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Responsible author: Reinhold Leinfelder,

Please note that this service is, to some part, an intranet service only accessible to realiter course participants of Reinhold Leinfelder. Other parts are freely availabe, but only upon accepting the terms of use which include that (1) no part of this service may be used for other purposes without written permission by the author and (2) that third-party copyrighted material is used in this service only for educational purposes for the realiter indoor course. Contents of linked resources are not under the responsability of the author. The entire course is a non-profit, educational service provided by University Munich (LMU) and the GeoBio-Center at LMU (

Our general disclaimer is identical with the disclaimer at

Reinhold Leinfelder, May 2004

This page is part of,  
last changes 26/5/04 by R. Leinfelder