
                   -- AN  ONLINE  PUBLICATION --


Note: Please submit all contributions or 
      corrections for the Announcements section to 
      the PsychNews Int'l mailbox: 


Available mid-November 1998:

               SMOKING:  WHO HAS THE RIGHT?

                         Edited by
  Jeffrey A. Schaler, Ph.D. and Magda E. Schaler, M.P.H.

"This intriguing book by Jeffrey and Magda Schaler focuses on
issues concerning the right of choice in regard to smoking.  In
a democracy, everyone has personal rights, in particular, where
such choice does not affect the well-being of others.  In this
regard, smoking behavior has both public and private health
implications.  This compilation features significant authors who
express their views and prejudices on both sides of the issue.
The editors are to be commended for attracting such expert
contributors, permitting readers to choose both for themselves
and for societal response.  This dialogue represents a
stimulating discourse through a minefield of opinions that will
make us think comprehensively about the medical, social,
financial and political problems surrounding tobacco use."
                                            --Ernst Wynder, M.D.
                 President, American Health Foundation, New York

"This thought-provoking collection of papers provides an
unusually broad range of disciplinary and ethical perspectives
on the regulation of tobacco.  Reasoned arguments offered on
both sides of the issue will force readers--whatever their
initial opinions--to reassess their stance about the
appropriateness of tobacco regulation in a free society.  This
book is an excellent introduction to the debate about the
tradeoffs between improving public health and protecting our
fundamental belief in personal liberty."
                                           --Sherry Glied, Ph.D.
                            Associate Professor of Public Health
                  Head, Division of Health Policy and Management
                       Joseph L. Mailman School of Public Health
                                             Columbia University

This new book is an anthology of articles addressing
the issue of smoking policy and tobacco regulation.
The book is edited by Jeffrey A. Schaler, Ph.D. (author
of The Fifth Column for the Psychnews International) and
Magda E. Schaler, M.P.H., Columbia University.  The
anthology should prove very useful to those in the fields
of public health, sociology, psychology and law,
as well as for university students at the undergraduate
and graduate levels.

     Smoking policy presents a unique opportunity to study
political, economic, legal, and social aspects of health and
behavior.  The demonization of the tobacco industry coupled with
the medicalization of addiction, and the high financial stakes
involved in liabilities cases and revenue losses, are virtual
gold mines for analysis and debate.

     Psychologist Jeffrey A. Schaler and health policy analyst
Magda E. Schaler present the best arguments focused on the
smoking controversy to assist readers with forming their own
conclusions about the "right to smoke" versus the "asserted
public health goal of a tobacco-free society."  Arguments
against regulation proposals presented here include historical,
sociological, economic, psychological, constitutional, and legal
perspectives on the anti-tobacco movement. Arguments supporting
consumer sovereignty and the right to cigarettes as property are
also presented.


Introduction:  The Smoking Controversy:  A Right to Protect
               versus a Right to Smoke?
        Jeffrey A. Schaler and Magda E. Schaler

PART I:  Tobacco Use and Regulation:
         Historical Perspectives and Policy Considerations
1.   The Analysis of Policy:  Understanding the Process of
     Policy Development * David Ryder
2.   Tobacco:  The Road to Litigation * Linda Goldman
3.   Historical Overview of Tobacco Legislation and Regulation *
     Peter D.  Jacobson, Jeffrey Wasserman, and John R. Anderson
4.   A Sociological View of the Anti-Smoking Phenomenon *
     Peter L.  Berger
5.   A New Prohibition?  An Essay on Drinking and Smoking in
     America * Mark Edward Lender
6.   The Anti-Tobacco Campaign of the Nazis:  A Little Known
     Aspect of Public Health in Germany, 1933-45 *
     Robert N. Proctor
Suggestions for Further Reading

PART II:  For the Public's Health:
          Justifying Tobacco Regulation
7.   The Legal and Scientific Basis for FDA's Assertion of
     Jurisdiction Over Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco *
     David A. Kessler, Philip S. Barnett, Ann Witt,
     Michael R. Zeller, Jerold R.  Mande, and William B. Schultz
8.   The Criminal Case Against the Tobacco Industry *
     Lowell Bergman and Oriana Zill
9.   Tobacco Litigation as Cancer Prevention:  Dealing with the
     Devil * George J. Annas
10.  Tobacco Industry Tactics * Edward Sweda and Richard Daynard
11.  Smoking, Stigma, and the Purification of Public Space *
     Blake D. Poland
12.  Judicial Approaches to Tobacco Control:  The Third Wave of
     Tobacco Litigation as a Tobacco Control Mechanism *
     Graham E. Kelder Jr. and Richard A. Daynard
Suggestions for Further Reading

PART III:  Liberty at Stake:
           Smoking as Choice, Regulation as Coercion
13.  The Control of Conduct:  Authority versus Autonomy *
     Thomas S. Szasz
14.  The Tyranny of Experts:  Blowing the Whistle on the Cult of
     Expertise * Morris E. Chafetz
15.  The Social Symbolism of Smoking and Health *
     Joseph R. Gusfield
16.  Smoking, Human Rights, and Civil Liberties *
     Douglas J. Den Uyl
17.  Tobacco and Public Policy:  A Constitutionalist Perspective
     * Robert D. Tollison and Richard E. Wagner
18.  Cigarettes and Property Rights %*Walter E. Williams
19.  Smokers' Rights to Health Care * Rajendra Persaud
20.  Smoking Right and Responsibility * Jeffrey A. Schaler
21.  Passive Smoking, Scientific Method and Corrupted Science *
     Antony Flew
Suggestions for Further Reading

     Jeffrey A. Schaler, Ph.D., a psychologist, is adjunct
professor of justice, law, and society at American University's
School of Public Affairs and is currently writing a book
entitled "Addiction Is a Choice" for Open Court Publishers in
Chicago. He teaches psychology at Johns Hopkins University and
is a member of the faculty at the Institute for Humane Studies,
George Mason University, Fairfax, Va.  [jschale@american.edu]
     Magda E. Schaler, M.P.H., received her B.A. degree in
sociology with a program concentration in Law, Medicine and
Health Policy from Brandeis University;  and her M.P.H. degree
from the Division of Health Policy and Management at Columbia
University's School of Public Health.  She is currently a law
student at Columbia University School of Law.

Prometheus Books, Amherst, New York.
Toll Free (800) 421-0351*Fax (716) 691-0137
E-mail PBooks6205@aol.com and WWW.PROMETHEUS BOOKS.COM
ISBN 1-57392-254-4, 375 pages, paper, $17.95
