_________________________________________________________________ VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 PSYCHNEWS INTERNATIONAL July 2000 -- AN ONLINE PUBLICATION -- _________________________________________________________________ SECTION D: ARTICLE THE LANGUAGE MODEL OF PERSONALITY AND ITS PERSPECTIVES WITHIN PSYCHOLOGY Sergey V. Golubkov I. INTRODUCTION The notion of personality in psychology is different from other important psychological notions such as perception, behavior, motivation, emotions, etc. This difference is a result of the fact that personality manifests itself as a category reflecting a special quality that an individual acquires within the system of social relations (Leontiev 1975). Its peculiarity consists in that it is the zone of encounter of various psychological fields and, thus, it integrates within itself various subcategories. The building of a working model of the object of reality personality theory is a task proportional to its complexity. However, the significance of building such models that allow to explain and predict happening to a man (Hjelle & Ziegler 1992) is also great because in everyday life we do not deal with perception, thought, speech or drives separately, but with whole personalities - one's own and others'. At the same time, the situation of building personality theory in psychology resembles the one described in the story about the blind men and an elephant: once having met an elephant they try to tell other people about it. One of them had examined the elephant's ear and said that the elephant was like a carpet, another one had faced its trunk and compared the animal to a flexible tube, and the third one having touched its leg claimed that the elephant was mighty and firm as a column as a result, though each one of them was sure to know something about the elephant, all of them were equally away from the truth. The situation of personality research in psychology is like the one in this story in a way because every researcher for this or that reason pays attention to a specific part of the whole personality and assumes it to be the whole. At present there are two basic approaches to personality description and building its model: literary and psychological or, in a wider sense, the method of arts and the one of science (Allport 1968). Each of them has its own merits and drawbacks. For instance, the first descriptive method captures an integral, consistent picture of personality, even though it is subjective. The second one often represents personality as a set of objective facts which, however, are sometimes hard to put together to form an integral picture. In other words, we believe that there is a certain contradiction between the integrity of a personality image in a theory and the degree of its scientific verifiability: the more integral the object in a personality theory, the less it is a "scientific" theory and visa versa. Thus, the personality theories, mainly by S. Freud, C. Jung and C. Rogers, in our opinion, present themselves as the most integral; at the same time these very same theories are no well scientifically verified (which does not prevent them from being successfully employed in psychological practice). The contrary position might be taken by theories such as of B. Skinner, R. Cattell or J. Rotter. Therefore, the following question comes up here: can we unify the two methods to acquire by this a more holistic "grasp" of the object of social reality on one hand, and describe it scientifically on the other hand? II. BASIC ARGUMENTS As we see it, there is such an opportunity and it opens up once we refer to human language as the reflection of human consciousness (mind). In this particular case, language is understood not as the environment determining the consciousness contents as in the Sapir-Whorf linguistic relativity hypothesis, but it is viewed as the reflection of human practice. As is known, there is a clear correlation between the diversity of activities and the complexity of the language serving these activities (Prudkov 1999). To put it otherwise, the language system reflects and collects within itself the "multicenturied" experience of of people in the process of their social activity (Apresyan 1995) and, consequently, it can serve as a reliable guide to the sphere of human interaction with the objective reality. There is an integral model of reality imprinted in the language, the one that coincides with the real-life activities of people and, thus, it has been "naturally verified" to be true to actual experience. The model of reality is traditionally called "primitive"; that, however, does not not mean that it is incorrect, but of non-scientific origin. Alternatively, scientific models are often built as a result of transcending such a natural order of things by means of specially thought-out experiments and specially designed instruments, but people in their everyday life unconsciously do not use them, rather they continue using the metaphorical primitive models and schemes (Lakoff & Johnson 1980). Returning to the metaphor about the blind and the elephant, we may state that if the blind men were numerous enough and if they kept on researching the elephant for ages, they would, no doubt, come up with a true impression of the animal. Through linguistic reconstruction we can approach the restoration of a whole and, at the same time discover in it an ontological niches hierarchy that man is not aware of in the routine of the day (Feuodorov 1995). But our task is not so global as we are only interested in the model of just one side of reality personality. Because the system quality of an individual is objectively manifested within social relations, personality must also have its imprint in the system of language. Its linguistic reconstruction can yield a fairly objective and, what is more, a useful personality representation. It is no accident that we speak specifically about personality model reconstruction and not about personality theory. The latter notion is much broader in meaning. Apart from representations of the basic components of personality and their interrelations, a personality theory as a minimal requirement must be able to explain the logic of personality development, its change with time and, further, the issues of pathological and healthy personality and his/her psychotherapy (Hjelle & Ziegler 1992). Hence, restoring the model from the language system allows us to use it as the basis to build a personality theory. Our language model of personality reconstruction includes three main stages. The first one is the research and use of contemporary data such as on primitive psychology, the language personality model in linguistics and ethnology. The second one consists of discovering the immanent "systemity" of the data and restoring an internally consistent personality model applicable to the sphere of psychological practice. And, third, testing the resulting model for its psychological validity is called for. Fortunately, today there is a great number of works devoted to the reality reflection by language (Weirzbicka 1992; Zaliznyak 1992; Soukalenko 1992; Likhachev 1993; Dmitrovskaya 1988; Apresyan 1995), that we can employ instead of conducting a lexicographical investigation for the semantic primitives of human image ourselves. As the base primitives, we will use the those by U. D. Apresyan (1995, 355) who has outlined such components in the primitive image of human being as perception (sight, hearing, sensations of smell, taste and touch), physiological states (hunger, thirst, need, pain), physiological reactions (to pale, to quiver, to give the creeps, to flush, to get hot, to sweat), bodily actions (to work, to go, to stand, to lay, to throw), wishes (to wish, to strive, to tempt, to prefer, to intend), intellect (to think, to recall, to imagine, to be aware, to understand), feelings (fear, to rejoice, to love, to hate, despair), and speech (to inform, to promise, to ask, to demand, to order, to respond). With this list, we can proceed to the next stage of reconstructing the language model of personality clarifying the components' interrelations and their immanent systemity. U. D. Apresyan (1995, 364) divides the components into those related mainly to the human body activity and those related to the activity of human mind. Both categories (body, mind) each possess four components of the language image of an individual so that the whole set of them can be represented as a system of four binary oppositions: perceptions intellect physiological states (needs) intentions physiological reactions (emotions) feelings bodily actions speech actions We have come to the conclusion that the components system contains some other types of regularities and they -- like the "body-mind" rule -- form in a natural way four other binary oppositions. There are two additional types of regularities in the system that can be denoted as "intra-interpersonal activity" and "objectivity- subjectivity". The oppositions formed according the first of them are the following: intellect speech perceptions bodily actions intentions, wishes feelings physiological states (needs) physiological reactions (emotions) The second type of relations between components "objectivity-subjectivity" results in the following pairs: intellect intentions speech feelings perceptions needs bodily actions emotional reactions In summary, we can speak about a three-dimensional personality model that can be presented in the following table: INTRAPERSONAL INTERPERSONAL MIND intellect intentions feelings speech BODY perceptions needs emotions actions OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE Another important step in the language personality model reconstruction is to verify its psychological validity (its reliability has already been ascertained by "multicenturied" daily use): it is important that the model reflects precisely the object that it claims to reflect personality. This can be done by fitting widely used models of personality to the language model. In contemporary personology there are quite few personality theories that have clearly outlined a structural basis, particularly the theories by S. Freud and C. Jung. The authors not only highlight the main constituent parts of personality but also point to the regularities in their relations. The personality structure by S. Freud (1961) includes three instances the id, the ego and the super-ego. The id represents a "chaotic cauldron" of mobile energy; it may be considered as the primitive, instinctual and biological aspects of personality that can be characterized by impulsiveness and irrationality, and it functions according to the pleasure principle. The super-ego, on the contrary, represents the system of internalized social rules, values and behavioral standards. The ego first becomes the regulating instance that functions by the reality principle and it facilitates satisfaction of the id's needs in the real world by adapting the id's wild nature, firstly, with the requirements of objective reality and, secondly, with the super-ego's ones. Now let us compare the structural model under consideration with the language personality model in the following table showing that the former, having less differentiated components, can rather peacefully find its place within the categorial space of the latter one: ? ? SECONDARY the ego the super-ego the ego PRIMARY the ego the id the ego REALITY PLEASURE REALITY The personality structure by C. Jung (1969) is even more detailed. It includes four psychic function types thought, feeling, sensation and intuition each of which is directed both to the external (extroversion) and the internal reality (introversion). As a result, thought is employed to build up rational statements as well as for argument. Feeling represents the function that is employed both to evaluate and express judgement. Sensation is responsible both for rational, realistic perception of the external reality and acting in it. And intuition for delicate listening to the internal reality and its regulation. Now let us compare Jung's understanding of personality structure with the language model in the following table: INTROVERSION EXTROVERSION RATIONALITY thought feeling feeling thought IRRATIONALITY sensation intuition intuition sensation ? ? ? As an example of less differentiated personality structures we can look at models by C. Rogers, J. Kelly, A. Bandura, J. Rotter, A. Maslow, B. Skinner, G. Allport, G. Eysenck and many others. In J. Kelly's model, for instance, personality is a system of bipolar and dichotomic constructs that in fact are not the components of the system's structure - rather they are the relating principles between whatever its components. The conceptions by B. Skinner and A. Bandura use the "internal-external" dichotomy, A. Maslow in his personality model outlines the two main components physiological and growth needs. R. Cattell describes personality with the help of his 16-factor model as a result of which, in our opinion, personality loses its internal integral character. In the model by C. Rogers (1961) one can find such structural elements as perception, ideal self, organismic valuing process and interaction with others. G. Eysenck (1970) describes personality in three orthogonal dimensions without pointing out any structural components: "introversion - extroversion", "super-ego strength - psychotism", "stability - instability". Concludingly, we state that the language personality model's validity can be confirmed to a great extent because the model manifests itself mostly as the metamodel for the "rest", finding room for them within its boundaries without any substantial contradictions. Among the rare exceptions there might be the models by R. Cattell and J. Kelly, both of which hardly fit the language personality model. III. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PERSONALITY MODEL In conclusion let us pay attention to the potentials of the language personality model. First of all, as we have said before, it provides an opportunity to build on its basis a personality theory adequate to the everyday practice of human interaction. The language personality theory might be the subject of a special article, here we can only focus on a series of questions that remain to be answered to build such a theory: a) What are the logic and stages of the language personality structure forming and changing with time? b) What are the determinants of its changes? c) How with the help of the model can a healthy and pathological personality be described? d) How from the model's viewpoint can a therapeutical process be understood and explained? Other potentials pertain to psychological counseling and psychotherapy. A therapist, adhering to a particular approach, has to use a certain model of personality in his/ her work, which results in the following: first, the therapist sooner or later finds him/herself within the system of ideas of that same approach, second, he/she begins to see him/herself and the clients in terms of that approach's personality model and, third, consciously or not he/she "converts" the clients into the same understanding of man in an overgeneralized way. The conscious use of the language personality model in psychotherapeutic practice allows to guide the process of human interaction in a more natural way. REFERENCES Allport, G. W. (1968) Personality: Contemporary viewpoints (1). In D.Sills (Ed.). International encyclopedia of the social sciences. New York. Apresyan, U. D. (1995) Obraz cheloveka po dannym yazika: popitka systemnogo opisaniya// Integralnoe opisaniye yazyka i systemnaya leksykografiya. Moscow. Shkola. Dmitrovskaya, M. A. 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Golubkov is research assistant at the Research Center for Communicative Foreign Languages Teaching at Lipetsk Teachers' Training State Institute, Russia. He also works as a counseling psychologist at the local psycho-counseling service "Dialogue". His major research interests include counseling and developmental psychology and, in particular, the process of personality changes through interpersonal communication and speech interaction. His email address is s_golubkov@mail.ru _________________________________________________________________