Norman S. Endler: Awards and Professional Involvements


1. College Entrance Scholarship, McGill University, 1948 1949

2. Dominion Provincial Bursary, McGill University, 1948 1950, 1951 1953

3. University Fellow, University of Illinois, 1954 1955

4. Senior Fellow, Canada Council, 1967 1968

5. Leave Fellowship, Canada Council, 1973 1974 (John B. C. Watkins Leave Fellowship)

6. Travel Fellowship from the British Council, Oxford University, 1977 1978

7. Canadian Silver Jubilee Medal (Queen Elizabeth II) presented by Governor General, 1978

8. Leave Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 1979 1980

9. Faculty of Arts (Research) Fellowship, York University, 1981 1982

10. Leave Fellowship, SSHRC, 1985 1986

11. Fellow, Royal Society of Canada, 1986-

12. Killam Research Fellowship, Canada Council, 1987 89

13. Ontario Psychological Association Award of Merit (Awarded February, 1988)

14. Sabbatical Leave Fellowship, York University, 1993-1994

15. Distinguished Research Professor, York University, 1995-

16. Visiting Professor, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (June 1996)

17. Canadian Psychological Association, 1997 Donald O. Hebb Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Science.

18. Royal Society of Canada, Innis-GĂ©rin Medal for Distinguished and Sustained Contributions to the Literature of the Social Sciences, 1997.


1. American Psychological Association, Fellow

2. Canadian Psychological Association, Fellow

3. Society of the Sigma Xi

4. A.P.A. Divisions 8, 9 and 12, Fellow

5. Eastern Psychological Association and Midwestern Psychological Association, Member

6. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Fellow

7. New York Academy of Sciences, Member

8. Society for Research in Child Development, Member

9. Ontario Psychological Association, Board of Directors (1968 1970) Education and Training Board (1970 1973); Chairman (1972 1973)

10. Integra Foundation, Professional Advisory Board (1971 1974)

11. Task Force on Teacher Recruitment, Training and Welfare, Board of Jewish Education (1971 1973)

12. Fellowship Section Committee for Psychology and Education, Canada Council, Member (1970, 1971); Chairman (1972)

13. Ontario Council of Academic Psychologists, Members, Governing Board

14. Member of Research Advisory Committee, Metro Toronto Region Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario (1976 1977)

15. Council of Suicide Prevention, Board of Directors (1975- )

16. Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Member

17. Professional Advisory Board, Addiction Research Foundation, 1977 1983

18. Member, Treatment Research Review Committee, Addiction Research Foundation, 1978 1983

19. Member, Behavioural Research Review Committee, Addiction Research Foundation, 1978 1983

20. Ontario Psychological Association, Education and Training Board, 1979 1982

21. Leave Fellowship and Postdoctoral Fellowship Selection Committee, SSHRC, Member, 1980 1981

22. Leave Fellowship and Postdoctoral Fellowship Selection Committee, SSHRC, Chairman, 1982 1984

23. Member, Killam Research Fellowship Selection Committee (Canada Council), 1982 1985

24. Member, International Society for the Study of Individual Differences

25. Member, Selection Committee, SSHRC, Canada Research Fellowships (1988-89)

26. Board of Directors, (Honorary Member), Association for Convulsive Therapy (A.C.T.)

27. Royal Society of Canada, Member of Academy II Council, Program Committee and New Fellows Committee, 1992-1995

28. Member, Scientific Advisory Council of the XXVI International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, August 16-22, 1996 (1992-96)

29. Research Grants Adjudication Committee, SSHRC, Member Committee 10 (Psychology), 1992-1993

30. Art of Darkness "96" Advisory Committee, Depressive and Manic Depressive Association of Ontario (DMDAO), 1996-

Norman S. Endler's Homepage Health Psychology at York

Last Update: October 9, 1997.