History and Mission


In 1993 an International Health Psychology Conference was organized in Tokyo, Japan. At this conference it was agreed to organize a meeting at the 1994 International Congress of Applied Psychology in Madrid (Spain) to found an International Health Psychology Society.
As a consequence, a group met at this conference with representatives from IAAP, APA, the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), the Japanese Health Psychology Society, Australia and Canada. A provisionary board was formed consisting of H. Motoaki (Japan) president, Robert Kaplan (USA), vice-president, Stan Maes (Europe) vice-president and among others Brian Oldenburg (Australia), T. Takirawa (Japan), K. Noguchi (Japan), G. Rodriguez (Mexico), E. Greenglass (Canada) as members.
At the same conference, it was agreed that:
1. meetings should allow intensive interaction between international participants. As a consequence, membership should be very selective;
2. meetings should take place as satellite meetings to IUPS and IAAP-meetings;
3. meetings should be organized around specific problems of topics which are of interest from an international point of view.
Dr. Esther Greenglass agreed to organize the first conference at Montreal in 1996. At this conference the future of the Society should be discussed and a board be formed for the next 4 years. We consider the participants of that conference as charter members of the new society.

Mission Statement

The International Society of Health Psychology Research (ISHPR) is a global association of health psychologists who are devoted to promote scientific attempts at understanding the behavioral causes of illness as well as predicting and facilitating health behavior change.
Members are psychologists who are actively engaged in research and promotion of issues relating to health psychology in countries all over the world. The Society supports international exchange of information and collaboration on theoretical and empirical research and, in particular, culturally sensitive research.

Homepage of the ISHPR International Society of Health Psychology Research

Last Update: January 17, 1998.