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for Papers
for the Sustainability Transition:
The Challenge for Social Science
Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental
6-7 December 2002
Environmental Policy and Global Change Section of the German Political
Science Association (DVPW) invites papers for the 2002 Berlin
Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change,
to be held in Berlin on 6-7 December 2002. This years discussions
will address the theme Knowledge for the Sustainability
Transition: The Challenge for Social Science. The 2002
Berlin Conference has been endorsed by the Institutional Dimensions
of Global Environmental Change core project of the International
Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP),
and is organised by the Global Governance Project of the Potsdam
Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in co-operation with
the Environmental Policy Research Unit of the Free University of
speakers include Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change; Oran Young, chair of the IHDP Institutional
Dimensions of Global Environmental Change project; and John Schellnhuber,
director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research.
Do We Know?
The global environmental crisis - from stratospheric ozone depletion
to local water pollution - serves to emphasize anew the role of
knowledge in political decision-making. Many observers view the
existing knowledge base as insufficient for a world-wide transition
to sustainability. But how can we do better? Do we need new kinds
of knowledge or new ways to generate knowledge, for instance through
a fundamental overhaul of the way we conduct scientific research?
How could social and scientific institutions be designed, and possibly
reformed, to generate sustainability-relevant knowledge? And what
are the effects of the current knowledge base, and the ways it is
generated and distributed, on societal decision-making on environmental
protection? Within this general framework, we invite papers for
the 2002 Berlin Conference on one of three sets of questions:
for Sustainability: Three Research Questions
First, we invite papers that conceptualise the knowledge base for
the sustainability transition as something that is affected by political
decision-making. We seek papers, in particular, that analyse ways
in which national and international politics and institutions influence
the way sustainability knowledge is generated, distributed and used
by actors. Papers could address, for example, ways in which political
systems influence scientific research for the sustainability transition,
including policies that shape the development and safe use of new
technologies both harmful and beneficial to the sustainability transition.
We also invite papers that examine the distribution and utilisation
of knowledge, from scientific information to technical expertise,
and that seek to explain the role of political institutions and
political and societal actors in these knowledge-generation processes.
and interrelated with the first point, we invite papers that view
knowledge as a factor that affects and influences political decision-making.
It has long been argued that not only power and interests, but also
ideas, discourses or belief systems influence the outcome of political
decision-making. We thus solicit papers that present cutting-edge
research on these questions and that analyse, in particular, the
ways in which existing knowledge - from scientific information to
more general ideas, discourses or belief systems - affects the ways
in which political actors respond to the global environmental crisis.
Are there dominant discourses and ideas that prevent us from reaching
a more sustainable development? Does science and modern
technology in itself lead to unsustainable development paths - and
how can democratic political institutions manage to live with, for
example, the Genie of modern nuclear and molecular technologies?
we invite papers from fellow social scientists that respond to the
challenges raised by recent thinkers who have argued for fundamental
changes in the way science is conducted - thinkers who have put
forward integrative concepts such as earth system analysis,
syndromes of global change or sustainability science.
It has been maintained, for example, that a new sustainability
science must bridge the local-global divide and must include
interdisciplinary research that is concerned with multiple scales
and multiple actors - how would this affect social science, for
example the divide between scholars of international relations and
comparative environmental politics? Also, it has been suggested
that a sustainability science would require joint efforts of experts
and stakeholders from a variety of regions and backgrounds: does
the current practice of stakeholder involvement live up to the requirements
of sustainability science? In a similar vein, new initiatives strive
to better integrate colleagues from developing countries and to
build-up independent research capacities in the South - how will
this affect the way social science is conducted in the North? Sustainability
science, finally, is envisaged as inherently problem-driven in a
way that defines academic puzzles from the practitioners side,
not from the autonomous theory-building research process. How would
this affect social science? We welcome innovative and (self-)critical
papers on these questions, and hope to stir up debate within the
social science community. In addition, we intend to provide some
open space during the conference to engage in informal debate among
participants on these broader questions.
to Participate
The 2002 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental
Change is the second of its kind in Germany. The last meeting -
the 2001 Berlin Conference - gathered 166 participants from 28 countries
for a two-day discussion on the role of the nation state in global
environmental change. While the Berlin Conferences are organised
by the German Political Science Association, we seek dialogue with
colleagues from other fields of social science as well as related
expertise from natural and integrative sciences, and welcome representatives
of these disciplines too. The conference will be held in English.
Prospective paper-givers should send an abstract of their paper
of less than 200 words (including name, affiliation and full address
of presenters) in the body of an e-mail (no e-mail attachments,
please) to the conference office at the Potsdam Institute for Climate
Impact Research (berlin-conference@pik-potsdam.de). We also invite
the submission of full panels of not
more than three presenters, in particular panels that represent
different geographic, disciplinary or theoretical
backgrounds, or different stages in career development. Pre-registration
is required.
The deadline for submissions is 31 July 2002. All paper and panel
submissions will be reviewed before being accepted for the conference
programme. We will send out decisions on acceptance of papers by
14 August 2002. We expect all presenters to e-mail the final version
of their paper by 29 November. Full papers submitted earlier will
be posted on our web site to initiate early discussion.
We are making all efforts to ensure funding to reimburse the travel
costs of paper presenters. For the 2001 Berlin Conference, generous
donor support allowed us to reimburse parts of the travel costs
of many non-German participants.
Further information about the 2002 Berlin Conference will be posted
at www.environmental-policy.de.
For questions or suggestions, please contact
Frank Biermann, Chair, DVPW Environmental Policy and Global Change
Section [biermann@pik-potsdam.de], or
>> Sabine Campe, Manager, 2002 Berlin Conference [sabine.campe@pik-potsdam.de]