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Other EU funded Research Projects
related to Impact Assessment

SustainabilityA-Test - Advanced Techniques for the Evaluation of Sustainability Assessment Tools

MATISSE: Methods and Tools for Integrated Sustainability Assessment

SENSOR:Sustainability Impact Assessment: Tools for Environmental, Social and Economic Effects of Multifunctional Land Use in European Regions

INSURE - Flexible Framework for Indicators for Sustainability in Regions
using Systems Dynamics Modelling

SEAMLESS:System for Environmental and Agricultural Modeling; Linking European Science and Society

KASSA: Knowledge Assessment and Sharing on Sustainable Agriculture

EASY-ECO 2005-2007 (training and conference programme on evaluations in the specific context of sustainable development)

NATURNET-REDIME New Education and Decision Support Model for Active Behaviour in Sustainable Development Based on Innovative Web Services and Qualitative Reasoning

MethodsEx: Methods and data on environmental and health externalities: harmonising and sharing of operational estimates

Indicators of Regulatory Quality

Sustainability Impact Assessment of Strategies Integrating Transport, Technology and Energy Scenarios

European Network for Better Regulation (ENBR)

Indicators and Quantitative Tools for Improving the Process of Sustainability Impact Assessment (IQ TOOLS)

ATLAS: Action for Training in Land use And Sustainability. This project aims to identify education and training opportunities in land use and sustainable development and to provide education that is suitable for the user