CECAM-DE-MMS node, Matheon & Berlin Mathematical
Visitors Program in Molecular Simulation
We welcome requests of short and/or extended visits by students and researchers from any field of mathematics, chemistry, physics and computer science, who are interested into the mathematical aspects of molecular modeling and simulation.
Students and junior researchers should propose a project, possibly in the form of collaboration with the group they belong to, under the supervision of (at least) one of the local senior researchers.
Visitors at senior level are expected to deliver some lectures on mathematical methods in simulation, especially designed for students, and cooperate on scientific projects with local researchers.
In order to select proposals of major interest to the node, please send an application letter via e-mail to:
Luigi Delle Site (node director): luigi.dellesite@fu-berlin.de
Carsten Hartmann (deputy director): chartman@mi.fu-berlin.de
In the letter you should specify the motivations of your request, give a short description of the research project (time window and period of the year), and, for senior scholars, provide a description of a teaching proposal.