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palaeo.de/edu - Virtual UniversityGeology, Palaeontology and Geobiology for Students, Teachers and Everybody! |
Methods in Geobiology and Palaeontology |
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Stabile Isotope in der Paläo-Umwelt von Dr. U. Struck Frei zugänglich
Das komplette, reich bebilderte Vorlesungsskript zur gleichnamigen Vorlesung von U. Struck (vormals LMU, nun Museum für Naturkunde Berlin) als pdf-File Autor: U. Struck, Paläontologie München / Museum für Naturkunde Berlin |
Please note: due to a server crash we had to move our web-services to another server.
There might be still some links broken. Sorry for that.
see also sections on multimedia-education
All Catgories:
Index | Modern & Ancient Reefs | Environments, Climate, SeaLevel | Organisms & Evolution
Regional Geology and Palaeontology | Historical Geology and Palaeogeographic Maps
Methods in Geobiology and Palaeontology | Multimedia-Education
These pages were launched 28. December 1995 at University of Stuttgart Webserver by Reinhold Leinfelder
partially moved to Munich's palaeo.de-Webserver 15. November 1998, moved to Museum of Natural History Berlin server in Jan. 2008
Last changes