



3. Bavarian-Finnish Longitudinal Study (BFLS)


I have begun developing a series of Whiplash victims with
severe headaches. They have significant selective deficits
on neuropsychological assessment. CAT scans etc show no
cerebral impairment. However, they have  all had marked
improvement with headaches, and can read without headaches 
with the Irlen Tinted Filters.

In 1995 I used EEG Feedback to prove that the signal that
was "stuck" on the right side of the brain "switches" to left
with the correct Irlen Lenses.

Naturally, I am keen to tell others of my findings, but also
really want to hear if others could review their client data.
My findings implicate "disconnection" and "switching" centres
and fibres in mid brain. In essence this will lead to many 
whiplash victims being compensated instead of being labeled
malingerers. Psychologists' reports will once again be 
respected in terms of legitimate claims. (Sure there will
always be a few malingerers, but I do not believe that they
are as widespread as current judgements would suggest)

Finally, in Queensland, three times as many women as men make
whiplash claims each year. There are several issues to be

1. Whiplash accounts for more insurance claims than any 
   other injury
2. Most claimants are women
3. Malingering may not be a valid finding (as new technology
   becomes more sensitive to shearing injuries especially in
   midline structures, plus more careful "disconnection" 
   neuropsychological and neurofeedback data is generate).

Please advise re best the strategies to communicate with 
others via PsychNews about Whiplash. 

Bea Pullar, Neuropsychologist 


Psychiatric Society for Informatics
Call for Papers
Second Annual Meeting
Saturday May 17, 1997
San Diego, California

One World: The World Wide Web (WWW)

In the last 24 months we have seen the introduction of a
computer technology that appears to be having an impact
unlike any other before. The World Wide Web is transforming
almost all major industries.  Whether a nightmare or a dream
it is becoming more than a fade, it is becoming the next step
in the evolutionary ascendancy of information technology to a
place that will change mankind forever.

At the most recent American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
more than 160 presentations and posters were given in which the
WWW was a significant component.  Almost all areas of medical
informatics were involved including education (physician and
patient), clinical care (search techniques, medical vocabulary
and examples of the electronic medical record), and research.
The potential impact that the WWW will have was apparent.

To pay our regards to the birth of such an awesome technology,
we will be focusing on the potential impact of the WWW during
the Second Annual meeting of the Psychiatric Society for 
Informatics.  We welcome papers and poster presentation involving
all information technology topics, but will show preference for
those dealing with the WWW. 

Hope to see you in San Diego.

Norman Alessi, MD, Program Chair     nalessi@umich.edu
Marvin Miller, MD, PSI president     izau100@indyunix.iupui.edu
Neil Alex, MD, Site coordinator      Edutech@ix.netcom.com
Milton Huang, MD, PSI Secretary-Treasurer

Besides the keynote speech and the President's address, 
there will be a morning and an afternoon symposium.  These
will be followed by an open business meeting and then a
poster session.  We will accept submissions for complete
symposia or for individual presentations which we will then
group appropriately.  Slide projector, overhead, and LCD panel
will be provided.  Posters may be traditional paper or
electronic, but we will only be supplying electricity.

All submissions should have a cover sheet containing the
title of the presentation or paper, the names of the presenters,
their titles and organizations, address, phone, and if available
e-mail and fax.  A second page should contain a typed double
spaced abstract of the presentation/poster.  The submission should
be sent to Milton Huang, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, University
of Michigan, 1500 E. Medical Center Drive, TC F3052/Box 0390, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48109-0390. 

Submissions may also be sent via fax to (313)  936-8907, or via
e-mail to mhuang@umich.edu.  Email submissions may be plain text
or attachments in MS Word 7.0 or less or WordPerfect 5.0 or less.
The one page abstract will be forwarded by me to two judges
without name

1 March 1997: Deadline for submissions 
24 March 1997: Information on acceptance/rejection sent
31 March 1997: Final Program mailed
14 April 1997: End of early Registration

Further information will be available on our website at

3. Bavarian-Finnish Longitudinal Study (BFLS)

We are intending to apply for a grant to document the
data set of one of the largest longitudinal studies ever
conducted (BFLS).

The BFLS is a bi-national geographically defined
observation study of all infants born in 1985/86 who
were admitted to 16 children's hospitals in South
Bavaria (SB), Germany and 5 children hospitals in the
region of Uusima (Finland; SF) within the first 10 days
of  life for special care (index children). The two
samples consist of all 7505 index children (10.6% of
70.600 births) in SB and 1536 children (9.8% of  15.618
births) in SF. Furthermore, control children with normal
postnatal care were recruited at birth (SB: N: 916; SF:
N: 658). All infants had daily observations while in
special care, discharge assessments and follow-up
assessments at 5, 20 and 56 months of age. These
included face-to-face standard assessments of somatic
health, growth, neurological and motor functioning,
cognitive development and behaviour, family changes, day
care and other sociodemographic information. First
results of the study which was supported by the German
Federal Government Ministry for Research and Education
(BMBF) have been published (Riegel, K., Ohrt, B., Wolke,
Oesterlund, K. (1995). Die Entwicklung gefaehrdet
geborener Kinder bis zum fuenften Lebensjahr. Stuttgart:
Enke Verlag).

There are plans for cataloguing and preparing this large
data set and documentation for archiving. The Data
Archive would then be available for academic users via
an appropriate outlet. Before embarking on the task of
producing full documentation (in 1997) we would like to
enquire whether there is sufficient potential interest
by the academic community.

If you are potentially interested in using the data set
for answering research questions, please write to the
Study Directors:

Professor Klaus Riegel M.D.
Dr. med. B. Ohrt
University of Munich Children's Hospital
Lindwurmstr. 4 D-80337 Munich


Professor Dieter Wolke, Ph.D.    D.F.H.Wolke@herts.ac.uk
Professor of Psychology
University of Hertfordshire
Department of Psychology
College Lane GB
Hatfield, Herts AL10 9AB