Instantons and

Rationality of

Moduli Spaces

Titles and Abstracts


Lecture 1: Instanton bundles on IP3
We discuss basic properties on instanton bundles on IP3 and we summarize what we know about 
their moduli space.

Lecture 2: On the smoothness of  MIIP2n+1(k)
The goal of this lecture is to prove that MIIP2n+1(k) is singular for n ≥ 2 and k ≥ 3.

Lecture 3: On the affinity of  MIIP2n+1(k)
We will prove that the moduli space MIIP2n+1(k) is  affine.

Lecture 4&5: Irreducibility of moduli spaces
The aim of these lectures is to give the proof of the irreducibility of the moduli space of 
mathematical instantons with odd c2 on IP3.


Lecture 1: Techniques for proving rationality of linear group quotients I
Slice method, double bundle method, method of covariants, 2-form trick. Examples: nets of 
quadrics in IPn,  the moduli space of Lueroth quartics.

Lecture 2: Techniques for proving rationality of linear group quotients II
Special  algebraic groups (in the sense of Serre-Séminaire Chevalley), the Hesselink 
stratification of the cone of Hilbert nullforms and associated fibrations. Examples.

Lecture 3: The rationality of the moduli spaces of plane curves of 
sufficiently large degree
Methods: the symbolic method for writing covariants, representing polynomials as sums of 
powers of linear forms, interpolation and the reduction to finite fields.

Lecture 4: The birational type of twisted Grassmannian bundles
Gm-gerbes (e.g., moduli stacks of vector bundles), twisted vector bundles, their weight, the 
associated twisted Grassmannian bundles, their birational type.

Lecture 5: The rationality of some moduli spaces of vector bundles
We prove rationality for moduli of 
 - vector bundles on a curve (following King-Schofield)
 - maybe symplectic bundles on a curve
 - special instanton bundles on IP2n+1 (in the sense of Spindler--Trautmann)

Von Bothmer
Affine Groups and Rationality
In this talk I will describe two results obtained in joint work with Christian Böhning and Fedor 
Bogomolov. Firstly we can show that V/SAff(n) is rational for almost free irreducible SAff(n) 
representations of large dimension. Secondly we use representations of affine groups to show that 
V/SL(n) is stably rational of level n. Previously only level n2-1 was known in this generality.

Moduli spaces of framed instantons sheaves on IPn
We generalize the ADHM construction of instantons to describe the moduli space of framed torsion-free 
instanton sheaves on  IPn, n2. We then discuss instanton bundles on  IP3 and describe the geometric 
structure of their moduli space.  If time allows, we shall also discuss perverse instanton sheaves. 
This  is joint work with Amar Henni and Renato Martins.

Dimensional reduction over the quantum projective line and non-abelian q-vortices
We extend equivariant dimensional reduction techniques to the case of quantum spaces which are the 
product of a Kähler manifold  M with a quantum Riemann sphere. We work out the reduction of bundles 
which are equivariant under the natural action of the quantum SU(2) group, and also of invariant gauge
connections on these bundles. The reduction of Yang-Mills gauge theory on the product space leads to 
q-deformations of the usual quiver gauge theories on M. In particular, we formulate generalized instanton
equations on the quantum space and show that they correspond to q-deformations of the usual 
holomorphic chain vortex equations on M. We study some topological stability conditions for the 
existence of solutions to these equations, and prove that the corresponding vacuum moduli spaces 
are generally better behaved than their undeformed counterparts, but much more constrained by the 
q-deformation. We work out explicit examples, including new examples of non-abelian vortices on 
Riemann surfaces, and q-deformations of instantons whose moduli spaces admit the standard 
hyper-Kähler quotient construction.

Moduli spaces of framed perverse instantons on IP3
I will talk about moduli spaces of framed perverse instantons on IP3. As an open subset they 
contain the moduli space of framed instantons, which was studied by I. Frenkel and M. Jardim. 
I will study the map between the Gieseker and Donaldson-Uhlenbeck partial compactifications  
of the moduli space of instantons on IP3. I will also construct a few counterexamples to earlier
conjectures and results concerning these moduli spaces.
On the non existence of orthogonal instanton bundles
Instanton vector bundles can be divided into three groups: symplectic instantons, orthogonal
instantons and those that do not satisfy the conditions which define the two previous groups. 
It is easy to find in the literature many examples of instanton bundles belonging to the first and
the third family. However it was impossible to find an example of an orthogonal instanton. 
In this talk we will prove that actually no examples can be found because orthogonal instanton 
bundles do not exist.

E. Noether's problem
We survey some results on the rationality question of quotiens of projective spaces by 
finite groups (E. Noether's problem). We discuss also the relation to the classification 
problem of finite subgroups of the Cremona group.

Replacing the boundary by treelike vector bundles 
Given a moduli space of semistable sheaves, one can try to replace its boundary of 
non-locally free sheaves by a variety of classes of locally free sheaves in order to eventually 
better understand the degenerations and the singularities at the boundary. This will be presented 
for Gieseker-Maruyma moduli spaces MS(P) of semistable sheaves with Hilbert polynomial P 
on a projective surface S. The replacement in this situation is done in partial analogy to the 
bubbling in Yang-Mills theory for vector bundles on 4-manifolds. A second type of replacement 
by vector bundles will be discussed for 1-dimensional sheaves in a Simpson moduli space M of
semistable sheaves on the projective plane.

Rationality of the quotient of IP2by a finite group of automorphisms 
over an arbitrary field of characteristic zero
It is well-known that the quotient variety IP2/G is rational for any finite group G of automorphisms over any
algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. We show that the quotient of  IP2 by a finite group of
automorphisms over an arbitrary field k of characteristic zero is rational. To prove this we consider IP2 over
the algebraic closure of k with the action of two groups: the geometrical group G and the Galois
group Γ. If it is possible, we find a normal subgroup N in G and consider IP2/N. Next, we resolve the
singularities of IP2/N, run the (ΓxG/N)-equivariant minimal model program and get a surface X. Then we 
repeat the above procedure, applying this method to the surface X and group the G/N.

Perverse coherent sheaves on surfaces
Bridgeland introduced the moduli space of complexes called perverse coherent sheaves in order 
to construct 3-fold flop. I will talk on perverse coherent sheaves and their moduli associated to 
a birational map of surfaces. In particular, I consider the blow-up of a smooth point


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Berlin, November 29 – December 3, 2010