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Modern Coral Reefs I Modern Coral Reefs II  Modern Sponge
Modern Tidal
Modern Lakes
and Streams

palaeo.de/tv - Modern Times

In this section you find videoclips from students excursions, research field trips to modern environments, TV-productions (used with permission) and more. Videos range from short 1 min clips to full lenght, up to 50 min streaming movies.

Modern environments are studied to yield models for ancient times (Actuopalaeontology). Likewise, modern environments are evolutionary products of ancient developments and are increasingly studied under a joint geoscience and bioscience, i.e. geobiological view.

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For video clips on ancient reef, please visit our "Ancient Times" section.

For Reef Talks see our "Talks" Section.

We also provide much more on reefs, e.g. under:

© Reinhold Leinfelder and Palaeontology Munich, last changes 02.02.2008 by R. Leinfelder