Suggested Readings on Mongolia - Dictionaries

by Christopher Kaplonski and Oliver Corff

Christopher Kaplonski (CK):

In the original SROM, I intentionally left out dictionaries. As an 'appendix' to the list, here are a few. I am only including those that I have personal experience with. This, like SROM, is not intended to be complete. I have found that a good Russian-English dictionary helps, even if you don't know Russian. I've occasionally come across Russian terms not found in any other dictionary.

Oliver Corff (OC):

With regard to the phenomenon that many of those engaged or interested in Mongol studies already speak one or the other Asian language I added some dictionaries in Russian, Chinese and Japanese to this list. While many of those dictionaries are out of print they do form in fact what may be called a standard stock at many unversity libraries. I did not include some of the older well known dictionaries (like the one by I. J. Schmidt) since these dictionaries are either not so helpful when it comes to master one's first steps in Mongolian or they are not really available any more.