- Virtual University

Geology, Palaeontology and Geobiology for Students, Teachers and Everybody!

Methods in Geobiology and Palaeontology

scotese icon Stabile Isotope in der Paläo-Umwelt von Dr. U. Struck Frei zugänglich

Das komplette, reich bebilderte Vorlesungsskript zur gleichnamigen Vorlesung von U. Struck (vormals LMU, nun Museum für Naturkunde Berlin) als pdf-File

Autor: U. Struck, Paläontologie München / Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Zielpublikum: Studierende der Geowissenschaften, interessierte Wissenschaftler und Lehrkräfte
Relevante Univ-Lehrveranstaltungen: gleichnamige Vorlesung, sowie Paläoozeanographie, Riffe und Karbonatplattformen, Historische Geologie usw.

Please note: due to a server crash we had to move our web-services to another server.
There might be still some links broken. Sorry for that. 

 see also sections on multimedia-education

All Catgories:

Index | Modern & Ancient Reefs | Environments, Climate, SeaLevel | Organisms & Evolution
Regional Geology and Palaeontology | Historical Geology and Palaeogeographic Maps
Methods in Geobiology and Palaeontology | Multimedia-Education

These pages were launched 28. December 1995 at University of Stuttgart Webserver by Reinhold Leinfelder
partially moved to Munich's 15. November 1998, moved to Museum of Natural History Berlin server in Jan. 2008

Last changes 13/7/13 by Reinhold Leinfelder