_________________________________________________________________ VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PSYCHNEWS INTERNATIONAL Feb-Mar 1997 _________________________________________________________________ SECTION C: PSYCHNEWS DISCUSSIONS -------------------------------------------------------- Note: In the PsychNews Discussions series, we invite independent articles on current events and comments on PsychNews International articles. The following contribution is a reply to the Fifth Column by James C. Mancuso in the PsychNews International 2(1). The article can be retrieved at http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~expert/psychnews. Please send your articles to the PsychNews Int'l mailbox: pni@badlands.nodak.edu, cc'd to fu03c2dj@zedat.FU-Berlin.de -------------------------------------------------------- REPLY TO DR. MANCUSO Amos M. Gunsberg clubking@ix.netcom.com MANCUSO - To accept constructionism is to give up the capacity to tell another person, "You are wrong." GUNSBERG - Were Dr. Mancuso to hire a carpenter to build something for him...and the carpenter "constructed" the lengths of lumber needed from the elements of his own mind...and proceeded to cut the lumber according to his "constructions"...and the lengths he cut didn't fit...so Dr. Mancuso had to buy more lumber...I think it is safe to say Dr. Mancuso would tell the "constructionist" carpenter he is "wrong," fire him, and hire a carpenter who uses a tape measure. There are tape measures in use in all professions, in all walks of life. I think Dr. Mancuso is being irresponsible when he claims constructionists have "discovered" the need to apply checks and balances... as if we who use tape measures are not already engaged in that endeavor. MANCUSO - I am not concerned about the TRUTH of my position. I wish only to have others validate my position. I haven't yet said which means of validation I would ask others to endorse. GUNSBERG - Dr. Mancuso does not delineate the means of validation that are acceptable to him. That leaves us unable to validate his position. More importantly, it leaves us unable to possibly INvalidate his position. He can always say the means we have used are not acceptable to him. Doesn't that place his constructions in a privileged position? Is it fair for him not to state the means of validation to be used? MANCUSO - Why do we need the concept "reality" -- the idea we relate to a "real, out there world?" GUNSBERG - 1) Does this imply we are not part of the world? Are we the only things that are real, and everything else is not? Is everything else a hologram, which we imagine into existence and jumble about at will? 2) The position "man is the measure of all things" leads to the Tower of Babel all over again. Man does the ACTIVITY of measurING. Our lives depend on the ACCURACY of our measurements. 3) To proceed on the basis "man IS the measure" is to establish the very elitism to which Dr. Mancuso says he objects. MANCUSO - Nevertheless, people should be prompted to consider the gains that would derive from abandoning the concept of REALITY. In the long run, the concept fosters elitism. The concept fosters submissive- dominance relationships as people compete to establish methods of affirming or denying the validity of one or another "realistic" position. GUNSBERG - 1) Constructionists, such as the Nazis and the anti-holocaust propounders, take the position what they say is valid simply because they say it. I submit the competition is fierce, and deadly, when it comes to affirming or denying the validity of one or another "constructionist" position. I submit the elitism which is sometimes deployed in the use of tape measures is a result of an abuse of the system...not inherent in the system itself. I submit elitism IS inherent in "constructionism." 2) Dr. Mancuso says we need to apprise the anti- holocaust theorists [sic] of the ways in which we validate propositions. Does Dr. Mancuso observe these people do NOT use tape measures in ANY of their endeavors? 3) One of the quotes criticized by Dr. Mancuso contains the following sentence: "We know a lot about cancer -- but we don't know enough." Is that an example of an "elite" position? ... of claiming to know the TRUTH? 4) Dr. Mancuso consistently sets up the TRUTH, inferring we are claiming to have arrived at some ULTIMATE truth. Within the system of using tape measures, it is clear anyone who claims to have ultimate truth is either delusional or a knave. MANCUSO - With these developments, thought leaders can promote the general acceptance of constructionist views. The considerations of concerned scholars should be transmitted throughout the society. GUNSBERG - Thought leaders!! Concerned scholars!! Isn't Dr. Mancuso establishing an elite group?...composed of those who promulgate "constructionist" views? MANCUSO - All of this, of course, evolves from placing positive value on each person's participation in a multiple systems approach to evolving "local truths" which society invents in its efforts to organize and control social action. GUNSBERG - 1) On the one hand, Dr. Mancuso inveighs against the use of "truth." Does his approval of "local truths" involve the use of a double standard? 2) Note the shift from "each person's participation" to the designation of "society" as an entity with a mind of its own and powers of its own. Suddenly, there are no more "persons" who make decisions, etc., which affect "persons." Amos M. Gunsberg Psychotherapist in private practice. 61 West 74th St., New York, NY 10023 email: clubking@ix.netcom.com