Bussemer and Ulrike Ehling, Assistant Coordinators,
welcoming participants in the lobby of the Harnack-Haus
official opening of the 2001 Berlin Conference in the
Goethe-Saal of the Harnack-Haus
Biermann, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK),
giving his presentation
Ron Mitchell, Oregon University, giving his presentation
Jaenicke, Free
University of Berlin, giving his presentation
Jaeger, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
and Potsdam University, giving his presentation
Sheila Jasanoff, Harvard University, giving her presentation
Peter Gaethgens, President of the Free University of Berlin,
opening the second day of the conference
Trittin, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature
Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Government of Germany, giving his keynote addresse
Panel discussion with the minister
Underdahl, Chair of the Scientific Committee of the
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change
(IHDP) and University of Oslo, giving his presentation
Toepfer, Executive-Director of the United Nations Environment
Programme, giving his keynote addresse
H. Sand, member of the scientific steering committee of
Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change,
an inter-disciplinary project of the Institutional Dimensions Programme
on Global Environmental Change (IHDP), University of Munich and
Duke University, giving his presentation
Siebenhuener, Deputy Leader of the PIK Global Governance Project,
and Ron Mitchell, Oregon University, in discussion.
Jasanoff, Harvard University, in discussion with
Rainer Brohm, Berlin Conference Assistant Coordinator
social evening event
organizers of the 2001 Berlin Conference