Virtual University: Teaching and
Continuing Education
NEW: The Anthropocene - General Information
Modern and Ancient Reefs
The German Reef Resource Server www.riffe.de 
Reef videos from ancient and modern reefs 
Educational articles on reefs in palaeo.de/edu 
"Intelligent Design" and
Evolution - The Debate
Link Collection, Public Media Documentation,
Statements, Curiosities 
Oh good Darwin! R. Leinfelders blog for the Darwin-Year 2009 and beyond (in German) 
Palaeontology in Germany
Local cooperations and Affiliations
The www.palaeo.de -portal and anthropocene.de is a service developed for the for everyone interested in Palaeontology, Geology, Geobiology, Biodiversity and Anthropocene studies, produced by Reinhold R. Leinfelder, www.palaeo.de/leinfelder
(© R.Leinfelder); first posted 21.Feb. 2001, last change: 13/7/13
see detailed impressum, copyright and thanks
Note this portal is under relaunch preparations, stay tuned