yes, 
the inertia of major depression and the passion of 
disruptive energy limit my life activities, but, . . . but, 
. . . but am I really so sick?   Confidential psychiatric 
records said so.  Now I had even more evidence of how the 
world perceived me: mentally ill.  Despite the monthly 
direct credit to my bank account, and the later Medicare 
coverage, I was humbled; I felt shamed.  The acceptance had 
been so easy I didn't even have enough experience to write 
the manual I'd planned. 
To reduce my discomfort with my new identification, I 
started saying tentatively "I'm disabled" as a 
conversational alternative to "no" when asked to volunteer 
or socialize, and I began to feel less to blame for my 
psychiatric adventures, even that I was less of a victim.  I 
began to think of myself as "disabled" as well as woman, 
grandmother, activist.  Disabled. 
In 1991, when I first heard about the Americans with 
Disabilities Act, I didn't realize that it applied to 
"psychiatric impairments."  When I discovered that my civil 
rights, too, were now legally protected, I applied for a 
singular training opportunity specifically for people with 
disabilities, and became a member of the Americans with 
Disabilities Act Training and Implementation Network. 
Now I had to deal with wearing the word disabled in an even 
more public way.  Would I feel like an outsider because I 
wasn't using a wheelchair?  What would the other trainees 
think when they saw me appearing, I believed, pretty 
ordinary?  Because my disability is relatively 
inconspicuous, I have a choice about whether to disclose my 
impairment.  Am I really disabled, or am I being indulgent, 
hiding behind moods and labels I should be able to overcome? 
Reservations and reluctances faded away as I met others who 
also had inconspicuous disabilities (and it didn't seem 
socially correct to ask how they qualified).  Many had a 
wondrous background in access activism, had been advocating 
since before 1973 for curb cuts, ramps and other fundamental 
accommodations.  They had developed a proactive vocabulary 
to express the goals of independent living, personal 
assistance, equal access and opportunity.  They were 
lobbying and protesting; they had political knowledge and 
consensus strategies. 
I wondered why I knew so little about the disability rights 
movement.  I had been doing mental health protection and 
advocacy work locally and nationally, receiving newsletters, 
going to conferences.  My sources were the mental health 
community and I was uninformed. 
I associated my lack of knowledge with the general style of 
mental health systems, a style which isolates users of 
mental health services in separate, often locked, hospitals 
and residences, and provides separated and unequal support 
services.  Without realizing that we had natural allies, we 
rights advocates had gone forward with our work in heroic 
but lonely separateness, as isolated by our own movement as 
by the system of care we were challenging. 
I was aroused and heartened by the work others were doing, 
by their language, by their quick support for our rejection 
of involuntary interventions for competent adults.  I was 
bolstered to hear others talk about fear and shame and 
isolation and stigma, and more need for belonging and 
acceptance and touch. 
There was already a word for coalition: cross-disability.  I 
was stimulated by the full promise of a unified cross- 
disability movement.  I was interested in what I learned 
about other disability labels, how learning disabilities and 
environmental illness and psychosis have some common 
symptoms and behaviours. 
People with chemical sensitivity spoke of rushes of anger 
when they were exposed to perfume.  I had learned those 
rushes of anger were warnings of mania.  People with 
learning disabilities spoke of difficulty paying attention 
or sitting still.  I had learned that not concentrating and 
not remembering were symptoms of depression.  Now, I learned 
more about alternatives by using the perspective of other 
During that first week of training, I felt accepted, and 
safe enough to ask for an accommodation.  Background noise 
made it hard for me to focus; I was offered a listening 
device and I was able to stay attentively in the main 
training room.  I have been used to having my discomforts 
diagnosed and medicated.  Now, I was inarticulately soothed 
by having a personal need both valued and easily met.  I 
asked again: Realizing I would be overloaded if I took the 
written exam in the main room, I asked to take the test 
alone.  Again, easily, without judgement, I was encouraged 
to complete the work in a way that maximized my ability. 
Here, I was experiencing the language and attitudes of anti- 
discrimination law.  I was surrounded by the implicit 
valuing of my differentness. 
In mental illness circles much is said about stigma.  Stigma 
is an attitude and attitudes are hard to change.  But the 
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) addresses 
discrimination, an action.  By making discriminatory actions 
illegal, the ADA broadens the scope of our civil rights. 
Even without disclosing my psychiatric history I am 
protected by some parts of the ADA.  Employers can no longer 
ask any questions about medical history or disability on 
application forms or in pre-employment interviews.  But in 
order to ask for the accommodations that I believe will make 
working or program participation possible for me, I must 
disclose disability.  I've come to the conclusion that this 
disclosure is an advantage.  I believe wrapping myself in 
the warmth and protection of the disability label is good 
for me. 
The first category of the ADA disability definition -- 
physical or mental impairments that substantially limit 
major life activities -- is controversial to survivors who 
reject the medical model, to many who want acceptance, not 
medicine, for altered states of mind.  I understand that 
position and find it congenial, and I still looked past 
ideology to the balance of the definition. 
The further parts of the ADA definition protect persons with 
a record of disability and persons regarded as disabled.  I 
have a record of disability: there is an unexpungeable 
"blotter notation" at my home town police department that 
shows up whenever there is the most elementary background 
check for credit or employment.  I am regarded as disabled: 
many who see me as "bipolar" become wary when I comment that 
I'm feeling better, and discount as grandiose my global and 
long term interests in systemic change and spiritual 
To receive the protection of many of the ADA employment 
provisions, the employer must at least be told that there is 
a disability; and the employer may require proof.  A 
qualified individual with a disability may ask for 
reasonable accommodation during the application and testing 
process and to do the job.  But the employer is not required 
to even discuss reasonable accommodation unless the employer 
has been informed that the employee or applicant has a 
Despite discontent with the language of psychiatric labelling 
and the language used for referring to emotional and mental 
illness, I want to use the ADA to take advantage of the ADA 
protections.  I am not willing to forfeit the aegis of this 
landmark civil rights legislation.  I want membership in the 
cross-disability community. 
To strengthen the ADA, each protected individual must use 
and test the provisions.  I hope that all of us who have 
been excluded because of madness will now look for work, 
volunteer our skills, get independent housing, request 
integrated programs and services, show that we are not a 
threat, use the law to ensure broad equal opportunity for 
users of mental health services in a variety of areas. 
People with disabilities in the United States are 43 million 
strong.  The unified disability movement is growing 
sturdier, networking, forming coalitions, lobbying. 
Information is being exchanged among disabilities.  We can 
internalize a powerful positive social definition of 
disability.  We can be together in interdependence and 
relative equality.   We can be rich in obtaining and sharing 
information.  We can champion common goals about independent 
living and access, and integrated values about these goals. 
I want to create blame-free acceptance from others of my 
self and my purported disability.  I want to diminish 
discrimination and increase inclusion through activism.  To 
achieve this goal, I am using the label "disabled." 
_Hospital and Community Psychiatry_, April 1994, 
Vol 45, No 4, p323.  Sylvia Caras' current project is the e- 
mail list ThisIsCrazy.  Her address is 
SECTION 6: Submissions from Subscribers 
From: Bill Long 
If you are interested in exploring all of the available 
psychology-related listservs and usenet groups available on 
the internet, you may want to check out the new American 
Psychological Society (APS) Gopher.  The gopher contains 
several useful resources including a document listing 60 
plus different discussion groups covering a wide range of 
professional psychology topics.  Host and path are listed 
If you have corrections, updates, or more groups please send 
them to and they will be added to future 
updates of the listserv document. 
6.2 Innovative Degrees in the Evaluative Clinical Sciences-M.S.,PhD. 
The Center for the Evaluative Clinical Sciences (CECS) at Dartmouth Medical 
School offers Dartmouth College master's and doctoral degrees, in a new 
program focused on outcomes research.   The Center is directed by Jack 
Wennberg, whose seminal work in small area variations, claims analysis, and 
exploration of patient preferences is internationally recognized. The 
program's interdisciplinary curriculum features unusual opportunities for 
mentored research and practicum work in topical areas. 
Students initially take coursework in the areas of health policy, medical 
decision making & health behavior, and epidemiology/biostatistics.  Then, 
they carry out research in areas of their choice, under the guidance of CECS 
faculty, or enroll in practicums taught by Jack Wennberg and his associates. 
The master's program structure can be customized to reflect students' 
professional commitments.  As little as one Dartmouth term at a time - ten 
weeks - need be spent in Hanover (i.e., on campus). All doctoral students are 
admitted to the master's program, subject to transfer of appropriate accrued 
The admissions process involves an application, references, and official 
transcripts or the equivalent.  Students may apply at any time for the 
program, but all students begin in mid-September.  Applicants are admitted 
until the  class (20 people) is filled.  Late applicants may be placed on a 
waiting list, if they wish. 
Detailed information about the program can be obtained by contacting 
Patricia Read-Hunter, the Coordinator of Educational Programs, by e-mail or 
telephone.  Tel. no. (603) 650 1782; e-mail, 
Dartmouth Medical School 
Hanover, New Hampshire 
The Center for the Evaluative Clinical Sciences houses scientists and 
clinician-scholars involved in evaluating some of the most fundamental, but 
often overlooked, questions in medicine. The faculty of the CECS is engaged 
in measuring how well medical procedures actually work, how to improve the 
quality of medical and surgical care, how organizations develop and implement 
health care policy, how health care resources are distributed, and how 
patients value medical interventions and their consequences. 
This work has important implications for medical practice and for medical 
economics. At the microeconomic level, it holds the promise of re-forming the 
doctor-patient relationship to a model in which informed patients and 
physicians make choices in a dynamic partnership. At the macroeconomic level, 
the evaluative clinical sciences can provide the sound basis on which 
rational policy choices and resource allocations are made. 
For the past two decades, John E. Wennberg, M.D., M.P.H., director of the 
CECS, and other members of the CECS faculty have pioneered the field of 
outcomes research. By challenging widely held but often inadequately tested 
theories of medical practice, Wennberg and his colleagues have opened a new 
national debate on how physicians and patients value medical interventions. 
CECS research has shown that a significant proportion of medical 
interventions do not have beneficial effects of the magnitude ascribed to 
them; more important, CECS investigators have shown that given sufficient 
information with which to make an informed choice, patients often choose 
different, and more conservative, courses of treatment than their doctors 
would prescribe for them. The implications of these findings range from a 
reduction in demand for common and expensive medical procedures such as back 
surgery and prostatectomy, to the promise of vastly increased satisfaction 
with medical care for patients who have been actively involved in the 
decision-making process. 
A strength of the CECS is the broad range of interests of its investigators. 
Current work ranges from studies of care at the end of life to the 
distribution of health care resources across hospital market areas, and from 
geriatric health to the sociology of medical organizations. Members of the 
CECS faculty share an exceptionally collegial, collaborative approach to 
identifying and investigating problems in the evaluative clinical sciences, 
bringing to bear a wide variety of approaches and methodologies to identify 
needs and propose solutions to flaws in the health care delivery system. 
With national efforts at reform now underway, there is new emphasis on the 
aggregate costs of a system which absorbs an ever-greater share of the gross 
domestic product, and new interest in information about effective and 
efficient care -- care that is truly desired by patients. For policymakers at 
all levels, from community hospitals to the White House, information about 
effective and efficient medical care that is actually wanted by patients is 
critical to finding solutions to the current crisis. 
The CECS offers graduate programs and fellowships in the evaluative clinical 
sciences. These programs engage students from a variety of disciplines -- 
clinicians, administrators, health policy makers -- and provide practical and 
immediate help in applying the principles and the findings of the evaluative 
clinical sciences to the real world of health care policy and delivery. 
The methods and tools of outcomes research, clinical decision-making, 
health policy are available to students who come to the Center for the 
Evaluative Clinical Sciences to participate in the graduate program, and to 
the visiting scholars who engage in research activities here before returning 
to their home institutions with new knowledge of what is happening in the 
health care system and how it can be changed. 
6.4 Journal: Interpersonal Computing and Technology 
From: "Gerald M. Phillips, Ph.D."  
Subject: Re: Journal 
               Interpersonal Computing and Technology: 
             An Electronic Journal for the 21st Century 
IPCT: An Electronic Journal for the 21st Century is based on 
the following premises: 
               The electronic journal is the wave of the future. By 
     the year 2000, the bulk of information will be exchanged 
     electronically and the nature of print media will have 
     changed drastically. 
               There are, currently, several barriers to the use of 
     electronic journals as outlets for scholarly research. These 
     include: copyright problems, the problem of coordinating 
     with print publication, and especially the validation of the 
     electronic journal as a legitimate outlet for dissemination 
     of scholarly studies, suitable for credit toward promotion and 
     tenure in colleges and universities. 
     IPCT: An Electronic Journal for the 21st Century will attempt 
     to address these three concerns. 
              The journal will be published quarterly in January, 
         April, September, and December.  It will include scholarly 
         articles, book reviews, think pieces, and announcements. 
         Each journal issue will be the equivalent of 64 print 
              The journal will be coordinated with and issued 
         through the Interpersonal Computing and Technology 
         Discussion List, a list maintained, moderated and 
         operated at Georgetown University.  This list will serve 
         as the initial readership. Subscribers to the list will 
         be considered charter subscribers. There will be no 
         charge for the service for the first year.  Subscribers 
         will be urged to comment extensively on content and 
         format of the journal.  After an experimental year, 
         we will commence library collaboration and may find it 
         necessary to charge for the service. 
     Please submit full length articles (10-20 pages with 
     notes and bibliography) done in APA format on the 
     following topics: use of electronic networks in the 
     classroom, electronic publishing, use of electronic 
     networks and information exchange, library applications 
     of electronic communication, professional relationships 
     carried on via electronic communication, use of 
     electronic communication in higher education, business, 
     industry and government and related topics. Articles may 
     have a humanistic or social science cast. Technological 
     articles will be considered to the extent that they are 
     intelligible to the bulk of the readers and are not 
     specific to any particular hardware configuration 
         We regret that, at this time, we will be unable 
     to use articles which employ pictures and diagrams 
     and we urge that statistical tables be kept to a minimum. 
     Our transmission will be in the simplest ASCII format, to 
     make the journal available to greatest number of 
     potential subscribers. 
We will also consider reviews, approximately eight pages in length, 
of books relevant to issues of interest to IPCT-L. 
     All articles will be given at least two blind reviews and 
published articles will be selected by the editors. 
   In our reviewing process, we will conform to the highest 
standards of reviewing used in the best print journals.  Our 
associate editors (reviewers) will be selected on criteria of 
editorial experience and status in their field of expertise. 
     Since the journal will be distributed by IPCT-L, subscription 
to IPCT-L will be necessary for those desiring copies. 
Send the following one-line message in the body of an email message to 
Editor: Gerald M. Phillips, Ph.D. (Professor Emeritus of Speech 
    Communication, Pennsylvania State University) 
Editorial Board: 
Zane L. Berge, Ph.D. (Director, Center for Teaching and Technology. 
Academic Computer Center, Georgetown University 
Gerald M. Santoro, Ph.D. (Center for Academic Computing, Pennsylvania 
State University) 
Managing Editor: 
Mauri Collins, M.A. (Senior Consultant, Michigan Consultants Group) 
Associate Editors: 
R. Thomas Berner, M.A., (The Pennsylvania State University, 
University Park, PA) 
Morton Cotlar, Ph.D., (University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HA) 
Paulo A. Dasilva, Ph.D. (Military Institute of Engineering, Rio de 
Janeiro, Brazil) 
Gordon Dixon, M.Sc., F.B.C.S. (Editor-in-Chief, Literary and 
Linguistic Computing, The Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) 
Filip J.R.C. Dochy, Ph.D., University of Heerlen, The Netherlands) 
William F. Eadie, Ph.D. (Speech Communication Association, Annandale, 
Jill Ellsworth, Ph.D. (Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, 
Bradley Erlwein, Ph.D. (System Six, Golden, CO) 
Mark Evangelista, B.S. (Georgetown University, Washington, DC) 
Mark G. Gillingham, Ph.D. (Washington State University, Vancouver, WA) 
Dennis S. Gouran, Ph.D. (The Pennsylvania State University, University 
Park, PA) 
Ken Hirsch, Ph.D. (California State University, Sacramento, CA) 
Theodore S. Hopf, Ph.D. (Washington State University, Pullman, WA) 
Alice Horning, Ph.D. (Oakland University, Oakland, MI) 
Lawrence Johnston, B.A. (American Embassy, Nouakchott, Mauretania) 
Vladimir Klonowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova 
Donald H. Kraft, Ph.D. (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA) 
Gary L. Kreps, Ph.D. (Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL) 
Scott Kuehn, Ph.D., (Clarion University, Clarion, PA) 
Edward A. Mabry, Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI) 
Cecelia G. Manrique, Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse, WI) 
Robert McKenzie, Ph.D. (East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, 
Ann Okerson, MLS (Association of Research Libraries, Washington, DC) 
David Raitt, Ph.D. (European Space Agency, the Netherlands) 
Katy Silberger, MLS (Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY) 
David E. Sims, Ph.D. (Atlantic Veterinary College, University of 
Prince Edward Island, Canada) 
David L. Schroeder. Ph.D. (Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN) 
Silvio Stoppoloni, Ph.D., (Csorzion per l'Universita a Distanza, 
Rome, Italy) 
Janet Valade, Ph.D., (California State University, Los Angeles, CA) 
Rosalie Wells, Ph.D. (Athabasca University. Athabasca, Alberta, 
John W. Wooten, Ph.D. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN) 
Nancy J. Wyatt, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State University - Delware County 
Campus, Media, PA) 
Gerald M. Phillips (Professor Emeritus), Speech Communication 
Editor, IPCT: An Electronic Journal for the 21st Century 
ISSN 1064-4326 
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 
Manuscripts are being accepted for the 1994 volume. 
6.5 Cognitive Differences 
From: "Robert D. Canning"  
Subject: Psychiatry/psychology 
The article I mentioned on the list a few days ago is: 
Kingsbury, S.J. (1987). Cognitive differences between clinical 
psychologists and psychiatrists. American Psychologist, 42, 152-156. 
In the article Dr. Kingsbury discusses several areas of differences 
between the two professions: the nature of science (psychologists are 
taught to see science as a method, physicians are taught to see it as 
a collection of facts); the nature of thought concerning cases 
(psychologists are taught to view dis-ease as caused by any one of a 
variety of etiologies; physicians are taught the medical model); the 
nature of experience (psychologists-in-training attend more classes 
and seminars than clinics and the clinical experience is concentrated 
in internsships and post-docs; physicians start seeing patients almost 
full-time in their third year of med school and continue unabated 
through residency). 
This is obviously a gross over simplification, but is an attempt to 
give you the flavor of the article.  It is directed more toward 
psychologists than toward physicians, but overall is a good spur for 
healthy interdisciplinary discussion. 
Robert D. Canning, Ph.D. 
SECTION 7: New Lists 
7.1 Psycho-pharm 
 Psychopharmacology Mailing List      
 The purpose of the Psychopharmacology Mailing List list is to 
 provide a  forum for for the professional discussion of all aspects 
 of clinical psychopharmacology.  Clinical psychopharmacology is 
 broadly defined as the treatment individuals with psychiatric 
 disorders through the use of psychotropic medications. 
 All mental health professionals, and graduate students may subscribe 
 to the Psychopharmacology Mailing List.  You may subscribe by 
 sending an e-mail to "  There should be no 
 subject line.  The one line message should be, "subscribe psycho- 
 pharm ". 
 If you have any questions about the Psychopharmacology Mailing List, 
 please contact me at the Internet address below. 
--                                                         \\\\ 
                                                           (@ @) 
||------------------------------------------------------ooO-( )-Ooo--- 
Ivan Goldberg, MD 
                  Child and Adolescent Psychiatry List 
To join send the message join child-psychiatry firstname lastname 
The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry list is dedicated to the 
discussion of issues related to this client population. 
This discussion list has been set up in response to an increasing 
demand for a forum in the area of Child and Adolescent 
It is hoped that professionals and students alike will learn from 
each other through open and amicable discussion of current issues 
and topics related to this client group. In addition, the sharing 
of personal experiences and insights, relevant research findings 
and case studies is encouraged (violation of client 
confidentiality will not be tolerated on this list). 
Psychopharmacology, inpatient/outpatient care, 
admission protocols, family treatment and intervention, Child 
psychiatric disorders and other topics are also open to discussion. 
All comments and suggestions to: 
Amber K. Robey (
University of Calgary, Canada. 
SECTION 8: Advertisements from those Seeking Placements 
J. D. O'BRIEN, Ph. D., 119 S.Park Ridge Road #7 Bloomington, IN 47408 
Tel: (812) 336-5602 
Ph.D. social scientist, multi-disciplinary and cross cross 
disciplinary training and experience desires immediate position 
anywhere world-wide related to the broad topic of cross-cultural or 
ethnic mental health differences and applications.  Degrees in 
psychology, anthropology and sociology/social psychology.  30 years 
combined teaching, research and administrative/consulting experience. 
Basic research interests in consciousness, self, identity, cross- 
cultural interaction, applied mental health, substance abuse and 
deviant behaviors.  Recent Ph.D in 1991.  Strong computer application 
skills, strong field work skills with past research in Canada, 
Ireland, Latin America, the United States: urban and rural 
environments.  Additional study and area training in European, Asian 
and African cultures.  Will relocate for appropriate opportunity. 
Available due to U.S. funding cutbacks and shut down of post-doctoral 
research program in emotions/identity research.  If interested, please 
contact John O'Brien (812 336-5602 or INTERNET 
PO% JOBRIEN@UCS.INDIANA.EDU or write to 119 S. Park Ridge Road, 
Bloomington, Indiana USA 47408) 
SPECIAL INTERESTS . . . stress, emotions, control models, 
neuropsychological models, consciousness, cognition and symbolism. 
Ph. D.           KENT STATE UNIVERSITY, Kent, OH. 
1991             (Sociology and Anthropology) 
                 Amherst, MA. (Ethnology). 
A. B.            LA UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS AMERICAS, Cholula, 
                 Puebla, Mexico (Psychology). 
NIMH post-doctoral training fellowship: program in the Measurement of 
Affect and Affective Processes, Dept. of Sociology, Indiana 
University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405. 
Doctoral Studies: UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) 
(Anthropology, all but dissertation). 
Graduate exchange scholar: The University of California at Berkeley, 
Berkeley, California;(tutorials in Psychological Anthropology and 
Peasant Studies, Language and Behavior Laboratory, Department 
of Anthropology). 
Post M.A. studies:  Communications, The University of Massachusetts - 
Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts. 
Post B.A. studies: Anthropology, la Universidad de las Americas, 
The Problem of Order: Empirical Tests of a Holographic Minimum Unit 
Model Linking Culture, Cognition-emotion and Social Action in 
Substance Abuse Decision-making.  Ann Arbor: UMI (ON 9200536). 
1995                   Research Associate, Indiana University - 
                       Bloomington, Bloomington, IN (Anthropology). 
1994                   Visiting Asst. Professor, Indiana University - 
                       Bloomington,Bloomington, IN (Anthropology). 
1993                   Instructor, Indiana University Purdue- 
                       Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN (Sociology). 
1991                   Instructor, Lakeland Community College, 
                       Mentor, OH (Social Studies). 
1989-1991              Auxiliary Faculty: the University of Akron, 
                       Akron, OH (Sociology). 
1989-1991              Instructor, Cuyahoga Community College West, 
                       Parma, OH  (Sociology). 
1989                   Instructor part-time, Kent State University, 
                       Kent, OH  (Sociology). 
1986-1988              Teaching Fellow,  Kent State University, Kent, 
                       OH (Sociology). 
1986                   Instructor, Kent State University, Kent, OH 
1985-1986              Instructor, Youngstown State University, 
                       Youngstown, OH (Sociology, Anthropology and 
                       Social Work). 
1975                   Instructor, California State University 
                       Northridge, Northridge, CA 
                       (Behavioral Sciences). 
1974                   Teaching Associate, The University of Massachu- 
                       setts at Amherst, Amherst, MA (Communications 
                       and Theater). 
1967 to date     -     Consultant, applied social science consulting 
                       to business and government. 
1965 to 1967     -     Sr. Coordinator, Advertising Services 
                       Division,Young & Rubicam, Inc., New York, New 
1962 to 1963     -     Programmer-analyst Navy Department, Bureau of 
                       Naval Weapons, Washington, D. C. 
Assisted in technology assessment and impact analyses for low 
technology alternative economy options with an independent California 
research group. 
Assisted in the update of the Europe 2000 long range socioeconomic 
forecast for a major Washington research and consulting firm. 
Acted as project leader in research and development for a 
New York based international advertising agency's marketing, 
analysis and research operations. 
Supervised professional and doctoral staff. 
Managed a marketing information computer application for a major 
California University Extension, including staff and personnel 
supervision, user and community liaison. 
Supervised staff in the development of a major New York city based 
marketing analysis and research project for an independent media and 
marketing research firm. 
Acted as CEO for a not-for-profit California charitable organization: 
fund-raised, managed, administered grants, developed public relations 
and promotions, supervised personnel and managed community relations. 
Developed main-frame and distributed personal computer feasibility 
studies for a Mid-Western State University's administrative systems 
Consulted to a major California aero-space business and 
administrative systems division for internal policies and procedures, 
data processing applications, et al. 
Assisted in the development of the New York Stock Exchange's computer 
clearing-house methods, procedures and EDP operations. 
Developed computer word-processing, record keeping and hardware 
feasibility studies in the legal profession. 
Contract programmer, NASA - Launch Operations Center - Cape 
Canaveral, Florida. 
Consulted to Motel industry for business development and business 
Fund raised for an Eastern Public Interest organization. 
Basic research into social psychological and general theory 
development in cultural, cognitive, symbolic, emotional and decision- 
making control systems. 
Applied research in needs  assessments and recreational planning for 
I.D.C., Inc. and the County of Santa Barbara, CA. 
Applied research in long range socio-economic forecasting: (Europe 
and North America) on contract with a major Arlington, VA independent 
research agency. 
Applied advertising and marketing research for a major New York City 
based international advertising agency. 
Field research on decision-making in energy utilization, socio- 
economics and urban redevelopment. 
Field research in Ireland and Quebec for oral history and culture 
change studies for the National Museum of Man, Ottawa, 
Ontario, Canada. 
Field research for ethnological and linguistic research in Guerrero, 
Heise, David R. and O'Brien, John D. 1993.    "Emotion in Groups," 
Chapter 34, Section IV in Michael Lewis and Jeannette Haviland (Eds.) 
The Handbook of Emotions.  New York: Guilford Publications. 
O'Brien, John D.  (forthcoming).  "Pervasive Culture and Variable 
Meaning."  Journal of Mathematical Sociology   (TBA). 
----------.  (submitted ms.).  "Stress and Identity Theory: 
Inferences of Higher Order Control Functions." 
----------.  (submitted ms.).  "The Reality of Cultural Integration: 
A Constrained Unitary Strategy. 
----------.  (submitted ms.).  "Construct Realism: A Developmental 
----------.  (submitted ms.).  "Cultural Predispositions to Economic 
----------.  (submitted ms.).  "Urban Life Satisfaction: Towards a 
Structuralist Hypothesis" 
----------.  (in progress).  Culture, Cause and Order: A Holographic 
Paradigm (Final Title TBA).  Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen 
----------.      1992.    "The Issue of Culture."  Newsletter of the 
Sociology of Culture Section of the American Sociological 
Association. 7(1): 14-15. 
----------.      1987.    "The Irish Value: An Analysis  of  Conflict 
and Dual Social Structure in the 1800's." (unpublished seminar 
paper: the University of Akron). 
----------.      1986.    "Contemporary Community: On the Relevance 
of Classical Theory." (unpublished seminar paper: the University 
of Akron - in conjunction with David J.O'Brien). 
----------.      1982.    "Assimilation Theory and Celtic Ethnicity." 
Research notes in Current Anthropology,   23(2):196. 
----------.      1976.    "Development Economics: Suggestions for New 
Research Paradigms."(unpublished research report: The university 
of California Los Angeles). 
----------.      1975a. "Peten: Prehistoric Archaeological Site 
Prediction Techniques."  Latin American Research Review  10(2):197- 
----------.      1975b."Systemic Effects of Inheritance 
Processes in Northern Spain." Research notes in Current 
Anthropology 16(4):666. 
----------.      1974.    "Art and Anthropology:  Possibilities in 
Symbolism and Communications."(unpublished seminar paper: The 
University of Massachusetts - Amherst). 
----------.      1970.    Xalitla, Guerrero: An Ethnography. 
(unpublished seminar report: la Universidad de las Americas, 
Mexico, D. F., Mexico). 
----------.      1969.    "Chan Kom and Chan Kom Revisited: An 
Analysis of Redfield's Folk-Urban Continuum."  (unpublished 
seminar paper: la Universidad de las Americas, Mexico). 
O'Brien, John D. and Susan K. O'Brien.  1978.  The Hidden Immigrant: 
Cross-cultural Perspectives On North American Ethnicity.  Ottowa, 
Canada: Archives, National Museum of Man, Center for Folk-cultural 
volunteer: Ceramic City Senior Citizen's Center, East Liverpool, OH.. 
volunteer: Children's and Community Theater, Santa Barbara Playhouse, 
           Santa Barbara, CA. 
volunteer: Sacred Heart Center, Youngstown, OH. 
volunteer: I.D.C., Inc., community service organization, Board 
           of Directors, Montecito, CA. 
I.S.A. invitational working group on theory and theory development 
Associate:  Current Anthropology (past) 
American Sociological Association (past) 
American Anthropological Association (past) 
North Central Sociological Association (past) 
1990  Research Fellow,  Graduate College, K. S. U., Kent, OH. 
1989  Research Fellow,  Graduate College, K. S. U., Kent, OH. 
1964-1965  Dean's Honors,  La Universidad de las Americas, Mexico. 
member           -        PI GAMMA MU -  International Social Science 
member           -        ALPHA KAPPA DELTA - Social Science honorary. 
member           -        PSI CHI - Psychology honorary. 
member           -        Tau Kappa Epsilon (Alpha Beta) 
bi-lingual: English-Spanish 
SECTION 9: Calls for Collaborators 
The counselling Center at the State University of New York at 
Buffalo (USA) has begun a project using the Internet as a vehicle for 
disseminating mental health information to the public.  I would like 
to let all of you know of this service, as well as (if you are 
interested) suggest a collaborative effort. 
The information we are making available to the public uses the 
capabilities of "gopher."  For those of you unfamiliar with "gopher" 
it is a widely used menu-driven method of information retrieval on the 
internet. There are instructions below on how to use "gopher" to 
access the information we are making available.  Our material includes 
documents, brochures, workshop outlines, handouts, reading lists, and 
referral suggestions on a wide variety of topics such as 
"relationships", "sexual abuse", "sexual assault", "substance abuse", 
"time-management", "anxiety", "adjusting to college life".  There is 
even a "quotes-file" containing mental health related quotes, both 
profound (?) and humorous.  In addition to these text-based materials, 
we hope to be making mental health software available.  We're also 
interested in hearing from users, and so there is an email account set 
up to get feedback & suggestions from 
people ( 
We're hoping to make available a wealth of mental-health information 
and resources, in a way that is easily accessible and anonymous.  This 
is the decade of the computer network, and it is important that we 
take advantage of that technology.  We want to provide an alternative 
means of accessing useful mental-health & quality of life information, 
information people might be reluctant to seek out if it required a 
face-to-face contact with a counsellor. 
Requesting your participation 
At present, all of the information we are providing is "in-house" -- 
that is, it consists of materials *we* have created over the years 
(e.g., handouts, brochures). But we want this to be much more than 
UB-specific -- ideally we would like to serve as a *clearing 
house* of information that comes from *all over the world*. 
So, this is a request for your input.  We are looking for information 
that might be useful to the general public (students or otherwise). 
If you have resources (text, software, etc) that you would like to 
make more widely available in a centralized fashion, please contact 
me. Your items can be added to the UB gopher menu, and then anyone on 
the internet can have easy access to them. (nb. Even if you do not 
want your material at the UB gopher, we would be interested in 
including information *about* your materials (e.g., ftp-able files, 
other gophers, etc) and how to access them). 
This is a *very* new project for us, and much of the material we have 
remains to be uploaded.  As a result, there are numerous topics that 
are sorely lacking on our system, and other topics that are entirely 
absent. Sexuality and diversity are examples of areas needing much 
Accessing UB's gopher 
Steps for accessing our information (your system must have gopher) 
     1.  enter the following at your prompt (no quotes, note 
         spacing!): "gopher" 
     2.  at the main menu, select "Student Life and Services" 
     3.  then select counselling Center" 
You can contact me at  I'm very interested 
in any suggestions/feedback/criticism/comments you might have. 
David Gilles-Thomas, Ph.D. 
Counseling Center, State University of New York at Buffalo 
SECTION 10: Job Vacancies 
From: P McGhee ( 
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 94 10:23:13 +0100 
10.1 Lectureships - University of Derby 
Applications are invited for two lectureships/senior lectureships in 
Psychology at the UNIVERSITY of DERBY in the Division of Psychology. 
Applications are invited from Psychology graduates who hold (or will soon 
possess) a D Phil/Phd in Psychology. 
Applications will be accepted from psychologists specializing in any area 
of the discipline. 
There are no application forms.  Applicants should send a brief letter of 
application, a current CV, the names of two referees, and copies of 
any publications/thesis chapters/conference papers as appropriate to: 
PSYCHOLOGY POSTS, Lesley Gyford, Personnel Services, University of Derby, 
Kedleston Rd, Derby DE22, (tel 0332 622222 x1035) from whom further details 
can also be obtained. 
Informal enquiries to Dr Patrick McGhee, Head of Psychology, tel 0332 622222 
x2841/ Division of Psychology, Mickleover Campus, Western Rd, Derby DE3. 
CLOSING DATE:       12 July 1994 
10.2 Find a Job via the Internet 
You can browse and search through a database of job advertisements in 
all disciplines and from all over the USA and Canada through the 
following resource which is updated daily: 
  Name: Msen 
  Address: 9062 
  Choose: Search Jobs