_________________________________________________________________ VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 PSYCHNEWS INTERNATIONAL July 2000 -- AN ONLINE PUBLICATION -- _________________________________________________________________ SECTION C: ARTICLE DATA QUALITY IN ELECTRONIC INTERVIEWS Kersten Vogt, Ph.D. It has become usual to analyze survey data with computers. In the last decade computers were increasingly used in the data collection process itself. Widely known is the Computer Aided Telephone Interview (CATI) but several other forms of electronic interviews emerged in the last ten years. In the middle of the 90s Computer Aided Interviews (CAI) were still divided into Computer Assisted Data Collection (CADAC) where interviewers entered the data into computers and computerized self-administered questionaires (CSAQ) where the input of answers is done by the respondents themselves. Subgroups of CADAC were the Computer Aided Telephone Interview (CATI), the Computer Aided Personal Interview (CAPI) and the Stationary Computer Interview (SCI). Subgroups of CSAQ were Disk-By-Mail surveys (DBM), Electronic Mail surveys (EM), Download Questionnaires (DQ) and online questionnaires. Nowadays this differentiation is no more in keeping with the times. The technical developments and the respondents' increased familiarity with computers brought up a wide range of CAPI and SCI variants. Advantages of data collection with computers are savings in time and money, a reduction of work because the data coding is done by the computer, more pleasant presentation of questions because of the graphical possibilities of computers, the application of non-reactive instruments (i.e. measuring the time needed to answer a question) and an easier handling of filters. Advantages in form of better data quality are seen in the reduction of interviewer bias, the obstacles in forging interviews, the elimination of systematic biases by randomization of questions and response formats, build-in checks of consistencies across answers, and a higher standardization of the interview situation (see Saris 1991: 20-25). The aspect of data quality this article deals with addresses a different issue. It has rarely been investigated, whether computerized questionnaires produce the same results as questionnaires used in traditional interviews. To answer this question, the results of an experiment are reported, in which the questionnaires of two traditional face-to-face interviews (ALLBUS 1996 and ALLBUS 1998) were presented by the computer and had to be answered by the respondents via computer keyboard or mouse-click. The layout of the computerized questionnaires corresponded 1:1 to the paper design. For testing construct validity, the correlations (Pearsons R) of an SES index built from school education, vocational training, occupational prestige and income with self-reported SES are compared for two traditional interviews and two electronic interviews (DBM and EM). Correlations between Self-Reported Status and the SES Index Self-Reported SES E-Survey ALLBUS E-Survey ALLBUS 1996 1996 1998 1998 SES index 0,52** 0,51** 0,52** 0,55** N 235 2573 241 1668 Of course, the construction of the SES index itself could be further discussed on methodological grounds. Important for this article is the finding that an index built in the same way in all of the four surveys shows nearly the same correlations in these four with a self report of SES, which was worded exactly in the same way. In conclusion the construct validity of the SES index in all of the four surveys is comparable (which degree it ever has). This coincides with other findings showing no effect of the medium computer when the layout of the computerized questionnaire is a 1:1 translation of the paper design (see Klinck 1998) Often the argument is used, that the tradional paper design of questionnaires is not adequate for electronic presentations. Certainly this argument is right. But with findings in mind, that deviations in electronic presentations of questions produce deviations in answers, it is my assertion that deviations in electronic presentations need to be carefully tested before using them or to compute new norms of traditional instruments in their (deviating) format of electronic surveys (see Klinck 1998, Kubinger & Farkas 1991). References Saris, Willem E. 1991: Computer Assisted Interviewing; Newbury Park/London/New Dehli: Sage. Klinck, Dorothea 1998: Papier-Bleistift- versus computerun- terstuetzte Administration kognitiver Faehigkeits- tests: Eine Studie zur Equivalenzfrage; in: Diag- nostica 44/2: 61-70. Kubinger, Klaus D. & Maria G. Farkas 1991: Die Brauchbarkeit der Normen von Papier-Bleistift-Tests fuer die Com- putervorgabe: Ein Experiment am Beispiel der SPM von Raven als kritischer Beitrag; in: Zeitschrift fuer Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie 12/4: 257-266. Kersten Vogt, Ph.D., is research associate at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, Institute for Rehabilitation Sciences, Dept. of Health Services Research. His email address is kersten.vogt@rz.HU-Berlin.de _________________________________________________________________