[1] | W. H. E. Schwarz, J. Meister. Bibliography of Hans Hellmann 1925-1938. University of Siegen, 1993, unpublished. |
[2] | D. Andrae. Dissertation. University of Stuttgart, 1994, p. 99 (list of publications of Hans Hellmann, in German). |
[3] | W. H. E. Schwarz, D. Andrae, S. R. Arnold, J. Heidberg, H. Hellmann jr., J. Hinze, A. Karachalios, M. A. Kovner, P. C. Schmidt, L. Zülicke. Hans G. A. Hellmann (1903-1938). A Pioneer of Quantum Chemistry. Bunsen-Magazin, 1999, no. 1, 10-21, no. 2, 60-70 (in German, also available as translated version in English). |
[4] | The following standard reference sources have been used to retrieve information
on publications of Hans Hellmann: Chemical Abstracts (C. A.) Collective Author Indexes (1907-1916, 1917-1926,1927-1936, 1937-1946, 1947-1956) and Chemical Abstracts SciFinder™, Science Abstracts A: Physics Abstracts (Sci. Abstr. A, up to volume 34, 1931), Chemisches Zentralblatt [German Abstracts from 1830 to 1969] (C., volumes 97 to 110, 1925-1939). None of these sources, if taken alone, provides a complete set of references to Hellmann’s work. |