Born 1941, graduated 1964 from the Institute of Economics, holds a doctorate. Senior economist at the Institute of Economics at the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 63--65.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Born 1942, graduated 1965 from Irkutsk University as a chemist. Head of the Department for Women at the Minstry for Population Policy and Labour.
Ämägtäïqüüdiïn ärx. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 3 (1995), 41--43.
Secretary General of the ``Flower'' Foundation for Children.
(together with D. Battömör). Ünäniï semantik onol ba tüüniï ärtniï nägän surwalj. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 92--100.
Born 1958, graduated 1981 from Mongolian State University. Biophysicist, vice secretary of the Mongolian Social Democratic Party.
Mongolyn Social Demokrat Namyg tölöölj. Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 47--50.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Niïgmiïn Bütciïn Öörqlölt), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 52.
Speech given at seminar ``Niïgmiïn social bülgiïn yalgaral'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Namuudyn sanal: Mongol Social Demokrat Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 54.
Dean of the College of Economics.
Ädiïn zasgiïn bütciïg öörqlöx xötölböriïn ür düng ünäläx arga züïd. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1996), 30--36.
Born 1953, graduated from Mongolian State University in 1975. Lawyer, holds a doctorate and a professorate. Head of the Institute for Public Administration and Management Development. Ran for the presidency of the Mongolian Lawyers Association. Former Minister of Justice.
Ärx züïn tuxaï shinjläx uxaany tösöölöl. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 3 (1994), 47--49.
Born 1963, graduated 1988 from Lwow Institute for Military and Politics as a journalist. Leader of the Mongolian Democratic Union.
Ardqilsan xuw'sgalyn üïl yawc, önöögiïn baïdal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Tüüx), 1 (1995), 5--20.
Born 1957, graduated from Moscow University. Holds a doctorate in philosophy. Head of the Department for Youth at the Ministry for Population Policy and Labour.
Niïgmiïn xarilcaa, zaluuquud. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 44--46.
Born 1955, graduated 1978 from Leningrad University. Holds a doctorate. Secretary general of the MAXN (MPRP).
Uls Töriïn Namuudyn dügnält: Mongol Ardyn Xuw'sgalt Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 24--25.
Namuudyn sanal: Mongol Ardyn Xuw'sgalt Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 53.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 67--69.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Born 1955 in Ulaanbaatar, graduated from Kiev State University in 1978. Studied international economics. Holds a doctorate. Leader of the Mongolian ETG.
Mongol dax' uls töriïn baïdal, caashdyn xandlaga. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 11--16.
Aldagsdsan on jilüüd. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 2 (1995), 3--5.
Born 1960, graduated 1985 from Mongolian State University. Historian. Teacher at the Institute for Public Admininistration and Management Development.
Mongol töriïn tüshää bältgäj baïsan ulamjlalaas. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Tüüx), 1 (1995), 36--39.
Director of the Research Centre of the Mongolian Youth Federation.
Zaluuquudyn xödölgöön-niïgmiïn ardqilsan togtolcoo. Shinä Tol' 20 (Niïgmiïn bodlogo ba ärx züï), 4 (1997), 39--48.
Sociologist working at the Scientific Institute of the Mongolian Ministry of Defense.
Zäwsägt xüqin, irgäniï xyanalt. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 3 (1996), 13--20.
Cärgiïn xödölmöriïn niïgmiïn asuudal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1996), 55--63.
Born 1967, graduated from Kazan University. Sociologist and social scientist. Works at the Office of the Mongolian Parliament and is a leading member of the Mongolian National Democratic Party.
Namuudyn sanal: Mongol Ündäsniï Ardqilsan Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 53--54.
Born 1944, graduated from Mongolian State University in 1967 as a lawyer. Holds an assistant professorate. Member of the Constitutional Court.
Xödölmöriïn xamtyn margaanyg zoxicuulax zarim asuudal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 3 (1994), 42--46.
Xälmägdliïn tuxaï asuudlyg ündäslältäï shiïdwärläe. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 3 (1996), 28--35.
(together with C. Colmon). Xödölmöriïn gärääniï oïlgoltyg shinäär awq üzäx n'. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1996), 44--54.
Born 1951 in Gow'-Altaï. Financial economist. Economical advisor to the Office of the President.
Tatwar-töriïn zoxicuulaltyn quxal xärägsäl mön. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1994), 30--32.
Ädiïn zasgiïn xuwiïn sektoryg xögjüüläx asuudald. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 2 (1995), 6--9.
Xün ööröö xuw' zayaanyxaa äzän baïx yostoï. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1996), 55--58.
Head of the Department of Social Statistics at the State Statistical Authority.
Mongolyn xün am, zax zääl. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 2 (1995), 10--14.
Born 1957, graduated 1981 from Mongolian State University. Physicist. Secretary general of the Mongolian National Democratic Party.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 58--60.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Born 1954 in Arxangaï, graduated from Mongolian State University in 1981. Biophysicist. Editor of the newspaper ``Önöödör''.
Wästfaliïn zarqim ba Mongol. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 17--19.
1924 ony Zöwlölt-Xyatadyn gärää. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 3 (1995), 33--40.
Büsqilsän xögjliïn bodlogo. Shinä Tol' 19 (Nutgiïn udirdlaga ba ädiïn zasag), 3 (1997), 35--42.
Togtwortoï xögjil ba büs nutgiïn dawuu tal. Shinä Tol' 19 (Nutgiïn udirdlaga ba ädiïn zasag), 3 (1997), 27--34.
Born 1957, graduated from Mongolian State University in 1985. Holds a doctorate and is a teacher of philosophy at the Mongolian National University.
Niïgäm-tüüxän üzägdäl bolon öörsdöö boditoï xandaxuïn tuxaïd. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 3 (1994), 60--66.
Xüqirxiïläl, kommunizm, cäräg armiïn tuxaïd. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 3 (1995), 15--26.
Ärxiïn tuxaï ärääwär xuraawar bodomj. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 4 (1995), 48--53.
Born 1953, graduated from Moscow Trade Union Movement Institute in 1982. Labour Economist. Works at the tamgyn gazar of the Mongolian Parliament.
Mongol Ulsyn niïgmiïn daatgalyn togtolcoo, caashdyn xandlaga. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 13--20.
Born 1962, historian. Has been working since 1985 at the Institute of Social Science and at the Government Archive since 1991.
Mongolyn xögjliïn zamyg songoxod uqirsan äädrää. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Tüüx), 1 (1995), 31--35.
Teaches at the Institute for Public Administration and Management Development.
Zaxirgaany shinjläx uxaany erönxiï onolyn zarim asuudal (i). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 4 (1995), 67--80.
Zaxirgaany shinjläx uxaany erönxiï onolyn zarim asuudal (ii). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1996), 77--94.
Zaxirgaany shinjläx uxaany erönxiï onolyn zarim asuudal (iii). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1996), 72--96.
Zaxirgaany shinjläx uxaany erönxiï onolyn zarim asuudal (iv). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 3 (1996), 59--88.
Born 1954 in Arxangaï, graduated from Mongolian State University in 1976. Studied mathematics and philosophy. Holds a doctorate and a professorate in philosophy. Teaches philosophy at the Mongolian National University.
K. Popperiïn fal'sifikaciïn zarqim (ii). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 61--69.
Ob`ektiw mädlägiïn tuxaï K. Popperiïn üzäl barimtlal (äxläl). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 60--63.
Ob`ektiw mädlägiïn tuxaï K. Popperiïn üzäl barimtlal (ürgäljläl). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 3 (1994), 67--72.
(together with G. Altantuyaa). Ünäniï semantik onol ba tüüniï ärtniï nägän surwalj. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 92--100.
Born 1969, graduated 1992 from Mongolian State University. Lawyer. Scientific worker of the Political Education Academy.
Olon niïtiïn dür törx, tüünd xiïx dügnält. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 3 (1995), 54--56.
Korrupciïn oïlgolt, mön qanar. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 4 (1995), 35--41.
Olon niïtiïn itgäl xündätgäliïg buruugaar ashilgax n' barimt tödiï züïl üü, xäm xämjää yuu? Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 3 (1996), 36--41.
Uls töriïn xögjil ba modernizaci. Shinä Tol' 18 (Ardqilal ba uls tör), 2 (1997), 62--69.
Äkologiïn bodlogo ba mongol oron. Shinä Tol' 20 (Niïgmiïn bodlogo ba ärx züï), 2 (1997), 62--69.
Born 1967. Graduated 1984 from Moscow University. Economist. Former member of the Small State Xural. President of the Mongolian Youth Federation.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 59--60.
Speech given at conference ``Mongol dax' songuuliïn togtolcoo, xuul', xärägjilt''.
Director of the Political Education Academy.
Nutgiïn ööröö udirdax yos. Shinä Tol' 19 (Nutgiïn udirdlaga ba ädiïn zasag), 3 (1997), 3--9.
ITX-yn ärx xämjäa, üïl ajillagaany qigläl. Shinä Tol' 19 (Nutgiïn udirdlaga ba ädiïn zasag), 3 (1997), 17--20.
Born 1962, graduated 1962 from the National Economical University in Irkutsk, holds a doctorate. Head of the Standing Commission for Food and Agriculture of the Mongolian Parliament.
XAA-g xögjüüläx zorilt. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 31--34.
Born 1956, teaches at the Institute of International Relations at the Mongolian National University.
Tügshüürtäï baïdlyn shinä üe iräw üü. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Tüüx), 1 (1995), 56--58.
Zöwlolt Xyatadyn reformyg xar'cuulax n'. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 2 (1995), 61--64.
Postkommunizm ba büx niïtiïn qölööt songuul'. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 3 (1995), 3--10.
Mongold tört yos unaw uu? Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1996), 38--44.
Uls töriïn xälmägdüülält bol gadaad bodlogyn gajuudal bish. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 49--54.
Töw aziïn geopolitik ba mongol ulsyn ashig sonirxol. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 107--109.
Worker of the Government Administration Development Program.
Gadaad öriïn menejment. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 2 (1995), 55--58.
Scientific worker of the Political Education Academy.
NÜB-yn xüniï ärxiïg xamgaalax baïguulaguud. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 3 (1996), 21--27.
Oron nutgiïn ärx mädliïg örgöjüüläx qigläld töröös barimtalj buï bodlogo. Shinä Tol' 19 (Nutgiïn udirdlaga ba ädiïn zasag), 3 (1997), 21--26.
Ärx züïn ür nölöö. Shinä Tol' 20 (Niïgmiïn bodlogo ba ärx züï), 4 (1997), 79--83.
Uls töriïin uxamsar. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 29--32.
Born 1958 in Xöwsgöl, graduated from Mongolian State University in 1981. Studied philosophy. Scientific worker of the research body of the Mongolian parliament.
Shiljiltiïn üeiïn namuud: shinj, xandlaga. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 7--10.
Olon namyn togtolcoony ärx züïn ündäs. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 3 (1994), 14--18.
Songuuliïn togtolcoony tuxaïd. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 3 (1995), 11--14.
Worker of the administration office of the Mongolian Social Democratic Party.
``tösöl'' gäj yuu wä? Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 2 (1995), 27--33.
Source: ``Effective Performance in Project Management'' by Jan Wisen and Börje Lindglom. Summarized and translated by B. Boldbaatar.
Department Head at the Ministry of Defense.
Dälxiïn tomooxon ornuudyn cärgiïn nomlold garq baïgaa öörqlölt, tölöw. Mongolyn cärgiïn nomlolyn tuxaï. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 3 (1996), 7--12.
Worker at the Ministry of Enlightenment.
Dääd bolowsrold xiïx öörqlöölt shinäqlält, tüüniï xärägjilt. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1996), 37--43.
Senior government consultant.
Mongol ulsyn töriïn albany tuxaï garyn awlaga. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 3 (1996), 89--96.
Statistical Data, Tables, Organization Diagrams.
Mongol ulsyn töriïn albany tuxaï garyn awlaga (cont.). Shinä Tol' 19 (Nutgiïn udirdlaga ba ädiïn zasag), 3 (1997), 63--74.
Statistical Data.
P. Byambacärän bol UIX-yn Tamgyn gazryn erönxiï nariïn biqgiïn dargyn orlogq.
Xün amyn niïgmiïn xamgaallyn bodlogo, zarqim, arga xälbär. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1996), 11--23.
Born 1954 in Darwi, Xowd. Graduated 1985 from the law class of Moscow University. Lawyer, MP.
UIX-aas shinäär batlax songuuliïn xuuliïn üzäl barimtlal, ur'dqilsan taawar, dün. Songuuliïn xuuliïn ajlyn xäsgiïn dügnält. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 51--52.
Born 1964 in Gow'-Altaï, graduated from Irkutsk University in 1987. Studied physics. Vice Secretary of the MSDN (Mongolian Social Democratic Party).
Niïgmiïn tuxaï mädläg xär shinjläx uxaanq qanartaï wä? Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 4--6.
Erönxiïlögq därgädää üzmärqtäï baïsnaas q inäädämtäï. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Tüüx), 1 (1995), 27--30.
Born 1942 in Xäntiï, former Mongolian Prime Minister. Head of the Mongolian Democratic Renaissance Party. President of the Mongolian Development Foundation and Society.
Uls Töriïn Namuudyn dügnält: Mongol Ardqilsan Särgänmandalyn Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 32--35.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Niïgmiïn Bütciïn Öörqlölt), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 48--49.
Speech given at seminar ``Niïgmiïn social bülgiïn yalgaral'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Bolowsrolyn ädiïn zasag buyuu süïrlääs särgiïläx tuxaï. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 2 (1995), 52--54.
Teaches public administration at the Institute for Public Administration and Management Development.
Nutgiïn xurlyn qig üüräg. Shinä Tol' 19 (Nutgiïn udirdlaga ba ädiïn zasag), 3 (1997), 10--16.
Born 1948 in Gow'-Altaï, graduated from Polish Wroclaw PD University in 1973. and in 1989 from the Academy of Social Sciences. Holds a doctorate. Adviser to the Office of the Parliamentary President (UIX dargyn alband zöwlöx).
Töriïn mön qanaryg xärxän oïlgox tuxaï asuudald nämärläx sanal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 29--33.
Holds a doctorate. Program responsable at the Institute for Public Administration and Management Development.
Mongol ulsyn töriïn albany tölöwshilt. Shinä Tol' 17 (Ardqilal ba uls tör), 1 (1997), 69--79.
Born 1959, graduated 1982 from Moscow University. Mathematician and teacher at Mongolian National University.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 69--70.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Born 1959, graduated from Mongolian State University in 1985. Teaches Social Philosophy; is a teacher at the College of Economics.
Xamag Mongol (1189 on) buyuu xagacsan uls xamtdaxuï. Shinä Tol', 3 (1994), 50--59.
Born 1963 in Arxangaï, economist, holds a doctorate in economics. Vice director of the Institute for Public Administration and Management Development.
Zasgiïn gazryn ädiïn zasgiïn üüräg. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1994), 8--13.
(together with L. Baasan). Xödölmöriïn gärääniï oïlgoltyg shinäär awq üzäx n'. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1996), 44--54.
Uls töriïn tolerant buyuu niïgmiïn xarilcaan dax' ärx qölöö ba tägsh baïdal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1996), 4--14.
Translated into Mongolian by S. Bold. Original title: ``Political Tolerance in America. Freedom and Equality in Public Attitudes.''
Born 1955, graduated from Leningrad Financial and Economics University in 1982. Holds a doctorate in economics. Works at the Ministry for Population Policy and Labour.
Niïgmiïn xamgaalal batalgaajlyn shinä togtolcoog bürdüüläx n'. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 9--12.
Born 1957, graduated 1978 from Mongolian State University. Teacher at the College of Market Economy, Assistant Professor, holds a doctorate in economics.
Mongol Ardyn Xuw'sgalt Namyg tölöölj. Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 33--39.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Born 1938, graduated 1971 from Mongolian State University. Director of the School for International Law at the Mongolian National University.
Mongolyn xuul' caazyn xögjliïn üe shat, onclog. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Tüüx), 1 (1995), 40--44.
Holds a doctorate. MP.
Ündsän xuul' dax' mongol ulsyn bürän ärxt baïdlyn üzäl barimtlal. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 41--48.
Born 1959 in Ulaanbaatar. Lawyer and vice director of the Political Education Academy. As such she contributes most actively to the Shinä Tol' and has written most of the editorials so far.
Ädiïn zasgiïn xarilcaag zoxicuulj buï zarim xuul' togtoomjiïn analiz. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1994), 14--23.
Ündsän xuul't yos -- xar'cuulalt, analiz. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 20--28.
Xüniï ärx -- shinä ünät züï. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 4 (1995), 17--22.
Älitiïn ardqilal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1996), 24--30.
Shiljiltiïn üeiïn ärx züïn shinäqläliïn zarim onclog. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 3 (1996), 3--6.
Geoädiïn zasag ba geopolitik. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 110--112.
Born 1956 in Arxangaï, graduated from Moscow State University in 1980. Studied history and political science. Scientific worker at the UTBA.
Jon Lokkiïn uls töriïn üzäl barimtlal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 64--67.
Sharl' Luï Montesk'yu. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 3 (1994), 73--76.
Niïgmiïn asuudal, niïgmiïn bodlogo. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 4--8.
Sonirxlyn yalgaral songuul'd nölöölöx n'. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 36--40.
Töriïn bürän ärxt baïdlyn tuxaï Jan Bodiny üzäl. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 4 (1995), 54--56.
(Together with D. Ganbat:) Niïgmiïn social bülgiïn yalgaral, tüüniï uls töriïn ür dagawar. Shinä Tol' (Niïgmiïn Bütciïn Öörqlölt), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 4--30.
Zöölön möngönöös ilüü xatuu züïl. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 60--65.
Translated from English by Z. Battüshig.
Erönxiïlögq, Parlamentuud, Saïn zasgiïn gazar. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1996), 15--23.
Translated into Mongolian by Z. Battüshig. Original title: ``Journal of Democracy''.
Born 1962 in Ulaanbaatar, graduated from Ural State University in 1984. Studied political science. Scientific worker at the UTBA.
Uls töriïn sistem, arga züïn asuudal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 34--39.
Ardqillyn nöxcöl baïdlyn asuudal. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 22--28.
Ardqillyn tuxaï oïlgolt. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 5--21.
(Together with P. Dorjsürän:) Niïgmiïn social bülgiïn yalgaral, tüüniï uls töriïn ür dagawar. Shinä Tol' (Niïgmiïn Bütciïn Öörqlölt), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 4--30.
Born 1957, graduated 1979 from Moscow State University; holds a doctorate. Leading MP of the Mongolian National Democratic Party.
Uls Töriïn Namuudyn dügnält: Mongol Ündäsniï Ardqilsan Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 25.
Mongolyn Ündäsniï Ardqilsan Namyg tölöölj. Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 50--55.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Pages 49 and 50 appear twice.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Niïgmiïn Bütciïn Öörqlölt), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 57--59.
Speech given at seminar ``Niïgmiïn social bülgiïn yalgaral'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Born 1966, graduated from Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute in 1989. President of the Mongolian People's Economistss' Federation.
XBNGU-yn Xristosyn Ardqilsan Xolboo (XAX)-ny programm. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 55--60.
Born 1954, graduated from Mongolian State University in 1977. Studied Economics and Engineering and is a sociologer. Head of the Research Centre of the Mongolian Parliament.
Niïgmiïn social bülgiïg sudlax arga züïn asuudal. Shinä Tol' (Niïgmiïn Bütciïn Öörqlölt), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 31--34.
Tümän olny täsrält (i). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 3 (1995), 44--53.
Translated into Mongolian by Q. Änxää.
Tümän olny täsrält (ii). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 4 (1995), 42--47.
Translated into Mongolian by Q. Änxää.
Born 1957 in Ulaanbaatar, economist. Holds a doctorate. Director of the Centre for Enterprise Reform.
Aj axuïn nägjiïn önöögiïn togtolcoo, caashdyn xandlagyn tuxaï. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1994), 53--58.
Born 1945, teaches sociology at the Mongolian National University.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Niïgmiïn Bütciïn Öörqlölt), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 50.
Speech given at seminar ``Niïgmiïn social bülgiïn yalgaral'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Born 1954 in Arxangaï, graduated from Mongolian State University in mathematics in 1975. Holds a doctorate in mathematics. Former Head of the Small State Xural. MP and head of the Mongolian Social Democratic Party.
Uls Töriïn Namuudyn dügnält: Mongol Social Demokrat Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 25--30.
Born 1951, graduated 1974 from Mongolian State University. Economical engineer and sociologist. Senior scientific worker at the Research Centre of the Mongolian Parliament.
Önöögiïn Mongol dax' ajil ärxlält, ajilgüïdäl. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 40--43.
Önöögiïn mongolyn dawxraajlyn tölöw baïdal. Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 40--47.
Xuw'sgalyn xörög. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Tüüx), 1 (1995), 21--26.
Mongol dax' olon namyn togtolcoony üüsäl, tölöwshiltiïn asuudald. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1996), 45--65.
Shinä Zasgiïn gazryn garaany üeiïn niïgmiïn asuudluud. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1996), 5--10.
Parlamentyn zasaglal büxiï ulsyn erönxiïlägqiïn asuudluud. Shinä Tol' 18 (Ardqilal ba uls tör), 2 (1997), 41--61.
Zaluuquudyn niïgmiïn bodlogyn tuxaï. Shinä Tol' 20 (Niïgmiïn bodlogo ba ärx züï), 4 (1997), 34--38.
Uls töriïn todorxoïgüï baïdlyn asuudald. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 55--59.
1890 -- 1940.
Ulsyn ärx. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Tüüx), 1 (1995), 45--55.
Born 1948, graduated from Mongolian State University in 1972. Lawyer. Holds a doctorate. Was member of the Small State Xural (UBX). Member of the Constitutional Court (Ündsän xuuliïn Cäc).
Ündsän xuuliïn cäc bol ardqilal, shudarga yosny batalgaa mön. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 3 (1994), 10--13.
Born 1949. Graduated 1973 from Mongolian State University. Economist. Adviser on Economic Policy to the President of Mongolia.
Transformaciïn bodlogo, iräädüïn bolomj. Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 13--17.
Yaduural, ölsgölön. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 47--50.
Professor of political science at Freiburg University, Germany.
XBNGU-yn parlamentat yos, ardqilal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 3 (1994), 19--36.
Professor of political science at Chemnitz University, Germany.
XBNGU-yn songuuliïn togtolcoony onclog. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 41--46.
Mongolian translation and German text.
ANU-yn xäwläliïn ärx qölöö xüniï ärxiïn batalgaa bolox n'. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 4 (1995), 23--27.
Gagcxüü cag xugacaany asuudal mön üü? Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 78--84.
Translated from the German journal ``Politische Bildung'' by J.Zolmaa.
Born 1938, graduated 1966 from Münster University, studied business administration; worked for the ADB in Chad, Ethiopia, Israel, Zaire etc.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 56--58.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy. Mongolian translation and English text.
Holds a doctorate in economics. MP.
Bolowsrol --- shinäqläl --- öörqlölt. Shinä Tol' 20 (Niïgmiïn bodlogo ba ärx züï), 4 (1997), 25--33.
Born 1940, graduated 1963 from the class of mathematics of the Mongolian State University. Former member of the Small State Xural. Director of the organisation ``CÄX'' for the protection of human rights and constitutional rights.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 60--62.
Speech given at conference ``Mongol dax' songuuliïn togtolcoo, xuul', xärägjilt''.
Born 1954. Graduated 1980 from Leningrad University. Holds a doctorate in philosophy. Director of the Institute for Philosophy and Sociology at the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Niïgmiïn Bütciïn Öörqlölt), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 53--56.
Speech given at seminar ``Niïgmiïn social bülgiïn yalgaral'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Born 1956 in Ulaanbaatar. Holds a doctorate in economics. Secretary of the Institute of Economics at the Academy of Sciences.
Shiljiltiïn tuxaï zarim bodol. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1994), 4--7.
Born 1947 in Bulgan. Studied astrophysics. Holds a doctorate in physical mathematics. Scientific worker of the Political Education Academy.
Mongol dax' sanxüügiïn togtolcoo, sanxüügiïn zax zääl, möngöniï bodlogyn tuxaïd. Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 18--32.
Mongol Ulsyn parlamentyn bolon Erönxiïlägqiïn songuuliïn shinjilgääniï dünd xiïsän analiz. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 6--22.
Sanxüü-töswiïn bodlogo bolowsruulax ädiïn zasgiïn tulguur uxagdaxuuny tuxaï. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1994), 37--46.
Sanxüügiïn togtolcoo, canxüügiïn zax zääliïn güïcätgäx üüräg. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 2 (1995), 15--26.
Tösöl zoxiogq, bolowsruulagq nart sanamj zöwlömj. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1996), 59--68.
Professor of Economics, extensive lecturing experience in approx. 20 countries.
Shiljiltiïn ädiïn zasgiïn üed zax zääliïn xögjil, xuw'sgal. Shinä Tol' 13, 1 (1996), 4--29.
Born 1940 in Dornod, graduated from the Institute of Economics in 1962. Holds a doctorate and a professorate. Scientific worker at the UTBA.
Ädiïn zasgiïn sätgälgääg xärxän shinäqläx wä? Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1994), 33--36.
Ärgältiïn daraax' Mongol Ulsyn ädiïn zasgiïn baïdald ögöx ünälgää. Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 4--12.
Niïgmiïn barimjaataï zax zääliïn ädiïn zasgiïn onol, bodlogo. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 51--54.
Xün amyn xögjil ba ösölt. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 27--30.
Xögjliïn onol, bodlogo. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 2 (1995), 34--43.
Teacher at the Mongolian Business Institute and scientific worker at the Political Education Academy.
Uls töriïn manlaïllyn tuxaï. Shinä Tol' 18 (Ardqilal ba uls tör), 2 (1997), 36--40.
Oron nutgiïn tösöw. Shinä Tol' 19 (Nutgiïn udirdlaga ba ädiïn zasag), 3 (1997), 43--50.
Xün amyn xögshröltiïn ädiïn zasgiïn ür dagawar. Shinä Tol' 19 (Nutgiïn udirdlaga ba ädiïn zasag), 3 (1997), 51--62.
Olon niïtiïn sanaa bodold tusgagdsan ünät züïlsniïn öörqlölt. Shinä Tol' 20 (Niïgmiïn bodlogo ba ärx züï), 4 (1997), 15--24.
Born 1958, graduated 1982 from the Institute of Technology in Woronesh. Forest engineer. Head of the Mongolian Party of Green.
Uls Töriïn Namuudyn dügnält: Mongol Nogoon Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 30--32.
Namuudyn sanal: Mongol Nogoon Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 55.
Born 1947, graduated 1971 from the Medical Institute. Holds a doctorate. Member of the Academy of Sciences. Member of the Executive Committee of the WHO. Minister of Health.
Önöögiïn shatny ärüül mändiïn bodlogyn asuudald. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 35--39.
Head of the Bureau of Information of the Mongolian Parliament.
Xuul' togtoox baïguullaga ba mädääniïn xomsdol. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 4 (1995), 28--31.
Born 1942, former President of Mongolia. For a slightly more detailed biography see
Mongol Ulsyn Erönxiïlögq P. Oqirbatyn namtartaï xolbogdox on daraallyn towqoo. Shinä Tol' 17 (Ardqilal ba uls tör), 1 (1997), 3--6.
Mongol Ulsyn Erönxiïlögq P. Oqirbatyn Olon Ulsyn Baga Xurlyg nääj xälsän üg. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 4--5.
Speech given at conference ``Mongol dax' songuuliïn togtolcoo, xuul', xärägjilt''.
Ob`ektiw mädlägiïn tuxaï K. Popperiïn üzäl barimtlal (äxläl). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 60--63.
Born 1950, graduated 1972 from Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages. Translator for French and Russian. Holds a doctorate. Senior scientific worker.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Niïgmiïn Bütciïn Öörqlölt), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 51.
Speech given at seminar ``Niïgmiïn social bülgiïn yalgaral'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Scientific worker and teacher at the Political Education Academy.
Uls töriïn togtwortoï baïdal ba uls töriïn niïgämshiltiïn asuudalt. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 33--40.
Lawyer from Michigan, USA. Well known specialist on election law.
ANU-yn songuuliïn togtolcoony onclog. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 46--50.
Mongolian translation and English text.
Head of Ulaanbaatar office of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
Mongolyn parlamentyn songuuliïn togtolcoo. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 22--23.
Born 1928, graduated from the Institute of Economics of the Soviet Union. Doctorate in economics. Senior member of the Institute of Economics of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 40--43.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Born 1938 in Gow'-Altaï, general, writer, journalist. Secretary general of the Mongolian Democratic Renaissance Party.
Namuudyn sanal: Mongol Ardqilsan Särgänmandalyn Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 55.
Niïgmiïn xögjil ba ämägtäïqüüd. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 70--72.
Born in 1959, graduated from Moscow Financial University in 1984. Head of the Information Department of the Bank of Mongolia.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 61--63.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Born 1934 in Shinä-Idär, Xöwsgöl. Graduated 1966 from the law class of Mongolian State University. Former Secretary General of the Small State Xural. Holds a doctorate in law. MP.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 56--59. Speech given at conference ``Mongol dax' songuuliïn togtolcoo, xuul', xärägjilt''.
Mongol Ulsyn Ündsän Xuuliïn üzäl barimtlal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 4 (1995), 4--16.
Born 1935, graduated from the Institute of Economics in 1962, holds a doctorate and a professorate. Teacher at the Institute for Public Administration and Management Development.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 71.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Born 1957 in Xowd, graduated from Mongolian State University in 1981. Studied philosophy. Holds a doctorate. Scientific worker at the research centre of the Mongolian parliament.
Shiljiltiïn üeiïn ardqilal, uls töriïn togtolcoony Mongol xuwilbaryn tuxaïd. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 4--16.
Niïgmiïn xarilcaa ba töriïn xuuliïn uyaldaa xolboony ärx züïn filosofiïn zarim asuudal. Shinä Tol' 20 (Niïgmiïn bodlogo ba ärx züï), 4 (1997), 56--68.
Member of the German Parliament, officer of the Ministry for Economical Cooperation.
Gol ünät züïls ba uls töriïn bodit baïdal. Shinä Tol' 20 (Niïgmiïn bodlogo ba ärx züï), 4 (1997), 5--14.
Born 1948, graduated 1968 from Mongolian State University. Holds a doctorate in history. Head of the Centre for Studies of Political Suppression.
Mongol dax' uls töriïn xälmägdüülältiïn üe shatny asuudal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 3 (1995), 27--32.
Born 1946, graduated 1968 from Mongolian State University. Construction engineer and economist. Senior expert at the Ministry for National Development.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 46--47.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Gadaad xöröngö oruulaltyg uramshuulax mexanizmyn tuxaï. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 2 (1995), 59--60.
Born 1959, Graduated 1981 from Woronesh State University. Holds a doctorate, works at the constitutional court.
Töriïn erönxiï onolyn zarim asuudal (i). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Tüüx), 1 (1995), 64--71.
Töriïn erönxiï onolyn zarim asuudal (ii). Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 1 (1995), 57--66.
Ündäsniï ärx züï ba olon ulsyn tügäämäl ärx züïn zörqildööniïg shiïdwärläx arga zamyn tuxaï. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 3 (1996), 42--47.
Ärx züïn songodog oïlgolt. Shinä Tol' 20 (Niïgmiïn bodlogo ba ärx züï), 4 (1997), 69--78.
Professor at the Mongolian National University, director of the centre for constitutional law.
Mongolyn xuul' caazyn äkologiïn sätgälgääniï asuudald. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ärx Züï), 4 (1995), 32--34.
Born 1953 in Xowd, lawyer for international law. Director of the Mongolian Customs Authority.
Olon ulsyn gaaliïn ärx züïn bolon Mongol ulsyn gaaliïn bodlogyn zarim quxal asuudal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1994), 61--63.
Manager of the Jenoptik company, invited to Mongolia by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in 1994.
Dornod German dax' ädiïn zasgiïn transformaci. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 2 (1995), 44--51.
Officer at the Ministry of Labour and Social Order, Germany.
XBNGU-yn niïgmiïn xangamj. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1994), 21--26.
Born 1942, graduated 1967 from Mongolian State University. Economist. Holds a doctorate, works at the Office of the Mongolian Parliament.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 43--46.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Center for International Studies at the Institute of History at the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
Töw aziïn büs nutgiïn xätiïn tölöw ba Mongol uls. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 113--120.
Kapitalizmyn ayuul. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 66--77.
Translated from ``The Atlantic Monthly'' by Battüshig.
Born 1930. Holds a doctorate in Law. Head of the Constitutional Court.
Ärüüliïn bodlogo. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 3 (1994), 37--41.
Born 1946, graduated 1970 from Mongolian State University. Economist. Head of the Department for Economics and Cooperation at the Ministry for National Development.
(no title given). Shinä Tol' (Ärgältiïn Daraax' Ädiïn Zasag), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 65--67.
Speech given at seminar ``Ärgältiïn daraax' ädiïn zasgiïn baïdal, bodlogo'' under the auspices of the Political Education Academy.
Director of the National Social Insurance Board.
Zax zääld niïcsän daatgal-niïgmiïn batalgaa. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Niïgmiïn Bodlogo), 4 (1996), 23--36.
Member of the Defense Committee of the Parliament of Czechia. Former Secretary General of the Christian Democratic Party of Czechia.
Züün Ewropyn uls: songuuliïn togtolcoony öörqlöltiïn üe shat, odoogiïn baïdal. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 50.
Head of the Section for International Cooperation of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
Ardqilal ba xögjil. Ardqilal qadwaraa xaruulax n'. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1994), 40--50. This article is based on a lecture held at the University Leteranense in Rome on February 27th, 1993.
Born 1953, graduated from Azerbaidshan State University in 1977. Holds a doctorate, MP.
Ärx züït tör: mön qanar, qig üüräg, mexanizm. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 3 (1995), 4--9.
Director of the School of International Relations of the Mongolian National University.
Olon ulsyn xarilcaany onolyn surguuliud. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Tüüx), 1 (1995), 59--63.
Born 1947, graduated 1970 from Mongolian State University. Philosopher and Sociologist. Holds a doctorate. Director of the Department of Sociology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
Uls orny am'dral, olon niïtiïn sanaa bodol. Shinä Tol' (Niïgmiïn Bütciïn Öörqlölt), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 35--39.
Department Head at the the Ministry of Economics, Germany.
Ädiïn zasgiïn ösölt, xöröngö oruulaltyg xöxüüxän dämjix ärx züïn nöxcöl. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1996), 37--54.
Economist, holds a doctorate. Advisor to the Office of the Mongolian Parliament.
Mongol Ulsyn ädiïn zasgiïn gadaad xamtyn ajillagaa. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Ädiïn Zasag), 1 (1994), 47--52.
Born 1958 in Gow'-Altaï, graduated from the College of Agriculture in 1982, studied trade. Director of the company ``Mongol Äd'' and head of the Mongolian United Traditional Party.
Uls Töriïn Namuudyn dügnält: Mongol Ulamjlalyn Nägdsän Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 35.
Works at the Political Education Academy.
Uls töriïn soyol. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Uls Tör), 2 (1996), 31--37.
Xolboony Bügd Naïramdax German Ulsyn uls töriïn sanguudyn tuxaï. Shinä Tol' 21, 1 (1998), 85--91.
Scientific worker at the Public Administration and Management Development Institute, leading member of the Mongolian United Traditional Party.
Namuudyn sanal: Mongol Ulamjlalyn Nägdsän Nam. Shinä Tol' (Ardqilal ba Songuul'), tusgaï dugaar (1994), 56.