
                         What is a Privatdozent?


"Privatdozent, zu Vorlesungen an einer Hochschule berechtigter Gelehrter ohne Professur" (Brockhaus Lexika, 2003).  This unique title found at universities in some German speaking countries derives from the distinction between the university as an academic institution and an employer. Like an associated professor in other countries the Privatdozent is a member of the faculty with the academic rights of a professor (i.e. has been awarded the also quite unique "venia legendi") with regard to teaching, examinations and the supervision of diploma, masters or doctoral theses. However, he or she is not employed and, accordingly, obligations other than academic are limited and there are no duties connected to a staff position. The philosophy behind this construction is that the holder of such a position compensates the benefits of the association (i.e. free use of the universities facilities) and the possible exercise of rights in academic matters by contributing to the universities curriculum.


Legal background:

Fertig, Hans, Die Zulassung als Privatdozent, DVBl 1960, 230;

Fertig, Hans, Rechtsnatur und Führung des Professor- und Privatdozententitels, DVBl 1962, 126;

Karpen, Ulrich, Das Erlöschen der venia legendi eines Privatdozenten bei Berufung an eine andere Hochschule, DVBl 1975, 404;

Köstlin, Thomas, Der kostenlose Privatdozent? Lehrverpflichtung und Art. 12 GG, DVBl 1987, 123 - 128.



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