Learning for the Anthropocene -

The Science Portal for Palaontology, Biodiversity, Geobiology, Geology


Virtual University: Teaching and
Continuing Education

NEW: The Anthropocene - General Information

The father of the Anthropocene
Paul Crutzen in 2000, 2002 and in 2011
The Royal Society promoting the Anthropocene
The Anthropocene in the Encyclopedia of Earth
The Anthropocene in Wikipedia
The Anthropozäniker-Blog by Reinhold Leinfelder(in German)
Christian Schwägerl's Blog "Menschenzeit" (in German)
GMIT Focus article on the Anthropocene (in German, Dec. 2012
A few media cover stories, e.g.

please note: this is a provisional service for More to come soon.
Educational Projects (public outreach and     university)
The Geobio-Entrance Page at FU-Berlin
eLearning Palaeo FU Berlin
Virtual Excursions and Exhibitions

Modern and Ancient Reefs

The German Reef Resource Server

Reef videos from ancient and modern reefs

Educational articles on reefs in

"Intelligent Design" and
Evolution - The Debate

Link Collection, Public Media Documentation,
Statements, Curiosities

Oh good Darwin! R. Leinfelders blog for the Darwin-Year 2009 and beyond (in German)

Palaeontology in Germany

The "Paläontologische Gesellschaft"
The Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft
Where to study Palaeontology in Germany?
Including course information
Why to study Geology Palaeontology? - A personal view

Local cooperations and Affiliations

Rachel Carson Center Munich
Deutsches Museum Munich
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Botanical Garden Berlin
Institute of Geosciences FU Berlin
German Natural History Research Collections (DNFS e.V.)
and many others

The -portal and is a service developed for the for everyone interested in Palaeontology, Geology, Geobiology, Biodiversity and Anthropocene studies, produced by Reinhold R. Leinfelder,
(© R.Leinfelder); first posted 21.Feb. 2001, last change: 13/7/13
see detailed impressum, copyright and thanks
Note this portal is under relaunch preparations, stay tuned