Museum, History

Mathematical Museum and Exhibitions
The Mathematical Museum is a very personally selected collection of links referring to
- History informations
- Digital Art and Galleries
- Visualizations and Animations
- Didactical Items
- Scientific and Technical Expositions
- Other Museums and Galleries.

Mathematical Quotation Server
They are organized in alphabetic order by the author's last name.
You may conduct a keyword search through the quotation database
(Furman University is a private college located near Greenville, South Carolina.)

Women Mathematicians
Biographies of Women Mathematicians. Names in Alphabetical/Cronological Order

History of Mathematics
This History of Mathematics archive is part of the Mathematical MacTutor system
developed at the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences University of St Andrews
for learning and experimenting with mathematics.

David Joyce's Home Page
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Clark University, Worcester, MA
"I spend a fair amount of time maintaining a History of Mathematics homepage."

History of Mathematics Home Page
David Joyce: Web resources, Regional mathematics, Subjects, Books and other resources, Chronology, Timelines, Index of files

Julia and Mandelbrot Sets
David Joyce: Examples, Bibliography on and Web References to Julia and Mandelbrot sets 

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